“Well I know a lot about our studies of magnetic energy and quite a bit, I might add,265Please respect copyright.PENANAnqlnNl8X6F
about our achievements with electric fields capable of disabling all sorts of electronics,265Please respect copyright.PENANAUwLQkVKSzL
but I never heard of any sort of EMP (electromagnetic pulse) quite like this.” she then265Please respect copyright.PENANAsNYYvE1t5X
looks up towards the clouds and continues.265Please respect copyright.PENANAYQvsOegwDF
“With all of the tests we performed, the basic principle was mostly the same; a265Please respect copyright.PENANAhPAp6kq8SL
mass amount of pre-set energy is released way up above at higher altitudes, that then265Please respect copyright.PENANAvy3XNaNYyO
spreads taking down electric devices in its wake. But the equipment we carry with265Please respect copyright.PENANAs6F5PLC2BU
us to the field is specifically designed to counter such effects, to resist any sort of265Please respect copyright.PENANASZcSzqR04k
disablement known to us and yet it too is mostly dying and with the rest of it soon265Please respect copyright.PENANAfZYTYv1Wz4
failing. The same goes for the aircraft that brought us here, also designed to counter265Please respect copyright.PENANA18DKKMoyZd
these sorts of attacks. This is like nothing we are familiar with and it came from one265Please respect copyright.PENANAAhtJhG7tdx
of our very own facilities?265Please respect copyright.PENANA1uADgdQ70I
I am usually allowed into not so easily accessible files often by his majesty himself265Please respect copyright.PENANAAJcSYQbZTQ
and I have no knowledge of us having this type of technology. This is something265Please respect copyright.PENANALwnjEC495H
different from what we currently master; it is a different technology, way more265Please respect copyright.PENANAN4SrSyCHYC
advanced, more powerful, and capable of affecting a broader variety of things.265Please respect copyright.PENANAiGF8AwMy2x
This is beyond anything we’ve supposedly own and it seems to last longer as well -265Please respect copyright.PENANAoHZqHdMBvX
almost permanent - as its effects continue to fully disable even hours after its original265Please respect copyright.PENANA5xsUvyOYv6
release which brings me to my main point...” Celle puts her eyes on their leader and he265Please respect copyright.PENANAyEDJA07WGk
stops in his tracks “whenever such a massive detonation occurs in the sky the obvious265Please respect copyright.PENANAhwLH54UaTN
signs of such endurance linger, for miles around and many days to come, that is why265Please respect copyright.PENANAIU7i8iJBDj
our tests take place in faraway locales hidden from unauthorized eyes but here... there265Please respect copyright.PENANAS0YAgYI0nw
is no trace, there is no sign at all! The sky holds no evidence. Nothing almost as if...”265Please respect copyright.PENANA6LY3qtGTOT
“As if no detonation ever took place...” adds Deena.265Please respect copyright.PENANAiBokLnYU9s
“Exactly...” resumes Celle “there is definitely energy and effect but no signs of the265Please respect copyright.PENANAE2MDo7FIeN
source.”265Please respect copyright.PENANA4vKprE2imx
“That is because no detonation ever took place.” they all look at Dhanel Marce as this265Please respect copyright.PENANAXLF75WMuJy
one continues unsurprised “Well, not up in the sky anyway... but deep underground...”265Please respect copyright.PENANAH95VblymfU
“What? How?” asks Celle.265Please respect copyright.PENANAJQhcjDqvMp
“More important is the “why” ... says Deena “Why did they do it?”265Please respect copyright.PENANAggjb16FdJo
“So boss, what is the story here?” Harigar Rhim couldn’t help himself but interject265Please respect copyright.PENANAWUobEUG5fG
as he so often does “Can you just cut to the chase? What is happening tonight?”265Please respect copyright.PENANAqeh917xnps
Celle first looked behind towards the black-cloaked tattooed man and his questions;265Please respect copyright.PENANAHVxGiJdnhQ
her eyes then travelled through her other two companions till they finally landed to265Please respect copyright.PENANABkQedb9SVZ
her left, on the leader of the five, on a captain with a pondering expression around him,265Please respect copyright.PENANAgl4IK2Gjzm
even more so than usual.265Please respect copyright.PENANA9bzJyOGHWF
The one who will soon brief them without even slowing his pace or looking back265Please respect copyright.PENANAaX6DbICG6s
carries a heavy brow... “I am wondering how I should put the cards on the table.”265Please respect copyright.PENANAuhHVuAE05b
“Sir?” Celle asked him not hiding her share of confusion.265Please respect copyright.PENANAfZGpuh5lrr
“Never mind...” Dhanel Marce let a short smile go and then his tone of voice265Please respect copyright.PENANAYdmC2Si1sh
changed into a more authoritarian one “Alright listen up, cause here it is...” he snapped265Please respect copyright.PENANA3J94RPxKYF
his fingers twice as it is ritual by now, the signal for all of them to shut up and listen265Please respect copyright.PENANAkHu3rENDIq
without interruption.265Please respect copyright.PENANAZusP2WGQHK
“I am certain you are all aware of the Beriheim Incident six years ago. You have265Please respect copyright.PENANAa3K4xeo7TP
studied it likely more than once during your long and arduous training; whether you265Please respect copyright.PENANA4Tix3CNQRb
did so in history class or science or both, there is no escaping it as even in theology265Please respect copyright.PENANAffxrinMnIM
classes it’s something brought up on a fairly basis. Everyone knows about it and265Please respect copyright.PENANAVxBhcx9cWA
naturally many enjoy all the discussions and speculation it brings. It is a great part of265Please respect copyright.PENANAXmcffCtdEU
our history albeit a tragic one, a recent one at that which reinforces, even more, the265Please respect copyright.PENANAKc6J3Pm31h
appetite to talk about it... and so, of course, everyone does... everyone wildly spreads265Please respect copyright.PENANAn7GSduFjoC
their opinions and hastily loosens their tongues... and they are all wrong...”265Please respect copyright.PENANAeKgzCXA80R
Dhanel Marce took second place closely behind Deena and the others will follow265Please respect copyright.PENANAFPGyciRLbV
him closely for the duration of the briefing “I will tell you the truth about the top of265Please respect copyright.PENANAuNS61jiL8A
that mountain for that is a crucial part of our mission tonight.”
265Please respect copyright.PENANAxoqyhz9IIH
-end of chapter 4