Deena Elgo
Height: 177268Please respect copyright.PENANAveJ55wmRSO
Hair colour: Black268Please respect copyright.PENANAVUmX5KtzyX
Eye colour: Yellow268Please respect copyright.PENANAJ4Ddi3E9Rc
Weight: 33 - 2
Adopted from an early age by the modest Elgo family, it is rumoured even to268Please respect copyright.PENANAHNPgwznjDB
this day, that she was originally of noble origin. Like most, the path that led her to268Please respect copyright.PENANAius5pbCsFl
eventually serve in the Hand is shrouded in rumours and speculations, but she is the268Please respect copyright.PENANAHmbV5qz1NT
first Human woman to do so - and that alone is quite the feat.268Please respect copyright.PENANArMRkmiRYc8
With her raven hair and yellow eyes bordering on orange, she has proven her worth268Please respect copyright.PENANANLGlxlrmuK
time and again and while being extremely capable of felling most opponents in combat268Please respect copyright.PENANAvy38bHQ85m
with her agility and her speed - her main weapon of choice being the whip - her main268Please respect copyright.PENANABet04qnOFM
importance lies elsewhere.268Please respect copyright.PENANAVmUArutrbf
Her most notorious skill lies in linguistics for, after showing a clear aptitude, she268Please respect copyright.PENANA0HzMAE9Svp
has been trained from the very start to speak any idiom; this includes even the ability268Please respect copyright.PENANAZDCQT0ViAD
to translate the ancient Centra texts just as easily, if not more so, than most reputed268Please respect copyright.PENANA9jcqMycSGr
scholars.268Please respect copyright.PENANAVJrPbvXkAZ
This ability alone makes her an invaluable member of the team but there is much268Please respect copyright.PENANAdUtYipkrH5
more to her. Deena can also be seen, frequently, as the calmest and most collected of268Please respect copyright.PENANAVScU8qC5dy
the four serving under Dhanel Marce.
268Please respect copyright.PENANAD8v2ysRDjM
Harigar Rhim
Height: 184268Please respect copyright.PENANAE6NAfC069z
Hair colour: White268Please respect copyright.PENANAnC6s5AkfuS
Eye colour: Pale Blue268Please respect copyright.PENANAGkWLrWwPbU
Weight: 46 - 4
Completely dressed in black and with tattoos of the same colour all over his face268Please respect copyright.PENANAp0NpFJCtru
that so strongly contrast with his white hair. This extraordinary swordsman entered268Please respect copyright.PENANA50eOa6UaQy
these elite ranks years ago and he did not do so at a young age.268Please respect copyright.PENANAUsgZfWZT2x
He was already a fully-grown man when he came to the castle to volunteer himself.268Please respect copyright.PENANACswxNWQOMH
He originates from the tribal village of Naruun, deep within the vast deserts to268Please respect copyright.PENANAx1ai2b48mz
the south where tattoos, and other more ritualistic expressions, are a tradition.268Please respect copyright.PENANAZMrDINmAYE
The ones on his face are proud symbols of a successful rite of passage and while usually268Please respect copyright.PENANA5dIFQcFinR
such brands are forbidden within the Human military branch, his skill was such that268Please respect copyright.PENANAVPbQeJRSgb
Hervies simply could not pass on it.268Please respect copyright.PENANAesQc5tjBFs
As for weaponry, he favours but the one: a thin-bladed sword holding the powers of268Please respect copyright.PENANACm3T5No7ez
lightning and one which he is most skilled with! His somewhat elongated fingernails268Please respect copyright.PENANA8zA9q2Qw33
on the hand that wields it are a testament to his abilities, but his skills as a swordsman268Please respect copyright.PENANA4f8diOQ9dX
are not his only strength.268Please respect copyright.PENANA7DicP7PzwL
Harigar Rhim also has the ability to understand and pick apart any known piece of268Please respect copyright.PENANAIcu7vbxB4v
technology. He has even been successful when paired against Nharkim tech making268Please respect copyright.PENANA3SdgOtVpmW
him not only one of the best soldiers but also one of the best engineers any team could268Please respect copyright.PENANAMVvFYb5WDw
ever hope to have around.268Please respect copyright.PENANAkG13fE6D3W
Any life he might have previously owned is now shrouded in mystery - could he268Please respect copyright.PENANAQSXk2nSzNL
have been someone important prior to joining?268Please respect copyright.PENANAkkcI7GHQkX
A prince or a thief perhaps? Did he come seeking, or running?268Please respect copyright.PENANA2GILiTfFCN
A story for him alone to carry.
