The clock read, 7:55p.m. I had five minutes, to quietly sneak outside of the house. If I don't come in time Blaire said she would kick my "ass". So I had better get a move on.
I quietly tiptoed, across the living room, praying I wouldn't wake up my parents. I hadn't necessarily decided, on what to do if my parents, found out I was missing yet again. I suppose I cross that bridge when I get there.
When I was at the door, I slowly, unlatched the locks, making sure to not, allow the locks to make a large clicking noise, so I don't wake up my folks.
I cracked open the door, causing cold air to rush in. The singing, howls of the wind, pushed into the house. I had to quickly, slip past the door, and lock the door right back.
It was quite chilly outside, so I hugged my body tight to my chest, to try to keep warm. I should have at least brought a jacket alongside with me. I thought as my teeth chattered.
I stood there at the driveway, in my nice quiet neighborhood. There was no sign of Blaire, just my mother's gray Toyota Corolla, and my dad's White Jeep Compass parked, side by side next to each other.
I'm sure it's after 8:00 by now as I had been waiting a while. I suppose, I should be kicking Blaire's "ass". As I am not the one that's even close to being late.
For a while, I blew, into the air with my cold breath out of boredom. By this rate, the whole night will pass. I wonder if Blaire, feels I won't pay her back, so she decided to ditch.
I sighed a heavy sigh and started to pace back and forth across the driveway, for what felt like an hour.
I then heard a gust, of wind and the sound of an engine. What appeared to be a, black dodge ram, slowly appeared, near my driveway. The windows, pulled down, and I saw a teenager, that appeared to be Blaire. She blew a bubble at me sporting, her black lipstick, black nails, and a striped misfits T-shirt.
She whipped, her brown short curls behind her head, and eyed me up and down with her large brown eyes and lightly freckled face.
She nudged her head, to the seat behind her, all she said was. "Get in"
I nodded my head sporting an awkward smiling, thinking of how my poor family would react, knowing a teenager they don't know is picking me up. As well as....... going to the exact same place, I almost died in
I yanked the large black door open, and kicked my tiny feet, up from the steps, and slide into the the back seat.
I was greeted with a loud scream in my ears. "CHLOE! I'm so glad you're okay!" I looked up and apparently it was Paris, who I was informed was sleeping, but isn't now.........
She wrapped her arms around me, and gave me a light squeeze, and tap on the back. She then pulled me away.
"Chloe! What were you thinking! I told you not to run off into the forest, there are monsters lurking! I heard Blaire trying to leave the house, but luckily I woke up and begged her to take me along!"
"Apparently, for $300, you bribed her to take you to the school! Why spill the details right now!" She said yelling in my ear.
Blaire, smacked her lips together in annoyance. "Whatever, she agreed to pay me so let's get this over with"
Blaire, shifted the gears and started driving off from the parking lot. Paris meanwhile was having, a nagging parade
"You know I only came, on this trip with you, to stop you from doing anything foolish. I couldn't stop Blaire, but I am here to stop you!"
I folded my arms, and raised my eyebrows at Paris. "Oh yeah, how is that working out for you? You know you could have snitched on Blaire, if you didn't want me to go so bad?"
Paris played with her locks, and pouted. "I......was kinda curious, about what you saw in the forest. If I snitched, I know you would never tell......."
I sighed and rolled my eyes, than I scratched my hair. I obviously can't tell Paris, the truth. She would definitely freak out, and there would be no way, she would let me enter that forest.
"There was nothing in the forest.......I was running through the forest, I caught site of a bear, and I ran as fast as I could, I tripped, and fainted......"
"My mother gave me a necklace, that I hold near and dear to me. There would be no way she would allow me to retrieve it........please I just have to go get it"
I am such a dirty liar.......poor Paris. But I have to do this, no matter what.
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