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I can feel the burning sensation through my pocket from where the card lies. Contemplating on whether what I did was a good idea or not, I grip the steering wheel. For now I was keeping my eyes wide open and my attention was fully directed towards the road ahead. Didn't want another Dimitri scene.
Sighing I pull into the school parking lot. I park in my usual spot. At the very end of the lot by the back of the school. I was serious about keeping a low profile, even though that idea seemed to be thrown out the window. Through out the drive I had decided I'd stick to my previous plan.
Just get through the year.
I got out of the car and make my way slowly to the dreaded building that was looming over me. I enter through the gate and make a face as I get hit from the disgusting stench that fill the halls. Reaching my locker I punch in the pass code and pull.
Groaning, I slam my head against the locker, causing strands of hair to fall in front of my face. I tuck them behind my ear. I had a bad enough morning as it is and this was not helping. Hiking my backpack higher, I sigh giving up on opening my locker. I turn around coming face to face with a brunette who wore a smile too large for comfort.
"What did that locker ever do to you?" Aubrey asks. I raise an eyebrow at her and sign towards the still closed locker. She giggles and makes her way over to it. Her hand turns left , right and once again left as she enters my pass code. With one final twist she pull the lock and it slides open smoothly. Turning towards me she raises an amused eyebrow.
Rolling my eyes I go to my locker and fill it up with books I don't need at the moment. And take out books I do need. "Thanks, Aubrey. I swear to god this locker has a secret grudge against me." Now it was Aubrey's turn to roll her eyes. I pull out my timetable and scan it over, but before I get to finish it's snatched out of of hands.
I turn scowling towards whoever dared to interrupt me. Aubrey's boyfriend is looming over her with one hand across her shoulders and the other holding my timetable.
He scans it over and a look of distaste passes over his face. "How do you do it?" He asks with no real interest in my answer. " I mean just look at this!" He flutters my timetable in the air. " It's filled with all AP classes. Are you trying to get your brain fried?" He finishes his remark off with a smirk.
Having enough of his antics I tip toe and snatch my timetable from his hands whilst glaring at him. "That's not really your concern, now is it?" I snark back. I glare at him and my eyes land on Cal who stands beside him. I smile at him and I swear I saw his cheeks turn pink before he turns away.
What's up with him today?
"Whatever." Ryder speaks up. I had forgotten about him. Rolling his eyes he turns away and gives Aubrey a kiss on the cheek. " Bye, babe." And after making his presence known before us, he stalks off to join his football friends alongside Cal.
Aubrey turns to me with a sheepish grin. "Sorry about him Laura. You know he thinks of you like a little sister." She couldn't have been more wrong. When Ryder looks at me I see real annoyance and disgust in his eyes. I don't know exactly what makes him hate me so much but I'm not so keen on finding out either. Aubrey's my best friend and I love her, but her and Ryder are always a package and from time to time it kind of bugs me.
Instead I say with a shrug, " It's fine. I don't let it bother me much." She doesn't look convinced but lets it slide.
She extends her hands towards me, and I hand her my timetable. She looks it over and frowns.
"None classes?"I ask
She shakes her head, " No, we have English together, but your timetable has an extra spare." She explains.
" Oh..That. I took an extra credit over the break so that must be it." I look it over as I don't remember seeing it before. Sure enough there it was, I had it last period. A smile slowly creep on my lips as I realize I now get to leave this hellhole earlier.
The shrill sound of the bell snaps me out of my thoughts. Aubrey startled looks up from my timetable, seemingly in deep thought.
Snapping out of her momentary trance she grabs my arm, " Let's go or we'll be late." I nod and let myself be dragged along. Running down the halls I spot Dimitri. He had a girl caged in between himself and the lockers. He leaned down and whispered something into her ear. She giggled in response and rest her hand on top of his forearm. I look away before I'm caught yet again, staring. Before we enter the classroom I feel a pair of eyes burning through my skull but I dare not look back.
