He sighs and shakes his head. “Seriously you believe this thief? I am not making this up, this idiot stole from an elder Mountain Dragon. If he gave you a bag of uncut gems, nuggets of gold the Dragon will be coming to claim it back and he will not hesitate to tear this place apart to find it, most likely killing you in the process. The reason they are called Mountain Dragon is kind of a clue, they can summon rocks that will crush you like a bug. He has already got his money back from Lieutenant Nakan and Major Kikuchi and I have to say if I had not been there at the time those men would not be standing. I am not lying I mean what I say my presence saved their lives.”
“Our king is not messing around,” stresses the monk, “I have witnessed a Mountain Dragon who summoned a bolder that was the size of a house and was about to throw it when the mortals living in the house quickly returned what they had stolen from him. The bolder is still sitting in their garden as a reminder to the people of my village to never ever steal from a Mountain Dragon for we are nothing compared to them.”
Kawano-san tries to swallow the lump of fear within his throat and mutters, “Yuuji lied.”
“I am afraid he is a liar and murderer. Yuuji sent hundred men to their deaths… I helped to lay them to rest,” expresses the Masked Warrior his voice cracking over the strain of holding back his anger and upset. “Those young men did not desire to die. Yuuji along with Major Kikuchi are both facing life in prison and now you will be joining them.”
Nobutoshi is shocked and says with urgency, “What? Wait, I have not killed anyone.”
“What? Have you suddenly lost your mind? You, sir, have been getting stinky oil and getting your men to pour it over homes and setting them alight killing the people inside. Twenty years ago were you also responsible for the downfall of Sasaki Castle?”
“Huh? What? No, I was only a child when that happened.”
“Hmm, were you now… You see the same stinky oil was used to set the main hall alight what do you have to say to that?”
“It’s just a coincidence.”
“Is it now? Well, I can tell you Dōngjì fēngbào will not see it that way and neither do I. Especially when some of those fires involve the Sasaki family. Or are you suggesting, just like in this letter they deserve to die because, quote they are freaks.”
Suddenly the monk emits a sharp, “Ah!” Then places his hands over his mouth and performs a deep bow.
“It is quite all right, please tell me what you have remembered.”
“Your grace, it was a while ago we had an insurgent here a young lady was caught in a storm and she had slipped on the steps and hurt her ankle. One of my fellow monks had carried her to the temple. Even though he knew the young lady was really a man, that never crossed his mind and he continued to treat her as he saw her a woman who was hurt and in need of dry clothes. I was shocked and appalled to hear Nobutoshi calling the lady a freak and you did say at the time people like her should be whipped out. Or did I hear you wrong?”
“No, you heard me correctly,” grumbles Kawano-san.
Yūrei folds his arms and shakes his head. “You monster, you clearly do not understand what it is like for someone who is trapped in the wrong gender. And it is people like you who drive them to take their own lives. How would you like it to awaken every morning hating the body you were born with… that is what it is like for them. It is a never ending nightmare and the only thing that helps is dressing in the gender they want to be. It makes them happy instead of being miserable. Now this will freak you out, when I make passionate sex with a woman who is a man, I make sure to treat her as a woman. I complement her breasts, her sweet fragrance and take her the same way I would any woman. Not once do I expose or touch her true gender.”
The colour has drain from the plump man’s face, then his eyes grow wide and he questions, “Hold on you are saying you are in to women?”
The Great Warrior waves his hand in front of the man’s face. “I did say I have children. How on earth do you think I got them? Yes, I enjoy having sex with women as well as men.”
The monk chuckles at Nobutoshi shock and confused expression. “Our king has been hinting that the whole time but you have not heard any of it, all because you are bothered about is him being with men.”
“Exactly. And I will say again it is only because they do not understand it they fear it.” The Masked Warrior puffs and informs them, “I swear it is a good job Einar is not here for he would have by now thrown you in to one of the Seven Places of Punishment. He cannot stand people like you for you remind him too much of his first father who cut him off from the family all because he preferred the compony of men. What if it was the other way around and you were cut off for being with a lady, how would that make you feel?”
“This is what I and my family do,” expresses the monk, “we place ourselves in their situation and I really do feel for the Ink Heart losing everything all because of who he chose to go to bed with. I also understand why some people dear not say they prefer the same sex because this is exactly what they fear loneliness and isolation.”
