“Yes, I will do just that.” The lad makes sure his Kimono is straight and tries to put the pieces of fringe back only to have them spring back to frame his eyes. He takes a breath before he makes his way through the house to reach the front door just as the Bitō knocks on it. He slips on some Setta and quickly hides the king’s boots in the cupboard before he opens the door.
The Bitō performs a shallow bow. “I trust you are well?”
“Yes, I am much better.”
“I am pleased to hear.” He bows again before he turns and walks away.
Watanabe-san takes a deep breath and quickly goes after him. “I was going to invite you in for some tea. Unless you are on a deadline?”
The big man is somewhat puzzled by this sudden invite into the young man’s home. He performs a slight bow and follows him inside for he knows it would be rude of him to decline.
Takumi shows him into a nice sitting room that is decorated with wallhangings of red-crowned cranes. Then he leaves and makes his way to the kitchen to find the king has already made a start on the tea. “What are you doing? You are my guest.”
“I could see how uncomfortable I have made you dealing with a man that is not to your liking.”
“My parents told me I was too picky and I should not judge a man purely on his appearances. They were right, because he seems really nice at the moment. I will scream if I need your assistance.”
“Fear enough. I will be on the walkway outside. Do not worry I will not catch cold.”
Watanabe-san picks up the tray and bows to the king before he makes his way back to the Bitō, who even helps him to set the tray down on the floor. He takes hold of the lad’s hand and tells him, “Please do not force yourself to do this. I know I am not pleasant on the eyes… this is gluttony for you. I was too young to stop them from turning me in to this. When I was old enough I left home. However, as you can see the damage to my body has already been done. It is why I became a delivery boy to get my weight down and I have lost a lot. Trust me I could not even ride a horse a few years ago.”
“What are saying, your parents made you big?”
The man sighs and rises. “I should explain my clan is not responsible for the fall of Sasaki castle. However, they do live life of luxury and have allowed their greed to blind them. I am not lying they have become fat and lazy. I was forced to consume larger and larger amounts of food and when I refused I was whipped. One day my once slim body was gone and I became a horrible sweaty man. I know you were not really ill, it was the thought of making love to a fat slob which made you wrench. I cannot blame you when I am nothing other than a fat, stinky slob. And on that note I will take my leave before I make you sick again.”
Takumi goes to him and takes hold of his hand. “I am so sorry for what has happened to you. My offer still stands if you have had enough of shifting stinky barrels.”
“I would like that very much. The thing is I want to find out who is ordering such a nasty cheap bathing oil. Once I have delivered it I make for the nearest bathhouse and scrub myself raw. Like I have already mention the Bitō Clan had nothing to do with the Sasaki family. I am begging to uncover we were framed. I am worried that who was really behind it has started again to kill the remaining members. When I heard about the fires in Izumi I started think is this oil I am delivering being used for that? This is why I have started my own investigation to uncover what really happened at Sasaki Castle. Before I say anything else, I want to make it clear I did not stop here on purpose because you are a Watanabe. A man in your village recommended you to me.” He places a hand to his chest and continues, “I swear from the bottom of my heart I fancy you. It is why I kept coming back, because I wanted you to get to know me for who I am and not what you see. I am not bothered about your connections… I just wanted to get to know you.”
Watanabe-san takes hold of his hand and apologises, “I am sorry for lying to you. Nor should I judge you before I had gotten to know you. You do seem quite a decent man who is trying to solve a mystery and your information could be the key to solve it.”
“You are pinning too much hope on me. I should at least give you my name, Bitō Yutaka.”
They bow and young man tells him, “My name is Takumi. Surely you have the name and the address of person you are taking it to?”
The well-built man laughs and expresses, “No, name and the address leads to a Buddhist Temple in Sakai that lies next to a small keyhole shape tomb. From the parking area, where I have to leave the barrels, I am able to see the cemetery. I never see anyone. I just do as I am told, take the money that has been left for me in the box and leave stinking to high heaven.”
Takumi gets him to sit down and have a cup of tea. “So, the same place every time?”
“Yes… I will say this, it is all very, very strange and a bit creepy. Oh, I should also mention it is always the same number of barrels twenty-one. What happens to them after I leave them is anyones guess. I asked the monks if they had seen anyone and they all told me the same thing by morning the barrels are gone and all they hear in the middle of the night is a cart squeaking its way down the narrowed road. The Kannushi told me I should mention the odd delivery to the Yamato. I was thinking on the way back I could make a slight detour and make a stop at the Main Court in Nara. Then it dawned on me I have nothing.”
“No, you have plenty to give them… is that not so, Uncle?”
