Once I get home I get ready for the party. Sofie and Faith are coming over in about five minutes so I start picking out my outfit. I am not the best at makeup so I wait for Sofie to help.
"Well look at you, all grown up!" Mom says entering my bedroom. My older sister Alia follows her.
"Thank you, Mom!" I smile.
"Change the top," Alia demands.
I roll my eyes, Alia was the fashion queen, worse than Sofie.
"To what?" I ask.
"Red. It looks good on you."
" Okay, fine." I grab a red top.
"Perfect!" Alia smiles, " So are there going to be any hot guys at this party? " she asks.
"No..." I shrug , Kyler popping into my head.
"Really? No one hot like Nik?" Mom asks.
" Ew! " Alia and I shout at the same time. I don't blame my mom though. She has only met Nik a few times and she had always shipped us. I never explained to her about why Nik and I weren't friends anymore. I had just said we grew apart which was partially true.
"Who's ew?" Sofie asks strolling into my room, not bothering to knock on the door to our house to be invited in. Not that I mind at all. Sofie was welcome here any time. My family loved her and Faith.
"Nik," Alia and I inform her.
" Ew, yeah he's bad news. " Sofie nods.
I smile, "Definitely."
"Oh?! Okay well I'll leave you girls to it! Have fun! But not too much fun!" Mom says taking the queue to leave .
"Bye! Thank you! I'll be home by twelve!" I say.
" you better! "
After Mom leaves, Alia and Sofie look at me.
"So your mom still doesn't know the truth?" Sofie asks. She means about why Nik and I are no more.
I shrug, "She doesn't have to. Plus she'd kill him if she knew." I shiver.
Alia, who knows what happened, shakes her head, "Okay...but she'll find out eventually. Mom's always find out."
"No, she won't,"
"Fine. So who are you trying to impress tonight?" Alia asks .
"No one!" I say as Sofie says:
" Ky! "
"Ohh? Who's ky?" Alia asks.
" some new hot kid who's transferred! He's a football player! " sofie fills my sister in.
"Ooh!" Alia showers intrigued .
While Sofie and Alia gossip (Alia is a year older than me and graduated last year so she know most of the people we talk about), I patiently allow Sof to do my makeup. Faith arrives late as usual and supplies some snacks like goldfish. She and I talk about school while Alia and Sofie continue to gossip.
I get a text from my phone. I look down and see a number I don't know in the screen. I have a new imessage. I frown, who is texting me?
hey it's kyler. I just wanted to say I'm hoping to see you tonight at the party
I smile.
My phone buzzes again.
also don't think I'm a stalker, I got your number from sam
I shake my head. This guy is crazy. I text him back saying I'm excited to see him too and then continue my conversation with Faith.
About an hour later we arrive at the party.
Sam's house is huge. His parents are really wealthy and also, conveniently out of town. I look down, sadness filling me when it dawns on me that this is the first high school party I've been to without Nik coming along with me. I shake my head and swallow. I am stronger then this. I can do this!
"Oh my god! Cole just texted me saying he's dropping by tonight!" Faith exclaims looking at her phone. Her boyfriend lives hours away and attends Ohio State. They haven't seen each other in a few months and they're in a very serious relationship.
"Well go get him!" Sofie laughs, "don't worry about nessa and me! We'll be fine."
" yeah, " I smile.
"But I feel bad for ditching you guys!" Faith says.
"Don't be!" Sofie and I exclaim.
After some convincing, Faith leaves us to go meet Cole, leaving just me and Sofie.
"Buddy system?" Sofie asks.
" Yeah! Let's stick together, hopefully that creep won't be here. " I say. the school creep, some guy in our grade who got held back twice, always lurks around these parties in hopes of sleeping with a drunk girl. He once came up to me last year and Nik nearly killed him. Nik is not around this year though...so who knows.
When we get inside, we're greeted by Sam and some other football players. I look around for Kyler while we grab drinks. Fruit punch for me and beer for Sofie.
"Looking for a special someone? " sofie asks.
she grins, "over there by the pool. Go get 'em! I got to go pee!"
I look towards the pool where Kyler is reclining in a chair with some of the guys. " Wait sofie! Do not leave me! " I exclaim, but it's too late. She's gone.
Reluctantly, I head over to the pool. I'm too nervous to draw attention to myself so unjust stand there awkwardly.
"Yo! What's up, Nessa? " Quinn noticed me and waves me over.
Everyone sitting there turns around and looks at me.
"Hey, how are you?" I say awkwardly. I don't dare sneak a glance at kyler. Not when I'm this awkward.
" Great! Come sit down! " Quinn says motioning to the empty seat between him and other than Nik. Nik doesn't acknowledge me and continues sipping his vodka while playing on his phone. I sit down ignoring him. The seat also happens to be across from Kyler who is staring shamelessly at me.