Two figures are standing before me. Even though I can't see their faces they seemed familiar, somehow. The way they stand, the aura they resonated, it all seemed so nostalgic. I reach out to grab them but they crumbled before me. That set of a chain of reactions making the walls around me crumble and me along with it.... I'm falling... falling.. falling. I want to scream but my throat closes in on itself and the air is stolen out of me. I flail my hands around to catch or hold on to something, anything... but nothing comes to reach.
And then I wake up. Beads of sweat fall from my hairline onto my face. My breaths came out raged and I close my eyes to calm my racing heart.
My meditating session comes to a stop when the sound of my so missed alarm clock starts blaring in my ears. I turn and look at the time groaning when the neon light indicates that this was the 5th time it had rang. I was going to be late and nobody bothered to wake me up.
Just great
I forced myself to get out of bed. Trudging towards the bathroom, my eyes drift to my side table where my phone rested. The screen was glowing and pinged indicating I had a message. Making a detour I picked up the phone. It was from Dante.
Dante- I won't be at school today. But see you at work Laura? ;)
I smiled.
Me- Will do.
Still smiling I went to the bathroom. Changed into my casual clothes I scrambled down the stairs. The breakfast was already layed out for me. I saw mom sitting in the arm chair with her hands massaging her head.
"Mom?" She looked up as if she was surprised to see me. "You okay..?" I asked.
Nodding she showed me a smile but it didn't quite reach her eyes. She had been seemingly more tired than usual.
"I forgot to wake you up sweetie. I'm sorry." She sighed tiredly.
"No problem mom. But what about Noah and Diana?" She looked up confusingly before realization spread across her face.
"Oh didn't I tell you honey? Both of them caught a nasty cold so they won't be going to school today. Don't worry about dropping Diana off." I nod
"Finish up and go. You'll be late." She motions me to go with her hand, smiling sheepishly. I chuckled and make my way over to her.
"I know mom. But let me know if you need anything okay? I may still be in high school but if I can help you in any way, please for god's sake, tell me ,okay?" I plead at her with my eyes. She looked shocked for a second before her face softened.
"Oh, honey... Come here." Then she pulls me in an embrace. I could tell her body had become much frailer since the last months and it worried me. I hugged her back gently, afraid I might add too much pressure. She pulled away and smiled. I kissed her on the cheek and got up.
"I'll take the bread to go since I'll be late for school." She nods at me.
"Eat properly though okay?" She asks with concern in her shaky voice. I nod.
"Right back at you mom." She chuckled and shoos me along. I walk over to the door grabbing a slice of bread on the way. Saying goodbye to dad I take my keys and ride off to school.
My thoughts drift to the events from yesterday. Dante said I should be safe, but honestly, I'm not so sure. So him teaching me how to fight would really help.
The guy in the black robe and the other person beside him. They both seemed somewhat familiar to me. But they already know that I'm the Silver Tear... Shaking the thoughts out of my head I pull into the school.
Let's get this over with.
I was making my way over to Mr.Casper's class as the bell to indicate that classes were beginning rang. Huffing I picked up my speed. I rounded the corner and stood in front of the classroom door to catch my breath.
Stepping forward I pull the door open. All eyes turn to me as I make my way inside including Mr. Caspers.
"Ah.. Ms Clinton. We were just about to begin. Have a seat."
I missed half of what he said as my eyes were locked onto the new student standing beside him.
He had shaggy black hair and striking blue eyes which seemed almost unnatural. He was unhelpfully attractive yet every cell in my body screamed at me to be as far away from him as I could. He winked and my skin crawled. I made a face and walked past him without a second glance.
I pushed through the cluttering of desks to the back of the classroom. I sat in my regular seat and nod at Aubrey who wriggling her eyebrows. I furrow my brows at her.
"What?" I whisper to her.
"The new guy.. You had a heated staring contest a little while ago."
I snorted. "Trust me that's the last thing that happened..." I looked back at where Mr. Casper was introducing him." He gives me the creeps."
This time Aubrey snorted. " He? That gorgeous babe gives you the creeps" I look at her seriously and nodded. Ignoring this she lifts her hand in the air and looks up like she's praying.
"God oh god. Why does she get all the cutest guys at our school?" I roll my eyes at her antics and smile. Aubrey will be Aubrey. However, one line from Mr. Casper mouth made my ears perk up.
"You can take the empty desk beside Ms.Clinton for now." I look at Mr. Casper in horror. He can't be serious! I look up just in time for the new guy to walk past and sit beside me. Our hands touched slightly and I almost gasped at how cold his skin was.
