Kuru is finishing her bowl of delicious soup which Zhìhuì had kindly made for her when the door opens and Commander Ōtomo enters who is closely followed by a very handsome Westerner who she has not seen in years. “Einar, it is wonderful to see you.”
The Soul Drinker gives her a quick hug, then makes his way over to the sleeping man and the lady informs him, “You remember Takahashi Sanjō, my brother’s guard?”
Einar nods and begins to question, “Has Tenjō and Zhìhuì been playing with his mind?”
The lady is surprised he can even sense it. Then she remembers how powerful he is and answers, “Yes, they have tried to place him in a peaceful place, why?”
The Soul Drinker places his hand to the man’s forehead and closes his eyes for a moment. “There, that is far better.”
His actions soon brings the Dreamer and Healer out of the kitchen. “Why have you undone it, Son?” Zhìhuì questions a little worried.
Einar’s eyes opens and he shakes his head. “Mother, you know full well Tenjō would not fully understand what he was seeing. The reason Sanjō keeps going back to what happened to him, is because he knew the boys who attacked him. And that is why they were being cautious because it is clear they are afraid of him. That is why one of them dived back to cut his arm and ran away. Sanjō knows the leader of the bandits is a fool, who would not hesitate to send out his men to die. Ah, it is looking like we have only put away the leader’s right hand man and not the true leader. The name he is repeating within his mind is Shimada Kazuya… My dear, do you recognise the name, yes?”
Kuru’s eyes open wide, she places a hand over her mouth and emits a muffled, “No it cannot be?”
Dōng cháo goes to her and gives her a hug for he can sense the lady is becoming afraid. “It is all right you do not have to tell us.”
The princess shakes her head and removes her hand from her mouth. “It is all right. Kazuya is the son of our music teacher Mr Shimada. I’m afraid I never knew his first name. This goes back to when we were teenagers. Kazuya got into a heated argument with my second brother Masato over the fact that we were allowed to be either gender and he just could understand how my family were so open when it came to sex. Einar, we were children, I never thought he would go through with his threats.”
The Westerner walks over to take hold of her hand. “Even so you could have told me or Mèng.”
Kuru shanks her hand and pats the back of the god’s hand. “Like I said, it was nothing more than a misunderstanding that turned quickly into a heated argument. Eventually Kazuya threatened to kill us all and wipeout everyone who my family had poisoned with our strange ways. Once everything had calmed down Masato told me it was all because Kazuya had seen him having sex with the stable boy. That is when we came to the same conclusion Kazuya must have followed them to the teahouse and peeked through the window. Otherwise he would never had known what they were getting up to in there.”
Einar’s eyes open really wide, then they close and he places the back of his right hand to his mouth and groans. This makes the lady take hold of his left hand and apologies, “Forgive me, I never intended to upset you.”
Dōng cháo stokes the Soul Drinker’s back and explains, “He is not upset… it is more like he has remembered something which has made him feel unwell.”
Zhìhuì quickly hands him a cup of tea. “Here this will make you feel better.”
The Westerner begins to chuckle, he removes his hand from his mouth and shakes his head. “I am afraid you are both wrong. I was remembering those heated debates between Kazuya and Masato. It was not because of what he saw. On contrary it was because Kazuya would never be allowed the same freedom.”
The Dreamer shakes his head. “You scanned him?”
Einar emits another slightly louder chuckle. “No, Mother. I merely step in to bring their debates to an end by finding out the reasons behind it. Poor Kazuya got nasty with me and snapped because I was a god I would be allowed to love whoever I wanted and it would not have an impact on the family or society. I explained to him, my first family were worried, mainly because I was the only one in my family who was into men. And of course it eventually got out and it was just awful for me and my parents. We had not only family shutting us out, even some of the mortals would have nothing more to do with us. Just like you the boys were shocked to hear this about my first family. My second family, on the other hand, could not give a damn what anyone thought. It was because both of them were also into the same sex and they knew it could be past on their children. I said to Kazuya for you to be into men it must also run in your family.”
Kuru is a little confused and questions, “Wait, you have two families?” She watches him float down to the foot of the bed and seems to release an awkward laugh. “Sorry, I should not have asked.”
