I write because.. well I don't really know.
I would like to think that I write because it helps me release my stress and my troubles, but isn't that why everyone writes?
I write because it allows me write about things that I wish that I had, things that I will most likely never get. I don't write about perfection, because perfection isn't real. I found that out myself.
I write about the boyfriend that I wish I had, the friends that I wish that I had, the things that I wish that I could do, but don't.
I write because it helps me realize that everything can't and will not go my way.
When I was little my whole family had instilled this premonition that reading is good and that you need to do it, and that is exactly what I had did. I started with picture books, then when to smaller chapter books. (I even ended up finishing the whole Junie B. Jones series while I was in second grade!) Eventually I had read the Hunger Games in fourth grade.
Reading all those books throughout my life had given me a very vast imagination and a lot of bullies.
First I was bullied for my teeth and now that I read a lot. So I had begun to keep a journal that my counselor had recommended me.
I had wrote everything down. How upset I had gotten through the school day and what I was going to do help fix the problem. (not suicide)
I had started to write fictional stories to take me away to somewhere I wouldn't be bullied and where I was in control.
I went through notebook after notebook. Scrawled ink onto the many pages and burned every single one of them.
For the longest time I thought that I was going some type of faze but I wasn't. I knew that when my own English teacher told me that She had thought my poem was amazing. That was when I knew that I to keep writing.
I write because I know that there is someone out there who likes what I write and someone out there who relates to me and what I write.