The Bitō watches the doors to the walkway open to revel the king, who is dressed in his legendary armour, comes stepping inside. This makes Yutaka perform the Kowtow and quickly says, “Your Highness, I swear I would never harm any member of your family.” He is surprised to fell a hand under his chin and his head is gently lifted. This is when he sees the king is not wearing his classic demon mask, for this one seems more human and he watches his lips into a soft smile.
“You do not have to bow to me, lad,” instructs the king, “especially when I have been out there this whole time listening in. Takumi is right, your information is valuable. I can tell from the tone of your voice you speak the truth. Might I enquire who do you work for?”
“I work for Jasmine Rose,” answers Yutaka, listening to them both softly gasp. “I know one of the biggest perfume makers in Japan. The owner Takada-san has nothing to do with that smelly oil, that task falls to Miss Murata and she told me it is for cleaning drains. She told me not to ask questions, just do as I am told. Drop off the oil at location and take payment, which I am allow to keep.” He goes on to remove the pouch from the straps of his Hakama and opens the top. “The thing is they pay me in gold coins, the likes of which I have never seen before.”
The Bitō pulls one out and shows it to them. When the king holds out his slender right hand he sets the coin upon his palm.
“My word, that is pure gold,” states Yūrei, turning the coin over. “Chrysanthemum on both sides and no other markings. I see what you mean, this is odd… very odd. Well, it adds more mystery to the delivery. And takes me back to the Clan Wars when similar money was used to pay for men to throw their lives away in order to protect their king. Also the Chrysanthemum represents the Montoku royal family. Funny enough they refused to come under the rule of the Yamato, until the third son became emperor. Sorry I am just muttering away.”
“It is quite all right,” says Yutaka, performing a slight bow. “It is fascinating to know… surely this cannot be that same money?”
The Masked Warrior again rotates the coin within his slender fingers. “I believe it is… The problem is that family no longer exists. Like most families, during the Clan Wars they were wiped out or changed their family name once they became part of the Yamato. It was one of the most strangest things to occur in that time. You know you could just take this money and just run.”
“Oh, I was tempted when I received my first payment. The thing is I wanted to discover why they felt the need to pay me this way and more importantly what were they doing with their odd order. I admit I am a coward. I would not stay at the monastery to catch them in the act. When I discovered they came during the night I thought I would not be able to see anything just some moving shapes.”
The young man gives the Bitō a pat on the arm. “You are not a cawed, I say it is best to just carry out the order and leave, for you have no idea what the recipient is like. I say it is not worth the risk.”
“I agree with Takumi. It is a shame I have missed your last order and I take it there will not be another one for quite some time?”
“Yes, I am afraid so, your grace. It will be another three years before they make the next order.”
“Damn. Yet it tells me they are still operating in Izumi, which means it is a separate case to what is happening here in less than a weeks time and his target is not the family… it must be the temple.” The legend sighs and apologises, “Sorry, there I go again muttering away to myself.”
“It is all right, uncle, you have a lot going on at the moment. In a way I have added to it.”
“In a good way, my boy. As this is helping to piece together the fires are completely separate to the bandits who have been haired to kill the last of the Sasaki family… then again I think there is another reason why Rin is attacking the temple… I was hoping that you, Yutaka, would be him, the bandit leader I need to question. I take it nether of you have seen another big man around the village?”
Both mortals shake their heads and Yutaka informs the king, “I know it was never my family who took down the Sasaki. We were framed for a crime we never committed.”
“Oh, how do you know this?”
“Well, your grace, one, all my family are well over weight and two my entire family live near Mount Fuji. I swear no one has ever lived in Nara.”
The Great Warrior folds his arms and says somewhat to himself, “Why was the Major so quick to blame the Bitō Clan?”
“Uncle, that is a good question, why blame a family who lives so far away? Unless he knew them and had a grudge against them,” implies Takumi, noticing his guest is shaking head. “Ah, let me guess that is not very likely?”
Yutaka performs a slight bow and answers, “I wish it was, the problem is my family keep themselves to themselves in a small village similar to this. It is why sadly their abuse went unnoticed. I was glad I got away when I did, for my parents and three of my brothers are already dead… there is only me and my youngest brother left. If there are any other members of the family left I have never met them nor have they showed up at a funeral.”
The Masked Warrior and Watanabe-san are shocked to hear this and they cannot help but give him a hug, which makes him feel very uncomfortable.
“Sorry, I should explain hugging comes from Einar,” informs Yūrei, “it is a western thing to do when someone tells you something that is upsetting. Seriously he would be going ooh come here and giving you a big hug. We have gotten used to him doing it.”
