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I fight to keep my eyes open while trudging through the now empty hallways. I was now late but honestly, I couldn't care less. These past few days I've been really tired. Not in a way where you feel sleepy but like your body's on fire and your eyes have dumbbells stuck onto them. Turning around the corner I spot my class door. Preparing myself I turn the knob and enter.
As expected all eyes turn to me.
"Nice of you to join us Ms.Clinton" Mr. Casper speaks up through the awkward silence.
I shift my eyes towards him and nod with a sheepish smile. I actually like this teacher so there's no reason for me to get on his bad side.
"Have a seat. We were just going over the sheet from yesterday."
I scurry on over to my desk knowingly ignoring the stares I was receiving from the towering guy next to me. I sit down out of breath when I feel Aubrey nudging me in the ribs. I wince and glare towards her with an arched eyebrow.
"Ms I love school coming to school late? Now I know there's a story behind this. Spill!" For a second I think of spilling my guts out in front of her from all the commotion from yesterday but instead I shake my head and lie.
"My mom forgot to wake me up and you know how I love my sleep.." I state looking away from her. She could always tell when I'm lying so not looking at her directly in the eye makes it easier.
- -
Fast forward, the bell for first period rings and I began to gather my things for the next class when Dante slips a paper on to my desk subtly so only I would notice and stalks away without another glance back.
Cautiously I pick up the folded slip of paper and open it.
See you at work Laura ;) -Dante
I find myself smiling at the silly gesture. Shaking my head I get up and walk out the door few steps behind Aubrey.
This'll be interesting
Time seemed to have zoomed forward, and what seemed like a moment I find myself standing in front of a large building. I crane my neck to look upwards while putting one hand in front of my eyes to shield them from the sun.
Squinting, I look up in awe at how massive the building is. The glass architecture looks fragile but was supported with a solid foundation. As I remember Dante mentioned this was one of the building his father owned. I couldn't even imagine what the others might look like.
Taking a deep breath, I strengthen my composure and step forward. The glass doors sliding automatically paving a path, almost like they're beckoning me to enter.
Gathering my courage I walk inside, shutting my eyes at the sudden look which momentarily blinded me. The walls were all painted white and the furniture was black. It seemed as if the color was suddenly sucked out of the room, yet at the same time it resonated a calming effect.
In the far left corner there was a nicely decorated seating area labeled waiting room. In the center there was a empty seat behind a desk which I assumed to be the attendees. A small card was stuck on the side with a name on it. Ms. Scarlet Winters. At the far corner to the right there was a staircase which stood between a wall and a glass elevator. Dozens and dozens of all kinds of awards were hung on the walls.
There were people dressed in appropriate black and white clothing, which I assumed to be the normal uniform attire. All of them were moving without a care in the world, yet there was something off about them. Their movement and body language was slightly robotic. They all wore the same expressions; a smile so wide it seemed their faces would crack. Every now and then one of them would stop what they're doing speak into their headset, nod, then resume what they were doing.
I spotted a girl walking towards me with her 'work' smile on. Her steps were elegant and she moved with confidence. She bee lined her way over through the busy line of people swarming people from left to right. She came to a stop just steps away from me. I squinted my eyes at her name badge which was stuck on her black and white blouse.
Ah. She must be the attendee down here then.
"You must be Ms.Clinton. I've been informed you'll be working with us from today." I take a few steps back and nod. I notice her carrying a large duffel bag which she now lifts and dumps in my hands. I stagger backwards at how heavy it is. She seemed to carry it as if it weight nothing at all.
"Everything you need to know will be in that bag. Now if you'll follow me Mr. Dimitri's waiting for you in his office. He'll tell you about your position here and set you up. I will be looking after you until you adjust, so feel free to ask any questions that you may have."
With that she turns and walks towards the glass elevator. I stand in my spot for a second before following after her. She picked up her speed but walked as if speed walking in heels was just a casual everyday thing. From my attempt to catch up with her, I see a small smirk fall onto her lips. The only emotion I'd seen her wear other than the smile. A striking resemblance to Dante. Stepping into the elevator she click a button, turns around and waits for me, her smile from before back on.
