When we pulled up to the school parking lot, we witnessed yellow police tape strung and tied around the trees. The playground felt ominous and haunted.
The pitch blackness, and the swings, slowly swinging back and forth, with no child in sight, was enough, to alert us we were not welcomed. I however, have a job, today and that was to get to the bottom, of everything.
What happened to the search teams? What the heck is truly going on in that forest?" Why did Araya Young die? These are all questions I need answered. These will never be answered, unless, I go back there.
I unbuckled my seat belt, and turned to Blaire and Paris. "You two stay here, I just have to retrieve the jewelry I lost, I promise I will be okay".
I tried to leave and Paris wrapped her fingers around my arms, deadlocking me. "Do you think I'm stupid Chloe? Something more is obviously going on. I won't let you leave......until you let me come with you"
I cleared my throat to try to talk but Blaire beat me to it.
"Both of you are quite stupid to be honest. It's damn near midnight, and police are investigating these grounds. If it wasn't for the money I wouldn't be here"
Blaire, stretched her long legs out, and rested her arms behind her head.
We shot Blaire a dirty look as she yawned. Money or not, wasn't she the one who drove, children, to police grounds in the middle of the night?
I shook my head mouthing, whatever, to Blaire. I think the best course of action right now is to, bribe Blaire more. Hopefully, if I bribe her enough, she would stop Paris from following me.
I have to shoot up the price, knowing, full well, I will not be able to afford it.
Diablo made it clear."If you play with me, no demons will come near you. If you turn back right now, and nightfalls, the demons will eat you"
If demons are in this forest, during nighttime. I don't want to risk losing Paris. I know what I am doing is dangerously stupid, but I would rather, this than drag anybody else down.
"Blaire, I will pay ya, $1,000, to keep Paris here, just make sure she never leaves"
Paris's mouth, widened open with such quickness and I saw a smirk form on Blaire's face.
'Gotcha kid, but if you don't pay me the money you owe. I'll beat you silly. Even if you die out there, I will kick your ass in hell"
I nodded my head, and opened the car door, Paris tried to grab and scream for me but Blaire, held her hands down immediately, so I would be able to exit the vehicle.
When I got down, and jumped down , from the passenger seat. I slammed the door and looked ahead.
I swallowed hard, my heart picked up the pace, but no matter what I had to do this. I began walking towards the school. I crossed the sidewalk and entered the, playground, the same woodchips, clacked against my shoes as I was, heading towards the forest.
I approached the police tape. Each and every time, the wind hit against, me tickling my spine, as I got closer. The tape was , the only barrier between me and the forest.
When I finally arrived at the yellow police tape, I noticed a glossy reddish residue, that was speckled around the police tape. I scratched it with my finger, and held it up to my nose and sniffed it.
It smelled like pennies.......
I'm familiar with this smell. When I slashed my finger real bad one time, the smell was metallic like pennies......so
........this is......blood.....it's blood........
I started to get a bit light-headed. This police tape was put in after I was found. That means another team assigned to investigate the forest may have not made it back alive.
"Officer Hicks........." I whispered to myself swallowing hard.