Why do I write? Well, that's a long thing to discuss...
To start off, I write to express my emotions. Don't we all? To let the characters feel what I feel, and to let them go through what I go through. To throw everything I feel into the words... into the people that I've created. To show what I think about the world and how I believe it to be.
I write so that readers of all kinds can see my stories, see the emotions and feel what the characters are feelings as if it were real feelings because it is real. For every action, for every scene, for every chapter, each of it is filled with emotions. Happiness, anger, sadness, love, and even empathy.
The reason why I write is because I want people to feel. To go through wonders of the lives I have created, to see them, to love them, to read them, and to understand them. I want them to learn through the trials and hardships they've gone through.
I want the readers to know that yes indeed, darkness is everywhere, but I also want them to remember that: "There is never a light without its darkness."