Why do I write? I write because I love expressing my emotions. I love being able to show how I feel and what I encounter in different people. Writing also helps bring out more creativity then you thought you had. There aren't any rules in what you have to write. It's all free and open and allows you to communicate who you are. Writing also makes me happy. Whenever I get the opportunity to write I take it. Writing lets me get away from reality and not worry or stress about what's happening. It gives me freedom to create whatever or whoever I want. I don't write because I am forced to. I write because it's something I can do where nobody can tell me what to do. It's an amazing feeling being able to write and convey different emotions. Everyone has something special about them. I think writing is something that helps show that. Writing reveals a whole new side of me. Like I can become whoever I want and just forget about everything else. Writing is just something I overall love doing and that's why I write.