“No really it is fine. I would say,” he clears his throat before he continues, “it is up to you how you want to interpret this, I was reincarnated. I know it sounds ridiculous, however, not when it comes to my race. We are eternal and when we are killed we are allowed to return.”
“I see, so even though you are born into a different body you are still the same person?”
“Very much. It was a little daunting as I got older how my first family would react to someone who was meant to be gone.”
“I can see them being a mix of shock and overjoyed to have you back,” sates Commander Ōtomo, who is pleased to finally hear the Ink Heart speak of his reincarnation and is hoping to hear more. However, he notices both Zhìhuì and Dōng cháo are looking a little concerned and this makes him wonder, could the Soul Drinker not like speaking of his first family?
Einar folds his arms and explains, “It was I who was shocked to discover I was born into my eldest brother Alrick’s family. There was nothing, absolutely nothing that made us what we are. My goodness this has really taken us off topic. I should get back to what I was saying about Kazuya. The thing was if his mother discovered he was in to men, she would throw him out.”
The Healer gasps and declares, “Oh, you are thinking it is a revenge attack?”
“Well, think about it, how else would these bandits know how to recognise the family and their personal guards without seeing a single tattoo. Kuru, my sweet, you have not changed much over the twenty years.”
The lady emits a soft giggle. “Kind of you to say, Einar. Even though I am getting on in my years.”
The Soul Drinker moves to the side of the bed, he places his hand to the side of her face and smiles. “You are still beautiful and being in your forties is not that old. This is what Kazuya looked for, as you well know all your family have been blessed with dashing good looks. It is not just that he would instantly recognise your lovely voice.”
“Einar, you are right, they all have a high-class way of speaking, it really does shine, just like your own. The problem is the family who were killed in Izumi how did he know the girl was of Sasaki family?”
“The thing is, Asuka, I do not think the fires are related… it is beginning to look like a separate matter of someone who wanting to wipeout the competition and somehow the family has just got caught up with it. The two men who are in Limbo are hiding the real reason they were targeted. I think in the morning I will pay the girl a visit.” Einar takes a deep breath and opens a portal to Tower Island. “Right now my head is heavy and bed is calling, so I bid thee good day.”
Commander Ōtomo quickly goes to him. “Would you like me to accompany you?”
The Ink Heart pats the side of Asuka’s face. “I’ll be fine, sweet dumpling. Besides you need to warn my love of what is going to happen.”
Just at that moment Yūrei enters and trots over to his lover. “I am sorry I missed you.”
“Do not worry about it, Asuka will fill you in. I need to sleep,” he gives him a quick kiss before he steps through.
Once the portal closes the Great Warrior looks to the Commander who goes on to tell him about the vision Einar had and only touches on what was discussed at the infirmary. The Masked Warrior also agrees they need to warn everyone in the village and Handa Gokuraku-ji Temple.
“I do believe my love is on to something,” says Yūrei, folding his arms, “for I also remember those heated debates and was thinking I should put an end to them. However, as you all heard Einar beat me to it. In a way I was glad he did because I knew they would not dare hide anything from him otherwise he would soon be giving them that look… the look he gave your second brother.”
Kuru takes hold of the king’s forearm and quickly asks, “What look are you talking about?”
“Sorry, I should say, his eyes narrow and his scowl deepens, then he will ask, why are you lying. Except he seemed to stop himself from saying it, instead he said quite sharply, ‘yes having a new baby can be tiring’. There was no hint of a smile that would indicate they were retiring early for some fun. When the fire broke out Tōran was nowhere to be found.”
“I knew you would get there in the end, my sweet Ink Summoner,” comes the Soul Drinker’s soft voice.
They watch him come stepping out of the portal holding a small scroll. “It is a good job I wrote it down because I was going to confront them the following day. The trouble is they were gone.”
“Einar, were they lying?” Kuru asks close to tears.
