Chén takes hold of his dear friend's arm and asks, “Has something happened to him?”
The Ink Heart’s eyes return to their normal dreamy appearance and he shakes his head. “No, he appears to be fine. No Black Katana is in his hand… yet he is still holing the baby with his Watcher hovering by his left shoulder. The smell of fire arrows is stronger… There are burnt marks upon Mèng’s armour. Wait, Tenjō is holding a Key Stone.”
The Dragons look to each other and Chén fēng asks, “Are you sure it is not a Portal Stone?”
Einar’s left hand rises to nearly level with his face and he stares at the black stand. “That is a possibility with the light from an illumination stone shining through it. Shadow is right, we will find out on the night what exactly it is.” He takes a few breaths and uses his fingertips to massage his forehead.
The Dragons get him to take a seat on the floor and Chén goes and fetches him a cup of luck warm tea. They can tell the vision has left their dear friend exhausted however it is clear from his grumbling tummy he is hungry. Chén fēng picks him up and carries the Ink Heart down to the kitchen. They both stop him from rising and tell him they will sort lunch, Einar is not about to let them do it.
“No, I insist you both sit and I will throw something together,” he demands, rising from the chair. “Besides it will help to awaken me.” Einar stretches his arms above his head, which makes his back and shoulders crack. He disappears inside the lander to return with a bowl of already cooked rice, some fresh mushrooms and a bunch of chives is floating behind him. Chén and Chén fēng help by washing the vegetables whilst the Soul Drinker sorts a frying pan to cook the sliced mushrooms and rice.
Einar is tossing the fried rice and mushrooms when he softly says, “Deflector.”
Both Dragons look at him hoping for more and they both ask, “Deflector?”
The Westerner emits a soft laugh and explains, “I was considering summoning one of them than a barrier. A deflector would not be so hard on the protection crystals and, if I am remembering correctly, I will be able to cover a wider area. Especially if I use an enhancement spell on the crystals at each location. The only problem is the weather, I might not be able to pull any of it off in a days time. I am going to have to ask you both for help to not only set the crystals in place also to conduct the deflection spell.”
The Dragons start to laugh and Chén informs him, “We cannot even perform a barrier spell, that is strictly Western Soul Drinker.”
“Ah, you make a valid point. Then it will be down to Mèng… well, that’s if I did teach him a barrier spell?” Einar goes on to serve the meal into dishes and uses some of the chopped chives to garnish the top. “Enjoy,” he says, taking the last bowl for himself and takes a seat at the table.
“Dìxiōng, you could teach us,” suggests Chén fēng, taking the seat beside him. “Surely it cannot be that hard, can it?”
The Ink Heart’s eyes narrow and his jaw clenches. “It is not exactly hard, it’s more about making sure you pronounce the incantation correctly and performing the right pose is crustal.”
“Pose?” Chéng questions, raising his left eyebrow. “You mean slapping your hand to he ground is a pose?”
“No, he means the correct position within the incantation in order to pull the spell off before conducting what you said is crucial,” chimes the Mountain Dragon, noticing there is a hit of a smile upon his brother’s face. “Let me guess I am also wrong?”
“No, dear Gēgē, you are right and you explained it perfectly. I mean you cannot just stand inside an incantation and expect it to work. The same goes for the Lost Language, as you know my dialect is a little different and what works for me may not work for either you or my lover.” Then Einar laughs and agrees in Nordic, “That might work.” He clears his throat and continues in Mandarin, “Shadow suggested I place myself inside a bubble like I did in the Dark Time. The problem with a bubble it is like being under water. Trust me I will not be able to hear you and you will not be able to hear me. And all you will hear, as I am walking around, is a blup sound, like a pebble is being constantly dropped in to a deep pool.”
Chén fēng points his hand at him and declares, “Yes, I remember you used to play… I should say your former self would play with it.”
Einar’s eyes blink and he questions, “In what way did I play with it?”
The Mountain Dragon bites his bottom to show his worry of recalling their past. “You would start tapping it so the sound it made was louder, then rapidly tap it as he went down the street. Look the corner of his mouth is rising, he remembers. That is the expression he was doing inside the bubble when he was having fun and annoying the mortals.”
“I only did that to tell everyone I was within a bubble. Otherwise I had mortals telling me their issues and I am just standing there not hearing a word they were saying.”
“See, did I not tell you he was mischievous. Sometimes he would not tell us he was inside his bubble. I only released when that left corner of his mouth began to rise and then he would tap it.”
