Captain Satō is in his office when the king comes trotting in asking, “What is your evidence, Toshirō?”
Satō holds up a Fukuda family tree and answers, “My little team and I have discovered this might go back to the case of Yōsuke, Hirohito’s second uncle. The first uncle Masahiko died of natural causes. The other three were murdered. According to the police repots Yōsuke was accused of killing a fourteen year old boy named Ichikawa Kousuke. Yōsuke denied having anything to do with the boy and there was no evidence to connect him with the child’s death. It was in fact his twin Masahiko who killed the child. Now this is when it gets a little twisted, when I said that Masahiko died of natural causes, the truth is he was most likely poisoned.”
The Great Warrior slightly shakes his head. “Poisoned? How?”
Toshirō starts to look around his desk, that is filled with documents and picks up a clay vile. “He was given Hemlock,” he replies, holding it up, “by his wife. After his death she informed the police that he liked to rape young girls and she believed the reason Kousuke was killed, is because he saw Masahiko in the forest rapping a girl. This was confirmed by the young lady who was too afraid to tell the police after Masahiko threatened to kill her after she had given birth to his child. The poor girl was with child and she informed the police she was one of six girls in the town that Masahiko had raped until they fell with child. Then a midwife stepped forward to tell the police it was in fact eight girls and Kousuke was not the only victim. Masahiko had killed two men. Unfortunately she did not have their names. So, we suspect it is a member of those unknown men who are wanting to wipeout the Fukuda family. However, it has been brought to light that Masahiko also liked to gamble dice and one of those men could have done him out of a lot of money.”
“Ah, I see, this could be gang related. Did the midwife by chance say if any of the girls were tattooed?”
Satō frowns and enquiries, “What has that got to with it?”
The Masked Warrior giggles and places the Captain's face between his hands. “You are so sweet. You are such a cut clean boy, you would never step one foot inside a gambling house in your life.” He pats the left side of his face and informs him, “The dealer will be practically naked to show off their gang related tattoos. Even the women will only have a strip of cloth around their breasts and of course, just like the men wearing a loincloth. When they are dressed all gangs mark their topcoats with their crests or in some cases they will wear a certain colour. When it comes to the girls they will have a hairpin or something around their necks as a warning she is part of a gang.”
“See, we needed you on this case a lot sooner,” remarks Toshirō and starts to laugh. “You are right I am too clean cut for my own good. And that is why I never knew that about the rough end of town. I do not drink or gamble or look for alternative company. For my sweet Miyoko is all I need.”
“I cannot blame you, Miyoko is a fine woman. Let me guess you have had her checking the bathhouses?”
They start to hear a lady softly laughing and she informs the king, “No, I volunteered and what I discovered is the White Phoenix is not supplying the oil.”
Yūrei turns around to see Miyoko is dressed in her light pink Kimono that has cascading cherry blossom petals down the front of it and all of her hair has been neatly pined back. “What? How is that possible when the place stinks of it?”
Mrs Satō turns slightly back and calls, “Kuru, come and tell them.”
The voice that responds, “No, I do not want to interrupt his highness,” was clearly by a man who is putting on a feminine voice.
When Miyoko returns her gaze to the Great Warrior he can tell by her expression she is asking him for help. He walks over to the entrance to see a nervous late middle aged lady, who is dressed in a light purple Kimono that has a Phoenix going across her chest, is standing at the base of the steps. He slips on his boots and goes to her along with Mrs Satō.
“Yūrei, this is the owner of the White Phoenix, Kuru. I have confirmed she does not use that oil that has been deliberately poured around the outside of her establishment.”
The owner of the White Phoenix emits an angry grunt as she tells him, “Every bleeding time a member of that family are picked off, my place gets doused in that awful oil. I can tell you now, your grace, I would never use anything that cheap in my bathhouse. So why is someone trying to frame me?”
“I wish I knew. How many days after the house is burnt down your place is targeted?”
“Always the following day, when I arrive the outside is covered in that foul stuff. Someone must be riding like hell to get back here before dawn or they have an accomplice here in Nara who is doing it.”
Toshirō comes trotting down the steps and tells them, “It takes roughly two hours to get from here to Izumi and back, so that will leave them plenty of time to frame you, Madam Kuru. Might I ask have you had any dealings with the Fukuda family?”
The owner of the White Phoenix slightly raises her hand and enquiries, “Let me guess, you are thinking all of this started with the twins Yōsuke and Masahiko? Daigo and Hirohito’s uncles, right?” Toshirō nods and Kuru continues, “I am afraid to say you are wrong because the fires only started when I was in my twenties. I am the owner of the Dancing Dragon which is a gambling house, that lies in Hatsugano, Izumi, that is where all the fires have occurred. The reason I know this is because every month I am in the city checking on my business and Daigo always pays me a visit.”