Throughout the entire class I could feel his eyes staring at me. I watched the clock anxiously hoping for it to ring. This period might have been the longest yet. When the bell finally rang I literally sprang out of my seat and bee lined towards the exit.
Mr. Casper however had other plans.
"Mrs.Clinton. Can you come here for a sec." I huffed, put on the best fake smiled I could and turned back towards him. I stood in front of his desk waiting. He was looking through the huge pile of sheets cluttered on his desk. He let out a frustrated sigh and looked up at me with a sheepish smile.
"Sorry, Mrs Clinton. I can't seem to organize this at the moment. Can you come after school to meet me in this class?" I wanted to scream at him, that no I can't. But I shut my mouth and nodded tight lipped.
My eyes snapped open when I felt someone shaking me. I pulled my head back up and looked at the person who disturbed my very much needed sleep. The librarian was standing in front of me arms crossed and brow raised. An annoyed expression set on her face.
"Good evening Ms. Clinton. The library is closing so would you kindly gather your stuff and leave." My eyes widened at her statement. I stood up abruptly and looked around for a clock. When I couldn't find one I snapped my head towards the librarian.
"Do you know what time it is?!" I asked frantically.
She nodded. " Why yes. It's 6, library closing time." She pointed towards the exit.
"I get it, jeez." I zoomed out of the library and headed towards Mr. Caspers class. Hopefully he'll still be there. I walked down the hallway and saw a dim light on. I huffed a sigh of relief. When I reached the door I stopped.
Mr. Casper had his head down in between his hands while the clutter of paper had grown. Then I noticed something. The ring on his finger that he wore all the time was gone, a circle mark in it's place. I knocked lightly on the door as Mr. Caspers head snapped up and turned towards me. I smiled sheepishly and entered.
"Sorry Mr. Casper I fell asleep in the library." The surprise on his face dissolved into his usual extra cheery smile.
"That's okay Ms. Clinton. I just wanted to ask you if Dante was okay as he hasn't come to class the past few days."
"Oh yeah, he's fine." He nodded towards me.
"But are you?" I asked as his eye bags were clear as day.
Surprised showed up on his face once again. I raised an eyebrow for his awaiting response. There's no way in hell am I going to leave the one teacher I actually like in despair, when he clearly needed someone to talk to. He saw that I wasn't going to budge. Sighing he picked up a bunch of sheets in his hands.
"I can't seem to concentrate on doing my job. Things at home aren't going that well, so I stay here late and bury myself in my work hoping to escape. But the next morning everything comes crashing back showing me there's no actual escape from reality." He finishes sadly. The wrinkles on his face crinkled as he spoke. He looked so much older and frail at the moment that I just wanted to hug him. I forced myself back so I don't suddenly surprise him.
"Mr. Casper maybe, just maybe, you don't have to listen to me but," I took a breath. " You could go home and settle things. Things don't always stick around for you to finally go and fix them. They will eventually dissapear, and you'll be left with regret of not being able to hold on to them longer. Believe me I know." I smiled at him. He nodded and smiled back.
"Thanks Ms. Clinton. Never would I thought I would be getting advice on my life from you." He chuckled.
I smiled. " Hey, I'll take that as a compliment." I motioned towards the cluster of paper. " You need help with that?" He looked towards his desk and looked back at me with a more cheery smile.
"No, I already kept you long enough. I'll clean this up and head home." I nodded.
"Good luck Mr. Casper."
"Thank you Ms. Clinton." I nodded at him and walked out.
It was then I noticed how long I had been in school. The sun was almost set and the hallways were filled with darkness. My shoes squeaked along the tile floor as I walked. My heart accelerated as I heard another pair as I rounded the corner.
"Mr. Casper? Is that you?" I whispered.
I turned around yet there was no one. Chills went down my spine and my skin crawled. There was something here.. something not human. My throat closed up and I ran. I then heard another pair of sneaker behind me. I pumped my legs faster.
Rounding the corner I threw open the doors to the gym. I looked around frantically for any good hiding spot. I saw the girls changing room and remembered how the janitor always forgot to lock it.
I rushed to it and pushed myself inside. I turned around and locked it. Looking around I tried to stabilize my breathing. Our locker rooms were huge, and that was an understatement. I saw a barrel in the far corner with boxes all along it. It was more like a storage room. I rushed to it and squeezed myself in while shutting the cover on top. I peeked through the hole when I heard a chilling voice coming from the gym.
"Come out, come out, wherever you are..." The person spoke in a sing song voice.. My breaths were coming out unevenly and I though my heart would jump out of my chest. My heart almost froze when I heard the person near the locker room.
"I know you're in there. Come out nicely or I'll break the damn door down." His voice was rising slightly. When I didn't say anything I hear a growl on the other side.
