Slowly but reluctantly, I uncover my hands from my face. I blink and close my eyes, groaning. Streaks of sunlight penetrate through the blinds of the window momentarily blinding me. Dragging my feet off the warmth of the bed, I rub my knuckles on my eyes to terminate the remainder of sleep.
My eyes were still heavy and my lashes were stuck together making it harder to open them. Squinting I stumble into the bathroom. I wave my hand around to feel the tap. When I was sure I could feel the handle, I pull. Cool water washes over my hands along with an aroma of freshness. My eyes still closed I take a handful of water and splash it on my face, making sure to get ride of the residue on my eyes.
I turn and wipe my face on the towel, sighing in content when I could once again feel my eyes starting to slide open. I gasped at my reflection in the mirror.
I knew I would look bad...but not this bad.
Now red, tear-rimmed eyes stared back at me, with water streaks lining down my face.I smoothed my now chaotic hair and wiped the smears from my cheeks which were now blotchy and mottled. My whole face was now washed with a dull red, including the very end of my nose.
Sighing I push my face back into the sink and rub my face with soap and water once more. Once I pretty sure I had a better job than last time, I looked back up. Good enough.
It was the best enough I was gonna get anyways...
Opening the cabinet I picked up the bottles I was looking for.
Foundation and concealer.
I try my best to concealer as much of the puffy eyes and blotchy cheek as I could. Once my face looked decent enough to be able to look at, I turned to get changed.
I can't even remember my life before all this demon shit.
While struggling to pull my hoodie over my head I scramble to out of my room. My hoodie half way through my head, I bump into something and harshly fall to the ground.
Finally pulling my hoodie over, I look to see mom standing at my doorway with an amused smile and hands crossed against her chest.
"Did you just hit your head on the doorway?" She chokes some of the words by the end of the sentence and bursts out laughing.
I huff. "Not in the mood." I push myself off of the floor and walk past her. I'll probably regret acting like this later, but her trembling body, sobbing on the cold floor was fresh in my mind and I couldn't bring myself to ask.
Did I make her that miserable?....
I skip down the stairs and jump to the end. Balancing myself on the floor I walk straight to the door.
"Honey?.." I don't look back.
"Don't you want to eat?" My self composure was slowly crumbling away and I bit my tongue from saying things I'll probably regret.
"Not hungry."
"Ok then, honey. I'll see you later." I nod, still not looking back. Grabbing my keys I open the door and head out, almost missing her whisper in a faint noise.
I love you
A sad smile places itself on my face. I love you too.
Closing my car door I release a distressed sigh. How did my life go down the rail so fast? Turning the ignition on, I back out of the driveway and make my way over to the one place I'd trade anything to be somewhere else.
* * * * * * *
I press my forehead against the cool steering wheel. I peek back out from in the middle of my hands hoping for the building to just vanish. I squeeze my eyes shut and pray. I take another chance and look up, my hopes instantly shattering.
It's still bloody there
Huffing I get out and slam the door shut. My mood was horrible and I was coming out to be bitchy but I couldn't care less. Setting my face in a permanent scowl I march through the gates of hell.
I walk on over to my locker and pull the lock for it to open. Thankfully it swiftly swings down. Snatching the books I need I slam the locker shut and make my way to Mr. Caspar's class.
Unfortunately life had other ideas.
Right as I turn my body smashes into someone, the force knocking every single book out of my hands, scattering them across the floor. I just stand there and stare at the mess on the ground. My self control was not going to last long....
"Of course." I growl while going over to pick up the scattered books. I bend and start to collect them while ignoring the presence of whoever ruined my already terrible morning.
"Let me help." Said the person I was this close to bashing in the head.
"No thanks. I got it." I reply hoping for the person to skedaddle. I reach over to get one of the last books when someone beats me to it. They pick the book and extend it towards.
Anger courses through my veins.. I snatch the book from out of their hands and glare at the person who wouldn't go away.
"I said I got it!" I literally scream at the person. Lifting my face I come face to face with the implacable Dante. His eyes widen slightly at my outrage before he comes forwards and snatches all the books out of my hands.
"And...when have I ever listened to you?" He smiles towards me. When I kept on scowling, a flash of worry crosses across his face.
