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I kept staring at the phone in my hand contemplating whether this was really a good idea or not... It can't be that bad, can it? Finally sighing I press the call call button and raise the phone to my ear.
"Hey L. What's up?" I growl.
"Don't call me that you psycho."
Ouch. I glare at Aubrey who's glaring at me. Rubbing the spot she pinched me I turn my attention back to the phone in another attempt to be civil.
"Feisty are we?" I roll my eyes.
"Shut up Ryder." I could hear his diseased voice on the other side laughing. Making a face I get back to the point.
"Are you free tomorrow?"
"Why L, are you asking me on a date?.. That's a little off the rails, even for you." I make a disgusted face while distancing the phone from Aubrey so she didn't hear that.
"When hell freezes over."
"Whatever makes you feel better." I look at Aubrey who's motioning me to get to the point.
"We might be going over to a cabin for a little mini vacation. So are you free or not?"
"We?" I nod realising he can't see.
"Yeah me, Dante and Aubrey." I bit my lip hoping for him to decline before regretting it when I see Aubrey with a hopeful look on her face. Sighing I wait.
"Yeah sure." I internally groan. "But I have a condition." I groan, this time not holding it in. Here it comes...
"I get to invite some of my friends." I adamantly shake my head.
"No, absolutely not." I then drop my voice to a whisper. " You always try to make Aubrey jealous and knowing you, you'll ruin this for her and everyone else." I hear him sigh.
"Well unfortunately then I can't come L." I was a second away from pulling my hair in frustration. I look over at Aubrey who was trying not to show how intently she was listening in.
"Agh! Fine but only like two other people. And I swear to god Ryder if I see you trying to ruin this for us, I will personally throw you our myself." He laughs at this and I scowl.
"Sure sugar. I'll see you guys tomorrow then." With than ending response he cut the call. I sigh and throw the phone onto my bed beside me. Turning towards Aubrey I raise an eyebrow.
"And why in gods name could you not do that yourself?" Aubrey looks away sheepishly.
"We're not really on that good terms at the moment. I'm hoping this vacation could help on that situation." I roll my eyes at that.
"Well he's coming." That earns a squeal from Aubrey. I hold a hand up.
"But..." I hesitate to wanting to tell her. She raises a brow.
"What?" I take a deep breath and blurt it out eyes closed.
"He's bringing over some friends." When I hear no screaming or tears I slowly, yet cautiously, open my eyes. Aubrey's sitting there with the most fakest of smile I had ever seen.
"It's fine." She breaths out. "We'll make up and it'll be like they're not even there." I smile tightly back at her hoping intensely for her to be right before it turns into a scowl.
"Now, onto the biggest problem." Aubrey looks at me in confusion.
"My mom..." Her mouth make a 'o' shape before she looks out the door of the bedroom and standing up. She offers me a hand.
"Come on. Let's do this." I sigh tiredly and take her hand letting her to pull me up.
Cautiously both of us make our way downstairs to find mom making dinner in the kitchen. I walk towards her. Even from behind I could see she hadn't been eating much lately. Her figure was getting thinner by the passing day and all I wanted to do was drag her to a doctor and find out what's wrong with her.
Why is she doing this to herself?... Does she think I'm blind? Does she not think I wouldn't care seeing my own mother slowly killing herself? Does she want me to turn a blind eye?
Ironically that's exactly what I've been doing. I chuckle to myself bitterly. Making my over I take a seat on one of the stool, Aubrey following silently behind. Finally noticing us, mom smiles.
"Hi honey.." I smile and fiddle with my fingers.
"Hey mom." She furrows her brows before closing the stove and making her way over.
"Okay honey I've been your mother long enough to know you want something." I smile at her sheepishly while continuing to fiddle with my hands. "Shoot." She motions with her hands for me to continue. I sigh before speaking.
" I was thinking..." I breathe in a huge amount of air before continuing. "If you could let me go over with Aubrey and some friends to a cabin for like a mini vacation?..." I look at her expectantly. Her face was passive. She had a unsure expression on her face and my hope slowly started to deflate.
"Please mom." I lean over and clasp her frail hands in mine. "Beside Aubrey will be there to look after me." Aubrey gives her a two finger salute.
"Don't worry Ms.Clinton. I'll look over that one reckless bunch over there." She points towards me and I glare at her with my eyes, signalling her that was not helping. She nods and smiles at my mom.
Mom sighs and looks at me worriedly. "I'm just worried, that's all." I nod.
"And that's acceptable,but it's only for a few days and I'll be back in not time. You'll see." Finally admitting defeat she nods dejectedly. I squeal and make my way over to her before hugging her gently. Aubrey joins in laughing while hugging just as lightly.
I guess she noticed my mom's frail state.... Who am I kidding? Anyone with two working eyes could see that my mom wasn't actually on the road to paving her own healthy road anytime soon.
Pulling away Aubrey smiles at me.
"Well it's getting pretty late. My mom would freak if I stay out any longer. I'll see you tomorrow then Laura." I nod and see her off. Closing the door after her car was out of sight I turn towards mom who was smiling at me gently. I smile back.
"You should sleep honey. You can pack tomorrow." I nod and kiss her goodnight.
"Okay mom. You go to sleep too okay." I stare at her baggy eyes. Something flashes in her eyes before she chuckles and nods.
Shaking my head I head up the stairs. Walking over I let myself fall and bury myself in the soft, warm comfort of the duvets. Sighing in content I feel my eyes slowly closing to a shut. Finally, I myself fall asleep with a smile present on my face.
