Kuru’s eyes open wide and she mutters, “Why did I not remember that?”
Yūrei comes from the kitchen sipping a cup of tea and remarks, “It is to do with the timeline. We are suffering with, what can be considered amnesia. This is why Einar is stepping in to remind us, what we are in now has never happened before.”
“It does explain why I was little baffled when Akihito was informing me… so in a way I should not have apologised for the confession,” declares the leader of the Yamato, performing a deep bow.
The Masked Warrior pats him on the shoulder. “Do not apologise for it does clear up a few things why he has the same name. I take it Akihito is not behind the fires?”
“You are correct,” answers Rì chū, entering the room still munching his bowl of noodles, “he has no idea why the great hall was set alight.”
“The gathering,” mutters Takahashi, resting the nearly empty dish upon his knee.
The princess folds her arms and walks down to the end of the bed. “You are right, whoever set it thought the party was still going on. They did not know we had all retired early… or was it because Einar warned us of the fire?”
“Well, the only person who can answer that is the man himself,” implies the Great Warrior, “it’s shame he is not here to put us right, for twenty years is a long time plus the effects of coming out of a time loop is, as I have already said, having an effect on all of us, apart from Shadow because he is not effected by time.”
“Ah, that explains why Einar knows so much.”
“It is, Asuka,” chimes the Forest Dragon, “Shadow is amazing he will inform his master when needed and that is why they know we are on a new timeline and we need to do our best to not to interfere with the flow. That is what Einar has been hinting, we need to allow it to play out to discover where it is going and to uncover the truth behind the fires. Are they being set to either cover something up or to do away with the stiff competition which is brewing amongst the mortals within Izumi and the surrounding areas, that is what we need to focus on, hmm?”
Yūrei gives a sharp nod and agrees, “It sure is for I believe it will help us to unravel the whole connection to the Sasaki family. So, what to do, go back to the detective and Nakagawa or return to Ōhiko?”
Commander Ōtomo places his hand to his chest and offers, “I will return to the temple and keep an eye on things there along with the village.”
“Bless you. All right, I will see if the Detective or the lovely Peacekeeper have managed to uncover any more information on the latest fire.”
Tenjō gently takes hold of his friend’s arm and leads him in to the back room. “I did not want to say this in front of Mieko and Sanjō, I remembered the reason we retired early is because all the mortals were feeling suddenly really tired. Do you remember?”
“Come to think of it, I can recall feeling a tad strange and once I had left the great hall I felt better. Is that what happened to you?”
The Soul Drinker nods. “I can also recall feeling not myself when I was within that room. The thing is, I cannot remember if Einar was effected.”
“Neither can I. Wait, he will always quote, my head is heavy and bed is calling, when he is really sleepy, I do not remember him saying it that night. Oh, well, there is no use in dwelling on it, I’ll just add it to the list.”
“Good plan. Anyway, I will leave you to it.”
“Come here, I promise you we will get to the bottom of this, it is just going to take a little time.”
Tenjō nods, then presses his cheek to the side of his dear friend’s face. “I have missed you and I know Einar has his reasons for being at his tower, I just wish sometimes he could be with us more.”
“So do I.”
They kiss before they part and the Masked Warrior makes his way over to Katsuhito’s home to find him standing in front of the map ready to place a flag pin into it. “Uncovered something?”
“Ah, no,” answers Mr Nakagawa with a slight shake of his head. “There does not seem to be a link with the fires nor the information you gave me about the oil. I mean why take it all the way to Beniyaan in Sakai?”
“I know what you mean, it makes very little sense. It is why I am going to pay the area another visit now I dropped a lock on stone there. Let’s see,” says the Great Warrior, holding out his left hand.
A portal opens just out side the entrance of Beniyaan and Yūrei steps through. He decides to make his way around to the graveyard that lies near the entrance of the small tomb of Emperor Hanzei and takes a look around.
