"So Nessa, tell us how you've been. Whatcha been up to? Have you met the new addition to the football team?" Quinn asks.
Kyler locks eyes with me.
"Yeah, I have. Don't know if he's good or not though." I say.
" Ooohhh! Ness' isn't impressed. " Quinn teases.
"That's because soccer is better," Nik says without looking up from his phone.
"Bro, think what you want." Kyler says causally .
"Yeah, at least Kyler plays basketball right?" one of the soccer players chimes in.
"Yeah," Nik responds rather boredly.
" Nik!! " the shrieking voice of his girlfriend, Alex, pierces the air.
We all cringe as Alex, with her fake boobs, tackles her boyfriend in a hug and sits herself in his lap. Kyler grimaces, I know that he doesn't really like physical touching. Well, he does like touching but on his own time, when he can decide on his own. I mean, Alex doesn't know this clearly.
"Hey, babe." Nik says in a monotone voice.
" Honey, we have to play some game of something because this party sucks. " Alex complains just as Sam, the host, walks up to us.
"Damn, Alex, that hurts me." Sam says putting his hand to his chest.
" it's the truth. Come on, let's just play something spicy like...five minutes in heaven. "
"More like five minute sex," Quinn mutters .
I snort. It was true. I mean everyone knows that there only reason why Alex wanted to play five minutes in heaven is because she wants some time with Nik...
"Shut up," Alex snarls.
"Lets just play," Nik sighs shaking his head.
"I'm not playing, there's like no privacy here because there's so many people. How about we play spin the bottle?" Sam suggests .
"Yeah, it is really crowded," Quinn chimes in.
" that's so dumb, " Alex says, "this game is so old and cliche."
" says the one wanting to play seven minutes in heaven, " Sofie interrupts as she and a group of people walk towards us. "Seriously, get a life, Alex. Anyways, Sam can we play?"
" sure ! The more the merrier! " he says.
Oh gosh, are you kidding me? I haven't had my first kiss but if I opt out people will tease me for not playing. Or worse, they'll put two and two together and realize I've never been kissed. I'll never hear the end of it if the football team and cheerleaders know. Especially Alex. I look at Sofie but I think she's too distracted by the drink in her hand to remember I've never been kissed. I don't dare look at Nik who's known I've never kissed anyone. The shame I felt made my cheeks turn warm.
We all move around to form a circle, and I'm no longer sitting in between Nik and Quinn. I'm sitting in between Sofie and some football player. We are all settled around an empty beer bottle and take turns spinning it. Some football player named Grant goes first and lands on some cheerleader. They do a quick kiss and then awkwardly settle in their seats. A few more go but nobody lands on me thank God. Sofie's been landed on several times and she's made out with all of them. I admire how brave she is. I am nervous as hell not knowing if I'll be landed on and who will kiss me. What do it like to be kissed? Is it soft? Is it hard? Will I taste whatever's last been in their mouth? Should I use my tongue? What if I do something wrong?
"Damn! Nessa, the bottle landed on you!" Quinn shouts bringing me back to the present. I stare at by the bottle pointed at me. I look to the person who is sitting in front of me. My heart drops seeing who it is.
Thank you for the support! Guess who Nessa has to kiss?