Takumi giggles and expresses, “Trust me when you have grown up with it, it feels strange not to be hugged when I am upset. Or say something moving. Uncle Einar is very sweet.”
“I see, and I think it is something I could get use to.”
“Glad to hear it,” says the legend, patting him on the arm.
The Bitō performs a slight bow. “Going back to what you were saying, your highness, I agree it is a bit odd why the Major blamed my clan. Even if they were going around topless how would he have seen their tattoos in the dark? Even in torchlight tattoos could appear different.”
“Tattoos,” mutters the young man. “Could Yoshi have been miss informed?”
“I am afraid so, my boy, because Yutaka is right, it was the middle of the night when the castle was attacked by… if I am recalling correctly, masked men who werey dressed in trousers, smaller to what the Chinese invented for horse riding, and the sleeves of their Kimonos were tied out of the way. At the time Tenjō said the Major was quick to name someone when he had no proof to back up his claim. It was all very strange. It is why it is still an open case. Anyway, I had best get back to them for I have a good idea now who is after the family.”
Watanabe-san walks with him out of the room and down to the entrance. “See I was too quick to judge,” he whispers, going on to help his uncle with his boots. “Yutaka seems a decent man. Thank you, Uncle.”
“Why you thanking me, lad? I just gave you the push you needed to see past his appearance and get to know the real him. I can tell he really fancy you, so get back in there and just do not rush into anything.”
The young man giggles and he blushes at the thought of doing more with Bitō-san. Then they both turn to the corridor when they hear the big man is coming down the corridor.
“Your highness,” he says with a bow, “come to think of it I have seen a man like myself in Gojō at the Kongo-ji Temple. He was dressed in light grey with a blue belt that had, I think a Chrysanthemum in the centre… yes, it was dark red.”
“Now that is interesting, like I said the Montoku family were the only ones to associate themselves with that flower. He clearly had not become a monk… it makes me wonder why was he visiting that temple?”
Yutaka folds his arms and informs him, “He was placing a flower at the entrance to the temple and the Kannushi was making sure none of the monks or members of the public touched it. In fact the Kannushi placed a little rope barrier around it.”
Yūrei adjusts his Katana and emits a soft sigh. “Clan Wars… the flower placed either on the steps of a temple or at the door was to inform the monks that another clan had been lost to the Yamato. To still be doing that today there has to be another reason. Have you got to get back to Gojō?”
Bitō-san give a sharp nod. “Yes, if I am to be paid the rest of my money I need to be back before dark. I am happy to drop you off at the temple on the way.”
The Masked Warrior performs a slight bow, then gives the lad a hug. “See you again soon, my boy.”
“It was wonderful to see you, Uncle.” Takumi bows to Yutaka as he leaves along with the king.
Once outside Bitō-san leads the legend over to his horse and cart and they climb aboard. “Your highness, I apologise for any trouble I have caused.”
“Trouble? My dear man, you haven’t caused any trouble… I just merely steered the lad in the right direction. You clearly have feelings for him, otherwise you would not keep seeing him despite what happened. I am glad my little push worked and he got to know you. I can also tell you are a decent man who is not lying. Or you are just very good at it.”
The left corner of Yutaka’s mouth rises and he chuckles. “Oh, I cannot believe you fell for it and you are now in my trap. I am going to take you to my leader.”
“No, I am such a fool,” cries the Great Warrior, throwing the back of his left hand to his forehead.
They both laugh and carry on getting to know each other as they travel along the road to the busy town. However, when they reach the bridge appears to be packed with traffic and Bitō-san has to bring the cart to a stop. Suddenly a police officer comes running over and performs a series of bows.
“Your-your highness,” he says with a voice full of worry, “there has been an accident, which is causing the delay. Are you needed somewhere, your highness?”
Yūrei jumps down from the cart and tells him, “No, I am just here to take a look around. This kind man was just giving me a lift to Kongo-ji Temple for it is a lovely place even in winter, right?”
“Yes, your grace,” answers Yutaka, playing along.
The officer performs another slight bow. “I am happy to take you there, your highness.”
The Masked Warrior gives a slight nod to both men, then follows the policemen over the bridge. When he reaches the other side he sees through the group of officers that a cart has lost a wheel and small amount of white cabbages litter the road. He picks one up and takes a look at it, then makes his way over to the small crowd. Some of the policemen begin to look nervous when they realise who the masked man is dressed in fine armour with a demon mask hanging from his short sword. Where others do not know whether to bow or approach the king. Then it is too late to choose for he is standing right in front of them asking them to let him through, so they part to revel a man is lying on the ground with a woman by his side and another man with long white hair is treating them.