I enter the classroom trailing behind Aubrey. I follow her as she make her way through the clutter of desks to the back. She sits down towards the window seat and I take one beside her.
I look around and see kids eagerly chatting away, my eyes move towards the board in which a name was scribbled in almost unrecognizable handwriting.
I smile plays on my lips at the sound of his name. My eyes begin to drift downwards and I lay my head onto the desk just now realizing how tired I am. Great. Just Great. The day hasn't even started and I'm already falling asleep. Once again the shrill sound of the bell fill my ears as a new set of footprints enter the room and the class falls silent. My guess it's Mr.Carter.
Proving my point, a deep booming voice resonates throughout the classroom. " Gooood Morning class!." He greets in an unusually cheery voice, making me wince slightly. " Since today is only the first day and I can see some of you aren't fully awake." I felt eyes sift towards me and I pull my head up and sit straighter. Mr.Carter watched me with a stern look yet there's humor dancing around. Peeling his gaze away he continues with the explanation." I'll be handing out previous year review worksheet and you'll have the entire period to work on that."
Smiling I put my head back down on the desk. Letting the coolness brush softly against my cheeks.
I like this teacher
A few minutes later the classroom door bursts open.
"Ah. I was wondering if you'd join us Mr.Dimitri." My heart skips a beat as I hear his name. Then I panic. He's in my class. I can't let anyone else know I'm working for him or my plans for the year will be thrown out like last years trash.
His laugh booms and bounces off the walls. "You know me, I like to do things at my own pace."
"That's fine and all, but I'd appreciate if you'd show up on time." Mr.Carter counters his voice calm.
"Sir, yes sir."
"Take a seat on any of the empty desks." Mr.Carter instructs.
I pray that he doesn't take the one next to me which is seemingly empty.
Of course god didn't seem to hear my silent prayer as I hear a chair next to me being pulled out. I feel eyes boring at me but I keep my down and turn away from him.
I open my eyes and see Aubrey looking behind me wide eyes. Here eyes shift from him to me. She mouths. He's staring at you!
I know. I mouth back.
I feel a paper being slid onto my desk. Finally I lift my head. Ignoring the person next to me I scan over the paper.
Easy enough
I bend down and take out my pencil box. I extract a pencil and start filling in the sheet.
Moments later I feel a poke on my left side. I ignore it. Then it happens again, and again and again. "Laura" He whispers.
Slamming my pencil down I glare daggers at Dante.
What!? I mouth
He doesn't get the memo of keeping quiet during class and outright speaks. " Do you have a pencil that I can borrow." He stares at me, humor dancing in his eyes.
I pull out an extra pencil and pass it over.
"Thanks" He responds.
I nod and get back to work, taking peeks at him every now and then. Time flies and the bell for first period rings. I start to pack up my things when Dante slides over my pencil with a nod and strolls away.
I take it and narrow my eye. He left his bag open and dangling from the side is a...pencil box.
I sigh and look over at Aubrey, who's looking at me with comically wide eyes.
The rest of the classes zoom by as I hear the bell for lunch ring. The constant rumble of my stomach can finally be at ease. I walk towards the cafeteria doors. I sling it open and spot Aubrey who's sitting with Ryder, Cal and some of their other friends. I get my food and sighing I make my way over.
"Nice of you to finally join us." The snarky remark come out from none other than Ryder.
I roll my eyes and sit down opposite of Aubrey, next to Cal. He shifts next to me. I hungrily began to dig into my food, not caring how I look. It's then I notice how eerily quiet the cafeteria is.
Someone throws a fry at my face. I lift my head up and glare at Ryder. He puts his hands up in mock surrender and points to Aubrey. I shift my glare to Aubrey who points behind me with her mouth wide open. A dreaded feeling starts to form at the pit of my stomach as I turn around. And sure enough there's Dante in all his glory. Making his way over to our table with his usual smirk in place.
Well this can't be good
Hya readers,
This chapter hurt my hands from all the typing :) Hope you enjoyed!
Lot's of love, Lillith Smith.
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