Kawano-san does not say anything for he is beginning to realise he has been making a terrible mistake. He opens the desk and removes a cloth pouch. “Here please return this to the Mountain Dragon and tell him I’m sorry.”
Yūrei takes it and uses the strings to attach it to the straps of his Hakama. “I must ask you one thing, was Yuuji serious about going after Einar?”
“Yes, he was deadly serious about sending an assassin to his island.”
“He really is mad,” remarks the monk, “he has no idea at all how powerful the Ink Heart is. The assassin does not stand a chance.”
“That’s if the assassin even reaches Tower Island, for the sea around it is guarded by Ryūjin the Sea God. It will not matter if the assassin is a pretty lady Ryūjin will do everything he can to stop her from reaching the island. Even fishermen have to be careful not to get too close to the island, however, if they are blown that way Ryūjin will keep a close eye on them.”
The plump man frowns and asks, “Why does he guard him when he is not a Dragon?”
“Allow me to explain, Einar is highly respected by all gods for he and his brothers brought the Dark Time to an end. If it were not for them China would have been destroyed by the Shadow Realm. Need I say more?”
“No, you made your point loud and clear. Yuuji clearly has no idea who he is messing with. I have no idea when he will be sending the assassin.”
“It could have already happened by now and was resolved by Ryūjin. What about you, planning to do any more fires?”
Nobutoshi shakes his head and voles, “I will even call off the next target and hand myself along with my men to the police.”
Yūrei looks to the monk and quotes, “Does he think I was born yesterday?”
“Apparently so, your highness. There is no way the king nor I are letting you go, for you could just carry on murdering people. In fact I am going to fetch the police.”
The Masked Warrior quickly places himself between the plump man and the monk. “Go,” he orders over his shoulder.
The monk performs a quick bow and runs out of the room.
Kawano-san takes a seat on a floor cushion and hands the king a map. “That is the next target.”
The Great Warrior sees Handa Gokuraku-ji Temple has been circled. “Why are you targeting a temple?”
“Yuuji believes it is being run by the Yamato. Let me guess he is wrong?”
“Very wrong for no shrine or temple would ever be run by the Yamato family for they have never been ones for religion. Tenjō is the only one who does follow the teachings of Buddha. However, he also believes in the Nordic gods because of Einar’s amazing stories.”
Kawano-san bows his head in shame and says with a soft voice, “I see again Yuuji was wrong about the family and to be honest I am beginning to regret listening to him… I deserve to be in jail or in the Mine doing hard labor for years.”
“It is up to Dōngjì fēngbào to decided what happens to you not me. All you need to tell me is where your men are so I can stop them?”
“They should be somewhere around Nago and striking the Handa Gokuraku-ji Temple on the night of a new moon.”
Yūrei gives a nod and watches the monk enter along with two police officers who take Nobutoshi between them and escort him out of the library. The Masked Warrior is about to open a portal to Hatsugano when he changes his mind and decides to go and make sure his lover is all right.
Einar is in his guardian along with Ryūjin who is helping him harvest some winter cabbage, Mizuna and Kale. Along with some purple broccoli and potatoes when they hear the sound of a portal opening and the Westerner starts to smile. A few minutes later Yūrei come trotting over, throwing his arms around his lover pulling him close.
Einar takes hold of his lover’s shoulder to gently push him back so he can see his masked face. “Mèng, my sweet, whatever is the matter?”
The Great Warrior hands him the scroll and quickly answers, “Read that. It is all right, Ryūjin, you can also read it for it concerns you as well.”
The Sea God grips his troubled friend’s shoulder as he also takes a look. After a while he looks to the Westerner to see his eyebrows are raised. “An assassin,” mutters the Soul Drinker his eyes looking to Ryūjin, “I think you would have told me of a boat heading this way.”
“I would indeed, Einar. Yet we know all mortals consider this island off limits because of the strange magic,” answers the Dragon, wiggling his fingers around in the air.
The Westerner giggles and remarks, “What mortals come up with never ceases to amaze me.” He rolls up the scroll and shakes his head. “My sweet Ink Summoner, do you not think this would have happened by now?”
“He has a point. Another thing there is no way any mortal can get to this island without being stopped and questioned not just by the locals, they also have me in the water to contend with. The only incident we’ve had recently is a fishing boat getting caught in the odd currents that run around the north-west side of the island and I had to help them out of it. I swear there was no pretty assassin on board.”