"It's your funeral." I forced the scream down that almost erupted from my throat when he broke the door down with ease. Tears were threatening to rush down my face endlessly but I shut them down. I can't make a sound. I tried to take slow shallow breath to slow my heart down. The person was now visible through the hole and I almost gasped. It was the new kid... He then put one hand in both of his eyes took something out while throwing it on the ground.
"That feels so much better." He turned towards the barrel his now black eyes shining dangerously. He had worn contacts to disguise himself. No wonder his eyes seemed unnatural. He took slow and steady steps towards me. Each step he took stuck another set of panic into me. When I didn't jump out his face contorted with annoyance.
"Come out already. I know you're in there." I looked around in the small barrel and tried to see if I could use anything in here as a possible weapon. Thankfully I felt a wrench under my feet. I held on to it so tight I though my knuckles would turn white. I waited till he came a little closer. Just a bit.... almost... come on.. Now.
I jumped out and threw the wrench at his face with all my might. Unfortunately my aim sucked and it hit him in the shoulder. He cried out in pain and I took that as a chance to run. I ran towards the exit but tripped on something. I fell to the ground hard.
"You deserve that, bitch." The 'rouge' growled. I scrambled as far away from him as I could. I pushed myself into a corner on the opposite side of the exit. My breath was snatched away from me as he came closer. A vicious smile spread across his face. I tried to get up and run but a hand snatched onto my throat. I gasped as my oxygen was cut off. I wretched in his arms but he held on tight. My mind was becoming fuzzy and my energy was deflating.
"Don't worry sweetheart. I'm not going to kill you just knock you unconscious, then deliver you to my boss. Oh he's going to be extremely happy to see you." By then I had given up on fighting. My vision was becoming blurry and tears were rushing down my face.
Then out of nowhere he let go. I went straight to the ground coughing and spluttering, greedily gasping for air. I looked up to see Dante punching the 'rouge' continuously. His eyes were filled with anger and he was delivering blow after blow without break. I scrambled towards him and touched his arm to tell him to stop.
He stopped immediately and looked towards me with worried eyes. He let the 'rouge' go and pulled me in a hug, I inhaled his scent and cried. I grabbed onto his shirt tightly and poured my heart out. I was shaking badly and probably looked like a mess but I didn't care. I cried and cried until my throat was scratchy and all my energy had been drained out of me. Throughout the entire time he held me tightly and rubbed my back soothingly. He buried his head in my hear and whispered.
"I'm sorry." Sniffling I looked up confused.
"It's not your fault. He disguised himself as a student, you couldn't possibly have know. What were you doing here anyways," I then stopped. "Don't get me wrong, I'm grateful, but what why were you here." He smiled.
"You were taking too long to come to work. So... I drove here and waited for you in the parking lot." He then shook his head disappointed. "If only I had come in earlier this wouldn't have happened." I held his face in between my hands.
"This isn't your fault, thank you for saving me." He smiled nodded while resting his forehead against mine. If I hadn't been so tired I would have realized how intimate the position we were in actually was. Dante must have noticed this as he stood up while offering a hand. I took it and stood up as well when something shining caught my eye. I walked towards it and realized it was coming from the neck of the 'rouge'.
"Hey Dante. Come have a look at this." He walked on over and looked over my shoulder as I pointed towards the neck of the 'rouge'. He then furrowed his brows and bend over the 'rouge' to get a closer look.
"Hm, let me just see." He picked up a nail from the ground and stuffed it in the neck of the 'rouge'. I looked away before I vomited all over the floor. Dante's voice make me look back.
"Look at this." He held a kind of chip in his hand that was covered in blood.
"Some kind of small device or chip.." He stated reciting my thoughts. A realization came upon me.
"Hey Dante, do you think it's possible for the guy in the black robe to be controlling these 'rouges' using the very chip you have in your hand?..." Dante's face turned into anger as he spoke.
"It's very likely, this many in control 'rouges' is unnatural."
"Who do you think the guy in the black robe is?" Dante sighed at this.
"One of my brothers. Most likely Damian. After out mom's death he went off the rails and hated my guts from that day on. This all might be some kind of ploy of revenge for him." I nodded.
"Can you beat him?" I ask timidly. Dante looked at me with a gentle smile.
"All us brother match equally. But I swear I will protect you." My heart fluttered at this. I smiled and squeezed his hand.
"I know you will and when I learn to control my own power. I will be the one protecting." He chuckled at this.
"Come on, lets get out of here." I smiled and let him lead me out by the hand.
Things just keep on coming at us head on.
Hya readers,
This was a longer chapter than usual, hope you enjoyed. Let me know what you think!
Lot's of love, Lillith Smith
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