POV: Nik
The party was crazy last night. The whole spin the bottle where I was supposed to kiss a girl who was practically my sister and all. And then there was Alex. Alex. She was crazy, but great. I knew that the only reason she acted like this was because of her fear of abandonment and the lack of male figures in her life. As dumb as it sounds, Alex has real issues, like everyone else. To be honest, I am kind of glad she's the jealous type, it shows that she cares. But then... she does happen to insult a lot of people when she's jealous, including Nessa. I wasn't a fan of her calling Nessa a slut. I left the party with her upset about what she said to my ex best friend, but I didn't mention it. We had ended up going to my place and watching a movie. She had ranted all the way to my place about how unfair it was of Sam and the others wanting Nessa and I to kiss. I nodded and agreed. It was a very uncomfortable situation. To be honest, I was relieved when the new kid dumped water on Nessa. I caught on that he did it on purpose the moment he gave Ness that wink. Sly guy. Smart guy. I had nodded at Kyler thanking him and threatening to hurt him if he touched Nessa. Although Nessa and I aren't friends anymore, that doesn't mean that I wanted her to get hurt. I still instructed some of the guys to keep an eye on her, especially at parties. That creepy kid who had stayed back like a hundred times was always lurking around.
"Nik!" Alex shouts from downstairs in the kitchen. Yes, she stayed the night. Nothing like that happened though. I was too tired and in my head for that.
"What?" I run downstairs to find her wearing one of my sweatshirts and flipping pancakes. I smile.
"I burnt the bacon," she points to the pan of sizzling, charcoal bacon.
"Aw, don't worry, babe." I say kissing the top of her head.
"Why don't we just go out to eat? I ruined everything." Alex sighs.
"What?! The pancakes look amazing and I like bacon a bit toasty. Plus you aren't even going to be eating the bacon, you're a veggie head."
"Yeah, but I just ruined it!"
"Alex, it's perfect!" I grab two plates and some silverware and we sit down to eat.
"Okay...if you say so." Alex shakes her head.
We eat and then head off to the mall. Alex loves shopping and me being the good boyfriend I am, tag along. It was weird. Our first day of school was on a Friday but then we had a three day weekend because of the holiday. Why didn't we just start school on the Tuesday?
"Babe, let's go here!" Alex pulls me towards Victoria's Secret.
"Okay..." I knew I was in for a treat, notice the sarcasm. I knew the routine. Alex would try on all of the clothing she could and model for me. And then I would pay...
I sit on my phone in the waiting room while Alex tries on her clothes. I get a text from the group chat that consists of Sofie, Faith, Nessa, Sam, Quinn, me and we also added Kyler. It's an odd group chat that most of us don't type in because the entire group isn't too close. Funny story actually, we started the chat for an English group assignment Freshman year. It had consisted of me, Sam, Nessa, and Faith. We were writing a paper together as a group and then the teacher forced other groups to peer edit each other's papers. The group peer editing our paper was Sofie, Quinn, Alex, and a football player named Will who transferred to Cornwall and whom Kyler replaced on the team. We all kept texting the group chat long after the project was over and it was pretty funny since we all came from different friend groups. You see, I don't love Sam, he's a bit obnoxious but we get along. Faith was introverted and didn't speak to anyone outside of her close circle of chick friends which included Nessa and Sofie in the group chat. Will moved away and eventually left the group chat, and Sofie and Sam were constantly play arguing aka flirting. Nessa and I, back when we were friends, would communicate to one another through the group chat dropping inside jokes and sending memes to everyone. I was close with Quinn as well although he only sent memes to the chat. Sofie actually kicked Alex out of the group sophomore year since she almost never talked and whenever she did, it was to insult her. Over the years we still talked on the group chat, which we all concluded the name was Sink To Bottom (an inside joke), but things became tense after Nessa and I weren't friends. We would text the chat from time to time but we were all in our different friend groups.
Sam: mall?
Before I can reply Sofie replies.
Sof: hell yeah
Faith: can't :(
Sam: u suck u weren't even at the party last night loser :P
Sof: stfu she was w lover boy <333
Sam: ohio state man?
Faith: yeah a school you'll never get into :)
Faith, Sam, and Sofie all text back and forth bickering. Then Kyler, who was recently added to the group chat, replies.
Kyler: what time's this mall thing?
Me: im there rn
Sam: cool I can swing by Sof's and then be there in fifteen?
Sof: fine by me
Kyler: I can be there in ten...I might be longer cuz idk my way around
Sof: nessa can show u ;)
Nessie: yeah cool, only if kyler wants to...u already know where i live kyler
What? Kyler knows where Nessa lives? He's only been here one day. Then I put two and two together...the party. Of course. I hope he only saw Nessa's house because he dropped her off...nothing more.
Kyler: yeah be right there
Sof: ur the best <3
Kyler: ...
I turn off my phone and then call out to Alex since she's no longer in the chat, "Babe, Sink to Bottom just texted." I call out.
"Oh yeah, why?"
"They're coming to the mall to hang out."
"What? DId you tell them we're here? Did you invite them?" Alex steps out of the changing room glaring at me.
"No, I didn't invite them! Sam asked if we'd go to the mall and everyone was down so I told them I was already there."
"Ugh, this was supposed to be our day. Is Nessa coming?" Alex asks going back in the stall.
"Yeah...she's part of the group."
"Pfff," Alex scoffs, "what group? That dumb group chat. Y'all don't hang out do you?"
"Me and Nessa?"
"No dumbass, I know you and Nessa don't hang out. Anyone can see that from the way you two interact. She's still that same sensitive bitch and acts wounded when you're around. I mean the group chat the sink one whatever it's called."
"Nessa has a right to be sad," I point out, "and no, Sink to the Bottom rarely hangs out. I think Sam's hungover and needs to hang out with people other than the football team. People who aren't too rowdy."
"Ugh," Alex steps out of the changing room with her normal clothes on, "let's get this over with then."