I reach the elevator almost seconds before it closes behind me. I bend over resting my hands on my knees in an attempt to catch my breath before glaring daggers at Scarlet. She ignores it and stares ahead. I join and stand beside her. My eyes resting over the levels button and widen slightly at the number.
I'd be lying if I'd say I didn't expect this. I mean with what I've seen so far I'd honestly be kind of disappointed if he kept things simple. The awkward silence defense around us as I think of a way to strike up a conversation with the seemingly robotic lady beside me. After what feels like forever the elevator dings and comes to a stop at level 99.
I step out before Scarlet and look around in awe at the sight before me. The whole exterior is glass and you could see miles and miles of the city stretched forward and beyond. The mountains after the city surrounded by fog seem almost unrealistic as the sun shines down on them. Forcing my gaze away from the beautiful view I scan the level. There another receptionist desk set up in the corner and the rest of the room is set up like a normal penthouse. There's a whole kitchen in the left corner and a living with sofas that looked like clouds in the middle of the room. There a huge flat screen TV opposite of the sofas. The whole place was a structure of a house other than the desk. I guess this whole level is Dante's.
But what caught my attention the most was the huge door that was sitting in the center of the level. It was embedded with different types of drawing. They seem similar to the one in the pyramids that I'd read in books. In the corner there was a huge paragraph of writing in a unrecognizable language probably explaining the drawings. There are crystals which I'm assuming were diamonds tucked onto all four edges of the door, shining and reflecting brilliantly around the room as the sun rays hits them.
A cough snaps me out of my admiring as I turn towards a once forgotten Scarlet who's smiling as if she expected this from me. I step out of her way as she advances towards the door which I'm still in awe over. Instead of knocking as I presumed she would do, she goes over the side of the door where the writing was in scripted and places her hand on top.
To my surprise the writing on the door starts glowing and I stumble back in response. Not because of the sudden glow of the writing but because of the searing pain that spreads throughout my body from my right shoulder blade. Out the corner of my eye I see the ancient door sliding open. When my pain had subsided I slide down my shirt to peek at what caused the sudden aching. Sure enough there was a glowing red mark now embedded into my shoulder blade which I assumed all my life to be a birth mark. Not even a second later the glowing subsided and the mark stopped burning. I slide my shirt back up and look if Scarlet had noticed.
Fortunately she had her head turned towards the now open door. She gestures for me to go in while surely but weirdly making sure not to step an inch inside. Ignoring her actions I step inside while jumping slightly as the door shut behind me. This room gives off more of a dark aura then the rest of the building. The walls are painted black and there almost no furniture except for a shelf with books, a safe carved into the wall and a desk in which Dante himself was sitting at, very comfortably might I add.
He has his leg prompt up and he's leaning against his black leather office chair. He smiles when he sees me. Swinging his leg to the ground he gets up and walks toward me.
"I take it you like your new work place." He asks.
Not really knowing how to respond I just nod numbly, my mind still preoccupied with the burning birth mark.
"It'll take some getting used to." I respond later on. He nods as if understanding my uneasiness.
"I told you before I got you a job as a receptionist right?" I nod. "Well what I forgot to tell you is that you'll be my personal receptionist." His words sent a chill down my body.
Were there literally no other jobs available?... I shrug as if to seem not bothered that I'd be in close proximity to him at all times on the job. He smirks and makes his way back to his desk. He picks up a sheet of paper from a scattered pile and extends it towards me.
"There isn't much information in that page but it'll help you with memorizing the filing system. Which by the way is stored behind you're desk which I'm sure you noticed." I nod as he continues on. "There isn't much you have to do other than sign in and out any unspoken person who enters, as well as book appointments of which information I personally will send to you thorough via mail." I nod my head absorbing all the information.
I feel the burning sensation from before act up again. Suddenly Dante's expression turns serious. He looks out the glass window and his relaxed posture from before tenses.