A young monk is attending to some of the graves when he rises he notice a tall, slender man is strolling around the parking area with his hands clasped behind his back. “Can I help you, sir?”
“I don’t know if you can, my boy,” answers the Great Warrior, turning to face the young man.
“Your highness, please tell me what brings you here again?”
“I am still trying to uncover who takes the stinky oil from this very parking lot in the middle of the night.”
“Oh that would be two large men dressed in black,” informs the monk.
This makes the Masked Warrior hop over the low wall and question, “What, you have seen them? Why did you not inform me before?”
The young man giggles. “Well, I was out when you last visited and yes, I have seen them, only because sometimes I cannot sleep.”
“Ah, I see. So, from here which way do they head?”
The monk points out his hand and informs him, “That would be up the road to reach the main road that leads out of town. When they reach Takao they stop for breakfast at Kitsune Noodle Bar that lies in front of the pond of the same name.”
“How come you know this? Did you follow them?”
The young man is alarmed by the idea of following two strange men in across Japan. “No,” he quickly answers, “my brother owns the noodle bar.”
“Oh, I see. So he gets two stinky men come in order breakfast and then what?”
“I am afraid that’s all I know. My brother informed me they do carry on to Izumi.”
Yūrei folds his arms and questions, “Has he said they are the same two men?”
“Sorry I should have said, yes they are the same men every time, big, muscular men that are dressed completely in black. They have long beards and one of them is missing his little finger upon his left hand. The other man has a lot of tattoos and apparently is the only one who speaks with deep gruff voice. And it is clear from the way he rolls his r’s he’s from the north.”
“Ah, so you are implying they are not related?”
“Yes, I would say so.”
The Masked Warrior takes a turn and wonders, “Why stop at all, for it only takes just over an hour to reach Izumi… unless they were travelling all night… from where though?”
The monk points his hand down the road and responds, “They always come in from that direction, park in there, load up the stinky barrels and carrying on up the road.”
“That means then they come in to the parking space and back the cart up to the barrels so they are facing the right way, with there not being that much room to remover.”
“It takes some skill to back up a cart,” implies the young man, looking up at the narrow parking space.
“It sure does, my boy. Well, thank you for the information.”
“You’re welcome, your highness,” replies the monk, performing a deep bow. He turns to leave when he stops and questions, “They must be storing it far away from people otherwise I’m sure someone would have notified you or one of the Aoi Koi.”
The Great Warrior gives him a pat on the arm. “You are on to something there. There are some open bits of land on the way in to the Izumi around the river. Most of the farms grow rice and grain. A cart could easily be hidden inside a barn.”
“There you go, you need to find an isolated building that could be unoccupied or under mysterious owners. You know how famers can be when there is someone new in the area they all keep an eye on them and moan about their farming methods.”
“Good point and worth investigating for I do know some of the farmers around there.”
They bow to each other and the king goes on to open a portal to small teahouse and steps through. He continues to make his way along the road until he comes to a farm that has a sign out front that reads, Chestnut Mushrooms for sale.
“Nice I could just go for them,” he mutters, whilst making his way down the drive.
It is not long before a young man is running over to him and performs a deep bow. “Your highness,” he says with a puff.
“Easy, lad, catch your breath, I am just here to collect some mushrooms and enquire anyone new come in to the area?”
“Err… not that I am aware of, your lordship. May I enquire, are looking for someone?”
“Well, kind of. Has anyone mention smelling an unpleasant smelling bath oil?”
“That would be us, your grace, for we sometimes smell a strong smelling oil. The problem is we have no idea where it is coming from with it being carried on the wind.”
“I see your point, for there is a lot of open land to cover. The question in which direction does it seem to come from?”
“Oh, that would be north-wast, or sometimes it seems more north, your lordship. It can be hard to tell.”
“Why is that?”
“Well, the other smells coming in from the surrounding farms and river do not help. I mean my sense of smell is inferrer to yours, your grace.”
