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Cody Christian as Kyler Reid
Kyler Reid. Damn. He was hot. He was asked to take off his sunglasses since he was in school which he obliged. He took a seat in the front of the classroom since that was the only one left, giving me the perfect view of his back since I sat right behind him. All eyes are on him, and I understand why. Damn, did I mention he was hot? He smells good too. He smells of detergent and clean laundry with the hint of old spice. I saw out of the corner of my eye, Sofie gawking at him. She exchanges looks with Faith, Jenna, and Kacey who are all probably checking him out even though they have boyfriends. Alex, Nik's crazy girlfriend, is in our class as well and she's staring at him like he's a piece of meat. ..wait...she's jumped on that vegetarian trend, so I guess she's staring at him like he's a piece of lettuce?
"Continuing on," Ms. Terrence says directing us to open our books.
Sofie whispers to me, "Damn he's hot!! I didn't think we'd have any new kids this good-looking this year!"
I roll my eyes, "He's not an exhibit to gawk at! Don't sexualized him like you're doing right now."
Sofie snorts, "Like you're not doing the same?"
I flick her, "Of course not, I am respectful."
Sofie laughs and we listen to Ms. Terrence's lecture. We break into groups of there for a psychics lab which involves thermodynamics. Basic things. We get to choose our groups so Sofie, Kacey, and Jenna form a group immediately leaving Faith and I without a fourth group member.
"Faith, Nessa? Do you two need another person?" Ms. Terrence asks.
"Yes," Faith smiles sweetly.
I stand there mute.
"Well our new student, Kyler, needs a group so I'm sure you girls can welcome him into your group!" Ms. Terrence smiles.
Faith grins, "We would be delighted to!"
The rest of the girls in the class glare at us, including our friends; Sofie, Jenna, and Kacey. I stare at the floor. Kyler makes his way towards us and smiles.
"Hi, I'm Kyler, you can call me Ky." He tells us.
"Well, hi Ky! I'm Faith, nice to meet you!" Faith introduces herself.
I stand there looking at the ground still until she elbows me. It isn't like I am trying to ignore him or be rude, I am just shy.
"Oh, hi. I'm Nessa." I say looking up at him. Wow, he has nice blue eyes.
"Hey, nice to meet you Faith and Nessa." He smiles and sits down.
We follow suit and start working on our pre-lab before setting the last up. Faith and Kyler mainly talk, not because I don't know the answers, just because I'm nervous and shy. I'm not usually outgoing, I have to warm up to people at first.
"Earth to Ness?!" Faith waves a hand in my face.
I blink. "Ummm,"
" Nessa do you think we should add any more steps? " Faith asks kindly. She knows I space out a lot, especially since Nik and I are no more.
"Ummm, well we haven't mentioned how it relates to radiation?" I guess.
"Sounds good," Kyler nods as he writes something on the shared Google doc.
We write some more and then the bell rings. I hurry to pack up my items and head for the door, not bothering to wait for the girls. I know Jenna, Kacey, and Sofie would be gushing over Kyler and Faith had study hall in the opposite direction of me. I head towards gym class. Nobody is in my gym which is fine, I just keep to myself anyways. After gym I have my Sculpture I class. I suck at art, but unfortunately I needed an art credit so here I am. I sit down at a table by myself since none of my friends are in this class and wait for the teacher to start. I play on my phone not bothering to notice as Kyler slipping into the empty seat across from me. I look up when he clears his throat.
"Hi," I smile to be polite .
"Hey, are you good at art because I suck and I don't understand half of the vocabulary she used in that post on Google Classroom this morning. " he asks.
"Ummm, I'm the wrong person to ask about art. I suck." I shrug.
"Oh, cool."
Awkward silence.
"Hey, I was wondering-" he starts.
"Do you play-" I begin.
We both say at the same time.
"Oh, sorry." We both say.
" Umm, you first. " I tell him.
"No! You can go first."
" No, I insist. " I say, wow way to make it awkward.
"I was just wondering if you know anything about the party tonight?" he asks.
Yeah, I do. Sam Reeves, one of these really popular guys was throwing his annual first day of school parties. I usually attend since Nik drags me along being the party animal he is. I don't really like them, since I hate crowds and feel uncomfortable with strangers. Especially drunk strangers.
I nod, "Yeah. I don't think I'm going though."
Kyler frowns and then his eyes widen. "Wait, I'm sorry! I didn't realize. Are you not invited?"
Ah, he had caught on to life. I mean after seventeen years or so people should know about the social way of life. It was nice to meet a guy who understood those rules. Kyler just realized that it was rude of him to assume everyone was invited and whoever invited him to Sam's party must have made the impression on him that it was for only "popular " people. Which was the truth.
"No, don't be sorry. and yeah I was invited." I tell him.
" Oh sorry for a minute I thought... "
"No it's okay. I was invited but don't really know if I'm up for it this year...that sounds so lame of me to say. " Realizing how honest I was with this guy I'm only just met two classes ago.
"No, no. It's okay. I totally get it, I don't always like parties either. But I just made friends with Sam since we are on the football team together and he invited me and it would be rude of me to say no since I don't have anything to do tonight. Plus it gives me the chance to make friends. "
"Yeah, it's cool. A lot of people go that are part of Sam's...errr, social group." I try to explain politely, " Not like there won't be other kids there! It's like a huge party but it's mainly full of sporty kids and yeah. Like there's some theater and music kids and math kids as well. It's just that Sam mainly invites those of his same "social class" perse and then he extends the invitation to others. God that sounds rude. " I mutter.
"Oh, well I guess I am that extension right? It is like a last minute invitation for me right?" Kyler asks.
I can't tell if he's joking or not. Oh gosh kill me now. I shake my head, "Oh no! You're definitely not last minute! You're new so I guess your last minute but not in that way! Like if Sam himself really likes you then he'll invite you himself which he did and you'll probably be invited infinite group since you're a football player. That is if you want to be friends with them? "
"Calm down, Nessa, I was just teasing. I know what you meant. You're so awkward which is cute." Kyler smiles.
"Oh thanks," wait cute? Did he just call me cute?! I open my mouth to comment on this when the art teacher begins talking about today's class.
Kyler and I don't talk for the rest of class because we are focused on the art teacher and what he's telling us. Once it ends, Kyler asks me if I can show him to the cafeteria since we both have lunch next. I shyly agree and we head off to lunch. We make some small talk and I learn about how he transferred from Cornwall High which is the town's public school here to Duncan Academy. He admits he was surprised that we aren't all stuck up rich kids like the stereotypical private school and I laugh telling him just he wait. Some of us, like me and Faith are here on scholarships whereas about 65% of the kids are here because of money. That 65% and even some of the people here on a scholarship are snobby and stuck up. I learn that Kyler plays not only football, but basketball and lacrosse as well. He asks if I play any sports and I tell him about how I'm here on field hockey and basketball scholarships and how I have an academic scholarship as well. As we turn the corner to enter the caf, I bump into a broad chest. A pair of familiar hands grip my arms to balance me and put some distance between us. I look up at the person expecting it to maybe be Sam. Instead I look up to meet a pair of blue-green eyes I know all too well.