"Did someone attack you again?" He asks no humor detected in his voice. I huff and shake my head. He looks at me confused. Ignoring his eye asking me for an explanation I walk on over to take the books back.
"Just leave me alone, Dante. I'm in no mood for anything right now." He holds my books out of reach.
"Yeah, I've noticed." He mumbles. I glare at him.
"What was that?" I ask daring him to say it again. He sighs and shakes his head.
"Nothing." I nod in approval. The bell rings for class to start making me officially late. I once again reach over to get my books from Dante's hands. He stretches them over his head with a smirk.
"For fucks sake Dante. Give me the bloody books before I bash your head in with them." He chuckles at my statement and shakes his head.
"Apologize" He states. I look up at him confused.
"For what?" I ask still glaring.
"For being mean to me." He speaks mockingly. I look up at him with an arched brow.
"Are you serious?" He nods while smirking. Fuck that. I gather my energy at the balls of my feet and jump. I was sure I was going to knock the book out of his hands before her stretched his hands further up than I thought possible.
I growl in frustration. "Just give me the bloody books Dante. I- no we have to get to class," He chuckles and shakes his head.
" were're not."
"Uh.. yes we are." He arches a brow as if testing me to make him. I sigh. "Fine I am. You-" I point at him. "Can go do whatever."
I turn around leaving my books in his hands. He can carry them to wherever he's going. He then suddenly grabs my arm and spins me back around.
I breathe out an air of frustration. "What?" I ask.
"Me and you-" He points between himself and me. "Are going to go on a trip."
"And where the hell would we go?"
He winks. "That's for me to know and you to find out." I look back at Mr. Caspar's room and then at Dante. Contemplating my choices I sigh.
"Why the hell not." He smirk widen as if he knew what I was going to do. I roll my eyes. He then dumps my books back in my hands.
"Great. Now you can put these back in your locker and we can get going." I finally crack a smile. Walking back I stuff my books back and walk back towards Dante. He's leaning against the wall while scrolling through his phone. He turns his head as I come close.
"Shall we?" He asks extending his had forward with a smile.
I smile back. Stepping forward I link my arm in his "We shall."
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I kept staring at where Dante had led me. Rubbing my eyes I look again. Yep, it's still there... I had followed his car in anticipation but confusion now spread across my face as I stared at the building through the window of my car.
An ice cream shop.....
As I got out of the car I couldn't help the smile that made an appearance on my face. Bob's Ice Cream was written in nice cursive letters at the top of the store. The very store embedded in my childhood memories. A sad smile presents itself as I remember.
"Daddy, daddy, daddy, daddy, daddy." I chant while wrapping my tiny frame across his foot. After having a near death experience while tripping he put his hand up in surrender.
"Okay sweetie, you win. We'll go." I skipped to the car and wait eagerly to arrive at Bob's Ice Cream. The second he turns off the ignition I dash out of the door and enter the shop, the familiar ring of the bell resonating through the store.
The same old man smiles at me in a greeting. I do the best I can back as most of my teeth were falling out. Dad comes up behind me and puts a hand on my shoulder to stop my giddiness.
The old man chuckles. " What would you like, Laura." He would ask the same question every time even though he knows what I want. He lets me have the joy of saying it out loud.
I cheekily smile back. " Berry Berry Princess." I say with a shriek.
The old man would get out his usual spoon and smile. "Coming right up." I watch as he scoops up the ice cream and plops it onto my cone. He extends it towards me. I was just about to reach for it when Dad takes it out of his hand instead.
I furrow my brows and look at him. "Gimme my ice-cream."
He chuckles." You will.. but first go get your siblings from the car. They'll be mad if you start eating without them."
I get out of the store and head towards our car, the journey seeming longer than usual. I peek inside the window and scream as I see another bloody me staring back at me...
My eyes snap open and I blink several times before readjusting to see Dante walking towards me.
What the hell was that?
My mind still deeply disturbed I numbly follow Dante inside the shop. I smile as I realize all was still the same as before. Nice small little booth decorated the sitting area and the huge ice-cream display, as usual, shone in the middle of the shop.