The Masked Warrior begins to feel silly about his over reaction and responds, “You’re both right and I am just being silly.”
“Not at all, my sweet Ink Summoner, you are being your loving caring self. It is things like this which tell me how much you love me in your life and you do not want anything to happened to me. It truly is adorable. Come here.” Einar goes on to give the king a hug and a kiss. “See you have noting to worry about.”
“I love you. Do you think I will be able to find and stop Nobutoshi’s men?”
The Westerner takes another look at the Map. “If they really are hiding in Nago they could be at the shrine that is in the thick forest above the small village. It is the only place that could offer them shelter for there are no inns in the village. Nor would the locals give a load of strange men shelter.”
Ryūjin points two fingers at the map and questions, “Why are they attacking the temple?”
When they hear Yūrei explain they both sigh and shake their heads. “I cannot believe they think that,” expresses Einar. “Most mortals know the head of the Yamato is a man who does not follow or believe in any kind of religion. I cannot blame Tenjō when he has not met any of the higher gods or Buddha. The reason he allows mortals to build temples and shrines is to give them a place of worship and to thank us gods with gifts. They seem to forget Tenjō and his sons are the last of the Yamato family and not a single one of them live in Nara or the surrounding area.”
Yūrei folds his arms and states, “I cannot believe centuries later the Kawano family are still easily lead in to believing nonsense.”
The Sea God’s scaled eyebrows rise and he responds with a slight sigh, “That’s mortals for you. No matter how many centuries go by they still do stupid things. It sometimes makes me wonder why do we bother trying to safe their lives.”
Einar nods in agreement. “So, my love, what’s the plan?”
“All I can do is find Kawano-san’s men, try and stop them. Then I am thinking is there any point? Would they even listen to someone they are against?”
The left corner of Ryūjin’s mouth rises and he places his fingertips together so his slender hands form a triangle and his eyes narrow. “Then show them. Call your minions and give them a little fright.”
The Westerner purrs at him and blows him a kiss. “Ooh, I like you being naughty.”
“See, you are a bad influence on me,” answers the Sea God, holding him close.
Einar strokes the Dragon’s chest and smiles. “I sure am and I like it. He is right though, my sweet Ink Summoner, you need to be your legacy in order to make these mortals realise who they are dealing with.”
The Great Warrior nods and chuckles. “I hate it when you’re both right.”
“I would still though advise causation, my brave adventurer, when you are dealing with armed men without your trusty assistant by your side.”
“Thanks for the advice, Dungeon Master,” replies the Masked Warrior, performing a shallow bow. “Right, I am off to find Nobutoshi’s clan.”
The Westerner gives him a hug and says softly, “I’m serious watch your back.”
“Do not worry, I will have my crows watching.”
They kiss and Yūrei bows to the Sea God before he opens a portal to Handa Gokuraku-ji Temple. He comes out adjusting his demon mask then makes his way up the road to reach the mountains that are covered in thick forests. When he is about half way in to his journey a small cart that is being drawn by a pony pulls up and the man on board enquires, “Your highness, care for a lift?”
The Great Warrior points his hand to the mountains and informs him, “I am heading for Nango.”
“Well, you are in luck, your grace, I am from that area, please come aboard,” he says, offering his hand.
The Masked Warrior takes hold of it and the mortal helps him on to the bench. Then he gives the reins a light flick to get the pony moving. “I should inform you, your highness, there are some, now I do not like to judge people, however, I have to agree, though the men which are hanging around the shrine are a little rough looking. I have told everyone to stay clear of it and hopefully they will move along.”
“How many men are hiding there?”
“Oh, I would say around twenty. Pardon me for asking, your grace, what makes you say they are hiding?”
“They are members of the Hiiro no tsuki Clan who have been sent to attack Handa Gokuraku-ji Temple on the night of a new moon. So that is why I am here to stop them… well, that’s the plan. However, I do not like the sound of such a small number, it is making me think where are the others hiding?”
The man nods. “I understand what you mean, your highness, then again perhaps that is all you need to take down a temple.”
“Fear point. Even so I still do not like it. So you are suggesting no other ruffians have been seen in or around the village?”
“No, your grace. Now the women in the village are sensible and would stay clear of such men. However, they have had plenty of opportunities to take a girl when she’s in the fields or going to market. Yet they have left the women alone and the ones who have encountered them informed me even though they are rough looking men they are very polite. And one even escorted a lady home and another helped a lady with her shopping.”