268Please respect copyright.PENANACBQv0wWXfW
Celle Erbe
Height: 182268Please respect copyright.PENANANInTViue3t
Hair colour: Red and Blue268Please respect copyright.PENANAWpd71qfl8R
Eye colour: Pale Blue268Please respect copyright.PENANAqnXOALDXg7
Weight: 37 - 2
Most of the things concerning Celle have always been kept a secret to all, even to268Please respect copyright.PENANA5lxKvXLkdQ
those she serves with.268Please respect copyright.PENANAdiQtSfHKvT
And what very little is known about her background is thanks to Dhanel Marce268Please respect copyright.PENANAMjGel1iYdx
and his persistence in always wanting to know about those who are to work with him.268Please respect copyright.PENANAZxkzhX0Tkr
It is even rumoured that Dhanel Marce first refuted the Human king’s direct order of268Please respect copyright.PENANArmXnhpW0o5
having Celle join him and his men, regardless of her power and promise.268Please respect copyright.PENANAeWaZ9gMRsx
Truth or nay, only two can say, but the fact remains that to this day so much mystery268Please respect copyright.PENANAFH2HS6IXfS
still surrounds her.268Please respect copyright.PENANAKH248TUizM
The supposed last descendant of a bygone race. The Elvorides, once the guardians of268Please respect copyright.PENANAlQzWGjwamu
many treasures of the ancient world, the preservers of older things now left forgotten,268Please respect copyright.PENANAp400dWQC1L
keepers of memory; but they were also the most gifted amongst all species when it268Please respect copyright.PENANA3JRbVfgf9I
came to the handlings of natural powers... or magic as the common folk once deemed268Please respect copyright.PENANAfaKmGjkIG5
to name it...268Please respect copyright.PENANAB8NEBw6v2g
The Elvorides were at the very top, once, before all that technology and stolen268Please respect copyright.PENANAZf2FbgfyaK
knowledge came gallivanting into the hands of the lesser races effectively dethroning268Please respect copyright.PENANASSOInPsR0c
them until they were heard from no more.268Please respect copyright.PENANAk5GVgcKX8I
As the last of her kind, Celle possesses unique strengths making her most formidable268Please respect copyright.PENANAonUzkfCb3v
on almost all fronts. In combat, she carries with her a strangely designed staff, a weapon268Please respect copyright.PENANAggyciACcR6
created by the best, working under Human rule and built following ancient schematics.268Please respect copyright.PENANAjw3qdVVN6b
A weapon to supposedly help her control and channel her inherited powers; a gift that268Please respect copyright.PENANACA4tIrxmFa
unlike any other here is meant more for focus rather than augmentation.268Please respect copyright.PENANAwlzdLrYObF
Thus, unlike the rest, she is not mainly dependent on her weapon to charge into268Please respect copyright.PENANAF7EiXf58NK
battle; she does not need it nor any other enhancements to call forth some of the more268Please respect copyright.PENANAElsidct4pC
unnatural ways at her disposal. She can be just as deadly while battling completely268Please respect copyright.PENANAqiJcmrRsWY
naked for her power is herself and as such, she usually deems others as inferior.268Please respect copyright.PENANAY2d3CrgT4k
It would seem then to most, after mere moments of witnessing her, that there is268Please respect copyright.PENANALW8Bwkl0fs
nothing that Celle cannot do.
268Please respect copyright.PENANAzeMgGSXQBM
Lorian Krass
Height: 182268Please respect copyright.PENANA8X0v6tECzs
Hair colour: Pitch Black268Please respect copyright.PENANAYjLqfk74Tz
Eye colour: Green268Please respect copyright.PENANA5zmjT1qmcc
Weight: 45 - 4
Found a few years back as the sole survivor of a burning village to the West by268Please respect copyright.PENANAdTujZU65hO
veteran soldiers stationed in a nearby garrison. As reports go, the men spotted the268Please respect copyright.PENANANTFStW1hPY
sudden, tall fires from afar and came as fast as they could, but by the time they got268Please respect copyright.PENANA5Ucnc6ejpg
there they found nothing but charred stones and burnt pieces of wood.268Please respect copyright.PENANA7Imgmqlek5
Corpses of animals and farmers too, plenty of them, laid strewn across the streets268Please respect copyright.PENANACU1GJf8AfN
and rundown houses.268Please respect copyright.PENANAc0CWGCFRzQ
Still, following the mandates of duty they scouted and searched without hope with268Please respect copyright.PENANAI5VYf8bIVz
the ever-gnawing doubts always on their minds... questions like...268Please respect copyright.PENANAJS8LTIM7BU
What were they supposed to do? How were they to report this?268Please respect copyright.PENANAGr7UZyC4XG
Thoughts swirling inside their heads, but then all of that came to a stop when one268Please respect copyright.PENANAwh6NOrJyOk
of the men ahead began to repeatedly shout something – a survivor?268Please respect copyright.PENANAetlJA1EK0K
Impossible, and yet it was true.268Please respect copyright.PENANAmIPENttnUf
They all ran to meet him; a confused and naked young man sweating profusely,268Please respect copyright.PENANAyanN6L2Fac
without any clothes or memory, his body so cold to the touch. Thus, the quiet survivor268Please respect copyright.PENANAPTs1OPmqhE
was brought back to their garrison. They tried to question him while waiting for268Please respect copyright.PENANAznvdBKaOQG
