It has been cutting through all the rain and any cloud that dares to stand in its way244Please respect copyright.PENANAEC33fmykz4
ever since it departed from the Human palace, the seat of all Human power, with a244Please respect copyright.PENANAJKg9lPSZQC
stunning roar provided by the three powerful engines on its rear that propel the aircraft244Please respect copyright.PENANAZ7AzsyNK72
with unprecedented Human technology. For this mission, top speed is its concern, not244Please respect copyright.PENANABnPEvS4rhy
concealment, and so it was likely many saw it sharply cut through the skies on its way244Please respect copyright.PENANAQ2mPrcaezO
here. It is indeed quite the feat, a technological prowess on a league of its own and244Please respect copyright.PENANAfAvVGgVapb
most likely capable of stunning even the Nharkim. The Beriheim Mountain is to be244Please respect copyright.PENANAvshXBp27eF
its destination and to get there the Bolt Lander quickly flew over the Great Northern244Please respect copyright.PENANA7VS6LsSIoX
Gate, over the marshes of Pantaan and the spiked stones of Cabero Valley where many244Please respect copyright.PENANAZsxMGmcX56
great battles have been decided. Something easily deduced by all the bones of many244Please respect copyright.PENANAqlq7Tz7ZhG
giants and other long-gone things. A dry place as it must remain eternally bound to244Please respect copyright.PENANAe9niVWE4eO
the sun and its wrath, forever a slave to its scolding will. After those yellowed sights,244Please respect copyright.PENANARXTkcW2aag
green starts to sprout again and shortly after, if one is flying that is, the Beriheim244Please respect copyright.PENANA4rnDvuZXvz
region becomes finally within reach. The advent of flying was mostly made possible244Please respect copyright.PENANAmWfFMeYKfC
to avoid setting foot in such desolated places like Cabero Valley, although there have244Please respect copyright.PENANAJ2iGGo6SBg
always been those stubborn caravans marching through it. Especially when Beriheim244Please respect copyright.PENANA6xFECf3YEf
was not a region best avoided but was sought out instead. It was once fertile, and a few244Please respect copyright.PENANAHrQsTKbc0E
happy settlements could be found there. All of that belongs to the past now...244Please respect copyright.PENANAuiOn3ntloM
The mountain was finally in sight of that tired pilot. It reached his old eyes after244Please respect copyright.PENANAK6LzTdcZbI
yet another, albeit bigger than usual, thunderclap - one as if announcing their arrival.244Please respect copyright.PENANAcBMCHU55EM
No amount of clouds or threatening thunders could keep it hidden anymore, and the244Please respect copyright.PENANAFBHUXQEwdO
sounds of those struggling engines had no choice but to make themselves even louder.244Please respect copyright.PENANArVSeFHwOvG
They grew desperate as the Bolt Lander’s efforts against that punishing storm kept244Please respect copyright.PENANAzkQ7Zh2FKw
increasing; an effort that did not go unnoticed by its cargo. The force of five sent...244Please respect copyright.PENANAZcxPzR0mml
“Boss...” called out one of the four calmly sitting with a beautiful, elegant sword244Please respect copyright.PENANAdOGciVruO7
stationed between his legs “and you didn’t want us to tag along this time.”244Please respect copyright.PENANAkdZmLVM4xI
“Keep it shut.” said the one sitting in front of him; a female whose voluptuous244Please respect copyright.PENANAXJ3OvRxebF
curves were a gift that no shadow could ever hope to conceal. “What, and miss out on244Please respect copyright.PENANACNhTpQSJAB
all this?” he insisted as he spun around that sword a couple of times.244Please respect copyright.PENANAStsOWKUVzo
“Yeah captain,” another joined in; also feminine, with a calm and collected voice244Please respect copyright.PENANA6DP4PbK7G8
“Why didn’t you want us to come along this time?” she asked while her fingers kept244Please respect copyright.PENANAUhPCTfpKBC
drumming one of her thighs... The one standing up said nothing...244Please respect copyright.PENANAwXugWHbR3M
“Capt’n? Capt’n can ya hear me?” a voice rustling through a small box on the wall,244Please respect copyright.PENANAHQFS1E7TPN
they were words from the pilot, and they are struggling to reach the five waiting244Please respect copyright.PENANAjgTHIDwds1
patiently.244Please respect copyright.PENANACjrRrwyocl
“We hear you Sheiska.” the one standing up finally spoke, “Give us the good news.”244Please respect copyright.PENANAcbb9iTkir0
“Sir, she can’t take it for much longer...” the obvious difficulty the pilot was having244Please respect copyright.PENANA7yfeqbicHa
easily discerned from all that increasing static “We have to make the drop-off now...”244Please respect copyright.PENANAwa3LD2Nn72
“How far are we from that mountain?” the captain of the Hand asked while looking244Please respect copyright.PENANAAmHo6zPNIa
at the rest. “We will soon be flying over Brosse...”244Please respect copyright.PENANApL6zE0VDuY
“Is there no way she can bring us any closer?” the captain’s right hand already waving244Please respect copyright.PENANAjoR6DZummf
to the rest as an indication to make themselves ready “Sheiska?”244Please respect copyright.PENANAJJNSp4Xaqe
“No sir, I don’t... God darn it... all...” a louder sound than usual was heard this time244Please respect copyright.PENANAPNIxDDKCoB
coming not from the speaker box but the pilot’s cabinet. “I guess not...” the captain244Please respect copyright.PENANALnmxeB46Y8
murmured... “Sorry sir... lost the reading on the instruments for a while there” things244Please respect copyright.PENANAgAJAAmYRKX
resumed to just how bad they were previously “So what say you, captain?”244Please respect copyright.PENANAtP94zbgdTM
“It’s not like we have much choice,” the captain looked behind him and saw the244Please respect copyright.PENANAojchwuegBB
other four already fully prepared and waiting “open it up for us when you are ready.”244Please respect copyright.PENANAg18opi4xdq
“Aye, sir...” the sound of a heavy lock was heard as mechanical noises capable of244Please respect copyright.PENANAzaOKBHGVnn
distinguishing themselves, even with such a storm running rampant outside, were244Please respect copyright.PENANANVPSAT6aFQ
heard heading to the back of the aircraft. Their eyes followed and then the way for244Please respect copyright.PENANAsAikmSteQm
them to jump unfurled. “Sir I would strongly advise for a halo jump with this nasty244Please respect copyright.PENANANc0yZlaYJZ
weather and all.”244Please respect copyright.PENANAC7kragDNqp
“Alright you heard the man...” the captain’s words placed all five in a single file244Please respect copyright.PENANAVPY2W0LcVi
“We dive straight down to get away from these clouds as fast as possible and once we244Please respect copyright.PENANAOAIxb0dX2k
are in the clear I will signal you all to deploy the parachutes. Now gear up and let’s go.244Please respect copyright.PENANAthfLOH05FJ
Rhim, you go first.”244Please respect copyright.PENANAZghPiC48Z5