“In my defence when mist is flowing all around the room, is kind of a clue I would be safe inside my bubble… I had forgotten that is what I used to do to protect myself from the elements… I guess having my things back has helped me to remember more of my former self. I wonder if I can still do it?”
The Ink Heart finishes his lunch then he rises from his chair and glides into the centre of the room. He holds out his hands as though he is holding a small ball in front of his chest and begins to chant.
Chén taps Chén fēng’s arm and whispers, “You must tell me more what he got up to whilst he was with your family.”
“I will be happy to share anything with you. I tell you now he has not changed he is still Gūdú zhànshì, my dear brother. Look, his hair is beginning to rise, that means the spell is working.”
The Snow Dragon is pleased to see the Ink Heart in action for the last time he saw him doing anything like this was during the Dark Time. It makes him wish he could spend more time with him, if both of them were not busy looking after their own parts of Aisa.
The Soul Drinker looks around him and begins to laugh as he taps the bubble barrier. He sees the Dragons are clapping and looking a little concerned can he pop it. Einar takes a moment to catch his breath and watches the black sand around his fingers as Shadow reminds him, “You need to sweep your right hand across the front of it and it should pop. That if I am remembering correctly.”
“You are never wrong, old friend. All right here is go,” replies the Ink Heart performing the action and sure enough the bubble barrier pops into a shower of glitter which quickly dissipates. “See you both had nothing to worry about.”
The Dragons give him a hug and they are still a little concerned about his breathing. They get him to take a seat and Chén fēng pours him a cup of tea.
Einar has a few sips of tea and suggests, “Why don’t we make a start on laying out the crystals and then tomorrow I will see if I can put up the deflection barrier.”
“You need to rest,” insists Chén, patting him on the arm. “We will make a drawing of your model and get to work.”
The Mountain Dragon gives a sharp nod and trots out of the room.
Once the Snow Dragon has made sure the Ink Heart is all right he too joins his friend in the library to find him already sketching out the map. “I wish I was that good.”
“What? This is not great,” declares Chén fēng holding up the piece of paper. “We need a Watanabe, now they are the best mortals to hire when it comes to maps.”
“There is a family of them in my lover’s town,” informs Einar, gliding over to them. “If you want I can go and fetch him?”
“No, Chén fēng’s map is more than adequate for this little task,” answers Chén with a smile. “Sometime I wish I was a creature Dragon, to get to fly around all day.”
“What are you on about?” grumbles the Mountain Dragon, looking at him over the top of the paper. “You also can fly around all day.”
“Ah, you do not have to put up with the joy of wings being dragged through the air, it can make them ache and throb. Then there are the sudden updrafts that blow us way off corse. You just happily glide around no matter what is going on up there.”
“Hmm, fair point.”
The Soul Drinker gives the Snow Dragon a soft nudge and whispers, “That is why you should portal more.”
“I cannot argue with that, Gūdú zhànshì.” They both laugh leaving Chén fēng wondering what they are both remembering. He though just carries on drawing the map.
Einar goes on to place all of the protection stones in a bag which he hands to the Snow Dragon who remarks, “We should turn this in to a race. The first one to place all of his stones around the village gets to help Mò Xīn in the morning.”
The Soul Drinker pats the Snow Dragon’s board, firm chest. “Wait, are you implying you are wanting to spend the night with me?”
“I do not mean sex. I mean be here to save coming back tomorrow. You said so yourself, Gūdú zhànshì, there is only one day… that’s tomorrow to discover if you can pull off the deflection spell.”
“Dìxiōng, he does make a valid point and you do not need both of us… unless you want us both to support you?”
Einar winks his left eye at his brother and nods. “All right, the game is this, the first one to make it round the entire village and back to the temple gets to be with me tonight and the loser will have to cook us the evening meal. Rules, no flying or the use of your abilities—”
“What? Dìxiōng, have you suddenly forgotten what I am? I need to use my abilities to maintain this gorges form, the last thing you need is me stomping on buildings.”
“Gēgē, forgive me, I meant your other lovely gifts, like that one, floating the map by your side?”
Chén fēng takes hold of the piece of paper and replies, “Ah, understood.”
Einar goes on to split up the crystal in to two bag, follows them down to the hallway and once both Dragons have put on their boots he opens a portal to Handa Gokuraku-ji Temple. “The game starts the moment you set the first crystal down,” he announces, handing them each a bag.
Chén and Chén fēng playfully size each other up before they part and go in opposite directions around the temple and village. Both of them find running around in snow quite difficult for they are used to hovering slightly above it. The Snow Dragon is the one to finish first, he stands on the steps of the temple catching his breath and watches Chén fēng use his abilities to place the last crystal down next to his and glide over to him.