Thanks to my dead beat alarms here I am scrambling to stuffing everything in sight into my suitcase. After thinking I had everything inside I jumped on top of it while bending over to finally zip it shut. When I was halfway done zipping my suitcase, after much struggle, a knock snaps me out of my concentration. Letting the zipper go with a huff a frustration I turn towards mom who was standing near the doorway, amused.
"Honey you need any help?..." I grumble.
"No mom. I'm almost done anyways." She smile and lifts two sets of objects in her hands.
"Well before you fully close don't you think you would need this." I lift my head to see a toothbrush and a pile of clothes that I had packed in a bag before in my mom's hands. Slapping a hand on my forehead I smile gratefully towards her.
"Thanks mom." She nods and sets them in front of me before making her way out. Huffing I open the suitcase yet again, making sure not to let things fall out. When I was a second off from pulling all my hair out I decided to take everything out. Turning the suitcase over I restart, except this time, I actually organise it when putting my stuff inside. After finally setting the last thing in place, I once again sit on top of it. Huffing I pull the zip to close. It smoothly zips halfway before stopping. I groan.
"Fuck it." I fall back and push the suitcase behind me.
"Having trouble." My head snaps towards the familiarity of the voice. Dante's makes his way inside my room with an amused smile placed on top of his lips. I nod and push the suitcase towards him with my foot.
"Be my guest." He chuckles. I stare in awe as he puts one hand to push down the suitcase while swiftly closing the zip with the other.
"Well fuck that." I throw my hands up in the air in defeat. Chuckling he warps his arms around my waist before pecking my lips. I smile against the kiss.
"Come one, let's go. Everyone's here." I look at him scared while making my way downstairs. He nods grimacing while carrying my suitcase.
"Even Ryder's slutty friend." I raise an eyebrow.
"Friend." He nods smiling.
"One of them is your typical bitch but the other one seems nice enough to get along with." I sigh in relief. Getting to the bottom of the stairs I see mom waiting. I walk over and hug her. She chuckles and hugs back. Pulling away she turns towards Dante with a glare.
"Bring her back safe or you will feel my wrath mister." My eyes widen at her intensity while I could see Dante stiffen slightly from the corner of my eye.
"Of course Mrs.Clinton." Dante responds stiffly but with confidence. Mom smiles at his sufficient answer. I go over and kiss her on the cheek.
"Bye mom." She smiles as I make my over to the door, a scared Dante following behind.
"Be safe honey. Love you." I nod while opening the door.
"Will do mom. Love you too." With that I close the door behind Dante. He turns towards me with wide eyes.
"Is she always this scary." I chuckle and shrug.
"Not really, special occasion I guess." That earns a groan from him.
"Great, she hates me." I pat him on the arm.
"She doesn't hate you..." I ponder on a good fall back. "She's just overprotective." He nods, not believing a word I said.
"Sure mi amor." I roll my eyes and smile.
"Hey could you two love birds cut it out, so we could get a move on." I look towards the annoyingly bitchy voice. There stood an exact replica of a Malibu barbie with her hands on her hips. I roll my eyes. One of Ryder 'friends'.
I look at Aubrey who was smiling and continuously talking to Ryder who on the other hand, looked like he wasn't even listening to half of what she said. I scowled and was about to make my way over to them when Dante stops me by clasping a hand on my shoulder. Shaking his head he leads me towards the huge van parked in front of my house.
My eyes land on another girl. She had brown natural wavy hair which fell down her back gracefully. She had pale skin and freckles which made her green eyes pop out more. Wearing a smile that could easily be contagious she makes her way over to us.
"Hi, the names Heather.." I take her outstretched hand and smile back. She does seem nice.
"Laura." Dante clasps his hands to get everyone's attention.
"Okay guys. You all can put your bag and stuff in the car parked behind the van. It will follow us there and put your stuff in your appropriate rooms in the cabin. The you can make your way over to the van. It had a eight seats so there should be plenty of room." I start making my way over but not before Ryder mumbles 'show off' under his breath while getting a smack on the arm by Aubrey. I smirk at his unsettled face.
When everyone was done getting rid of their stuff the rider bows towards us and drives off.
"He's not like, gonna steal our stuff or anything." I roll my eyes and look over at Malibu barbie.
"No Cassie. Don't be an idiot." So the Malibu barbie was Cassie... I smile as Heather speaks up. I was liking this girl more and more.
"Sit beside me." I hear Aubrey say to Ryder. An annoyed look passes over his face before he literally runs towards the front door.
"Sorry babe. I'm sitting in the front." Aubrey scowls at this but nods nonetheless. My scowl however deepens. I was going to sit beside Dante....
I look over at Dante who was mirroring my expression. When his eyes meet mine I nod tiredly. Sighing he nods back and gets in the driver seat.
When Ryder and Dante had seated in the front, all us girls had taken our seats in the back. Turning the car on Dante takes off.
"How long is this ride." Malibu barbie asks.
"About four hours or so." I groan internally at Dante's response and he smiles at me apologetically through the review mirror.
"So who wants to know about my recent quest... He's a boy candy for sure." I look towards at Malibu barbie who was smiling. God, she looked constipated...
"Sure Cassie." Aubrey answers politely and Heather nods reluctantly. Oh, hell no. Pulling out my phone I look out the window drowning out their chitter chatter.
Plugging in my ear buds I get ready for the oncoming hell raising....
Hya readers,
Srry for the late update but... here's chapter 22. Hope you enjoy and see you next update :)
Lot's of Love, Lillith Smith
539Please respect copyright.PENANAkVQAevaHQF