“Be silent. I would suggest you think very carefully about your next phrase for257Please respect copyright.PENANAI7srfIGW88
I might not allow you to even finish it.”257Please respect copyright.PENANA76Vd9LhkuG
Celle drew her weapon, and for the first time since this mission began, someone was257Please respect copyright.PENANAvvOVYetxC9
taking an aggressive stance. Dhanel Marce however, remained silent the whole time, as257Please respect copyright.PENANAKsco10u1AD
he kept on watching from outside the circle. He was likely pondering about more than257Please respect copyright.PENANAL9QwgYuLlv
just this scene happening in front of him.257Please respect copyright.PENANAowutXW5zTm
“Come then, speak one more word.” she smiled “Please.”257Please respect copyright.PENANAiq53Z9RoHu
Red never moved, even though he was the target of such a threat; perhaps he257Please respect copyright.PENANAJqkwufYvXX
was not aware of the magnitude of the opponent in front of him, or perhaps he was257Please respect copyright.PENANAnisJ6Ra2hH
confident in his own abilities. Or maybe he just knew his old friend too well, and was257Please respect copyright.PENANAht0s4BP0gi
certain that he would never lose control of this situation. Red kept his feet rested and257Please respect copyright.PENANA9wUfp9dSZx
a calm head, perhaps more so than any other present here. The others however, seemed257Please respect copyright.PENANAARELjvHkqH
agitated for they knew Celle for quite a while and how she could be. All apart from257Please respect copyright.PENANAu4LAIsZM3n
the leader of this party, who so far had been completely absent despite how much the257Please respect copyright.PENANALGAhNCYjV6
tensions were rising...257Please respect copyright.PENANAW8Atxd3ExH
“I just did.” said Red as Celle’s eyes grew more furious “And I will do so again.257Please respect copyright.PENANArtehK3dSki
Pay close attention now, as I resume my questions knowing you will do nothing.”257Please respect copyright.PENANAPXKZT3Oz6m
“Red you are not helping,” said Deena but Red would continue freely...257Please respect copyright.PENANAXXXzeBzvTe
“Marce, isn’t it time for you to put this puppet back on her tight leash?”257Please respect copyright.PENANAcZPAapDcVm
Celle did not even have the time to raise her weapon properly before Dhanel Marce257Please respect copyright.PENANAEyZcF5eWfj
finally stepped in to bring an end to this situation. “Celle that’s enough,” he said very257Please respect copyright.PENANAJAW7T6EKJn
calmly, very confident in both his authority, as well as in the discipline of those under257Please respect copyright.PENANAjFBDSJKn49
him.257Please respect copyright.PENANAljXnYiMjqX
She did, as always, as she was told, and once her weapon was sheathed on her back,257Please respect copyright.PENANA1PS3ryMKGX
she took a few steps away. Infuriated but always disciplined.257Please respect copyright.PENANASrjlDXSfwi
“Nothing but a puppet,” Red added gaining in this way one last look of the Elvorides257Please respect copyright.PENANAQ9fEW4knM0
woman, as this short but somewhat intense introduction, finally came to a close.257Please respect copyright.PENANACkPgIhjeek
“That’s enough out of you as well.” Dhanel Marce pointed at him, he was serious257Please respect copyright.PENANAgh39FNP8WF
and after a few more circling steps he would then continue...257Please respect copyright.PENANAsg4L4fGOEP
“Am I to assume then Red, that you are here now for the same old reason? Am I to257Please respect copyright.PENANAlX5PeWOdyf
assume you just can’t let it go?” the captain continues “I will also assume then, that you257Please respect copyright.PENANA2GosYmmJtw
haven’t forgotten our history and conduct, of how we operate and are thus fully aware257Please respect copyright.PENANAKN1GjiwNNs
of what a predicament this is. Now I know both Deena and Rhim over there would257Please respect copyright.PENANA90NJKLLc1w
have no problem in us simply ignoring you and continuing with our mission. Lorian,257Please respect copyright.PENANA1i0oOnnrrc
well, he is like me, he is indifferent and whatever I end up deciding is fine by him.257Please respect copyright.PENANAoeFEmWcz2N
But Celle, she likes being somewhat of a stiff and as such, she seems not too comfortable257Please respect copyright.PENANAJ1gzwlVJSW
in ignoring you. So, what to do Red? What to do?”257Please respect copyright.PENANAgucJwV5Ud4
The leader of this outfit keeps asking himself as if waiting for an answer, a solution257Please respect copyright.PENANAuHjyFnDHDf
he already knows is coming “Red this is serious. This is the most important mission257Please respect copyright.PENANACwtdslhitH
ever assigned to the Hervies Hand, way more important than anything you or I have257Please respect copyright.PENANAD6uRsTXQBY
ever had to pull off in our days, and one with time growing ever scarce.”257Please respect copyright.PENANAJzx5Pb837w
“You are going to the facility atop of that mountain, aren’t you? What else would257Please respect copyright.PENANAmllaZM35aP
bring the five all the way here? Then you know my answer” Red said, “take me with257Please respect copyright.PENANApXYhmUcMqt
you…”257Please respect copyright.PENANA3WKjpujJeG
If anyone anywhere could ever say that they once saw Dhanel Marce chuckle, then257Please respect copyright.PENANAXcDNXlqja4
this was the moment they would all be referring to.257Please respect copyright.PENANAvlHgXsrGeX
“You jest?!” Celle asked.257Please respect copyright.PENANASJOawFgHmK
“No.” Red continued as he looked in the captain’s eyes “You know all too well what257Please respect copyright.PENANAsTbbPpllWQ
my reasons are.” a small pause “You also know that you owe me...” Red concluded...257Please respect copyright.PENANAyEDMyy4G0s
Silence then followed from everybody, and maybe Harigar Rhim and Deena knew257Please respect copyright.PENANAkEzWLpJmY6
what Red meant as they had worked together for an exceptionally long time, or maybe257Please respect copyright.PENANACZoaGeJpfd
it was something even before all of that. Maybe they did or maybe they didn’t.257Please respect copyright.PENANABWpiq6i7B6
Still, none around those two dared to break that moment, as even Celle’s upcoming257Please respect copyright.PENANAFy1e6v8I8y
frustration was put on a halt for the time being, for even she had curiosity towards257Please respect copyright.PENANAY1UJtWtRa7
what just had been said and was hoping that more words would follow to quench it.257Please respect copyright.PENANAyFiVGbz5VZ
“Are you going to play that big card on me?”257Please respect copyright.PENANAU4Irtn2J3G
“If that is what it takes.” Red replied, “I cannot afford to miss this chance.”
Dhanel Marce listened as he had never listened before, for this decision and the257Please respect copyright.PENANAmp0StF0A5T
outcome that can come from it seemed to echo in his mind, and then he gets close to257Please respect copyright.PENANAVxsXSASEBX
Red. The two were now almost at a kissing distance and for the second time in front257Please respect copyright.PENANA40FUBE0HKq
of the rest, they whispered to one another.257Please respect copyright.PENANA1AunzUufAY
Words clearly not meant for anyone else to hear...257Please respect copyright.PENANAqs0EVSofr3
“Very well...” Dhanel Marce finally, reluctantly, accepted - quite the shock to257Please respect copyright.PENANA45LkvsrlLe
everyone here and to none more so than the Elvorides...257Please respect copyright.PENANAKxiocG5EMd
“What? No...” she let out...
257Please respect copyright.PENANA3K7bxaSALd
-end of chapter 6