“Gūdú zhànshì knew I would lose to a land Dragon,” says the Mountain Dragon, taking a moment to catch his breath.
“Is that why he winked at you?”
Chén fēng giggles and nods. “He also knew I would do my best to beat you in this form. We are not exactly quick on to legs.”
Chén pats him on the shoulder and remarks, “You did really well, you were on my heels the hole time.”
“That is kind of you to say. Come, let’s return to Gūdú zhànshì,” responds the Mountain Dragon opening a portal to Tower Island.
Einar is in the library when the Dragons enter and inform him of which one of them won. He smiles and places his hand to Snow Dragon’s chest. “Ah, so you got your wish to be with me tonight. I have to ask why are you really wanting to be with me?”
Chén performs a slight bow and explains, “I realised I have never got to really know you. I only know you through stories or from brief encounters. I want to know the man not Mò Xīn. If that makes any sense?”
The Westerner crosses his arms over his abdomen and his eyebrows rise. “No, it makes perfect sense when you are right we barely know each other… Which is quite ironic giving how long we have both been around. This is turning in to a very interesting night.”
“It sure is, Gūdú zhànshì. I just hope I do not annoy you with questions.”
“Chén, that is all down to the question, my good man,” remarks Einar, patting him on the arm.
The Snow Dragon gives a sharp nod. “True.”
Einar goes on to lead them to the sitting room which lies on the first floor towards the back of the tower. There all three of them sit and talk long in to the afternoon. By the evening meal Chén feels he has gotten to know the legend better than ever before and was pleased he was happy to answer his questions. Chén fēng does a dish that he has not done in a long time. Rice with winter vegetables and lightly fried tofu. Part way through the meal the Dragons notice the Westerner has turned his attention to the window, that rattles when a strong wind blows around the tower.
“Dìxiōng, what is it?”
“Sorry, Gēgē, Ryūjin was just informing me we are in for some bad weather. He is retreating to his cave. He was suggesting you should get home. I told him you will use a portal.”
Chén fēng places a hand to his chest and expresses, “I am honoured that he was concerned about little me. He is right though your island is not going to be the best place to sleep tonight. So, I will head to my cave.”
“All right, Gēgē, and see you in the morning.”
They hug and the Mountain Dragon even gives Chén a hug and tells him, “No staying up late swooping stories, Gūdú zhànshì needs his beauty sleep.”
“I promise I won’t keep him up.”
Einar walks with his brother down to the hallway and once he has put on his boots he opens a portal for him. The ice cold wind comes whipping through causes him to cough. This makes the Mountain Dragon quickly carry him back up the stairs and begins to call for Chén to bring a herb bundle.
The Snow Dragon spots on a shelf near the door a jar marked, herb bundles, he quickly grabs one and takes it to them. Chén fēng goes on to show him what to do, he first rolls the ball of cloth between his hands before placing it under the Soul Drinker’s nose. It is not long before his whizzing breathing subsides and he appears to be doing a lot better.
“Go, I will take good care of him,” says Chén scooping Einar up in to his arms.
The Mountain Dragon performs a slight bow, then gives his brother a hug before he trots off back down to step through the open portal.
Chén carries the Westerner back to the warm sitting room and pours him a cup of tea.
Einar rests the cup upon his thigh and looks at the Snow Dragon. “What is it? You keep looking at me and it is clear you want to ask me something, yet you decide against it. Come on, ask that burning question.”
The Snow Dragon rubs the side of his face and answers, “I would like to know is it true you can summon rain?”
The Westerner starts to laugh, he shakes his head and informs him, “Summon? Hmm, I like the idea of me calling a cloud to my aide. The truth is I used my charming abilities to ask a River Dragon to deposit water over a small village. The thing is I did not know he got a lovely Storm Dragon to help him and the whole thing soon turned in to a disaster. Within moments the entire village was under threat of being flooded and I had to act quickly to direct the water away. I also parted the clouds to get the Storm Dragon to stop and luckily he did. That is why the mortals thought I could summon rain because of what I did. In truth they did not understand what was hiding in that mass of swirling clouds.”
“Oh, now I understand, all they saw was you with your hands in the air and the large cloud disappearing.”
“Exactly. It is quite sweet really because I can create a small cloud, about the size of my hand that I use to water my plants.”
“Ah, I see, if you did that I public that could also be why the mortals call you rain summoner.”