The Westerner unrolls the scroll and reads aloud, “Tōran was trying to hide his urgency to leave and his wife was really worried that I would see right through them. She was correct. I caught up with them in the stables for I knew they did not want the celebration to happen every time they had a child. They were so uncomfortable their sex life was being, in a way, put on display. And I completely sympathised them because it is what happened to me with my first family. My own father put on a party to celebrate that fact that I had a woman with child. I never liked the ordeal of having to give-in to… I told them if they wanted it to stop never announce they were going to have or had another baby. They both kiss me on the cheeks got into their palanquins and left.” He hands the scroll to the lady. “I am sorry I kept it from you. I just did not want to course them more embarrassment of your family discovering, yes, she was the mother of the child, however, she was not his wife.”
Everyone gasps, “What?”
Zhìhuì gives him a tap on the arm and asks, “Then who was she?”
“She was Haru hanabira (Spring petal) his head maid. His marriage to Princess Momo was nothing more than a show. For she was already with child by her lover who she returned to after the marriage and he ended up with the woman he truly loved. The reason I did not say anything was because I also know what states means and I could not allow them to not be with the ones they love, like I was denied all because of states and the fact that I preferred the company of men. Anyway, now you all know why Tōran left in a hurry that night. The ones who are behind the downfall of Sasaki Castle are Kazuya and the Major. We just need to find out why.”
“I agree, my love,” answers Yūrei, taking hold of his hand. “You did not just return to shear this with us, did you?”
Einar shakes his head. “You got me, my sweet Ink Summoner. I initially returned to remained Asuka, to inform you a certain young man is after you.”
Commander Ōtomo performs a quick bow to thank the Ink Heart. “Yes, Watanabe Takumi, was hoping you, Mèng, would join him for dinner.”
The Great Warrior smiles and gives him a pat on the arm. “Thanks for message. I shall go to him.”
The Westerner points his hand at Asuka and offers, “How’s about breakfast my place? I will make my famous flat bread.”
The Commander’s face fills with delight and wonder. “Ooh, yes, I would love to.”
“Wonderful. My dear princess, I am so sorry I did not share this information with you, twenty years ago… It’s just that I promised your brother I would keep it a secret.”
Kuru shakes her head. “I completely understand, because at the time if my parents discovered who his wife really was they would have been angry and upset that he lied to them. In the worst case I think father would have disowned him.”
“Ah, see you are just thinking the same as us, it was for the best for your father so reminded me of my first father who did not understand that his children did not want to be unhappy or in a way living a lie when they did not love the person they were with. Anyway, I am glad I finally said what really happened.”
Takahashi-san begins to stir and he mutters, “Kodokuna senshi (Lone warrior) is that you?”
Einar goes to him and places his hand upon the man’s chest. “Easy, you have been through quite an ordeal.”
The Royal Guard closes his eyes and sighs. “I still cannot believe I was attacked by Naruhito’s clan.”
“Naruhito? Who is that?”
Sanjō’s eyes look up at the god and he replies, “Major Kikuchi’s son, who controls the Akai Tsuru (Red Crane) Clan. Naruhito came to me after he had discovered half of his clan had been haired by Lieutenant Nakan and Rin of the Kuro Koi Clan to kill everyone who was present at Sasaki Castle on the night it was set alight. No one was meant to have survived. It was members of the Kuro Koi who caught up with me in the forest and I recognised two of the boys for they are from my village. It was clear from their expressions they did not want to kill me and that is why one cut my arm and ran off in to the forest. What Naruhito and I do not understand, why wait twenty years? And why does his father have such a grudge against the family? Naruhito was hoping I had the answers… unfortunately I have no idea why Shouji wanted to kill the family.”
“The problem is we got distracted on the fact that Dragon money was being used to bribe the bandits,” informs the Masked Warrior, folding his arms. “So, I never got it out of him why he was attacking the family.”
“It was a shock for all of us, your grace,” declares Kuru, placing a hand to her chest. “Speaking of arguments, I vaguely remember hearing Ōhiko shouting at… I think it was the Major’s daughter. All I can remember is myst still covered the garden and I could hear his voice bouncing off the walls. I had to go and find out what was wrong and by the time I reached the lower garden Shouji’s daughter past me on the steps. She had left my dear brother frustrated yet he would not tell me why. He just told me it was nothing and walked away. Ōhiko is not one for loosing his temper and it was clear whatever it was had clearly upset him. Going by your expressions I take it he has not said anything to either of you?”