Yūrei emits a soft laugh. “Inferrer, I would not say so, for a farmer that produces grain and mushrooms needs a sharp or keen sense of smell, for would not know if there was something wrong with either just by looking at them.”
“Ah, you make a fine point, your lordship,” answers the man, performing a shallow bow. He goes on to place some fine mushroom in to a paper bag and hands it to the king.
“Thank you. I take it no one has seen a couple of large men, one of which has tattoos?”
The farmer takes a moment to think and responds a moment later, “Yes, at the Shinko-ji temple that lies not far from here. They do odd jobs around the place and one of them has… emm… tattoos.”
“Why the hesitation?”
“Forgive me, your lordship, I did not want to judge him when I am yet to see them. The ones who have say the tattoos are gang related. I said you shouldn’t just jump to that conclusion for some people have them to cover up scars or just like tattoos.”
“You are so right. Another thing is if they were gang related he would keep them covered up.”
“My thoughts exactly, your grace. These men never corse any trouble and they are, I have been informed, never here long before they are gone.”
“I see. Well, whilst I am here I will pay the temple a visit. Thanks for the mushroom and information.”
The farmer performs a deep bow and watches the king leave.
The Masked Warrior continues along the road when a lady on a cart comes to a stop. “Care for a lift, your highness?”
“No, thank you, my dear, for my destination is in sight.”
The woman sees he is pointing a slender hand in the direction of the temple, she quickly gets down from the cart and tells him in a soft voice, “Strange men are there. They are fixing the shutters and clearing the back garden. Now I know the head monk means well giving them work… it’s just that one of them likes to chat up young ladies, when he himself is not young.”
“Nothing wrong with a bit of flirting with a sweet young lady, it is what us men do. Shame he does not see your beauty, my dear.”
The lady giggles and gives him a tap on the arm. “Oh, your grace, is too kind. I am not that young and the grey hairs tell you I am in my prime.”
“There is nothing wrong with being with a mature lady, way more fun than one who does not know how to have fun in bed.”
The woman gasps and they both laugh.
The Great Warrior winks at her and enquires, “So, I take it no young lady has gone with the man?”
“I am afraid I cannot answer that. The girls are old enough to make their own decisions and your right some people like to be with an older person. Or as you said, your grace, it is nothing more than harmless flirting.”
“Well, there is only one way to find out. I will go and talk with these big men.”
“You will find them around the back of the temple.”
Yūrei helps the lady back on to her cart before he continues up the road to the temple and makes he way around to the rear garden. To discover two men are indeed busy at work and are not even aware of him until he calls, “Afternoon gentlemen.”
Both men quickly stop what they are doing and turn to face the polite voice. The next thing they are both dropping to there knee and bowing their heads in respect.
The Masked Warrior gives them the hand signal to rise, but both man remain bowed. “Please you are both making a scene, I really do not want to be noticed.”
This makes them rise and the one with the tattoos going down his arms enquires, “How may we be of service, your highness?”
“Tell me do you do any odd deliveries in the middle of the night?” This makes them both look a little uncomfortable which makes the Great Warrior inform them, “Come now you are not in any trouble if all you do is pick it up and just deliver it.”
The other man clears his throat and answers with a nervous voice, “Yes, we pick up stinky barrels from Beniyaan in Sakai Ward and drop them off at a farm that lies north of here.”
“The thing is, your highness, we never see anyone,” informs the tattooed man, “we just get the job done.”
Yūrei releases a disappointed sigh and moans, “I completely understand. It just means I am no closer to solving the case.”
“Case, your lordship?”
The tattoo man quickly taps his friend’s arm and tells him off, “Minoru, we cannot ask the king about that. Please, your highness, forgive my brother’s impertinence.”
“Really it is quite all for I did say it to prick your ears. You see the stinky oil is being used to destroy businesses in Izumi, which have sadly calmed some lives. Any information you both can give me could help me crack the case.”