They both laugh and continue to talk about stories that sound a little too far fetch to be real. However, one such story turns out to be more real than Chén had thought, and is surprised to hear Gūdú zhànshì say, “Oh no, that was real, I really did dethrone a Chinese king for being absolute pig.”
“What exactly happened?”
“The usual high taxes, not caring about his people who were suffering after a devastating earthquake and flood. The poor people had nothing and I had organised a convoy of supplies to help them. That bastard got the guards to stop us at the gates and refuse us entry. I of course was having none of it. I quickly showed them who they were dealing with. The guards ran away in fear and I stormed to the palace whilst my army helped the people. The king was too young to be on the throne for all he was bothered about was girls and wine. I liturgy shuck the palace which made him scream like a girl and begged me to spare his life. I told him to just leave and never return. That is how I became king for a short time until I found a lady for the job.”
“It is no wonder my father father speaks so highly of you. You truly are amazing. I should have done this centuries ago.”
Einar pats the Snow Dragon’s knee and smiles. “It has been great fun to tell you what is real and not. I actually enjoy the stories the mortals make up about me and sometimes wish I could do what they imagine.”
Chén nods in agreement. “I can understand. Anyway, it getting late, I should let you get to bed.”
The Westerner rises and has a stretch. “This has been fun, we should do it again sometime.”
“Yes, definitely.”
Einar takes hold of the Snow Dragon’s hand and leads him up the stairs to the third floor. “My room,” he says pointing his hand to a partly open door. “You are welcome to take any of the spare rooms or sleep with me, if you are wanting more of my company.”
Chén is thinking it is not a good idea to sleep with a man who already has a lover. He points his hand to the door across the landing and replies, “I will take that.”
“In that case, I bid thee goodnight,” responds the Soul Drinker as he glides off in to his room.
Chén enters the room to find it not only has a western style bed it also has a desk and a set of draws. The long windows look out across the garden and the rest of the island and it makes him wonder why Gūdú zhànshì was drawn to such an isolated place? If the natural gate was not above the island would he be here? This is something he wanted to ask, yet cannot bring himself to in case the questions are too personal. He goes on to get undressed and slips into bed and soon falls fast asleep.
The following morning Einar is the first to awaken, once he has been to the bathroom he heads down to the kitchen to make a pot of tea when his lover enters the room. They hug and kiss before informing each other of yesterdays events.
Yūrei is a little surprised and intrigued to see the Ink Heart perform a deflective barrier. “Have you ever done one covering a small village before?”
Einar shakes his head. “This will be my first time… I was thinking last night has father done anything like this?”
The Great Warrior gives him a kiss and answers, “I will go and ask him.”
“Thank you, my love. Whilst you are doing that I will make a s start on breakfast.”
“Are you going to be doing your Congee with fruit?”
The Soul Drinker gently taps the tip of his lover’s nose and smiles. “Ah, wait and see. For I need to make something nice for our guest, who is on his way down.”
“Guest?” The Masked Warrior turns to face the open doorway and emits a soft laugh when he sees who it is. “Chén, it is wonderful to see you.”
“Good morning, Mèng, Gūdú zhànshì,” replies the Snow Dragon, quickly covering his mouth to hide his yawn.
Einar pours him a cup of tea and enquires, “I trust you slept well?”
“I did indeed, the bed was very comfortable.”
“I am pleased to hear it.”
Yūrei is keen to find out what they got up to last night and why did the fifth son of Dōngjì fēngbào stayed. “So this is where you disappeared to,” he says giving the Snow Dragon a nudge.
Chén has another sip of tea and answers, “Yes, father asked me to take some protection crystals to Gūdú zhànshì. Chén fēng and I helped him to find more.”
“Ah, I see.”
“I know that look, Mèng, trust me nothing happened between us. Besides you know I only have eyes for you, sweetie.”
The Great Warrior is a little taken back that the Snow Dragon did not sleep with Einar when the Ink Heart is just as handsome, if not more handsome than he is. “I am flattered, and amazed you could resist his charm.”
Chén’s scaled eyebrows rise and he responds, “Even if I was interested in him, he is your lover which makes him, just like you sweetie, untouchable.”
“Hold on, you know full well we have sex with other people, right?”
“Mèng, darling, yes I am well aware you sleep around, still that does not mean I am going to have fun with you when you are Mò Xīn’s lover. I have far too much respect for him.”
“I understand. It is why I will not get in to bed with you when you are one of the Father of the God’s sons.”
They bow to each other, then the Masked Warrior rises and trots out of the room. Einar goes on to explain what his lover is up to and Chén agrees it is not a bad idea to ask Raven with him being an elder who knows some powerful spells.
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