However, there wasn't a soul in sight. I furrow my brows. As long as I could remember it was usually packed. Dante touches my shoulder and raises a brow as if asking anything wrong? I shrug and make my way over to the counter.
No ones there... I spot a tiny bell and ring it. Several moments later an elderly man walks out. His face was wrinkled to a huge extent and his back was crouched over, yet, the familiar glow in his eyes was something I could never forget.
"Mr.Wilford..?" I ask in a hopeful tone. His head snaps in my direction and his eyes shine in recognition.
"My,my. If it isn't Laura. How are you dear?" I smile at him.
"I'm fine. What about you?" There's a flicker of sadness on his face before he smiles back.
"Oh, you know. Managing the shop as always. It takes a toll on a fellow." I nod and watch as he struggles to put on the work apron and gloves. After several attempts he turns towards me with a gentle smile.
"Now, what would you like?" He asks. I was about to open to mouth but Dante beat me to it.
"Vanilla Oreo for me Wilford." Wilford turns towards him and nods. He goes towards Dante selected flavor and scoops his ice-cream while plopping it in a cup. I furrow my brows and look at Dante.
"No cone?" He smile.
"'s better plain." I make a face and turn towards Wilford who was extending Dante's ice-cream towards him. Dante takes it tenderly and stick a spoon in it from the counter.
"And you dear?" He asks.
I cheekily smile at him. "Berry berry princess." He chuckles and gets to it.
"One berry berry princess coming right up."
"Berry berry princess?" I turn towards Dante's mocking words. Taking the spoon out of his cup I flick a little ice-cream on him.
"Don't hate it till you try it." He shrugs and smiles amusingly. I thank Wilford while taking the ice-cream out of his hands, making sure not to spill it. Dante and I make our way to the furthest booth out of view. From the corner of my eye I see Mr.Wilford making his way back into the back of the store.
Dante slides in first and instead of going to sit opposite of him I slide in beside him. Taking a lick of my ice-cream, I close my eyes and sigh in content.
This is what I needed.
Suddenly I feel a hand across my shoulders pulling me in.
"Feeling better...?" Dante whispers. I snuggle into him and nod. Seeing my ice-cream melting I move it towards my face an turn my hand. Instead of going into my mouth, my ice-cream flings behind me.
Dreadingly, I look being me. Dante's face was set in a scowl with ice-cream splashed onto his face like paint. Biting my lip, for his sake I try to keep it inside but burst out laughing instead. I clutch the table and kneel on the ground while laughing.
I hear a growl from beside. Dante slides out of the table and heads towards the bathroom. I giggle in amusement at his grumpiness. I slide back into booth and close my eyes. Sighing in content I let the coolness of the window pane wash against the skin of my cheek.
I must have fallen asleep because when I open my eyes I find Dante staring at me. I immediately sat up and pat the corner of my mouth to see if there was any drool present. I heard him chuckle. The sun had started to set... I look back at Dante.
"How long have I been asleep?..." He smiles amusingly.
"A couple of hours." My eyes widen. Shit.
"Why the hell did you not wake me up?" He shrugs.
"You looked peaceful..." I blush and look out at the now dark sky.
"Where is Mr.Wilford?... " He shrugs.
"Still at the back I guess." I nod.
I stand up. "We should get going." Trying my best to ignore the increasing tension I walk past Dante. Saying goodbye I turn and sit in the car, releasing a breath of relief. Leaning forward I turn the key.
No, no. Not now! I once again turn the key. Trying a couple of times more I slam my hands against the steering wheel. My head snaps towards the window at someone knocking. Dante stares at me with an amused brow.
Slamming the door shut I get out. "What?" He extends his hands towards me.
"Come on.. I'll give you a ride. You'll have you're car back in your driveway. I'll call someone to tow it there." I look back at my car and then at Dante. After several moments I crack. I look at him smiling. Stuffing the key in my pocket I follow him back to his car. I smirk realizing it's the same one I scratched.
The tension from before was back in place. I kept fidgeting in my seat, so when my house came on view I let out a sigh of relief. He stopped a couple of meter away and turned off the car. I sat there for a couple of moments. Turning towards him I smile.
