I have been writing since I was young, and I've been reading even earlier than that. Before I even started going to school as a young five-year-old first-grader, I wrote my own book (that should never have existed, but my lola helped me with it anyway).
Since then, I've continued to write. I don't have any particular reason for it because I do enjoy writing but probably not as much as other people. I love spending hours on end creating fantastical worlds in my head, coming up with characters that are everything I'm not, and weaving complicated plot lines together. However, I don't write simply for my own enjoyment. (In fact, my writing probably pains me more than it delights me, which some people have pointed out to me.)
I could say I write because I have a message to convey and a story to tell, but that's not quite it either. I include themes and messages in my story, and they are certainly an important part of my writing, but they aren't why I spend so much time trying to craft these stories. They aren't why I stay up at night trying to perfect a chapter; these important messages definitely aren't the reason I take so much time out of my day to read about how to improve my writing and why I continue to write.
I definitely don't write to be published. Most of what I write is not worthy to query agents with or would never be considered for publishing simply because there is no market for it. I don't write to entertain specifically; that's a part of it, but not a huge part of the reason. I don't try especially hard to cater my writing to any one audience, and I don't keep the possibility of being published in mind as I work on a story.
I guess I write simply because I write. There's no particular reason for it, there's no story that inspired me to be a writer forever, there's nothing I can really say to explain why I do what I do. I just do it, and that's fine by me.