“Now you see why I have brought her to meet you both, Daigo is not dead,” expresses Miyoko. “Nor was he married.”
Kuru shakes her head and explains, “Daigo is very much alive. Twenty years ago he inherited Amai Mitsu (Sweet Honey) one the biggest Saké houses that lies in Ayumino, Izumi from his uncle Ichirō. I should explain how I know it is him, it is because for the past eighteen years every time he visits me, in my office at the Dancing Dragon, he places his cheek to mine and whispers in my ear, 'It is wonderful to see you, Flower. And when he leaves he will always wink his left eye and say, 'Always a pleasure doing business with you, I will have those Saké delivered as soon as possible. Until next month, take care'. This all started year after I congratulated him on his marriage. The poor man was a mix of anger and confusion. When I explained to him it was going around town, he started to laugh and told me, 'I would never be allowed to marry you. You are the kind of woman I want to be with'. Then he pressed his cheek to mine and told me he was falling in love with me, so I told him I how much I loved him and I understood why he could not be with me. You can meet him yourselves, for he will be in my gambling house tomorrow morning.”
Satō starts to flick through his notebook and asks, “Please can you give me a description of him, so I can compare?”
“Yes, of course, he is my hight, quite well stacked, like our king,” responds the owner of the White Phoenix, pointing her hand at Yūrei. “Beautifully trimmed moustache and beard and his long fringe frames his round face. The rest of his hair is tied back with a ribbon that matches his clothes. He always dresses in light yellow and grey Hakama. Dangling from the front of his belt is the cutest ceremonial Saké barrel and next to it is a Masu that has been stained red to match the barrel. I also should mention the bee he has upon the left side of his topcoat and his earrings for they have Onaga feathers hanging off the ends of series of amber coloured beads.”
“Oh my goodness that description is nothing like what I have. I was told Daigo was a tall thin man who dressed in your typical formal wear, black Kimono, topcoat with dark grey Hakama. His hair in a neat top bun like mine and he was clean shaven.”
“That sounds like their youngest brother that ran Hisui no hana (Jade flower) in Hatsugano and was the first to be killed. Daigo will be happy to conform it.”
The Great Warrior places a hand to his chest and offers, “How’s about Detective Saitō and I come to the Dancing Dragon to have a chat with him?”
Kuru nods and smiles. “That will be fine. Something I should mention, Daigo is calling the police hopeless and he is not pleased that in twenty years the ones responsible have never been caught.”
“In that case I will ask the Peacekeeper Nakagawa Katsuhito to come with me.”
“Yes, that is a much better choice. Daigo likes him and his music. I am guessing because of my relationship with Daigo is why my bathhouse is a target because I am there more. It has also prevented your leader from having this conversation with me,” states the owner of the White Phoenix, raising her eyebrows.
Yūrei kisses the back of the lady’s hand. “You are absolutely right, the strong scented oil prevents him from investigating himself. So, he is having to rely on his own Peacekeepers to work alongside the police to catch the culprit. The problem is the captain here has been hampering the case and just not handling it correctly. Now I am on the case because of a young lady has brought it to my attention and I hope to solve it.”
Kuru smiles and enquires, “Who is this lady?”
“Kayoko daughter of Hirohito, that is what she told me in her letter. I can tell by your expression it is not true.”
The owner of the White Phoenix jaw clenches and she answers, “I think I will let Daigo tell you about that, because I find it too upsetting.”
“I completely understand. One last question, why do you think the Fukuda family are being targeted?”
The owner of the White Phoenix frowns and answers, “I think it is all Hirohito doing, because his brothers and other members of his family have really successful businesses. I know through Daigo, Hirohito’s bakery at the time of the first fire was struggling. And the reason he was killed is because he could not pay his hitman. Then I am also thinking this is a bit extreme taking down the entire family.”
Miyoko nods and smiles, “I agree with you, eight deaths is a bit excessive.”
“Hold on, eight? What are you on about? There has not been that many,” informs Kuru looking to each of them.
Toshirō sighs and responds with a touch of anger to his voice, “I thought the police were connecting every unexplained house fire to this case. All together, that is including this latest one, there has been only three fires in Hatsugano, right?”
“Yes, because my bathhouse has only been covered in that cheap oil three times. It always happens in winter around the same time, eight years apart. Like I have said the first to be murdered was the youngest brother, second was their cousin who ran a music shop and third is Hirohito’s bakery.”