"Thank you Dante." I could see thousands of emotions swirling in his eyes but he just nods. I turn and move my hand towards the handle to open the door. I hear a brief fuck it before I'm pulled back. I look back at him and gasp at the sudden desire in his eyes.
Before I could think anything else he yanks me forward covering my mouth with his, knocking the breath out of lungs. His lips molded perfectly with mine, he moves his lips slowly against mine and I realize I had been sitting there rigidly. Slowly I respond, wrapping my hands around his neck. His mouth was so warm, the caress of his lips was softer than I could have imagined and I opened my mouth with a low moan.His moving lips were soft and warm . At first the kiss was delicate like a butterfly before it was overcame with hunger. He puts his hand on the back of my head, pulling me closer to him. Our lips move in sync and in that moment, it was us and just us. All the tension in my body leaves and I'm filled with passion from the top of my head to the brink of my toes. I play with the hair at the back of his neck while deepening the kiss.
He replies back just as urgently. Urging on he bits my lip and I couldn't help the soft moan that escaped my mouth. Finally we broke apart resting out forehead against each other. Panting I greedily engulf in much needed air. Dante holds my face in his hands. I back away at the heat of his gaze. He touches his forehead to mine and a warm feeling spread through out my body. One that I've never experienced before. Leaving a lingering soft kiss on my forehead he lets his hands fall off of my face. Instantly I miss the warmth that leaves from his touch. I smile as he engulfs his hand in mine.
I look up and scrunch my brows at the uncertainty tainting his eyes. I rest my hand on his cheek. "What's wrong?" He breathes out a sigh on content while leaning into my touch. I smile.
"I don't want you to get hurt." My heart flutters. I lean forward and peck his cheek assuring him I'll be fine.
"We've already been through this. I can handle myself, whether it be against 'rouges' or your brother." He smiles.
"I know." It was faint but I heard him mumble. "That's not what I want to protect you from..." I look up at him in confusion.
"Then from whom?" His eyes widen realizing he's been caught. I wanted to hug him from the vulnerability shown in his eyes. He looks out the window and speaks in a tone I almost miss what he said.
"It's me..." I stare at him. Pulling him in I ask.
"Why..?" He pulls away annoyance clear on his face. Suddenly his eyes glow bright red. My jaw hangs open at the beauty of it all. It was as if there was thousands of shades of red swimming in his eyes.
He hands gesture towards his glowing eyes and small horns on the top of his head that I hadn't noticed. "This is what I'm trying to protect you from. " He squeezes his eyes in despair. " Can you accept me like this?"
Not wasting a second I move over and cups his face. Lifting my face up to his I stare into his beautiful ember like eyes. "This and so much more." I whisper listening to my voice resonating through the silenced car. He looks at me with surprise before it's replaced with a tender like feeling that softens his gaze. Chuckling he pulls my hand towards himself and kisses it.
"See you soon." He speaks, his voice raspy. I squeeze his hand before pulling away gently.
"See you." With one last lingering stare I step out of the car. The cool night breeze instantly succumbs me, making me miss the warmth of Dante's touch. I shiver and walk over to the door. Turning around I wave and watch his car disappear out of sight. Opening the door I step inside and shut it. I lean my back against the door letting out a sigh of content.
I walk into the kitchen and see mom scrolling through her phone. The bags under her eyes were getting worse by the day and it irked me. Realizing my presence she looks up, a smile replacing her once hard line.
"Welcome back honey.." I smile at her,
"I'm home." I whisper silently. She looks at me and furrows her brows.
"Are you okay honey?" I look up at her in confusion.
"Yeah I am. Why?"
She gestures towards my face. "You're face is flushed." If not before, my face heats up more.
I wave it off indiscriminately. "It's nothing." She smiles and nods. I walk towards the stairs.
"I'm going to bed. Good night." A wave of pain flashes across her face before she smiles back.
"Good night honey.." I nod and dash up the stairs my heart thumping against my chest like a steady beat of a drum. I close my door and flop on my bed. Lifting my hand I trace the hem of my lips which were still humming from the kiss.
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Sorry for the late update. Here's chapter 17.. Hope you enjoy! See you next update ;)
Lot's of love, Lillith Smith
517Please respect copyright.PENANASelu16hUDm