(Image from pinterest)
The red paper lamps sway in the wind and in the windows are ladies dressed in lovely Kimono’s beckoning him to come inside. He gives them a nod and opens the door only to be pulled in by two women who help him to remove his boots and topcoat. The older lady of the two goes on to lead him to a room and asks, “What would you like, your highness, music, poetry? Or just a lady for some fun?”
The Great Warrior sits her upon his knee and whispers in her ear, “I am on a mission to find Lieutenant Nakan Yuuji. I was told he was here.”
The woman nods and places his hand inside her Kimono. “It should not be you, your grace, who is fetching that brut. He flashes his gold and thinks that gives him the right to have a girl he likes for hours. He has already got two of my best girls with child. I told them it is not their fault, when he kept coming inside them. I will not have him using my girls this way, he refuses to use any prevention. He just does not seem to care if he makes them with child.”
Yūrei exposes the breast the lady allowed him to play with, for he is liking the way it feels within his hand, nice and plump. He goes on to use his left hand to push back the other side of Kimono so he can also see and play with her other breast. “Let me deal with the brut and we can play. Unless a customer is not allowed to have sex with the owner.”
The lady giggles and stokes his chest. “You are king, you can take any woman you like including the me, Madam Orchid. Come, I will take you to him.” She closes her Kimono and takes hold of his hand. The Masked Warrior allows her to lead him through the establishment to a back room and points her hand at the door.
Yūrei gives her a kiss and whispers, “You carry on and leave him to me.”
Madam Orchid touches him below and whispers, “See you back at the room.”
The legend smiles and waits for her to be gone before he opens the door slightly to peek inside. The room is being lit by a single lamp that lies on a shelf on the back wall. To the right is a wall and to the left he can just see the Lieutenant’s broad slightly hairy and sweaty back. Upon his left shoulder-blade is a tattoo of a black fox mask with orange markings. Yūrei knows all too well this means he has been in a Kyoto prison and the orange marks symbolise he is a rebel. He starts to hear the girl is beginning to make soft moans of pleasure and Yuuji tells her, “Good girl, come, come.” The Masked Warrior softly closes the door and makes his way to the next door room to find a lady is inside who is combing her hair. He places a finger to his lips and she nods. The legend gives her a pat on the head as he makes his way over to the wooden wall and listens. The woman opens the screen door at the back of the room to show him it leads out on to a covered walkway. The king gives her a kiss on the cheek and slips out closing it behind him. He makes his way slowly to the room and starts to open the door to see the lady is on her back with her legs resting upon Lieutenant Nakan’s shoulders and he is kneeling down holding on her waist. The woman orgasms and Yuuji keeps going until he comes. “You are a good girl,” he says whilst he strokes her breasts.
Yūrei is hoping they are done but the Lieutenant takes hold of the lady’s waist to stop her from moving back and he puts her legs around him. “No, I will say when we are done.”
“No, please let me go! I do not want your child,” snaps the woman.
Yuuji grabs her jaw and kisses her. “Why do you think I want to keep going? It is so you carry my child. Now do as you're told and I will make it worth your weight in gold.”
This makes the Great Warrior bust into the room and pulls the brut off the girl. “You bastard when a woman says no it means no. And carrying on is rape.” He places a Yukata around the lady and helps her up. “Go.”
The woman kicks Lieutenant Nakan in the balls and spits at him before she storms out of the room.
“You deserve that, you bitch,” says the king, grabbing his bun and pulling his head back. “You are nothing. I strip you of everything.”
“You cannot do that!” Yuuji snaps.
“Has all of that sex rotten your brain? I am king. That means I can escort you out of here butt naked and hand you over to the very Dragon you stole from.”
Worry starts to creep in to Lieutenant Nakan’s face and he questions, “What are you on about? That… that cave was empty.”
“You are dead. You stole from a Mountain Dragon, and not just any Mountain Dragon, an elder who happens to be a prince.” The Great Warrior rubs his hands together and gives him a toothy grin. “I am going to enjoy this.”
Yuuji watches he king step to one side to reveal a real live Mountain Dragon has landed in the garden. Grey mist surrounds it and a few minutes later a man with horns, that sweep back over his head, emerges. “Mèngjiàn, I had to come and see if you were all right.”
“I am fine, Chén fēng, here is your man.”
The Mountain Dragon walks around the mortal and his face screws up. “Yuck! You mean this horrible sweaty man came into my home? Eww! You smell foul, nearly as bad as those stinky men who are hiding in a Forest Dragon’s home. I should inform you, King, he has barricaded them inside a hut.”
“Ha! Serves them right for invading his home.”
“I agree. As for you, mortal, trespassing, stealing, murder and rape, you will be sentence to death.”
