Froy Gutierrez as Nik
September 3
It was the first day of school. The first day of school since third grade that I didn't arrive to school in search of my best friend, Nik. Instead, I slowly walked over to my other friends, Sofie and Faith. Don't get me wrong, I love Sofia and Faith and we've gotten much closer over the summer, but part of me is still getting over my best friend. I feel like part of me will always instinctually look for Nik wherever I go.
"Ness!" I turn around to see Faith running towards me.
"Oh my gosh, we thought you weren't going to show! " Sofie grins following Faith.
They both hug me and I laugh, "Why wouldn't I show up?"
We all know why I wouldn't show up but no one says it. Sofie shrugs and Faith sighs, "Okay, let's hope this year is really good! I mean it's our senior year, it has to be good!" She changes the subject.
"Yeah! I mean West coast anyone? It's not too late to switch?" Sofie attempts to slyly convince us once again to go to UCLA with her next year.
" Hell no! " Faith exclaims. "I'll stick to Ohio State."
I snort, "Of course Faith is going to Ohio State, the love of her life goes there."
"I have always hated him," Sofie rolls her eyes.
"Shut up! I don't understand why you two hate him so much!" Faith exclaims.
"Maybe because he's been known to be a player?!" I suggested.
"He's changed, he wouldn't hurt me!" Faith protests.
Faith and her brother's friend started dating Faith's junior year. She was completely and utterly in love with him from the start. He was like her older surrogate male figure in her life after her brother, Oliver Price, died of coronary heart disease which took his life during a car accident. A year after Oliver died, Faith 's father committed suicide. Faith was left alone without any make figure except for her brother's close friends; Ellie Davis, Cal Ronald, Miles Goodwin, James Reeves, and Cole Evans. Faith had had a crush on Cole for awhile so it didn't surprise me that they ended up dating after spending so much time together. I didn't like him because he seemed to be a player, is always see him not so discreetly checking out a girl whenever there was a BBQ at the Price's. His friends, James and Miles were players as well. It took Oliver's best friend Cal, to get a hold of psycho Miles, not like he was crazy...just very much a player.
"...and that's why I always say, never get too close to a player of he'll make you fall by telling you unnecessary things to make you feel special so he can break your heart."
Sofie has just finished giving Faith yet another lecture about the risks tangling with a player. I was never given that lecture because the only guys I had ever dated was. ..well no one actually. I hadn't even had my first kiss, let alone a relationship. While Sofie was off talking and sleeping with half the school and Faith had a new guy almost every three months, I was single. No guy in his right mind would want to date me. Not after looking at my friends who were drop dead gorgeous. Sofie, a light skin, with nice golden undertones and hazel eyes with a perfect, model body caught all the guys attention. Faith with her blonde hair and green eyes. She was petite and beautiful with a funny personality. I on the other hand, was Asian. There were only five Asians in the grade, two boys and three girls. Two of them were twins, one boy named Josh and a girl named Amy. They were practically mute, kinda like the stereotypical Asians in the thigh school movies. There was this guy named Han and another girl named Shelley. Shelley was absolutely beautiful and also the definition of a busty Asian babe on the internet. Yeah so I was a lost cause.
"Ness, incoming," Faith coughs, "three o'clock."
Wee all visibly tended up, me tensing the most. We all knew who she meant, it was Nik. He's walks past us casually without giving us a glance. He's got his Airpods in probably listening to Tyler The Creator while he's typing quickly on the keyboard. I hear a squeal and watch his girlfriend the actual devil, Alex, run to him.
"Come on, Nessa, let's go." Sofie flips the couple off not caring if they see. They don't, fortunately for her. I swear, Alex is tough and would definitely call Sofie out right here and fight her.
I follow Faith and Sofie to our first class, AP psychics. Luckily this year we all have a lot of the same classes together along with some of our other friends; Kacey and Jenna. They greet us and we take our seats as the bell rings. While everyone starts chattering to one another, I check my email on my phone to see if Cade has emailed me back. I left an email this morning about how I had my first day of school and I wished him a good first day as well. I didn't know where he went or lived, but all he told me was that his first day was today as well. Cade and I had been emailing back and forth all summer getting to know each other. He normally replies pretty fast but when I checked this morning before school he still hadn't. When I check this time though, he has.
hi sparrow. Thanks for the luck, right back atcha. I'm currently (mentally) preparing myself for school. It's always stressful going to school and this year will be really different...what class are you looking forward to the most?! Lmk how the first day goes
I get ready to reply to him when the teacher, Ms. Terrence, clears her voice, "Welcome to AP psychics."
We all hurry to put our phones away and I take out my notebook preparing myself for the lesson. Over the entire summer I had been working on the pre-work for AP psychics. Performing labs and writing up reports. She was a strict grader, Ms. Terrence, and gave me and all of my friends lots of c's for our work.
The teacher smiles at us, "Now we've never met in real life so it's nice to finally see you guys and all your smiling faces! Now let's get started on today's subject! As you all should all know, we are in the middle of thermodynamics! Would you all turn to page-"
She is interrupted by a lean, athletically built guy with dark brown hair which was styled in the average white guy way, like he just ran his hands through it. He was wearing sunglasses so I couldn't see his eyes but I was betting they were blue.
"Sorry I'm late, the office printer ran out of paper so we couldn't fax over my previous school records." The guy explains.
Ms. Terrence nods, "Hmm, okay well I will be running this by then to make sure it's true. Have a seat, Mr..."
"Reid. Kyler Reid. "