The once wooden gateway is long gone and the bushes along side the drive have been left to grow wild. Einar glides silently up to the house to see a large man is standing on watch. The moment he sees the Westerner’s boots are above the snow his face fills with fear and he runs off inside. Einar can here raised voices and scuffling coming from within, then another man appears and walks over to him. However, the Soul Drinker has other ideas with one wave of his hand the man’s feet become stuck beneath the deep snow.
“Tell me, mortal, why are you here, in this historical home?”
“We were given permission to use this house to rest and take on any supplies.”
Einar walks around him whilst he enquires, “And what are these supplies?” He is not pleased the man refuses to answer, he comes to a stop in front of him and reaches for his head. “You do realise I could rip it from your very mind… most likely killing you in the process. So, I suggest you talk, child.”
Beads of sweat begin to run down the man’s worried face. “Barrels, sir, stinky ones. We are to transport them from Beniyaan in Sakai to here, where we wait for further instructions.” He watches the Ink Heart fold his arms and raise his eyebrows. “Yes, we are to take it to Hatsugano, to meet up with Hosokawa Shin’ichi.”
“Ah, now it all becomes clear. So, how much is he paying you to do this?”
The man feels inside the front of his Kimono to bring out a cloth pouch and holds it out. “Open it and see.”
The Westerner uses his abilities to lift it from his hand and pours some of the contents into the palm of his right hand. “Uncut diamonds… ah, from your expression you had no idea what they were?”
“You are correct, sir, I just thought they were crystals.”
“Oh, these are most likely taken from a Mountain Dragon’s cave along with the nuggets of silver and with the looks of things white and blue Jade. My word all of you are fools if you think you can keep this from Prince Chén fēng.”
Just at that moment a grey Dragon comes in to land behind the Soul Drinker making all the mortals drop to their knees and beg for forgiveness.
“Mò xīn, nǐ lái zhèlǐ zuò shénme?” (Ink Heart, what are you doing here?)
“Zhǐshì wèile zhǎodào gèng duō bèi dào de zhūbǎo, (Just to find more stolen jewellery)” informs Einar, showing him the diamonds.
Grey mist forms around the dragon and a few minutes later he emerges transformed into his human form. “So I see, well done, my sweet.”
“That is not all I now know who they are working for and who has been ordering the oil.”
“Really they gave it all up to you? What did you do to persuade them?”
Einar hands the jewels to him and answers, “Nothing.”
Chén fēng giggles and strokes the Westerner’s chest. “Somehow I do not believe you. Especially when it is clear you have frozen that one to the spot. I like it. So, let me guess you are going to set them free to let them fulfil their delivery and catch the boss redhanded as the mortals call it.”
The Soul Drinker smiles and nods. “See you know me too well. Chén fēng, there is something else you should know about.” He says and goes on to tell him all about the sword that Mèng found inside the shrine.
The Mountain Dragon places a hand over his mouth, then gives him a hug. “Finally we have found it. Is it still with Mèng?”
“Yes and Detective Saitō,” Einar’s voice grows soft, he folds his arms and starts to drift around.
Chén fēng gently stops him and notices he is now frowning and he does not appear at all happy. “Mò xīn, what is it?”
“It is Akito… I will tell you on the way. Right, listen to me mortals, you are to do as you are instructed and none of you are to tell your boss your encounter with me, got that?”
All the mortals nod and the Soul Drinker releases his hold on the leader. “Good boys,” he says before he walks away along with the Dragon. “How could I be so stupid Akito knows too much yet he is acting like he knows nothing?”
“What makes you say that?”
“Think about it these fires have been going on for twenty years, yet the police have done nothing to stop the ones causing them. Nor did they do anything about Yuuji raping girls, according to Madam Orchard he has got over ten women with child and every time she and the girls reported it nothing happened. It is only now because the king is conducting his own investigation something is finally being done.”
“You are right. They must have known the money he and the Major was using was stolen from me. Yet they did nothing to receive it and return it to me.”