The brothers look to each other with worried faces to hear they could be helping to commit murder, then the king takes hold of their arms and expresses, “Neither of you are to blame for what happens with the oil after you delivered it. Like you said you both were just fulfilling the order.”
“Yes, that’s right, your grace, we’re innocent,” remarks Minoru, looking to his brother who nods in agreement.
“Well, whilst I am here I might as well visit the farm where you both left the oil.”
The man with tattoos performs a slight bow and offers, “I am happy to escort you, your grace.”
The Masked Warrior gives him a nod and follows him out the back gate. They both make their way up the road, that is covered in dead leaves with patches of snow. The farm lies across a side road and one thing the Great Warrior soon notices is the lack of animals and people. The main single floor building is partly covered in dead vines and it is clear from the broken shutters no one has been attending to place for quite some time. In the outbuilding they discover rings of oil lie upon the floor.
“That is where my brother and were told to leave them,” informs the mortal, looking around. “This place never changes… I find it a little creepy.”
“I completely agree with you, it’s got a real eerie feel to it.” The Great Warrior shivers and pats the man’s arm. “Come, this place cannot tell me more than it already has. It is nothing more than a drop off point.”
“It sure is and that road leads directly to the main road in to Hatsugano. I am afraid to say no one is going to pay that much attention to a cart of barrels going down the road.”
Yūrei nods in agreement and they both make their way back to the road where the king comes to a stop and turns back. “They have to be strong men to shift the barrels from the barn to the cart that would have stunk to high haven. You’re right though no one would pay attention to it… unless I am afraid to say the drivers are a pair of shady characters, one of which has tattoos.”
The man looks at his strong forearms that have black birds flying up them and chuckles. “I bet people are thinking I was in a gang, right?”
“I am afraid so.”
“Hmm, I have had them since I was a teenager my name is Yoru karasu. From those wide eyes you obviously know the name?”
The Masked Warrior nods and smiles. “Yes, Yoru karasu was an outstanding leader during the Clan Wars. He was a man who took no nonsense and lead the Aki no bara to victory. I was not aware he had family.”
“I have discovered he got busy with two women and had in all twelve children. I am part of his second son’s family hence the tattoos, for he was called Kage karasu.”
“Ah, now I understand. Also Yoru karasu had the same birds upon his left forearm and had crow feathered earrings and had them upon his helmet. He was a remarkable man and I pleased to see his legacy continues.”
The tattooed man performs a deep bow. “It sure does, your grace. Is there anything else I can help you with?”
“You have told me all you can. It is becoming clear it is someone who has a lot of money and time to spare to organise all of this.”
“Not only that, they must have a serious motive, other than just killing off their competition to go through all of this. I mean what have those people done which has driven a person to murder… it’s just awful.”
“You’re right it’s personal. The problem is we have nothing other than where the oil has come from, to where it was stored… hold on this location is not far from a temple and the first location is at the back of one. Both are temples dedicated to Buddha… south of the town there are six that are quite close together.”
Yoru karasu is a little surprised and questions, “Surely it cannot be someone who follows the teachings of Buddha? They are such peaceful people.”
The Great Warrior sighs and expresses, “You will be surprised to know when someone is at a loss everything they believe or follow goes right out the window and they begin to think they are doing the right thing. It is hard for me to even suggest we could be dealing with an unstable monk. I have dealt with a few of them in my lifetime. Well, at least I know where to go next.”
The mortal watches him open a portal to a busy marketplace and bows to him as he steps through.
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The Masked Warrior decides to go to Myooin the first of the six temples. The monks there have not smelt any bad oil nor have they seen anything suspicious. However when he is at Kondo the monks inform him of odd activity at the nearby Kasuga Shrine and he goes to investigate. The white paper lanterns sway in the breeze carrying with it the smell of incense. It is clear the Shinto shrine has been standing there a long time from the moss growing upon the wood and upon the steps and around the bases of the lions which guard the entrance. Trotting up the two steps Yūrei peers through the open doorway to see a small statue of Buddha lies within. He bows to it before he continues to look around outside the building, to discover around back are perfect ring marks upon the ground. The Masked Warrior sniffs the air near them and gets a faint sent of the stinky oil.