“Healer, what happened?” Yūrei enquires in Chinese, crouching beside them.
The god’s eyes blink a few times to make sure what he was seeing was real. “My word, your grace, I was aware you were in town.”
“Just arrived. I will make myself useful by moving the broken cart off the bridge.”
This makes the lady bow and apologise, “Sorry we are delaying you, your highn—”
The king slightly raises his left hand to get her to stop and shakes his head. “My dear, accidents happen, so do not feel you must apologise when am I here to just pay this town a visit.”
“Your grace,” whispers the lady as she performs a slight bow.
The Great Warrior places his hand on top of her head for moment before he carries on lifting and starts to move the broken cart off the bridge. Then he hears a voice command, “Help the king!” This makes a group of officers quickly assist him and together they move the cart over to a grassy area. Then the people part and a well-built man who is dressed exactly as Bitō had described steps forward. The man is clearly not happy to see the king and does not even bow to him.
The legend points his hand towards the man’s belt. “I see you are a member of the Montoku family.” The man uses his arms to hide the flower and gives a sharp grunt before he turns away. Yūrei shakes his head and goes after him. “I should not have to remind you, your rudeness can land you in jail.”
The Montoku stops and turns to face him. “Then throw me in jail for you will never get a polite word from me when you helped the Yamato to take down noble clans.”
“Let’s get one thing straight, there was no battles and each clan happily joined the Yamato because they also wanted peace. I am afraid to say it was only clans like yours who believed in such rubbish. That we were killing thousands of men, when the reality was nothing other than peace. You see it is down to the leader Tenjō being a god.”
The big man takes a breath, then he starts to laugh and expresses, “My family were always fools. You will find though I am nothing like them and me being rude to you was a test to see how you would handle one of us who, even to this day, believes you were just killing people. Well, because they just cannot accept the truth. Anyway, I apologise for the way I acted.”
“Good test and you were very convincing,” says Yūrei, patting him on the arm.
Montoku-san performs a slight bow. “I hope it is not me who brought you here?”
“Well, the thing is, see that man on the empty cart, he is being paid with your family money. They have been using it to buy a very stinky oil that is being used to set buildings alight in Izumi.”
The man’s hands turn to angry fits and he spits, “Rin! You bastard!”
Yūrei takes hold of Montoku-san’s arms and tells him, “Calm yourself.”
Montoku-san takes a few deep breaths and apologises, “I am sorry, your highness, Rin is my youngest brother who sadly has brought a lot of pain to the family.” He begins to walk down the street. “Come with me.”
The Great Warrior does as he asks and walks with him to the temple where they go on to wash their hands and mouth before continuing on to the main building.
“I try to place a flower here each day if I can,” explains Montoku-san bowing his head. “My brother became a member of the Kuro Koi when he was a teenager and somehow become the leader’s son. I myself had not seen him for well over ten years when one day, out of the blue, he turned up at this very temple. That bastard killed a monk who turned out to have been a member of his clan, all because no one is allowed to leave. I just could not believe he had turned into a monster. A year later a girl was found on these steps, she had been beaten and rapped. She was my cousin and she managed to tell me it was Rin who had done that to her before she died in my arms. Natsu yuri (Summer lily) was her name. She was a sweet, loving girl who did not deserve to die in such an horrific way. I vowed as I held her, that I would get Rin… I’m still yet to get him.”
The Masked Warrior notices the flower that has been placed outside the entrance of the temple and bows his head in respect. “I am sorry for your loss.”
The man uses a cloth to dry his eyes. “I am sorry to bring down the mood… However, I am guessing they are not the only people he has killed?”
“I do not think he has killed anyone else, for the fires in Izumi and bandits who are after the Sasaki family are one case. Rin is attacking the temple for another reason… nor have we taken in to account the fire could be started by lightning…” the Great Warrior claps his hands and calls, “Storm Dragon, that is why my husband has a barrier up.”
Montoku-san is a little confused and questions, “Why would a Storm Dragon be so far inland?”
“Weather, for strong winds can easily blow a small Dragon off course. Or the other possibility he is ill and his navigation is effected. Or he is just injured and seeking a Healer’s help. That is why my mother and Einar are seeing the new moon in their vision because it is not a real storm. Rin just happens to be hitting the same place, which could happen anytime.”
“You are right. I should mention my brother attack this place in broad daylight.”
“In that case I need to get back. Thank you for your help.”
The man is a little surprised to have the king thanking him, he responds with a slight bow. Then the legend pats him on the arm and he steps through a portal to another temple which is covered in a thick layer of snow.