“Exactly. I think we will find the police are behind everything, the murder of Captain Satō, your brother’s sword, the oil and fires. We just need to prove it.”
The moment they enter the Nobleman’s House they grab Detective Saitō and drag him in to the garden. They walk around him for a moment before stopping and looking at each other.
Yūrei knows all too well they are scanning the mortal and there is nothing he can do to stop to ancient gods from interrogating Akito. All he can do is advise him, “Speak, lad, before they tear your mind apart looking for answers.”
The Detective looks up at the gods who are staring down at him and tries to hide his fear. “Please tell me what I have done to often you both.”
“Oh, it is nothing like that, child,” replies Chén fēng, pocking him in the chest. “You are hiding the truth. The truth that you know everything yet you, the police, have done nothing to stop it.”
“You are at every turn,” remarks Einar, “just what are you up to? Are you in on Hosokawa Shin’ichi’s plan.”
The Great Warrior grips his lover’s arm and asks, “Plan? What plan?”
“To degrade a god's town so that the people leave,” expresses the Westerner. “It has nothing to do with compression. They are cooking badly and being pigs deliberately so that people do not go back and you police did nothing whilst Lieutenant Nakan repeatedly rapped girls. Ten girls, how many did it need to be, Detective, before you took action? You also were told they were using stolen Dragon money, yet you did nothing.”
Akito slightly rises his hands in front of his chest. “I swear I wanted to do more, it was the chief he told us to leave it be. Mainly because he did not want to anger the Hosokawa Clan.”
Einar gives him a shake and tells him, “There are no clans since the fall of… Hosokawa they along with a few others refused to join the Yamato. They lost their high states and power. The Nakan family were part of the Hosokawa. This is all about revenge for everyone who was either sent to the Mine or exiled. I keep saying to mortals, time and time again, go against us gods and you will fall. Especially if you try and go against me.”
Detective Saitō realises there is no way out and confesses, “The chief and most of the officers have been taking bribes to remain quiet and allow Hosokawa family to slowly take down this town. Things though were taking too long so that is why the bandits were hired to speed up the process. I swear no one was meant to be hurt. It only happened when the chief reviled what the owner of the Wandering Dragon was that things turned ugly.”
“They attacked Kuru all because she is a man not because she is a member of the Sasaki family, right?”
“Yes. They believe that people like her should be wiped out.”
“Just like in the Clan Wars. Yet they seem to fail to understand Dragons, Healers and Dreamers are both. And at one time so was my race,” informs Einar, shaking his head. “They also do not know their history, I have been here in Japan far longer than any other god and it was I who helped your race to get here to escape the dreadful creatures that had taken all of central China. I was the one who persuaded the Dragons to allow you in to their land. If it were not for me China would have been lost. I feel the same as the Dragons, we should never have allowed you to come here, because all you mortals do is destroy. Mèng, it is up to you what you want to do with him.”
The Masked Warrior gaps and looks at his lover all wide eyed. “Einar, it is time to show them why you should be in charge of this land and not me. You said so yourself, have been here long before mortals even stepped on these shores. It is time you showed them you are the true king of Japan.”
The Westerner folds his arms and shakes his head. “No, it is you who needs to show them what you really are.” He gives his lover a kiss on the neck. “I have had my fill of mortals for the day. Here, Chén fēng, allow me to return these to you.”
The Mountain Dragon takes hold of his long lost brother’s sword and tassel. “Mò xīn, that night you did everything you could. We were dealing with something I hope we never encounter again. If it were not for you, more of us would have lost our lives. I am afraid mortals will rob our tombs no matter what we do to protect them—”
“Protect,” whispers Einar as he takes the sword back and draws it. “This is a fake.”
Chén fēng gives him a kiss on the cheek. “See you could sense it was not real. For starters that is clearly a bamboo blade.”
“Indeed it is. It may look the part and it certainly fooled me until I started to realise I was not getting anything from it. So Capitan Satō discovered someone in the Fukuda family were making these, is that right, Detective?”