“Ah, another clue,” he whispers. Then his sharp hearing homes in on branches braking, he quickly turns around to discover it is a monk who quickly bows. “Sneaking up on me were you?”
“No, not at all, your grace, I just did not want to disturb you. Sorry.”
“It is quite all right. Tell me have you smelt a foul smelling oil back here?”
“Why yes, there was six barrels here of the awful stuff, leaking all over the ground. I tried to clean the area, but as you can see it still remains along with the smell. I try to burn the strongest incense I can find to mask that dreadful oder.”
“How long were the barrels here?”
“No more than two weeks, your highness, then over night they were gone. I have even slept inside the shrine to try and catch them in the act. The problem is I get drugged every time.”
“What? Are you sure?”
“Quite sure, your grace. It always happens after the evening meal. I get really tired. I thought skipping it I would be all right, but no, the same thing happened and I awoke the next morning with a headache and feeling quite under the weather.”
“Ooh, that is creepy that someone is drugging you to make sure you are out of the way. So does someone bring you something to eat or drink?”
“No, that is the thing, your highness, I am completely alone out here and I made damn sure this time I did not consume anything, yet I awoke to find myself on the floor and feeling very rough.”
The Masked Warrior folds his arms. “Fragrance… did you smell anything else other than that stinky oil?”
The monk shakes his head. “I am afraid once that got into my nostrils that is all I was smelling.”
“I understand. I am also afraid to say it must be a fellow monk.”
“Ah, funny you would say that, your highness, there is a monk who has been here for over twenty years. He mainly keeps himself to himself. That is including bathing, even though we are all men, he always bathes alone. I have been told by the head monk it is because the man has tattoos and he doesn’t want anyone jumping to conclusions. One time I was attending to his fire, I will admit I did take a peek and boy his back was entity covered with a woman that had a temple and a full moon to the left.”
“Would you say the lady was Geisha in appearance?”
“Yes, and dressed in a fine red Kimono that had Koi upon it. She was holding a black Katana, and the moon was sort of going red on one side.”
The Great Warrior goes over everything the monk told him and few minutes later he mutters, “Hiiro no tsuki (Scarlet moon) they had those tattoos…”
“I take it you know this clan?”
Yūrei places his hands behind his back and begins to walk around. “No, Tenjō had more dealings with them than I. Or should I say his father dealt with them for they were lead by his cousin who was not too pleased Fuyu kaze or as I knew him Kaze, Tenjō’s father was in charge of the Yamato. That’s if I am remembering correctly… Well, it is something to go on. Thank you.”
“I am glad I was able to help for it is sounding very complicated.”
“More like it is getting more complicated now I am investigating who is behind the oil. Tell me is he still here?”
The monk gives a sharp nod. “Yes, he was in the library. I’ll take you to him.”
Yūrei follows him through the grounds to the main temple and around the back to a large building, they both take a moment to slip off their boots before steeping on to the covered walkway. The monk slides open the door to reveal a dull lit room that is packed with free standing bookcases that are crabbed with scrolls and books.
The monk continues to lead the king over to a plump man who is seated upon the floor by a writing desk. “Nobutoshi, allow me to intrude you to King Mèngjiàn.”
The plump man seems to realise a shocked cough and quickly rises and turns around to face them with an expression of shock with a hint of anger. “Your highness,” he says with a slight bow.
The Masked Warrior folds his arms and shakes his head. “I see you are wearing the Hiiro no tsuki Clan colours and also the pin.”