Yūrei folds his arms and explains, “Hmm, that does sound like the Hiiro no tsuki, during the Clan Wars, they were considered the kindest of all the rival clans. When they were trying to take down the Yamato they would leave everyone else alone. Even when a lady was part of the Yamato the Hiiro no tsuki would not harm her. I am glad to see those rules are still alive today. It is just a shame the only reason they are here and why they were attacking the Yamato back in the day, is all because their leader does not understand that there is nothing wrong with being with the same sex.”
The man stops the cart and turns to face the king. “What?! I really am speechless I thought all of that was wiped out centuries ago?”
“I am afraid not. It is families like theirs which sadly keep it alive.”
The man gets the pony moving again. He shakes his head and stresses, “It is such a shame and that explains why a lot of people keep it under wraps. I am pleased to say in my village we do not care who the person wants to be with, just as long as they are happy.” He winks his left eye at the king and is pleased when he gives a nice response by placing his hand upon his thigh.
Yūrei begins to check the man out, it is clear from the fine lines upon his face he is in his late twenty or early thirties, quite well built with a neatly kept moustache and beard. He begins to think he could have some fun with him later. Then the cart is brought to a stop and the man says, “Good luck and I hope to see you again.”
The Great Warrior performs a slight bow. “Thanks for the lift and I hope to catch up with you later.”
The man gives him a happy smile as he bow then flicks the reins to get the pony moving down a side road.
Yūrei turns to face the line of trees and notices a sign which reads shrine pointing up the shallow steps. The Ink Summoner decides to call his crows which he sends in to the forest and when he can see the shrine coming into view he calls forth his minions.
From the shadows they watch a man come out of the building to relieve himself and when he turns around he comes face to face with a tall man with black mist floating around him and a group of snarling and grunting creatures who are holding weapons are surround his feet.
The masked man beckons to the mortal to follow him behind a group of trees where he goes on to grab his arm and demand in a low voice, “Why are you hiding here?”
“I am under orders, your highness.” The man starts to look worried when the creature, who is seated upon the king’s shoulder points a deceive spear at his face. “I swear our leader is up to no good. And he expects us to remain here for two more nights in the freezing cold he’s got another thing coming. We have had enough of being out here.”
“Then leave,” suggests the Great Warrior, “you do not have to listen to your leader when this saturation is threatening your lives.”
“You are right, why are we doing this? I will go back in and gather the men,” says the mortal performing a shallow bow. He quickly returns to the shrine and a few minutes later re-emerges with six cold looking officers and they run off through the forest.
The Masked Warrior notices the door to the shrine has been left partly open, he takes Ja sa from his shoulder and sends him inside along with the rest of his army. The men within begin to scream in fear and one orders, “You foul creatures take me to your master.” Outside Yūrei moves closer to the door and once the black mist is swirling around him he steps through the open doorway. The remaining men back away in fear except for one who draws his Katana and stands ready to fight.
Ja sa takes the opportunity to stab his spear into the man’s ankle making him drop to the floor in agony. He even hisses at the mortal for threatening his master and points the bloody tip of his spear at the man’s face.
“Kin da un sin ka min da,” commands Yūrei, waving his left hand.
The minions all take a step back and watch their master approach the leader who demands, “You masked freak, realise us!”
“Calling me names is not going to help matters, especially when I am your king who happens to be a god, which can throw you into another dimension.”
The leader sighs and groans, “You are not king, you’re just a god who has too much authority it has gone to your head.”
The Great Warrior shakes his head and points his hand to the others who are performing the Kowtow. “See they know I have been king of Japan for countless centuries regardless of whatever people like you think.” He goes on to give the hand signal to get the men to rise which they do. “I am here to inform you Kawano-san has been arrested and is now facing a heavy jail time. Do you all want to face the same fate, or worse be facing Death.”
“You called?”
The Masked Warrior quickly turns to the to face the top right hand corner of the shrine that is shrouded in shadows. “Death, is everything all right?”
A beautiful youth comes stepping out from the shadows and nods. “Yes, darling, master Shimizu who was limbo informed me it was him who saved the girl’s life for he had over heard Hirohito arguing with non other than this man right here, Kawano Hiroki brother of Nobutoshi. As a result the young man was finally able to move on. It is now just the father left. So out with it, Hiroki, what did you and Hirohito argued about that resulted in him being murdered. I am afraid, darling, that is what Shimizu-san suggested before he moved on.”