“Interesting for Kayoko paints a different picture. In her letter she is implying that there are not many members of her family left. Also the Peacekeeper Nakagawa Katsuhito has informed me there are only three members of the family left. However, you have conformed Daigo is alive, so that means that someone is making it sound worse than it actually is.”
The owner of the White Phoenix emits a frustrated sigh and declares, “Yes there are only three members that still bare the Fukuda name. This is because years ago the name was linked to rape and murder, which Mr Satō has discovered, and as a result the family were divided. Daigo’s parents changed their surname to Tamura. The only ones to still bear the name Fukuda were Shingo, Hirohito and their younger brother, I think his name was Kazuyuki. Daigo will tell you. This was all reported when the youngest brother was murdered. Daigo is going to be so angry that even now this case is still a mess and nothing correct has been documented.”
Yūrei places his hands behind his back and begins to walk back and fourth. “This is not just to do with Hirohito wanting to take out his rivals so his business could prosper. Someone is killing them because the Fukuda name has been blacken. You said this all started twenty years ago,” he watches Kuru nod and he continues, “well, Kayoko is only in her early twenties. That girl rode for her life to reach me. Two days she rode bleeding from a stab wound to her back. Another member of the family was shot with arrows as he tried to escape. This is noting to do with the past… what did the family do twenty years ago that has made them once again become a target?”
The owner of the White Phoenix steps a little closer to the king and whispers, “I think I should tell you this. Daigo was told by the head maid that served Hirohito, the girl is not theirs for they had another heathy baby boy, who was over night replaced with the girl. She also told him that they are covering up a tattoo with makeup. She did not say where, she just told him it was royalty.”
The Great Warrior folds his arms and whispers, “If she is a member of the Sasaki royal family and was given to Hirohito would bring the hunters crashing down on them. The only serving member is in my town undercover. That is why Tenjō is being kept off this case…”
The next thing they here is a rumbling sound and Satō calling, “Tenjō, how are you?”
The Light One pats him on the arm. “I am fine. I came mainly to see how you were and to inform you all… of something that should not be discussed in the open.”
Toshirō point his hand to his office. “It is all yours.”
Tenjō gently pats Miyoko’s arm to indicate she can join them, he then looks to the other lady and smiles. “Just the person I need. Please come inside.”
Kuru performs a slight bow and walks with them in to the room.
The Soul Drinker waits for everyone to take a seat, he clears his throat and reports, “This case is a mess. It has been kept that way on purpose, mainly because they do not want the truth to be revealed. Twenty years ago the Sakaki royal family were attacked by another clan, over the years the serving members have been hunted down and killed. The reason I am at the Inryoji Temple is because Prince Masaharu is hiding there. I did not know this until last night when he came to my chamber and revealed his tattoos. He told me his daughter was taken from his home when she was just a baby. She would be recognised by the red dragon upon her left upper arm.”
“It is being hidden by makeup,” informs Kuru, performing a slight bow.
“When did your love interest Daigo give you this information?”
“Twenty years ago. The thing is he was thinking they must be mistaken for he knew the royal family were killed. Another thing he could not conform it. Nor was he ever going to see Hirohito after what he did to his son and the Peacekeeper.”
Tenjō nods in agreement. “I completely understand, my dear. Yūrei, I was thinking if it was exposed you would have come and told me.”
“Yes. However, the doctor and I were too focused on her wound to pay any attention to the rest of her body. Also I was trying to not to look at her in case she was not wearing anything under her Kimono. One thing I did notice though she was just wearing a strip of cloth across her breasts. I was thinking that must be uncomfortable being so tight around her chest.”
Miyoko places her hands to her chest and questions, “Did it look like they were being pushed into her body?”
“I would say so. It looked like to me they were trying to reduce her size.”
“Ow! Yes, that would be very uncomfortable for her.”
Kuru slightly rises her left hand. “To me that sounds like she could be injured and had to bind her chest to stop the bleeding.”
“No, for I had a Healer check her over and he would have found another injury. The poor girl is just binding her chest to hide, the fact that she has a healthy one,” implies the Masked Warrior, rubbing the side of his neck.”
The Soul Drinker gives an uncomfortable cough and suggests, “Before us men faint, let’s return to the subject of finding out if the girl is a member of the lost royal family.”
The king rises and offers, “How’s about I go and find out before we continue this conversation?”
“I am so pleased to have you finally on this case,” answers Tenjō with a smile.
Yūrei performs a slight bow before he opens a portal to his home town and steps through. He quickly trots over to Doctor Okamoto place to be stopped at the door by a police officer. “I am so sorry, your highness, no one can enter,” he leans a little closer to whisper, “she is being changed.”