The monk had not taken much notice to Kawano-san’s Kimono before and realises it is dark blue with crests consisting of two birds flying towards a setting sun or rising moon. The clothespin that has been pushed through the left side of the collar is of a red crescent moon with stars hanging from the top point. The bottom of the pin is decorated with a gold flower.
Nobutoshi places his hands upon his waist and moans, “Thanks to that incompetent Leader of the Yamato my clan is not what it used to be.”
“So you think that gives you the right to start murdering all who are loyal to him? You really are a fool for the downfall of your precious clan is not Tenjō’s fault. It was your own elder who brought it, as you have been most likely told, crashing down when he went up against one of the most powerful and brilliant minds I have ever known. Trust me Einar is an amazing negotiator who soon had your elder realising the error of his ways and sided with the Yamato and apologised to his cousin Fuyu kaze. Why now are you tearing up your families peace that has lasted for centuries?”
The plump man seems a little confused and his mouth opens slightly as though he is about to say something, but all that passes his lips is a soft, “Err?”
“I am not lying,” says the Great Warrior, “it was Einar who brought the Clan Wars to a swift end. Like I said he is an amazing negotiator and trust me that man has a way with words that is unlike anything you could possibly imagine. Trust me you would also crumble in a matter of minutes.”
“He would not have that effect on me when I am straight man.”
Yūrei tries not to laugh, he clears his throat, however, he is unable to contain it and emits a loud chuckle. “My word your elder was the strangest man I have ever known. He only had eyes for women. He also thought that sweet Einar would have no effect on him. Boy he was wrong, the moment Einar speaks, trust me you will find him hard to resist.”
“I am afraid to say, his highness, is right, that Ink Heart’s voice is remarkable and even though I am a straight man, I seriously found him hard to resist and you do find yourself soon captivated by it. Please, your grace, do not tell him I said this.”
The Masked Warrior nods. “My lips are sealed. I cannot believe your clan are back to doing what they did during the Clan Wars trying to take everyone down all because they became part of the Yamato. Come to think of it, why do you not like Tenjō?”
The monk folds his arms and narrow his eyes at Kawano-san. “Let me guess, it is because he prefers the company of men, is that it?”
When the Hiiro no tsuki does not respond the Great Warrior slaps him on the arm and snaps, “Seriously!” He goes on to take a deep breath and continues in a much calmer voice, “It is people like you who make Einar remain on his island all because people like you, no matter how many generations go by you still stick to this fear when it comes to people like me. Wake up! Being in to the same sex courses no harm whatsoever, nor does it when the person who is born one gender and chooses to be another. It is just your fear of not understanding, that makes you cannot go against nature. Right, understand I have eight wonderful sons, seven of which are like you in to women, only one is into men. When it comes to Tenjō, not a single one of his sons are the same as him, however, one of his grandsons is. Get the picture? All because we are in to the same sex it does not mean our sons or the people around us become like us. It not something you can catch. Just like you once my hormones kicked in I found myself being drawn to men just like you are drawn to women. For heavens sake we were raised by straight parents… well, except my mother, for he is both. You do realise it is only you mortals who struggle with this whole thing. Us gods have accepted a long time ago and it is about time you either accept it or forever cause yourself trouble.”
“I have to say even I come from a straight family and not a single one of them is against same sex couples. Mainly because as you pointed out, your highness, most gods are both and yet we still have give them a single gender. Not in my family we say them or they unless the god tells us to call them he or she. Seriously it cannot just be that?”
Nobutoshi stares at the monk for a moment before he blinks his eyes and responds, “Everyone who is under the flag of that terrible clan will have their lives ruin just like they ruined ours.”
The Masked Warrior is confused and asks, “What on earth are you on about?”
The plump man walks over to the desk opens the top and reaches inside to bring out a small scroll and hold it out towards the king. “I suggest you take a look at that.”Yūrei unrolls it and begins to read to discover the letter is from none other than Lieutenant Nakan Yuuji.