“I really do hope that was a joke,” comes a sexy man's voice from the shadows they recognise.
The Mountain Dragon performs a deep bow. “Sorry, Death, I did not know you were there.”
Lieutenant Nakan’s face grows pale with fear when he sees a handsome youth, with long black hair flowing over his shoulders, comes stepping into the light and points a slender hand right at him. “I am here to tell you, Chaos has cut your threads," he informs him in a clam voice. "You have just caused the death of a hundred men. The storm on the mountain claimed them.”
Yuuji moves away from him and babbles with fear, “No… No! You cannot be Death… Y-you cannot be real.”
The grim reaper folds his arms and tells him, “I am as real as the nose on your fat sweaty face. You are Nakan Yuuji and this is your hourglass.” He goes on to pull a large hourglass out from inside his left sleeve and shows it to the mortal. “See the sand is running out. Now Chaos is willing to undo your untimely death. Only if you do as you are told.” The Lieutenant watches the golden sand flowing into the lower section and nods. “There’s a good pet. Now round up your stinky men and stop your petty fight with the gods and the Sasaki family. Don’t and I will be back to collect you. Hopefully wearing something.” Death turns his attention to Yūrei and continues, “Darling, before I go, I thought I should let you know the woman is no longer in Limbo she left the moment I told he the girl was fine. So, one down two to go.”
The Great Warrior nods. “Hopefully it will come to light why the men are unable to move on. I am doing my best, old friend.”
Death pats the side of the Eternal’s face and disappears into the shadows.
Chén fēng is using the mortal’s Tanto to search his belongings for a small cloth pouch. He lifts up a fairly large one by the strings and without opening it he knows it contains his treasure. “I will be taking this back… even though is just awful. You should bathe more and wash your clothes with something very fragrant.” He lifts off the pouch by the strings from the end of the Tanto at arms length, to keep well away from his clothes. “Ooh, so smelly.”
Yūrei takes a fresh Yukata from the futon and lays it out on the floor. Then he takes the stinky pouch and carefully pours the contents out and throws the empty pouch away. The Great Warrior then gathers up the clothing so he can use the sleeves to tie the top closed and makes sure one is free so the Mountain Dragon has something he grab. “There you go,” he says holding it out.”
Chén fēng bows as he takes it. “Thank you, this much better.”
“You’re welcome.”
The Mountain Dragon gives Yuuji a kick in the side and tells him, “That was no trick of the light, you foul human. That was Death. One hundred percent Death and yes he is real. So, you had better do what he said otherwise you will be dead soon. Take it as a warning to the rest of your stinky men, Chaos is in charge and he has had quite enough of people like you.” He takes hold of the king’s hand and smiles. “I may not be able to retrieve everything this bastard took from me. I am though pleased, with your help, to gain most of it back. Well, before I throw up I will leave this filthy man to you.”
The Masked Warrior playfully scoffs and declares, “Oh, I see you got your gold and you now leave me to clean up.”
Chén fēng pats the side of the Eternal’s masked face. “Is that not your job? Later Ink Summoner.”
They laugh and the Mountain Dragon trots off out into the garden to return to his creature form and takes off.
Yūrei grabs Yuuji’s jaw and looks into his eyes. “Wake up, Lieutenant, time is ticking away and you have a job to do if you want to remain alive.”
The mortal nods and he starts to get dressed, however, the king stops him from taking his Katana and short sword, he takes them from the stand and places them behind his and tells him, “You have dishonoured me and your family name. I here by take back the swords that were given to you by your late grandfather.” Lieutenant Nakan is not about to go against him, he bows his head and leaves the room.
The Great Warrior escorts him to the door and makes him put on his boots but allows the lady to help him with his. He even helps her to rise and gently takes hold of hand to place five gold coins into in. “Courtesy of the Mountain Dragon Chén fēng for compensation this brut has coursed.”
The lady’s mouth opens in shock and she is unable to say a word, she just stares at the gold glinting upon her palm. Then Madam Orchid comes trotting over to see what the girl has been given. “Your highness, this is too much.”
“I am afraid when a Mountain Dragon is willing to give his gold or jewels away you cannot return it. This is his way of helping to undo the damage caused by this awful man. He also gave me a diamond to give to any young lady who shows me a good time. It is such a shame I have to go, however, I need to make sure this brut carries out Death’s orders. So, here take it anyway for I hope to return.”
The owner of Red Dragon looks at the uncut diamond being held by the king’s slender fingers and shakes her head. “No, I insist I will only take that when I have pleasured you, your grace.”
The Masked Warrior drops the diamond inside his cloth pouch and smiles. “As you wish, my dear. Take the gold and give it to the girls this brut has forced to have his child. Please also tell them they are not obligated to keep it when it was conceived through rape. I am happy to get them a Healer to get rid of it.”
