I stood there rigidly, tension slowly seeping through me as I saw the damage done to his car. Which by the way looked freakin expensive. My breaths were coming out raged and the logical parts of my brain seemed to have shut down.
We can't afford this! My mom struggling as it is.
Throughout my mini freak out, I'd forgotten he was still there. After taking a minute to calm down I looked at him through my lashes. He wore an amused expression and had his hands tucked in the pocket of his jeans. Heat spread on my face as I realized I'd been caught staring, again. I guess he noticed my panic stricken face as the next few words he spoke spark anger in me.
"I'm guessing you can't pay for the damage." He said casually with the insufferable smirk that seemed to be permanently etched onto his chiseled face. Anger coursed through my veins and my face probably look contorted with annoyance. My weaker resolve from before sparked with new energy.
"Well I'm sorry if not everyone was born with a silver spoon stuck in their mouths." I spat, reeling back, as my own words even shock me. Never would I have thought I'd speak like that to anyone like that, let alone him. His face mirrored mine for a second, as anger slowly showed up merely after, amidst that an unreadable emotion passed through his eyes. It was only a second that it showed before the usual mask came back up. What was it that I had seen?
"Well if that's the case, then you won't mind paying up, would you?" His voice containing a hint of annoyance and anger in it. I just stood there speechless.
Of course we can't! I wanted to yell out. It'll probably cost more than our rent all together. I realized I probably looked like a fish out of water with my mouth opening and closing. I cough to clear my throat before speaking.
" I can't at the moment, but I will be able to in a few months..." I spoke hopefully. He looked doubtful. Panic filled me and this time I spoke more urgently. " I can get a job soon and then I'll probably be able to pay.. There one store I saw down the street with a WANTED sign. I'm pretty sure I can get a-" I rambled on but froze as he put a finger onto my moving lips to stop me from talking any further. And boy did it work. I stood frozen, as I felt his cool slender finger on my lips.
I blushed, hard. Coming to my senses I backed away from him and looked down letting my hair fall down and cover my face. I saw him chuckling from the corner of my eye. There was a moment of silence before I heard him speak.
"I was joking." He said a smile, more gentler this time than his usual smirk. Uncontrollably my heart skips a beat.
Focus Laura. Focus
Then it came to me to what he meant. The words were out of my mouth before I ever processed what I was about to say. " I will pay you back one way or another. I will not be in anyone's debt. Not now, not ever." His eyes widen slightly at my statement. If there was one thing I had learned from my father, it was to never rely or take anything from someone you're not a hundred percent sure you can pay back.
"Your'e a stubborn one aren't you?" He says with amusement twinkling in his eyes. He seems to ponder on something before turning his eyes back to me. A sinking feeling started to form in my stomach from the look in his eyes.
" I know you won't be able to find a job at this time of the year. How about... you work for me?" My eyes almost pop out of sockets at his offer. Work for Dante? That just a recipe for disaster. I think about his offer once more. He is right. I won't be able to find a job anytime soon. At least not one that can pay off the car debt that I owe him off quickly. This turned for the worse quite quickly.
I extend my hand out towards him. " It's a deal."
He looks at my hand, and for a second I thought he'd dismiss it. But then he reaches out and clasps his hand in mine in a firm shake.
"Wait here a sec." He says, after strolling back to his car casually. He opens the door and leans in. I see him open the glove compartment and pull out a card. He closes the door behind him and stops in front of me. Just a meter of space separating us. The body heat radiating off from him consumes me. Feeling flustered I step back a little. He notices this and a ghost smile appears on his lips for a moment before disappearing behind a hard line that he composed his lips into afterwards.
What's his deal?
He extends his hands towards me this time. " Here's my dad's business card, but I run most of it anyways. Call on that number and tell them I sent you here. That should handle it." I didn't really understand what he was getting at but nodded anyways.
To my surprise he extends his hand outwards once more. " It'll be pleasure doing business with you..."
"Laura, Laura Clinton." I reply with a smile as I shake his hand. He responds with a smile of his own. One that seemed more devilish than the one before.
At that time I didn't know just how right I was.
Welcome back! Sorry this was such a short chapter:( The next one will be a little longer. I promise. I was really excited when writing this chapter. Probably one of my faves ;) I'm sure there are lot's of mistakes that I missed when looking it over and I apologize in advance. Anywaays, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. See you next update!
Lots of love, Lillith Smith
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