The royal guard has another mouthful of tea before he responds, “I can remember one day he was not himself. Normally he would tell me anything which was troubling him. I am afraid he did give me the same answer that it was nothing. You are right, princess, something was bothering him.”
Commander Ōtomo places a hand to his chest. “Why don’t I go and have a chat with him? I was just thinking he might be more incline to tell me when I am not family or the king. Unless, Einar, that raised eyebrow means he told you?”
The Westerner’s lips form into a soft smile. “Oh, how observant of you,” he replies and chuckles. “I am afraid I was trying to signal I was intrigued to hear this about Ōhiko. Just like Sanjō, Ōhiko would not hide anything from me. Nor did I experienced him being the way you both described. So, the incident must have occurred when us gods were not present, hence the one raised eyebrow.”
Zhìhuì walks back and fourth with his hands behind his back. Then he walks over to the door and partly opens it. “Tenjō, come here please.”
A few minutes later the Leader of the Yamoto comes trotting into the infirmary along with Rì chū and listens to the Dreamer. Tenjō begins to shake his head, suddenly his eyes grow wide and he emits a sharp, “Oh!” This makes Zhìhuì giggle and question, “Ah, you do remember something?”
“Yes, it seemed to come from nowhere, his parents were suddenly really concerned for Ōhiko. The reason I remember is because the king was quite determined to sort the matter himself for he believed it was nothing he could not handle and there was no need to trouble us gods with it. I'm afraid I did not pry.”
“You really are too sweet for your own good,” expresses Einar, tapping his friend’s nose. “I would be scanning them to uncover what was troubling them. I must admit they did cover it up very well to keep it hidden from me.”
Kuru laughs and states, “There are no secrets with you, sweet Einar. You're right, they must have buried it deep in order for it to not prick your interest and have you going no use trying to hide things from me, mortal. Come on, out with it. Hmm, is that not so?”
“Ooh, Mieko, you know me too well,” responds the Westerner, kissing her on the forehead. “Hmm, if it was as they claimed nothing… then why hide it? Asuka, I think you are right he might be more inclined to tell you when he does not know you.”
Commander Ōtomo performs a slight bow and opens a portal to the mountain temple and steps through. He quickly makes his way over to the monastery and makes his way to the prince’s room and knocks on the door. “Enter,” comes Ōhiko’s voice from within. Asuka slides open the door and steps inside. “I hope I am not disturbing you, your highness?”
“Not at all,” answers the prince, placing a tile on to the board. “Care for a game of chess?”
The young monk sighs when he realises Ōhiko has beaten him again. He rises and remarks, “Watch it he is quick. I cannot beat him no matter how hard I try.”
“Ah, there is your problem, lad, you are trying too hard.”
The monk bows to him and walks out of the room.
The Commander goes on to take a seat and they starts to play. After a while he brings up what the princess had mentioned about Ōhiko arguing with the Major’s daughter.
The prince sighs and shakes his head. “I knew eventually my sister would remember that. I might as well come clean. Chiyoko was in love with me and even though I let her down gently she still persisted. That morning my sister spoke of Chiyoko, the Major’s daughter placed my hand to her breast and practically demanded I give her a child.”
The tile drops from Asuka fingers and he gasps, “What?!”
“I know and that is why I lost it. I made it damn clear to her, that there was no why in hell I would just take her when all she wanted was my title. I just could not understand why she was so desperate to have a royal baby. I explained to her that I may never become king because back then I had two older brothers. I swear this is what she said, ‘if something were to happen to them, then you would be king’. I just could not believe she was suggesting, I just told her to leave, which she did. Thinking about it that was the last time I saw her and Shouji became bitter towards me. Of course I informed my parents and after father had a word with him he did kind of return to his former self. Well, in front of them, and the rest of the family, yet he still remained bitter towards me.”
“I am also puzzled, why was Chiyoko only interested in you when you were, and forgive me for saying, not the crown prince.”
“No way am I offended, Commander, when you are right. Yes, she was hopelessly in love with me and I cannot blame her when I was quite a catch back then.”
“What are you saying? You are still a catch now. I am not lying you are very handsome.”