Yuuji grabs the front of the front of the god’s topcoat and looks at him with tears in his eyes. “You monster you would really kill my unborn child?”
“Yes, if the girl you raped does not want it. She has every right to terminate the pregnancy for no woman should ever be forced to have an unwanted child. Come along you bastard.” Yūrei takes hold of the Lieutenant’s arm and drags him out into the cold.
Madam Orchid pulls the top of her half coat around her neck to keep out the chilling air. “Your Highness, you will find that brut’s horse in the stable. Boy! Help him.”
A young man, who is wrapped in furs comes trotting over, he performs a deep bow and leads the king and a sobbing man around back, where he goes on to show them to a black horse.
The legend picks up the stinky man, as though he weighed nothing, and places him in the saddle, then he takes the reins and guides the horse to the main road. “Go, do as your are told for once before another monk’s life is lost. Now go!”
Lieutenant Nakan does not respond, he just rides off to disappear in the blizzard.
The Great Warrior uses some snow to clan the stink from hands, part of him wants to return to the Red Dragon to have some fun, however, he knows he needs to return to the temple as the storm is gong to prevent the bastard from reaching the bandits in time. He opens a portal to find the storm is far worse at Mount Kunimi-jo. Yūrei quickly steps through and trots over to the entrance to see a monk is coming along the covered walkway. “My goodness, boy, what are you doing outside?”
The Masked Warrior helps him into the entrance and young man emits a soft laugh. “When he have to go you have to go even in bad weather,” says the monk, rubbing the side of his neck.
“Very true. Apart from the blizzard, I take it all is well whilst I have been gone?”
“Your grace, I heard voices coming from inside the bathroom. They are waiting in there until nightfall.”
Yūrei pulls the Lieutenant swords from the right straps of his Hakama, placing them on a rack that lies just inside the door. “Go and inform the others. I will wait for them here.” The monk gives him a nod and runs off. The Great Warrior can barely see the bathhouse through the blizzard, he warms himself by a small stone brazer as he waits for the peacekeepers and the Detective to join him.
Commander Ōtomo adjusts his Katana and asks, “Would you like me to unleash the Fire Sword? Or just scare them out?”
“Now there is an attempting offer," answers the Masked Warrior. "It will make them realise there is more to you Aoi koi than meets the eye. I was going to suggest leaving it up to you two what you want to do.”
Katsuhito looks out and answers, “Asuka, I say unleash the fire, for it will, one keep you warm and two we will be able to locate you in this.”
The left side of the Command’s mouth rises as his hand grips the handle of the sword as he steps outside and utters a spell whilst he draws the Katana, flames begin to dance around the hilt and down the Damascus steel. He holds it out and the blizzard makes it hiss. “Fènghuáng, wǒ zhàohuàn nǐ. Huànxǐng bìng shìfàng nǐ de lìliàng. (Phoenix, I summon you. Awaken and unleash your power.” The flames intensive to engulf the entire blade. They even lick around the hilt and a symbol upon the back of Asuka’s hand begins to burn.
Yūrei gives him a nod and Commander Ōtomo trots quietly down the covered walkway to the bathroom, with the others following him. When they reach the doors Detective Saitō and Mr Nakagawa make their way around to the front of the building whilst their king and Commander go to the back door.
The Great Warrior wraps his hand around the handle of the Black Katana before they burst into the bathhouse to find five men huddled together around a small brazer. When they see the flaming sword they take fright and drop to their knees. One of the men begs, “Please do not kill us… we only came in here to shelter from the storm.”
The smell of the men makes Asuka start to wretch and he has to quickly step back outside.
Yūrei hands him a cloth bundle that contains strong smelling herbs and uses another one himself to cover the stink. “Ooh, I want to fill that bath with hot water and some strong smelling oils," he states, using his hand to try and fan the foul smell away. “I cannot believe you all thought that would make Dragons stay away from you. Fools! That only alerted them to where you were. Eww! Disgusting… Really truly disgusting.”
Akito and Katsuhito come rushing over only to back away and place their hand over their mouths and nose.
The Peacekeeper runs back outside to be sick and remains in the wind so he can no longer smell the disgusting stench of dung and pee.
Detective Saitō sheaths his Katana and starts to fill the bath hot spring water. He chucks in smelling herbs and a nice smelling oil before he helps their king to throw each of the five men fully clothed into it. They both breath a sigh of relief when a more pleasant aroma fills their nostrils.