Akito’s eyes begin to full with worry and he bows his head as he speaks, “Yes, and he wanted to be apart of it. It all came down to money… as you pointed out they are good enough to fool you and family members, who might pay a huge amount in order to get the sword back.”
“I am afraid to tell you, his little scheme would not work,” implies the Mountain Dragon using his abilities to rotate the sword. “Mainly because the moment it is drawn, it is clear that is a bamboo blade and not jade. Another thing not every sword was like this, some had copper or silver blades. I myself had a copper blade for it was purely decretive. Why were they making them?”
“It was to prove your kind no longer existed. It also proves you gods can be destroyed. I do not think it ever crossed his mind that you Mountain Dragons were, quite frankly murdered. Nor did he take in to account that the tombs of the fallen lie on mountains which lie in China and not here.”
Einar points his hand at the hovering sword and questions, “Hirohito, thought the battle was here because the Dragons are here, right?”
Detective Saitō nods. “It is not just him… everyone who is involved believe the same thing.”
“Foolish mortals,” snaps Chén fēng, pointing his hand at him. “Japan is not our home. It belongs to Gūdú zhànshì, Mò Xīn.” He performs a slight bow and whispers, “Dìxiōng (Brother).”
The Westerner smiles and recalls, “Just like you mortals they were displaced and I was willing to give them a home. A home which you mortals have done nothing other than destroyed. This sword is proves that us elder gods were right, you were not worth saving when this is how you respect the fallen. I have had enough of people like them thinking that they can take down us gods… they will pay dearly for this.” He goes on to sheath the sword and open a portal to Hatsugano. However, the moment ice cold wind hits him Einar begins to cough and takes a step back.
The Great Warrior goes to him and talks to him in Chinese, “Leave them to me, my love. Besides I need to take him to prison and hold the others accountable.” He holds out his hand and is pleased his lover hands the sword to him.
The Westerner gives a sharp nod. “In that case I leave it in your capable hands. my sweet, I should warn you what you are about to do will not prevent the temples destruction.”
The Masked Warrior tucks the sword into the left straps of his Hakama and implies, “You have come up with an idea to prevent the fires, hmm?”
Chén fēng gently takes hold of the Ink Heart’s chin and smiles. “I see that glint in your eye. You are going to pull off something big, aren’t you?”
Einar presses his right index finger to his lips, then gives each of them a kiss on the cheek before he steps through another portal to his home. The Mountain Dragon quickly follows him calling, “Dìxiōng, děng děng (Brother, wait).” The Ink Heart stops and turns around to face him. “Gēgē (Older brother), I am going to be honest I do not know if I am going to be able to pull it off.”
Chén fēng emits a soft chuckle whilst he gently pats him on the chest. “You should not doubt yourself, because I know when you put your mind to it you can pull anything off.”
The left corner of the Westerner’s lips slightly rises, for he knows his old friend is right. Then he remembers that fateful night and tells him, “I should have done what I am planning back then.” He places his forehead to the Dragon’s and whispers, “I would have saved the family.”
“Dìxiōng, stop blaming yourself when we know it was father and the other elders who only saw a child.”
Einar smiles and nods. “You’re right… And now I have another opportunity to see if my idea will work.”
“It will work, because you already know the outcome… why the long face... Ah, the vision has not changed?”
They head inside the tower and once they have removed their boots they continue up to the kitchen so Einar can make a pot of tea.
“Ah, that is why you are thinking your barrier idea has failed because you are in a field being shot at.”
“We, are not the target the temple is… Why? …Why target a temple that is quite isolated?”
The Mountain Dragon takes a seat and questions, “Mèng has questioned everyone?”
The Westerner pours them both a cup of tea. “Yes, with the sounds of things there is nothing other than a member of the Sasaki family who lives in the village… who was thought to be the target. That is not the case… the temple is the main target and the houses are just in the way.”
“Are they in percussion of something which a clan does not want to fall in to the wrong hands? Or is this simply down to the mortals and their obsession with other religions.”