“Ah, I see. How is the girl doing?”
“Fine, your grace, considering what the poor lady has been through. I helped the doctor to give her some tea. The Healer has also returned, he is currently making her a regenerative soup. Whatever that is?”
“It is a soup made from vegetables that are high in iron and rich in other vitamins. It is very nutritious. And the reason for the name, is because it gives you a welcome boost to your energy.”
“Now I understand. It sounds amazing.”
“It certainly is and the smell alone makes you crave it, for it smells wonderful. I personally put it down to Guāngxiàn’s amazing cooking.”
The door opens and the Healer responds, “Why, that is very kind of you to say, Mèng. Come on in. It is all right, I have put up a screen.”
“You’re welcome, my good friend,” says the Masked Warrior, stepping inside and closes the door. “Makoto, I am here to take a look at her left upper arm. Does it look like it is covered in makeup?”
“Well, isn’t that a coincidence,” remarks Guāngxiàn, “I was just informing the doctor what lies under that makeup.”
“When he arrived I was looking at my hand after I had touched the girl’s arm,” informs Doctor Okamoto from behind the screen. “Bless him, he thought I had hurt myself. Go head tell him.”
“It is the mark of the Sasaki royal family. I was suggesting to Makoto we leave it covered up. Unless you are wanting us to expose it?”
Yūrei rests his head upon the Healer’s shoulder and breathes a sigh of relief. “No, leave it as it is. It just helps with the murder investigation. It is the same clan who voweled to take down the royal family years ago. Right, I will inform Tenjō.”
“I am sorry I did not detect it when you first found her. I was mainly focused on her wound and vital organs.”
The Great Warrior gives him a hug. “Seriously you do not need to apologise. Now do I tell Haraki?”
“I would,” says the Doctor, walking over to them. “He has every right to know a member of his family is lying here.”
Guāngxiàn gives his friend a pat on the back. “I agree with her. Go and tell him.”
The king gives a sharp nod, then he walks out of the building and trots over to the White Rabbit. He is removing his boot when Kiko comes trotting down to him and the king quickly takes her in to a nearby room.
“I do not mean to frighten you, have you had any unexpected guests?”
The young lady shakes her head. “No. Why do you ask? Has it got something to do with the lady Doctor Okamoto is taking care of?”
Yūrei gets her to take a seat upon his knee and tells her, “That lady is in danger, that is why the police are guarding the building. I need you to call them if you see anyone you do not know, understand?”
“Yes, I will do that.”
The Great Warrior gives her a kiss, before he stands her up. “Sorry, I need to see Haruki and get back to Tenjō.”
Kiko slides open the door and replies, “I understand.”
The Masked Warrior gives her another kiss before he continues down to Sasaki-san’s office and knocks on the door. “Come in,” comes the owner’s voice from inside. Yūrei steps inside closing the door behind him and goes on to embrace his queen.
Haruki can tell it is more of a concerned hug rather than his usual loving embrace. “What is it?”
The king sits back and takes hold of his hands. “I thought you should know, the girl I helped, is a member of your family.”
The owner of the White Rabbit's eyes begin to fill with tears. He takes a breath and enquires, “Oh my goodness! She really has the dragon?”
“Yes, it has been conformed by Guāngxiàn. Do you know Prince Masaharu?”
Sasaki-san frowns for a moment, then his expression turns really happy and answers, “Yes, he is one of my uncle Ryōta’s eight sons. I should say from my father’s side of the family. We would only see them in summer. Masaharu would let me dress as a girl when I was with him and he made me officially his sister. Mainly because he has always wanted one. I am so pleased to hear he had a daughter.”
The Great Warrior is pleased his queen twigged without him telling him who the lady’s father was. “I have to ask, have you ever heard of either the Fukuda or Tamura family?”
The owner of the White Rabbit clutches his hands to his chest and his expression is a mix of anger and upset. “The Fukuda family have a history of rape, murder and gambling. I was warned that some of that awful family had changed their name to Tamura, who I discovered were actually really nice and just straight forward businessman. I bet you have already been told about Ichirō owner of Amai Mitsu?”
“Indeed I have and he sounds like he was a very respectable man. His nephew Daigo has taken it over.”
“I am so happy to hear that, for Ichirō did not have children. The reason I know him is because of my uncle… Shinji had a real, and I mean a real soft spot for him.”
“Oh I see, so your uncle knew him because he liked Saké?”
Sasaki-san laughs and shakes his head. “No, he hated it. Ichirō would always give him this lovely, fragrant plum wine that was called Amai Mitsu, because it was the colour of honey. However, he would call it premium Saké.”
