As it has been for generations, the Nharkim remain by far the most advanced race,249Please respect copyright.PENANAwjboNsVZUB
by quite the margin as anyone can tell just by looking at their city from far away - their249Please respect copyright.PENANAB2bPgKUa3A
greatness is known to all.249Please respect copyright.PENANATVlEITeIQ3
No other civilisation at this time can even come close to competing with them, and249Please respect copyright.PENANA2Rgh5c4zHY
so his majesty Hervies the current Human king must push even more. He is ruthless249Please respect copyright.PENANAehoq8PzMQc
and carries much fear in his chest, more than any other ruler before him, and if his249Please respect copyright.PENANAQYwffAENu4
heart is tight, the borders of his scruples extend far and wide.249Please respect copyright.PENANAIF1DVD5WUS
There is nothing that the almighty Hervies will not do for his ambitions.249Please respect copyright.PENANA9elbyFKLAr
The feelings of admiration and awe, of respect and fear towards anything Centra,249Please respect copyright.PENANAWardgZaUxQ
have long been replaced by folly and greed, by petty and misguided ambitions.249Please respect copyright.PENANATzUPH35NZk
Perhaps nothing shows this better than the Human king’s efforts in his perpetual quest249Please respect copyright.PENANAN9m26HO1Vz
for his race to take the front seat. He and all under him have been doing whatever is249Please respect copyright.PENANALC1MBx0SFO
deemed necessary to not fall behind for generations. Hervies is just the next in line of249Please respect copyright.PENANA7tX8FXZLbV
a long succession of rulers living in constant fear of what the Nharkim could do at any249Please respect copyright.PENANAF4aXf9QP88
time. But something makes him different however, and no other king that has come249Please respect copyright.PENANAdNRqDg4HEK
before him has gone as far as he is willing to go. No other Human ruler before him has249Please respect copyright.PENANA7NsjkUHEEK
had so much pressure felt upon his crown either.249Please respect copyright.PENANAFWEY8dRg56
The Nharkim technology seems to grow almost exponentially, improving almost249Please respect copyright.PENANAnq0GAy0U6n
by the day and soon who... even now, can guess what they could be scheming?249Please respect copyright.PENANAl1py0ezn0U
The necessary measures must thus be taken even further than that, such as the constant249Please respect copyright.PENANAOsoGmykIYq
deployment of all sorts of scavenger teams to all the known corners of the world in249Please respect copyright.PENANAWxBX7bJ5pp
desperate attempts to try and uncover more Centra property. All in the hopes of finally249Please respect copyright.PENANAtvsLtRZ7KW
unveiling some of their biggest secrets, something that could give the Humans the249Please respect copyright.PENANAhtarz57g5s
necessary advantage to at last take their place as the most powerful in all the lands.249Please respect copyright.PENANAzKMtEZNNke
Hervies holds nothing back when it comes to achieving this; he is well known even by249Please respect copyright.PENANAYszY8bv6UJ
those outside his race, as a ruler with complete disregard towards anyone’s welfare and249Please respect copyright.PENANAtGRMqdOMdX
how much it might all cost. Time and again he has proven that he is more than willing249Please respect copyright.PENANAQ59AUynpjM
to pour any amount of funds, and he has no restraints in raising taxes either to do so.249Please respect copyright.PENANArvIJ9ln95g
He is a dangerous man.249Please respect copyright.PENANA305BCuVDP4
Not just to others but also to himself. He is perhaps the most dangerous human249Please respect copyright.PENANAA6kgdu0iu9
to walk this world in quite some time. Desperation drives him and the fear he feels249Please respect copyright.PENANAlSgs6hc4UE
himself, he has no qualms in casting upon others. With each passing day, he tightens249Please respect copyright.PENANA8b0yJPwVXk
the noose around his own people’s neck; he demands skin and teeth from all the249Please respect copyright.PENANAQXlWJxqpE0
hard-working folk and quite the percentage of his kingdom are on the verge of249Please respect copyright.PENANAx39Rj7zlpK
starvation.249Please respect copyright.PENANAhoNoSrmype
Then he comes and offers insurmountable amounts of currency to anyone willing249Please respect copyright.PENANAeurMClLuPB
to do his bidding and in doing so, obviously, Hervies has no problem finding the249Please respect copyright.PENANAcOAm0Ha2vY
required man labour for the more outrageous efforts the Human kingdom is putting249Please respect copyright.PENANA1buR7h5aJ2
up these last years. For many years these desperate searches have been going on, for249Please respect copyright.PENANA6YOhZkel6F
the slightest glimpse at any Centra secret and the Celitian Continent has been entirely249Please respect copyright.PENANA9nQ6CA4MFm
dug up three times over or so, it seems. They have searched any and all ruins, they249Please respect copyright.PENANAlJRor3ZuHb
have excavated the soil to the point of not even one more hole can be dug up. In their249Please respect copyright.PENANAgdfSDXoj4l
efforts, they exhausted all the land around them and so the time came to look further.249Please respect copyright.PENANA7BjOQ8Lqk8
The time to spread and send search teams outside the known charts, to venture forth249Please respect copyright.PENANA9elC61vc2E
into the unknown dark corners of the world that most are afraid to even mention249Please respect copyright.PENANAMUwvIYYURn
let alone set foot in. This is how the “Cloudsiras” came to be, Human expeditions249Please respect copyright.PENANAMg3A8aMxLR
hell-bent on finding and bringing back what their king values most. No other race is249Please respect copyright.PENANAZbGspw0ZRK
known to do this, either because they don’t have the means to cross entire landmasses249Please respect copyright.PENANAFILKOubTXA
or because they don’t feel that desperate. Humans, however, are second only to the249Please respect copyright.PENANA171kfDbQH5
Nharkim so they can go anywhere. Their numerous airships can sometimes cover249Please respect copyright.PENANA0IdzVvRth0
entire clouds and as for motivation, well, a man must eat, and their king offers plenty...249Please respect copyright.PENANAv1CChUQmjm
There is still much-uncharted territory across this bleak world, still many landmasses249Please respect copyright.PENANADNbRRWafne
and dark continents waiting to be explored.249Please respect copyright.PENANAShUNAYDaLd
So these Human Cloudsiras are always stretching their limits, increasing the size249Please respect copyright.PENANALyKVddPQ7u
of the known map, they are constantly pushing how far can they go; how much249Please respect copyright.PENANAU3Hi1OfSdU
distance can they cover and how deep can they reach, for as Human technology keeps249Please respect copyright.PENANAxDMEK3Ds1a
advancing so do their means of exploring.