Einar takes a seat and folds his arms. “No, it feels more personal. Not every man can be a monk. It takes years of discipline and training… nor would anyone, in their right mind attack a temple. I cannot sake the feeling it is something very personal.”
“And a bit extreme. Than again that is how mortals are sometimes, they go over top to prove a point and leave us gods wondering why.”
The Westerner releases a soft chuckle and responds, “That happens too often. Anyway, if I am going to pull off what I am planning I am going to need more protection crystals. Come.”
Chén fēng follows him to the library to find the soul Drinker has been using his sandpit to make a model of the village and temple. He has even used small pieces of clear quartz to represent the protection crystals and he notices straight away the gaps between each one is too large. This would cause the barrier to be too thin and offer no protection against anything. The Mountain Dragon places a hand to his chest and offers, “Would you like me to fetch your things?”
When Einar fell the Dragons who retrieved his body and prepared it for burial removed everything and place it carefully in a box, so if he did return he could come and claim them. Einar though could never bring himself to return to the Cresent Moon Mountains because his appearance has changed and knew no one would recognise him. However, as he soon discovered during the Dark Time the Dragons he did know in the past began to realise Mò Xīn had retuned, not just because of Shadow, it was also down to his voice and his mannerisms that were exactly the same.
Einar looks at the sand model and sighs. “It is for a good cause,” he says softly. “I don’t know… I just feel like I am asking you to rob my own grave… even though they were not left with my body.”
“You were the one who left us with those instructions. They are your property, which you are yet to claim.”
The Westerner emits a heavy sigh and looks to Chén fēng. “You are right, Gēgē, I did ask the family to keep my belongings safe. All right, please fetch the box.”
The Mountain Dragon gives him a hug before he opens a portal to his old home that lies on the Cresent Moon Mountains.
Einar releases another deep sigh and shakes his head in an attempt to dislodge the thoughts of the past. However, they continue to occupy his thoughts until he hears a knock come at the front door. He quickly trots over to a window, opens and sticks his head out to see his visitor is none other than Dōgnjì fēngbào’s son. “Chén, come on in.”
The Snow Dragon looks up and asks, “I hope I am not intruding?”
“Not at all, my good man, come in.”
Chén does as he is told and enters the hallway, slipping off his boots before he continues upstairs to meet the Westerner on the second landing. “Mèngjiàn, sort of hinted you are planning something in order to save a temple… so, father sent me with these.”
Einar watches him remove two protection crystals from his belt and holds them out. “Ah, did I really give these to him?”
“Yes… Even father could not recall when or why you had given them to him. He just hopes they still work.”
The Ink Heart holds one up so the light on the landing shines through it. “I see nor feel nothing wrong with them. Come.”
Chén follows him into the room and watches two tiny pieces of quartz get placed upon the model. “This is amazing, when did you go around the village?”
“Oh, I have not been there myself.”
The Snow Dragon’s eyes open wide and points his hand at the sand model. “Then you built this from Mèng’s memory?”
Einar shakes his head. “I do have my own ways of surveying a landscape.”
Chén folds his arms and thinks for a moment. Then he begins to wonder if the Ink Heart’s stunning butterflies work the same way as Mèngjiàn crows allowing him to see in great detail without stepping one foot in the place. “Butterflies?”
“Yes. Hmm, I wonder what some mortals thought of them, when they are nothing like the humble butterfly they are based on.”
“No doubt they just saw them as pretty, sparkly things that they dear not tell anyone for the person could be accused of going mad.”
The Westerner chuckles and nods. “True most mortals would just pass then off as nothing more than their minds playing tricks on them. I recall though a time when mortals would take them as a sign I was around.”
Chén grows a little concerned to hear the Soul Drinker reflecting on his past and enquires, “This not like you, is everything all right?”
Einar slightly shakes his head and emits a soft sigh. “I finally asked Chén fēng to retrieve my stuff. Tell me I am doing the right thing, right?”
