After lit, the bell rings signalling the end of the school day. For most it's saying people can go home, but for me, not so much. I head off to field hockey practice and help run the drills. We do a few scrimmages and prepare for the game against Cornwall which we have on Friday. I help a struggling freshman with shooting drills and then we all go for our mile run cool down. I barely notice the football guys practicing on the field to the left and the soccer guys practicing on the right. Some, or most, of the girls are not so subtly checking the teams out. I'm not really into football and soccer players. Believe it or not but I'm into hockey players. Mainly it's because all of the football and soccer players are so weird and rude at our school.
"Heads!" We all head a voice about from the soccer field direction. We all look up to see a soccer ball soaring over us. It lands on the football field.
"Yo, here's your ball!" Sam, the captain and quarterback of the football team, grins as he leans down to pick up the soccer ball.
"Thanks, man," a familiar voice, Nik's voice, says from a distance. Nik jogs past me towards Sam. Everyone has stopped practicing to watch. The football team and the soccer team don't really have any beef and they're not rivals, they're just tense because they both believe their sport is better than the other. The field hockey team stops because we want to witness this exchange.
"A football player would have aimed better," one of the football dudes shouts as Nik takes the ball from Sam.
Nik raises an eyebrow, "Oh really? Well as I last recalled, a football does not roll."
"Yeah, because it's better like that, and how does that have anything to do with performance?" The football player smirks.
"Nothing, just that a soccer ball travels a farther distance and requires more talent to pass and control it." Nik replies calmly.
"Dude, you're dumb as fuck." Another football player laughs, " football is wayyy harder. "
"Guys calm down, let the lady believe what she wants," Sam says.
"Is that supposed to be offensive?" Nik challenges.
The football team walks towards him. The field hockey players slowly inch closer to hear better. Sensing their team mate was in trouble, the rest of the guy soccer team makes their way towards the football field.
"Yeah, Sam, are you saying it's offensive to be a girl?" A girl on the field hockey team asks.
" Yeah, what's so wrong with being a girl?! Are you trying to degrade Nik by calling him a girl? " another field hockey player challenges Sam.
"Ladies, chill out. It's a joke. We all know football is more elite than dumb soccer and that girls are weaker and more dramatic and stupid than guys." Sam says putting his hands up in " defense ".
"Excuse us?" My co-captain Wren glares at Sam.
I was pissed just like the other girls were. There were no coaches outside at the moment, they all had meetings so the captain's were in charge of practice for a little bit until the coaches got out of the meeting.
"Well it's just scientifically proven," Sam shrugs clearly not understanding of caring how offensive and wrong he was.
"You don't know what science even is," Wren says marching up to him. She pokes him in the chest, " you're too dumb and ignorant to understand the concept of science and scientifically proven facts. "
"Hey babe, Nik, what's going on?" Quinn, who happened to be Wren's boyfriend and the co captain of the soccer team, meets us on the football field with the rest of the soccer players.
"Thhe football players think their sport is better and they think it's offensive to be called a girl because girls are quote 'dramatic stupid and emotional,'" Nik informs the soccer team.
"Damn bro, equality for all genders, and soccer is much better than that lousy thing you call a sport." Quinn says.
"Shut the fuck up, Quinn!" Sam barks.
Both the football team and the soccer team start arguing which means the field hockey team gets involved as well. Well, maybe not the entire football team, just like five really annoying and arrogant football players. The rest of the football team stands there probably too afraid to speak up against their team captain and some of the other more popular guys. I shake my head an notice Kyler making his way across the football field wearing a tank top and some shorts. I guess he was late to the practice. We lock eyes and he looks away first focusing on the arguing between some of his team mates and the soccer and field hockey players. He's stays relatively quiet only whispering to one of the running backs probably asking what's going on.
"Well, Nessa, what do you have to say on the matter?" Wren asks me.
All eyes land on me.
"Ummm...well of course women are equal to men and it's not like we are dumber or more emotional then guys. And I think soccer and football are equally good and Sam should keep his mouth shut." I shrug.
" Yeah, that's my girl! " Nik grins.
Everyone stands there in shock including Nik and I. Did he just say that's my girl?
"Ummm, I thought you two aren't friends? " Wren asks confused as to why Nik called me his girl. A year ago this would be normal, Nik calling me his girl. It was a playful nickname/joke. But now... I mean everyone except maybe some of the clueless football players like Sam, knew that Nik and I were no longer friends...
Before anyone can say anything else, we hear a whistle. It's the football coach's whistle, I guess the meeting had ended.
"Get back to practice, the lot of you!" The coach shouts.
I shrug, relieved that no one has to answer Wren's question and we continue our practice. I ignore the freshmen who glance at me from time to time probably wondering why it got so silent after Wren asked if Nik and I were still friends.
After practice, I head to the parking lot to leave. Some people are mulling around the area talking and hanging out. I heard the soccer team has decided to still attend Sam's party even though he insulted them, just for publicity and because we don't need beef between teams. Some girls on the field hockey team text some of the girls outside of the team to tell them how Sam is sexist, yet we all still plan to go to his party only because of publicity, diplomacy (or to be polite) and because he has the best parties and options in town. There words, not mine. Options being drugs and alcohol...I don't do either.
As I unlock my car I see Kyler heading towards me. I stiffen, what does he want? Does he agree with Sam and wants to help at me?
"Hey, Nessa right?" He asks.
" Yes, " he already knew my name...
"Okay good! This kid Nik told me your name was Tessa but I was pretty sure it's Nessa and I wanted to make sure it was Nessa." Kyler explains.
"Oh?" Was that what Nik and Kyler were talking about in wellness? Why would Nik tell Kyler that?
"Sorry...I'd also like to clarify, I came out late for practice and all I heard was the end of the conversation but I just wanted to say, I support equality for all and I thought it was really rude and sexist of Sam to think girls are dumber and more emotional than guys. I'm also don't really care for soccer but it's not like it's a terrible sport. Neither is field hockey of course!" Kyler tells me.
"Oh cool, and thank you. That's very sweet of you." I smile not knowing what else to say.
he smiles, "Yeah, no problem. OKay, well I'll let you go...Will I see you later tonight? "
"Ummm...yeah, I think so. Even though Sam said some offensive things, the team thought we might be able to in move past it. Plus, it's kind of a routine to go to the first party of the school year, no matter who's throwing it." I shrug.
" Oh, cool.. See ya then, " Kyler smiles as he backs away from the car so I can get in.