Flashback *important*
Freshman party
"Nessie! " Nik shouts.
"Coming! " I holler as I apply my settings spray.
"Gosh girls take soooo long! " Nik teases as I make my way downstairs to where he is waiting.
"Sorry?! " I grin joining Nik at the bottom of the stairs.
"yeah sure,"
We head out to the party, getting a ride from one of my neighbors who's a junior. One of the football players was throwing for the start of the school year. When we arrive, we see tons of people. Nik instantly steps towards me and wraps his hand around my waist protectively. I lean into his touch, "It will be fine, Nik. It's not like some dumb movie where a girl like me gets hit on by some creep. " I tell him.
Nik tenses, "Trust me, Nessa, things can happen. Just promise me that you'll stay near me or Quinn or one of the girls." He pleads.
I sigh, "Alright, I promise."
Once we get inside we spot some of our friends; Faith, Sofie, Quinn, and a few others. We all group together and Nik starts talking to the boys about video games while I talk to the girls about the party. All the while, Nik keeps his arm around me. A sophomore hands Nik a drink and he nods and takes it. The rest of the guys cheer and grab drinks as well. I bet Nik is drinking vodka, his favorite drink. Nik's been drinking since he was in sixth grade. As an only child with parents who were constantly away or arguing, he needed an outlet other than sports which is sad. Not saying he was right to turn to drinking. I frown upon it since I don't drink and I know it's terrible to do but I'm not going to stop being friends with him because of it. It started with all of the stress and anxiety when Nik began drinking. He snuck down to the wine cellar one night when his father was away and his mother was working a night shift at the hospital. He drank some beer and then tried Screaming Eagle Cabernet 1992 one of the most expensive wines which costs over $500,000. He's claimed he wasn't an alcoholic and as far as I know he only drinks on special occasions such as one out of five parties. He drinks when he's really upset when he's home alone but usually he calls me while he's drinking so we can talk and I can yell at him over the phone to limit the amount of alcohol he drinks.
After the boys come back with their drinks, probably all vodka, the girls head off to grab some drinks. I hang back with the boys and drink out of my water bottle that I brought from home. Nik reaches for my waist and pulls me into him as he continues to listen to the guys. He leans down and mumbles into my ear, "Are you okay?"
" Yeah, I'm fine! " I smile and take a sip of water.
He cocks an eyebrow, "Really? How about we go swim?"
"Ummm, sure!? "
Once the girls come back we head to the pool where the majority of the upperclassmen are hanging out.
"Yo, Nik!" The captain of the soccer team slaps Nik on the back, "I'm glad you came! This your girl?" He motions to me.
I shake my head, Nik laughs at the comment. "Twelve" he says.
" Twelve? " the soccer player frowns.
"Oh, I'm his best friend, Nessa. We count how many times a day we are asked if we are together or something and then blurt out the number when we're together," I explain.
"Oh, sick." The soccer players nods.
" yeah haha, " I smile and Nik exchanges a few more words about soccer practice and then we head towards the pool. It's like we are making our rounds. Most freshmen aren't liked by upperclassmen, but Nik's special. Everyone loves him and since he made varsity his first year, he knows everyone. Nik talks to some football players and some of his fellow soccer teammates. He passes the cheerleaders and they offer him a drink. He gladly takes it and gets one of their snaps. We finally get to the pools edge and he shoves me in. Shrieking as I come come out of the water we splash around. After we swim for a bit, we dry off and Nik joins the soccer players and I make my way to Sofie and Faith who are with the rest of my group of girl friends.
hours later I don't even notice Nik is gone. By the time I realize I have not seen him in awhile, it's time to leave. Both our curfews are at eleven tonight and my neighbor who's driving is home is ready to leave. We search for Nik and we even call him but he doesn't answer. We ask around and that's when I hear the news from a soccer player. Nik's upstairs with some sophomore cheerleader having sex. Of course he is. I don't mention that Nik is a virgin to his teammates because I don't want to embarrass him, but I roll my eyes. Of course, the beginning of freshmen year with a girl he doesn't even know, is when Nik chooses to lose his virginity. I shake my head. Our mutual friend Quinn agrees that he'll look out for Nik and take him home when he's ready. As shitty as I sound leaving without Nik, we've already discussed that if he's doing the dirty (because we've talked about Nik's ideas and plans of hooking up with girls before just in case), I leave him he unless absolutely necessary. That sounds shitty in his part for ditching me, but it's honestly fine. He's a teenage boy wanting sex and if she wants sex and he wants sex and it's mutual so the way through and you use protection, go ahead.
I get home fine and I don't need to cover for Nik since his dad is away on a business trip and his mom is working all night at the hospital.
The next day I get a text from Nik saying he got home fine and that he wants to talk to me later. I smile and shake my head.
Disclaimer, I do not support underage drinking or illegal activities nor do I participate in such actions. I am simply accurately portraying what can and usually happens at teenage parties.