I got all the answers I needed, but there were all useless, she is correct right there. I was better off not knowing. I was better off, living in HavenBelle as an ignorant little child, that heard the gossiping and whispering of the townspeople. Now my mother wouldn't be able to bury me.
It wouldn't be farfetched that Araya, wanted to know the truth like I did, and paid with her very own life.
"Okay, your right........I came here, looking for answers, and all I have done was walk into my own grave. Just kill me."
At least Paris and Blaire are safe I thought
Dentro eyes, zeroed in on the east side of the forest and she glared at it. She motioned her dog like creature, and her cat like creature in that direction, by pressing her fingers together. "Lucian and Thalia, get going"
Her animals ran with insane speed towards that direction.
"What's going on?" I demanded
Shockingly, Dentro answered my question, with no attitude this time. "Two more intruders in the forest.........I sent my two guardians to kill them."
Those animals were guardians?
When she meant two intruders what did she mean exactly?.............
.............Wait don't tell me Paris and Blaire, went into the forest looking for me!
I waved my hand frantically at Dentro, as a cease fire. 'Wait!!! Please don't kill them, I'm sure they only came here to look for me, they have nothing to do with this!"
Dentro huffed and rolled her eyes."It's too late, if my guardians, don't kill them, the demons will."
She tried to console me in a morbid type of way, by saying."I wouldn't cry about it, my guardians kill swiftly, with no pain, it's the demons you gotta worry about............They eat you from the leg up, only way you die is from blood loss"
I yelled no and started running towards the direction, her guardians went. Dentro snapped her fingers at me.
I heard the grass smash, as the large creature behind me, ran towards my direction. I tripped out of fear ending up beneath the creature.
I whimpered in fear as I got a better look at it.
It was as black as the night sky, no eyes, no nose. The brightest thing on it's body was it's saliva covered teeth. The thing had to be about, nearly 15 foot tall, with hind legs bent like a T rex
The side of his body, was exposed flesh, that appeared to be the bones of it's rib cage. It didn't appear that something tore it out. The exposed rib cage was just a part of it's gruesome design.
It's black claws curved downwards on his hands and on his legs. The rest of the body was black reptilian-looking skin. I have never seen something so hideous and unsettling to look at.
"Did you forgot your an intruder as well?" She reminded me.
"Unfortunately for you and all your meddling, I decided to give you the much slower death" She said snickering under her breath.
The thing, opened his jaws, revealing it's rancid breath, it aimed it's muzzle towards my legs, to tear it off. I tried to recoil my legs back, but it grabbed it.
As I said my prayers, worse was to come.
I heard ruffling in the background of the trees. Dentro heard it to and she whipped her head back in the direction, of the ruffling.
For some odd reason, she knew my friends were in the forest, but she couldn't tell, there was a 4th intruder, approaching for some reason.
A little boy, walked out of the tree brush and casually strolled towards me. I recognized him, those blue eyes and black hair. It was Diablo.......
He smiled inching toward me, the demon that was about to attack, me hesitated and started to back away from me as he approached me.
How can that thing be so terrified, of such a frail little boy, and why didn't Dentro sense he was here?
"The girl is my friend, I asked her to come back here. I don't appreciate you trying to kill her" He said with no fear in his voice to Dentro.
Diablo, hoisted me up, and dusted me off, while the 15th-foot demon, cowered in fear away from him.
"Oh ho ho, nice timing, but last time I checked it was my job to kill all intruders. Araya wasn't the exception and nor will this girl be" Dentro said unamused
He still kept smiling which was kinda creepy. "Don't forgot, you only exist to keep the humans out of HavenBelle forest, at all cost. You own nothing here"
Dentro started cackling with laughter. "This is rich coming from you!"
Dentro pointed and laughed at him. "Since it's obvious he hasn't told you about himself allow me!"
Diablo shook his head, and cut her off with his hands.
"No I will explain everything to her soon. I'm the one who lied to her, she is my responsibility. "
"But right now there is no time, call off your guardians immediately." He demanded.
Dentro, pulled her chin and thumped at her lips. A smile crept up her lips, and she started to chuckle. She shrugged
"Fine I will call it off........but that girl has to stay in the forest.........those are my conditions"
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