According to the Law of Infinite Alternate Universes, any world anyone conceives theoretically exists on a plane separate from our own. With this in mind, not only does this imply there is a world that contains absolutely nothing but a loaf of bread that the sounds of Smash Mouth emanates from or a world comprised of randomly strewn-about walls, or even a world just like ours but nobody can hold a cup for more than five seconds), but this also means that any fictional world a person writes about exists. I like to call this "founding a world". The moment you start typing out the story of an old-timey constable who gets mechanized and takes to the streets in the 24th century, when you start writing about a samurai protecting his kingdom from a beast beneath the earth, when you begin to write the story of just two people who meet and start a business, you are founding their world and can shape their universe. By the Law of Infinite Alternate Universes, what you are writing exists somewhere, you're telling their story, you're founding their whole universe, giving it life and exposure to a universe so far from their own. Maybe there, someone or something or a dog perhaps is beginning to write their work of fiction about a user on a writing site, sipping the last of their water and answering why they write for 40 other people.