Ōhiko blushes and awkwardly responds, “That is very kind of you to say.”
Asuka strokes his beard and clears his throat. “Surely it cannot be that which turned him against your entire family?”
The prince’s eyebrows slightly rise and he responds, “I hope not… then again their reaction was a little extreme. I mean I tried to make her understand that she was not the kind of woman I would go for. I prefer a lady that has some meat on her bones and nice plump breasts. She was thin and barely had any breasts. Not pleasant at all, wouldn’t you agree?”
Commander Ōtomo smiles and replies, “Well, kind of. The thing is I do not care for thin men. I’m the same, a man has to have a nice fit body, with a lovely peach.”
They both laugh and Ōhiko apologises, “Sorry if I made you feel uncomfortable.”
“Not at all, for I have brothers who are into women or who are into both sex. It is great fun because my older brothers would be eyeing up a girl as well as a nice lad for me.”
“That is wonderful to hear they understood and never forced you to be with a lady.”
“Nor did our parents, they were happy with whatever gender we came home with… wait, did you explain to the girl your ideal woman or did you just say you’re not my type?”
Ōhiko takes a moment to think, then his eyes grow wide and he quickly answers, “Yes, all I said was that you’re not my type… oh, no they just jumped to the conclusion I was into men, didn’t they, all because most of my family were in to the same sex or switched gender. Thinking back they did not seem to like the idea of Mieko choosing to be a girl when she used to be a boy. I can vaguely remember the… I think it was the head maid, who was giving Shouji a lecture on his behaviour towards my sister. It got me thinking why is he our Major when he doesn’t understand she is happy being a girl.”
“I agree. We sometimes have this kind of issue come up in the Aoi Koi and they get warnings and reminded our leader is only into men, however, he does allow straight man in to our merry group.”
“I think it is wonderful how understanding he is. It is also great he doesn’t expect every man he has to be the same as him,” remarks the prince, winking his left eye at the Commander. “I bet for you he is really hard to rest, hmm?”
Asuka emits a soft chuckle and clears his throat. “Yes, he is very handsome. The thing is I find Tenjō to be too serious, and you feel like you could not have a joke with him. Unlike Einar, he is completely different, as you well know.”
Ōhiko gives a sharp nod and large smile spreads across his face. “Yes, he is amazing and you are correct he has a great sense of humour, we always had fun when he was around. I also like the way Einar just speaks his mind and tells amazing stories.”
The Commander releases a soft sigh and a happy smile spreads across his face. “I could listen to him all day. He has such a wonderful voice.”
“My, I do not think I have heard anyone describe his voice like that before,” declares the prince, rising his eyebrows. “I am gathering you are in love with him?”
“Yes, you could say I am madly in love with him and to be honest I do not know why, I just am.”
“Well, I cannot blame you, for he is very handsome and I must admit that voice of his is quite captivating. And I am only in to women, yet the moment I hear Einar speak even I find it attractive and hard to resist.”
They both laugh.
Commander Ōtomo clears his throat and questions, “Hold on it cannot be the same Major who was at the castle that is now within the Yamato? Yet they do have the same name… Was Shouji young when he became Major?”
Ōhiko has a think and answers, “No, he was a late middle aged man who was going white. Oh my goodness you are right… it cannot be him, yet he has fooled all of us in to thinking he is Shouji. So who is he? Major Kikuchi’s son?”
Asuka shivers and quickly responds, “I have no idea and I am kind of creeped out.”
“You are not the only one. The question is what to do? I guess hopefully see if Mèng and Tenjō have also figured it out.”
Asuka gives a sharp nod and opens a portal back to Hatsugano and trots in to Dōng cháo’s home to find Takahashi is enjoying a bowl of soup with Kuru by his side. “Is Mèng and the others still here?”
“Yes, Commander,” answers the princess a little baffled by the Aoi Koi’s urgency. “What’s the matter?” When Commander Ōtomo explains both Mieko and Sanjō gasp and agree it cannot be the same man.
“It is his son,” informs Tenjō as he enters the room. “Sorry for the confusion. Allow me to explain, I have just returned from chatting with him. I can now conform he is Major Kikuchi’s son Akihito."