Hiroki begins to look nervous and does not respond.
The grim reaper folds his arms and declares, “Not cooperating will get you nowhere fast, lad. Especially when it comes to Mèng he will use some of his dark ways to get you to speak. Trust me I am Death and I know full well what he is capable of. Go ahead, darling, show him your true abilities.”
Yūrei emits a soft chuckle and performs a slight bow. “I will indeed.” Death gives him a pat on the shoulder before he sinks back into the shadows. Then the Great Warrior holds out his left hand and is about to chant when Kawano-san drops to his knees and smacks his forehead in to the floor of the shrine. “Ah, I take it you have decided to tell me everything, yes?”
“All right, he hired me to burn down his house before it was destroyed by the ones who were using fragrant oil… The reason I got angry with him is because he was using his wife and daughter as part of the payment. I was not about to have sex with either of them. Another thing he was paying me using the families savings.”
“And you were also against that?”
“Yes, your grace… mainly because I could not believe he wanted to threaten his own daughter’s future. The thing is the men who have been setting the fires got to them first so I was unable to give the money back to the daughter and tell her the truth.”
The Masked Warrior folds his arms and questions, “What do you mean by they got to them first? You are saying the struck before they were meant to?”
Kawano-san nods and replies, “They struck when there was no moon and only the back of the house was targeted and not the shop. That is unusual when the rest it has always been the front. I keep thinking someone must have told them of our plan, the question is who?”
“Were you just discussing it with Hirohito or the entire family?”
“Just Hirohito because quote his wife would panic. We were in his office which was situated at the… back of the house. Could that have been why the back of the house was targeted?”
“Was the office near the sitting room?”
“No, it was the other end of the corridor. The room looked out over a small Zen garden.”
Yūrei takes a moment to think back at the grounds of the recent fire and responds, “I did not see a Zen garden. Think did you see his wife and daughter?”
Hiroki takes a turn and answers, “Wait, our second meeting was not at the shop in the marketplace. It was an isolated place that was out of town. The lady who was with him was not his wife, yet it was clear they were close. Her name was Natsu bara, he just called her Natsu or my sweet. The building… I think was an old noblemen house. I will admit there was something odd about it.”
“Odd in what way?”
“It did not seem lived in and had this almost frozen in time appearance. And to say a woman was living there you couldn’t tell, unlike my place it is clear I am married with daughters.”
“You are right that is odd. It sounds like he was just using it as a meeting place to have sex with his second wife and of cause to meet with you. It could be a place he inherited for he did come from a wealthy family.”
Kawano-san suddenly clap his hands and blurts, “Wedding gift.”
The Great Warrior thinks that sort of fits with what the young lady told him about her fake engagement. However he decides to respond as though he knows nothing, “What? Is that what he told you?”
“Yes, your highness, he mentioned it was a wedding gift for his daughter now she was engaged to a better man. He would not say why he was not pleased about his daughter’s first marriage. The whole time I got this vibe that is way he was with the lady because she was better than his wife.”
“Ah, that could be because she was unable to give him a child and they adopted. Was this other lady with child?”
Hiroki’s eyes narrow as he recalls the strange meeting and answers, “I am afraid it was hard to tell, however I would go with maybe because he was making sure she was not doing too much. Then again that could be because he did not want her wearing herself out before they had fun.”
The Masked Warrior nods in agreement. “Is there anything else you can tell me?”
“That is all I can tell you, your grace. What is going to happen to me?”
“Jail and it will be up to the Father of the Gods to decide what happens to all of you. One question have you seen Natsu since that day?”
Kawano-san slightly shakes his head. “She was very beautiful… come to think of it, I think she was an entertainer… The reason I say that, is because of the way she was dressed and acted. As I'm recalling her I would say she was a Geisha and a silver dragon hung from her belt.”
The Masked Warrior's eyes open slightly wider. “Oh, that changes things, the silver dragon means she is one of the girls from the Red Dragon. If she really was married to him she would not still be wearing the pendent. He lied to you about her being his second wife, she was only there to be a witness to your conversation… the question is why? First things first, I need to throw you and your men in jail then I will go and talk to Natsu bara.”
All the mortals perform deep bows and they all make their way to the main road that leads back to town. Half way in to the journey Detective Saitō brings his horse to a stop and dismounts to ask the king some questions. When he hears who and what the men are responsible for he helps him to escort them to the police station.