“Gūdú zhànshì, you do not need to hear it from me,” declares the Snow Dragon, taking hold of his hand. “You know in your heart it is the right thing to do. Especially when it is your stuff.”
“It does not make me feel any better.”
Chén pulls him close and whispers, “Gūdú zhànshì, do not dwell on the past.”
The Westerner knows his old friend is right, he gives him a kiss on the cheek then turns to the sand model. “I just need a few more… Well, more like five, otherwise the barrier will be—” he stops and glides off down to the far end of the library.
The Snow Dragon can hear him muttering away in Nordic, he decides to go and see if he needs any help and quickly stops him from climbing a ladder. “Here allow me,” Chén offers, placing a foot on the bottom bar.
“A little dust will not—”
“You say that now,” interrupts the Dragon, resting his hands upon his waist, “the next minute you’re coughing your heart up and I’m panicking searching you or this room for a herb bundle.”
Einar bows his head when he knows Chén is right and allows him to climb the ladder to the top shelf. “The red box, it should have spear crystals in it.”
Chén opens the lid and reaches inside. “Oooh what are you keeping in here? Is that a foot I feel?”
They both laugh and Snow Dragon goes on to hold out a crystal. “Any good?”
“That is to find crystals using the compass. Why not grab the box and send it down to me.”
“Gūdú zhànshì, the thing is covered in dust—”
“Do not worry, I will use my abilities to gather it up and send it through the window.”
Chén nods and uses his abilities to lower the box down, all the time he is keeping a watchful eye on his dear friend’s breathing. Einar draws his hands up making all the dust upon the lid rise into the air and gather into a ball. The window next to him opens and he sends the swirly ball of dust out to be carried away by the wind.
“There,” he announces whilst taking a deep breath. “Now let’s see what is in here.” He opens the lid and begins to look through the crystals. “Ah, two more,” he cheers placing them on the floor.
The Snow Dragon finds it fascinating how the Ink Heart can tell them apart because to him it just looks like a lump of clear quartz that has slight pink with a blue tint to its surface. He knows it is down to not only centuries of experience, it also down to his incarnations that allow him to sense them with just a wave of his hand. Before long Einar has found three more when Chén fēng enters and places a stone chest down in front of his brother.
“Here, Dìxiōng, your things,” he says taking a seat beside it.
The Westerner’s slender hands reach for the lid that has Ink Heart carved into it. He closes his eyes for a moment to reflect on his former self. Then his eyes snap open and he removes the lid setting it to one side. Inside is a treasure trobe of crystals, an old book and jewellery. “Ah, I am pleased to see I was right, I did leave quite a few protection crystals there.”
“You sure did, for this is everything you left behind,” informs Chég fēng, pointing his hand at the box. “Do you have enough now to create the barrier?”
The Dragons help Einar to rise and return with him to the model. They watch him place more little piece of quartz around the village and temple and notice his lips are forming into a soft smile.
“Actually I have some left over,” he tells them, crossing his arms. “Could that be why I am holding one? Anyway, thank you, both of you for your help. Lunch?”
“Lunch would be nice,” responds Chén fēng, griping his brother’s shoulder. “Let us put them—”
“Us?!” Chén gasps. He frowns and rests his hands upon his waist. “I like the way you just assume I am going to help place the crystals where they need to be.”
“Chén, Gūdú zhànshì cannot do it for the weather could—”
“Yes, yes, I know why. Still it would have been nice if you asked and not just spoke for me.”
The Mountain Dragon knows his good friend is only playing around. He links arms with him and apologises, “Please forgive me, your lordship, I meant no disrespect.”
Chén takes hold of Chén fēng’s chin and stares into his lovely soft grey eyes. “Oh, I cannot resist you. Yes, I will help.”
“Thank you. Right, lunch.”
However, the Soul Drinker does not respond and they realise their dear friend is having a vision. They both can tell from his breathing it is strong and they become a little worried when the black sand starts to snake around the fingers of his left hand. All of a sudden Einar gasps, his eyes grow wide and he mutters, “Mèng?”