"Get down!" He yells. Turning towards me he jumps and put his body in front of me at lightning speed. We both go tumbling towards the ground his body still on top just as the enormous glass window shatters. Glass rains down all around us. A scream erupts from my throat and I push my self against the floor more.
An ear shattering alarm blares through out the building. Three or four people from which I momentarily remember from the front lobby came bursting through the door at the sound of the chaos. Dante pushes himself off from on top of me and joins them as they look outside, scanning the perimeter through the shattered glass. My eyes slide to an object stuck to the ground a couple of meters away from me. And an involuntary gasp escapes my mouth. There a a huge spear driven into the ground as if it had been thrown with inhuman strength. On it there was a slip of paper attached on the handle. Dante's eyes slide from me to the spear. Confusion swirls in his eyes before he asks.
"You can see it?"
My eyes bulge out at his question. "Of course I can! There's a huge spear stuck into the ground, how in the world can I not see it!" I exclaim my breath ragged.
Shock registers in his eyes before I hear him mumble. It's supposed to be hidden...
How can a 3 meter long spear be hidden in plain sight?!
He casually walks over to the spear and pulls out the piece of paper. He reads the paper and furrows his brows. I hear him mumble to himself and I had to crane my neck in order to hear bits and peices of it.
She had--- Has now been awakened. In City.. Careful. Disaster approaching.
Ignoring the ominous letter I turn towards Dante "Can anyone please explain to me what the hell is going on?" I exclaim. Dante look at me as if pondering if telling me would be a sensible thing to do or not.
Sensible my ass. If a huge spear comes hurling through a window I think I have the right to know what's going on.
Finally Dante sigh and walks towards the door. I look back at him in confusion.
"Not here. People might be listening." I nod and follow after him.
We get into the elevator and he presses level 100. The elevator come to a stop and he steps out. I follow close behind him not sure if this place is safe. We stop in front of another door similar to the one in his office except this seemed to be ten times larger.
What the hell is this place?
He does the same thing Scarlet did before by placing his hands in the center this time. The glowing begins yet again and the door begin to slide open slowly. The ground beneath our feet rumble as the huge door move. Dust falls from the sides and crack evidence it hadn't been opened in a long long time.
In the room the walls are all white and in the middle there's a table with two pairs of head set placed on them. He takes one in his right hand and extends the other one towards me.
I cautiously take it from his hand. The headset feel light as a feather in my hands and the cool metal surface brushes lightly against my skin.
"Put it on." He states as he smoothly slides his onto his head. It whirls and automatically adjusts squeezing the belt until it fits just right. My eyes marvel against the advanced technology. I do the same and sure enough the same thing happens.
"Now this might feel weird the first time around, so be prepared." I look at him in confusion.
Why would it feel weird?
Before I had a chance to ask he presses a button on the remote he held in his hands and suddenly me eyes were covered in darkness. I stumble back but was caught by the forearm from who I assumed to be Dante.
Briefly after, light begins to fill the room except the room that I was seeing seemed different then the one we were in before.
As I was occupied looking around someone walks right through me. I gasp as a weird feeling spreads throughout my body. Dante smiles at my reaction.
"It's a hologram. You'll get used to it." He states
"What is this place?" I ask, my voice bouncing off the walls as if we were standing in a cavern.
"It's a virtual reality sim. It may seem real but the people are all holograms so no need to be frightened. We'll begin shortly"
Frightened! What is he going to show me that would cause me to be frightened.
He turns towards me with a smirk. " Quite a first day to work isn't it?"
You have no idea.
Hya readers,
I had so much fun writing this chapter. The story plots beginning to unfold! This chapter's a little longer than the others. Unfortunately though the coming chapters will not be this long.
Sorry for the grammar mistakes you have encountered in this.
IMPORTANT: I will post a prologue a little after this chapter so if you have not read it give it a go! I also have this book and exact chapter pasted on wattpad so if you like that better check it out. https://www.wattpad.com/story/218627551-i-work-for-the-devil-ongoing
Lot's of love, Lillith Smith
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