instructions from the castle, but one can only go so far with a man without voice or268Please respect copyright.PENANAXZzGtFJWfM
memory. By direct word of his majesty, he was to stay a few more years in that garrison,268Please respect copyright.PENANATJS6paq3Pd
under the tutelage of captain Krass who was to instruct him in all sorts of ways until268Please respect copyright.PENANADvJ0rJvyX7
the time would come for him to be brought to the castle. As for the reasoning of such268Please respect copyright.PENANALUMM62DQHc
a mysterious fire, no concrete answer was ever found – those that were witness to it268Please respect copyright.PENANA3EbkEjTyoB
reported it as they saw it. In time most learned to toss it up as the doings of a phenom*268Please respect copyright.PENANAWGoChrwopy
or something else of an uncanny nature.268Please respect copyright.PENANABh32QkkRD1
Due to his time under Krass’s tutelage - the man who would also name him -268Please respect copyright.PENANAY2vWXie9Eo
Lorian, developed many skills before he was summoned to the castle: he is a master268Please respect copyright.PENANAD1LlWm8Jd1
tracker the likes the Hand never had, he is also an expert on biology and botany, as268Please respect copyright.PENANAmpD5MRc6LN
well as most capable of crafting, and healing, most known poisons.268Please respect copyright.PENANAGifRKIJGH8
In combat, he favours the usage of light armour sacrificing protection for a higher268Please respect copyright.PENANAHkTlls9cdy
speed of movement much like Harigar Rhim, but unlike Harigar, Lorian is not a268Please respect copyright.PENANATBobfYvbre
straight-out swordsman. Instead, he relies on a curved blade named ´kagra´, a weapon268Please respect copyright.PENANAxsdELZSvIb
that was usually paired with a buckler but now one very seldom seen as they stopped268Please respect copyright.PENANA4I4xftwmAT
being produced since the last war.268Please respect copyright.PENANAT8S0jQ8dc1
When not hiding his face with a hood, Lorian displays short black hair with a few268Please respect copyright.PENANA4RM2imyMxK
brown stripes in front that are longer than the rest, a somewhat stern face despite his268Please respect copyright.PENANAO28DFVcNM4
relative youth and a pair of determined green eyes.268Please respect copyright.PENANAGqUExDLxcY
He never speaks; his voice was never once heard since he was found, never a word268Please respect copyright.PENANAEvgT2RpaCq
and whether this is by trauma or by choice, is to this day still undetermined.
268Please respect copyright.PENANAxzF5VazeOq
Dhanel Marce
Height: 188268Please respect copyright.PENANAVxEYHhDHID
Hair colour: Golden268Please respect copyright.PENANAsgPcMXCmFb
Eye colour: Blue268Please respect copyright.PENANAy3oW8KzK5W
Weight: 48 - 4
Finally, in charge of them as it always has been, a hero-like figure through and268Please respect copyright.PENANAY3cTS87hYJ
through.268Please respect copyright.PENANAK3LT0zqYJq
Blonde flowing hair and pale blue eyes escorting his fair skin that often can be seen268Please respect copyright.PENANA2IBFkTbMHm
stained with flowered scars.268Please respect copyright.PENANA3Fef72SCgy
Many are the tales surrounding Dhanel Marce and while arguably they are268Please respect copyright.PENANAgvYtFMuUBJ
supported by some popular folklore, all of them share the same principle of being268Please respect copyright.PENANAysLJiw32iL
portents of great bravura. Stories growing so popular that they become almost like268Please respect copyright.PENANA5XzqXUPveH
those epic tales one can find in the narrations of those with wilder imaginations,268Please respect copyright.PENANA1BGFNBJhqV
as they get passed across mouth and land.268Please respect copyright.PENANApaeokMqZ55
Tales such as his latest venture where he singlehandedly went deep down into a cave268Please respect copyright.PENANAbrCemree01
of Zabduans - Human tribes that evolution seems to have missed and are renowned268Please respect copyright.PENANAhPvcKrtARU
for their fierce, and some even say, cannibalistic ways - to save a dame left there for268Please respect copyright.PENANAQrjps9SBrp
some sort of sacrificial rite. A cave deep in the Pedenke jungles a place far from any268Please respect copyright.PENANAH54H37ieB5
soldier’s orders.268Please respect copyright.PENANAYAMkHsApGw
And that is but the latest.268Please respect copyright.PENANAahttasxObp
So, it seems that the undisputed leader of the five, the thumb in that kingly hand, is268Please respect copyright.PENANAhbAi8O2g0W
a man willing to go the extra distance to do what is right.268Please respect copyright.PENANAeAKDIKXv35
The instructions he gives might often not be his own but of his king’s, but he seems268Please respect copyright.PENANAN0iVpdtaG1
to always manage to deliver them with a certain power that makes him an easy man268Please respect copyright.PENANAwXbAmSSWnE
to follow.268Please respect copyright.PENANA1SfP9xp5ug
Dhanel Marce is a man that irradiates confidence and assurance as only the leader268Please respect copyright.PENANAEN8j1LgFQW
of the Hervies’s Hand can and so, having told all of this, it must be noted that this268Please respect copyright.PENANAbz2VzhBigP
champion has never failed his majesty... not once... not ever...
268Please respect copyright.PENANA1ai63QiUlu
-end of chapter 3