Part One268Please respect copyright.PENANAwnInJmQrQK
“The Crafted Mountain”
Chapter One268Please respect copyright.PENANA5vjIVKBhaA
“The Artificers of Will”
268Please respect copyright.PENANAycbGvFHEY7
A long time ago all things that were or could hope to be, were under268Please respect copyright.PENANAOU6gZ84qZS
the guidance of the wisest; those known today only as the ´Centra´.268Please respect copyright.PENANAGNvUeeSIyu
They alone were the keepers of the Age of Growth and they alone kept268Please respect copyright.PENANAP5auz4JEIB
watch over the world itself from high atop their floating cities and other sources of268Please respect copyright.PENANAd1nYphq9y5
awe. They surveyed and kept the balance with the aid and grace of their immeasurable268Please respect copyright.PENANAiYEpMDycTG
achievements. Impressive feats born from their mastery of the darkest of magics: a268Please respect copyright.PENANAiJMO6djf99
power they called science. Feats to be remembered always through mistranslated268Please respect copyright.PENANAdQ7g9vrFtQ
words and long, half-forgotten, fables carried across generations throughout all the268Please respect copyright.PENANA9YIjOOWtkn
corners of this exhausted world. Stories and fairy tales, words of the very old to the268Please respect copyright.PENANAnN62ZqOCnx
very young as scattered memories intertwine themselves with legend, as glory and268Please respect copyright.PENANAuBWaMzSqBf
fascination eventually turn to dread and warning.268Please respect copyright.PENANApn3QEWKxa3
Narrations of incredible proportions, their words and bolstering claims easily268Please respect copyright.PENANAYR6gMTKqHw
supported by the remaining Centra achievements, left for everyone to see upon this268Please respect copyright.PENANAk3PSSNrvoW
dreaded world; large constructions, all arrogant and defiant in their design.268Please respect copyright.PENANA3DOGBs2zEk
Temples standing proud to this day atop higher mountains while waiting for the268Please respect copyright.PENANAvv29uM9wNV
brave or the foolish to step up to the challenge.268Please respect copyright.PENANAjolzowABwU
Cities, magnificent still, that once stood shoulder to shoulder with any cloud, now268Please respect copyright.PENANAeabBlxwAqq
just ruins upon the scarred land making up the landscapes of deserts, oceans, forests,268Please respect copyright.PENANARD4rsIGbea
and lakes. All of this creates a world that supplies and displays proof to these narrations268Please respect copyright.PENANAf09iilrA2c
regardless of how fantastic and unbelievable some of those assembled sentences may268Please respect copyright.PENANAwozhv0jE4f
seem to the smallest of listeners.268Please respect copyright.PENANAVbmlbQRuXI
Words are always passed on with foreboding tones, for the meaning within268Please respect copyright.PENANA04XpEauAaf
its message is always the same, one of hubris and the collapse that always ensues.268Please respect copyright.PENANA2J9HhqAfjq
The Centra were felled, by what real reason one can only speculate, but gone is their268Please respect copyright.PENANAFnk73RtyCi
mighty civilisation, lost to us and it was a mystery that to this day no one can be268Please respect copyright.PENANAtbfkhdqsnE
certain of their fate. For with all that they achieved and all the power they once held;268Please respect copyright.PENANApJcparZjQ6
they were the rulers of an entire world and handlers of unmatched technologies,268Please respect copyright.PENANAZ2FEFF8ZTu
they would still - mysteriously - disappear without a trace, leaving behind only their268Please respect copyright.PENANA7Z4u1FnTUO
accomplishments. As many and as impressive as their feats seem, even today, the fears268Please respect copyright.PENANA66FxWFxnzh
were not enough to save them from whatever fate befell them. During their long reign,268Please respect copyright.PENANAvfPeElEhUg
for countless millennia, they reshaped all the lands and built a world in their image.268Please respect copyright.PENANAxTIdNxvpuf
They had the power to do so, and they did. They created and they destroyed.268Please respect copyright.PENANAtkF3dPwYqQ
How many wonders disappeared under the Centra’s thumb? How many were born268Please respect copyright.PENANANfR9OO1fb1
from their desire to create?268Please respect copyright.PENANAMoTANMMnQu
All of this they did, until one night, in just one night, suddenly, their entire race268Please respect copyright.PENANAjauQLFOVDs
was extinguished! What was this mysterious event of cataclysmic proportions that268Please respect copyright.PENANAfdPjg8Sngr
in a single swoop robbed the world of their biggest prize, not even leaving behind a268Please respect copyright.PENANAOBCaMaFu2L
single corpse?268Please respect copyright.PENANAIwom5i6eOj
What caused the mass extinction of these chosen and sent all their cities and other268Please respect copyright.PENANAMn25PkGcYP
flying stations crashing down towards the earth below?268Please respect copyright.PENANAPKE99JlHno
The more that is revealed to us about the Centra, the closer we get to perceive their268Please respect copyright.PENANALJ0BAZbBFq
real magnitude, the more fascinating and alluring the mystery of their disappearance268Please respect copyright.PENANAtCk0MQdboJ
becomes. Still, the whole world is, and likely forever will be, the largest testimony for268Please respect copyright.PENANAXJZV2VyQao
all that the Centra ever were and forever achieved.268Please respect copyright.PENANAAZd2NhW1jw
A whole world that even now, as it slowly awaits its collapse, persistently sings to268Please respect copyright.PENANAmiXYlpJmAW
their glory. The Centra departed leaving behind a world of unshackled magics and268Please respect copyright.PENANAA0wDIQWQOg
soon to be poorly resurrected technologies. With their absence, and their machines268Please respect copyright.PENANAXwRiQBG6N8
spent and their cities toppled, so too ended the Age of Growth, but with all that the268Please respect copyright.PENANAVE9yVBee2j
Centra left behind, in time, a new Era would begin...