I am 110% sure that last night would've ended differently if it wasn't a first date. We were so close to doing more, but in the end, Leo was tired. I laid down next to him and pretended to sleep, because I don't sleep. I got up about two hours later and looked to see if there was something I could eat. I wasn't exactly hungry, but I was kind of bored.
I went back to bed and waited for Leo to wake up. It took quite a while, but he did end up waking up before noon.
"Morning," Leo said, "How did you sleep, Wolf?"
"Leo, I have to tell you something," I said, "Please don't hate me for it."
"What is it?" Leo murmured.
"I'm a vampire," I said, "And an insomniac."
"Is that why your canines were so sharp when we kissed last night?" Leo asked.
"Do you want to become one?" I asked.
"Can we wait until my sister has at least finished high school?" Leo asked, "She's in her Junior year."
"Sure," I said.
"But I think it's really cool," Leo said.
"I'm a fairly recently turned adult," I said, "Compared to a vampire."