“How interesting and I wish I could stay and hear more, it’s just that I need to get back to Tenjō to inform him of this good news.”
“Please tell him to let Masaharu know I am alive and I will also take care of his daughter.”
Yūrei gives him a passionate kiss and tells him, “I will pass the message on to him. I will be back this evening and once I have seen the lady I will come to you for the night, if that is all right with you.”
Haruki returns the kiss and places his hand upon the king’s groin. “Yes, it would be nice to have some fun.”
The Great Warrior places his hand on top and smiles. “Hmm, definitely, I would also like that, my queen.”
Sasaki-san gently pushes him away and orders him, “Go, my king, before I make love to you and make Tenjō angry for keeping you.”
They kiss again before the Great Warrior leaves the room. He runs down to the entrance, puts on his boots and opens a portal to the Main Yamato court and steps through. He runs back over to Satō’s office and the Soul Drinker remarks, “I thought we had lost you.”
The Masked Warrior goes on to explain and Tenjō is pleased to hear Haruki is willing to protect the young lady. “Well, since we are dealing with three murders, I have decided to launch Aoi Koi (Blue Koi).”
When Mr and Mrs Satō and the king gasp and there is a hit of concern in their shocked expressions it makes Kuru enquire, “What are Aoi Koi?”
The leader of the Yamato performs a slight bow. “Forgive me, they are my personal guard of elite warriors. They know it is not good when I deploy them. The thing is I want to bring this case to a close before we lose anyone else.” He goes on to open the side door and beckons with his left hand.
A few minutes later the main door of the office opens and in steps a man who is dressed in fine, blue armour, with his helmet tucked under his right arm. “You called, Heavenly Warrior,” he says dropping down on one knee.
“Madam Kuru, this is General Ōtomo of the Aoi Koi, he will be keeping an eye on your bathhouse.”
The owner of the White Phoenix turns to the man and bows. She is pleased to see him smile and bow in return. “You think I need protection?”
Tenjō gently takes hold of her hand and express, “I would rather give it and not need it, because if do not something is bound to happen. If you understand what I mean?”
Kuru turns her attention once more to the elite warrior with his hair in a neat bun and perfect factual hair. “I do… I just wished the outside of my place did not stink, when we have such a honourable man staying.”
“Then allow me to inform you, madam, my men have been washing it down,” informs the General. “Your ladies have also helped.”
The owner of the White Phoenix is surprised to be told a group of fine warriors were willing to clean. “Oh, I am so pleased to hear that," she answers with a slight bow. "Well, I should make sure you and your men get a nice meal and a bath to thank you all for your hard work.”
General Ōtomo helps the lady to rise and escorts her out of the office, he even helps her put on her boots and continues to walk with her across the courtyard.
The Great Warrior takes hold of his friend’s hand. “Seriously, are you in danger? Is that why you called for the Aoi Koi?”
Tenjō pats the back of the Eternal's hand and shakes his head. “You know I have never needed them. I have deployed them to protect the last of the Sasaki family, like I have always done. I do not want the last of them to be murdered by the Bitō Clan who simply do not understand that being with the same sex is not a crime. That is the other reason for deploying my guard, they will treat and protect people like Kuru as though they are real women in memory of Princess Keishin.”
Yūrei bows his head in respect; Princess Keishin was murdered by the Bitō Clan when it was discovered she was in fact a man. Her father Emperor Shinnō out of his anger and upset created the Aoi Koi Army. An army like no other, for it is made up of men who are into the same sex or both and will treat any man who likes to be a woman with same kindness he would any woman. When he was killed his dying wish was to give his army to Tenjō so they can continue their duties. Over the years Tenjō has allowed straight men into the army on the grounds they obey the rules of the Yamato and treat everyone with fearless and kindness.
“I understand. What do you need me to do?”
The Light One takes a turn of the room and informs them, “I also came to tell you of the odd vision I have been having. I am seeing you with Einar. You are in full armour waring your demon mask, holding a baby with your army behind you and you have your Black Katana drawn. I think Einar is deploying a barrier and in the background there is a roar of a Dragon. Even I have a glowing stone within my hand, that I know creates a storm. We are all being illuminated by an illumination stone that is floating above us. All I can see in the sky are bright stars and the moon is at his very first stage of appearance. I am unable to determine when or where this is going to take place.”
“Oh my, Tenjō, you have been able to give me more than my husband was able to, for he just saw me holding the baby, as you described me. Until he gets more information he does not seem to be too worried. What about you?”
“I feel the same way. There is no point dwelling on it until we know when it will happen.”
“The moon,” says Satō, “he will appear again in a weeks time.”