The same man speaks again, “We gathered we had been lied to and we should not allowed greed to blind us. Major Kikuchi offered us so much gold to our leader he could not say no. It was his idea that we made ourselves sink and you are right, it lead the Dragons straight to us. We also know the men on the mountain and in the forest will not survive this… Lieutenant Nakan sent us to our deaths.”
“Yuuji does not care about anyone,” states the Masked Warrior shaking his head. “All he is bothered about is gaining power. This afternoon, Chaos sent him on a mission to round up the rest of his men and stop attacking us gods and the Sasaki family, otherwise his life is over. The same could be said for you lot if you carried on with this mission. All of you are going to be sentence to life in prison.”
All five men bow their head making Detective Saitō point his hand at them. “If you did not want to go to prison, then why did you accept the mission in the first place? I mean look at you, you are all just boys, who have been led astray by older men who woke up one morning and realised they will never be leader of the Yamato all because a god is in charge. They also knew the Sasaki family means a lot to Tenjō and they knew it would devastate him if they were l—”
“Then someone needs to get to Handa Gokuraku-ji Temple,” interrupts a clean shaven bandit with tears in his eyes, “before our boss burns it to the ground.”
Yūrei is not about to tell the bandits he is already aware of what the leader is set to do. Then he wonders could he already there, hiding in the village or temple? Why is he waiting an entire week before he strikes? Unless he is waiting for a break in the weather or he is somewhere that is roughly a week away from Nara? This makes him question, “Come to think of it where is your boss?”
The five men look to one another and the first man replies, “In truth we have not seen him since he took all that gold and jewels. That is when we realised none of us are going to see any of it again.”
Commander Ōtomo’s eyes widen and he softly says, “There are still a group of Emishi left in Fukushima, some have been sighted in Iwaki and Hirono. I have an awful feeling that is where he is headed to give the, whoever in charge, that gold.”
The Great Warrior shakes his head. “It was centuries ago when we defeated them. In fact that is where the last of them fled to, when they released who and what the leader Yamato was. Nor can I see them helping him despite the gold.”
The Peacekeeper steps inside the room holding his abdomen. “I have to question is your boss bad or just suicidal? If he tries to get the last of the Emishi on his side and move them out of Fukushima he will have the Night Dragons swooping down on them,” he announces with a soft grunt of discomfort.
Yūrei slaps his masked face and calls himself, “Idiot!” He sighs and states, “When we were just past what is today Tokyo we had just reached Gunma. The three mountains Akagi, Tanigawa and Nikkō-Shirane are occupied by Night Dragons who had already stopped the Emishi from advancing to us and they also prevented us from going any further. Then they got both leaders to meet and that is when the leader of the Emishi found out that not only Dragons were real but also the leader of the Yamato was an incredibly powerful Soul Drinker. The lake that lies behind Mount Nikkō-Shirane is what Tenjō created. Thus ending the fight with the Emishi. To this day those same Night Dragons live around the three mountains I mentioned, they will not allow anyone to start the Clan Wars again. It will take him four days to reach Gunma and take him another four days to get back to take it upon himself to burn down the temple.”
Asuka gently takes hold of the king’s arm to take him out on to the walkway. He closes the door of the bathroom and whispers, “I do not think their leader would be that stupid taking on three Dragons whilst carrying stolen Dragon gold. I am starting to wonder if he has gone to Kyoto and using that gold to have the time of his life. You know yourself there are plenty of places where he can get a good bed and all the girls he wants.”
The Great Warrior claps his hands. “Yes, you are right. Also if he is a gambling man I bet he has gone to Unmei no Saikoro (Dice of Fate) which is one of the biggest gambling houses in Kyoto.” He chuckles and whispers, “I happen to know the owner and I can tell you he will know it is Dragon money. I think I will go and pay him a visit once we have dealt with them.”
Commander Ōtomo gives a sharp nod and opens the door to find the others are getting the men out of the bath.
Detective Saitō sniffs one of them and declares, “Well, at least you smell better now. I suggest you all get out of those wet clothes.”
All five men bow and walk in to the wash room to get changed into Yukata. Then they are marched to the temple and thrown into room that is only illuminated by a stone brazer.
The Masked Warrior is about to open a portal when Asuka comes walking over to him. “I know you are not wanting me to do this alone. So, you are welcome to join me, Commander.”
Commander Ōtomo's eyebrows rise to show he is a little surprised he said that. “Really? Are sure you do not wanting to do this alone?”
The legend clears his throat and says, “Think of it this way you will help me to not get pulled in by the owner. On second thoughts I may lose you to him. So, we will have to help each other to remain focused.”
The Commander strokes his beard and whispers, “I could keep him busy whilst you poke around.”
“I like that idea. However, I feel it is wrong to leave you with such a man. You will see what I mean,” responds Yūrei, opening a portal to a well lit street that is crammed with people.