I slowly get up, trying not to wake Mirabel. Stand perfectly still, I put on the fuzziest socks I got, grab my already prepared satchel, and slowly walk toward the door. As I reached for the handle, the door came crashing through. I jolted back to find Luisa sleepwalking and Mirabel still asleep. I suppose this happens often. I shut Mirabel's door behind me and patiently guide Luisa back to her room. I looked around to see if anyone was watching and headed to Abuela's room. I opened the creaking door and checked if the coast was clear. I get out my flashlight and walk into the creaking room with a pencil ready to jab and the door open ready to escape.
I look around trying to find some clues only to find that it's really dusty. I look over the bed to find a chalk marking of where Abuela was and the dagger with the remains. I suppose Mirabel was already here. I find a couple of candles and light each one up. It's too dark and gloomy here. I bent down on the floor and found some really big tracks. Almost shaped like a wild animal footprint. I dig in my satchel to find my old camera when someone puts their hand on my shoulder. I do what comes naturally. I grabbed their arm and threw them over my head, grabbed my pencil, and pointed it near their face.
"I told you, I don't have the money!" I whisper aggressively in British. The person rapidly grabs my flashlight and points it to their face, trembling.
"Mirabel?" I say softly with my normal voice.
"Hey..." she says with a weak smile. I helped her off the ground, wiping the dust off us.
"Sorry, I didn't mean to..." I demonstrate myself by throwing her over my head.
"It's alright. Just gonna be sore for a few days." We laugh and I point to the ground showing the clue I found.
"Is that..."
"I think so. I was trying to get a photo of it, but then...you know," Mirabel starts to laugh.
"I told you, it's fine!"
"I was just making sure you're ok." She rolls her eyes.
"Still get a photo, I'll look around some more." Mirabel gets up from the floor, grabs one of the candles I lit up, and looks around. I, however, am trying to capture a photo with terrible lighting.
"So, what do you think about Camilo?" Mirabel asks slyly.
"Really? Now?"
"Just wondering," She says as if I was going to tell her anyway. I sigh.
"Well, I think he's cute, charming, and funny," I pause to think of the right words, "And maybe we could hit off." I can feel her smile, but I don't want to admit defeat. As I FINALLY take a photo, Mirabel nudges me over.
"Did you find something?" I say leaning over. She shakes her head yes. I stood up to get a better look, but only the things I found earlier.
"I'm confused. I already found this stuff."
"Well, jaguars can't use daggers So Parce couldn't have murdered Abuela." I paused trying to process what she was saying. Then the same light bulb as hers lights up.
"So that means Antonio must have done it with Parce..."
"Right, or maybe someone with Parce!" I reach my hand for a high five, but Mirbel lungs over for a hug. As I tried to depart from the hug, Mirabel held me by the waist and leaned in for a kiss. I break away quickly in panic.
"Woah, woah, woah! Where did that come from?!" I say alarmed, trying to stay calm.
"What," Mirabel says confused. I am frozen with a bewildered and concerned face. I tried motioning to show her what she was trying to do. She looks at her hands as if they have the answer.
Mirabel looks at me, "Oooooooooh." She chuckles and shapeshifts into Camilo. He gives me a warm smile as I just stand there in shock.
Anger rushes through my veins before forgiveness. I put everything back in my satchel, turned on my flashlight, passed Camilo, blew out the candles, and stormed out the door with it still open. I can hear him trying to call my name without waking anyone. I ignored him and slid down the stair rail. I look around the kitchen to find some food I could snack on. I grab the first thing I find and stuff it into my face. I try calming down and try thinking of an apology. Flustered and annoyed, I sit down on the floor with my head low.
Camilo finally finds me, but I look away with my hands crossed. Camilo takes whatever food I grabbed and sits next to me. We sit in silence, until Camilo whispers, "I'm sorry. I should have turned back to me when you hurled me over your head. I shouldn't have asked what you thought of me. And I shouldn't have tried to kiss you as Mirabel, even if that part was an accident."
"I'm sorry too. I shouldn't have stormed off, but in my defense," I couldn't help but laugh, "I was pretty freaked out. And I would have asked the same question if I were you. "
"Really?" Camilo lightens up.
"I'm a detective after all. I would have used it to my advantage," We laugh.
"Ok, so it's my turn to ask the questions," Camilo turns to me all cheeky.
"Oh noooo."
"Why were you talking to me in a cute British accent earlier? And what money? Do you really think I'm cute, charming, and funny? Why do you have a backpack and a satchel? And lastly, why do you keep sneaking around at night?" These were all good questions...but how to answer them...
"Ok, first, it wasn't a cute British accent!" I pushed him over.
"Well, it was to me," Camilo says, pushing me back, "Now answer the questions!" I roll my eyes.
"I was born in Britain, lived there for a while. Signed an illegal British document, which caused a silent war with a lot of money. There have been a few people following me over the years, which is why I pounced. Yes, I think you're all these things, but don't you dare use that against me. Backpack for the day, a satchel for the night. I sneak around because the night feels mysterious and most ideas come at night."
"Wow," Camilo says slowly, "Was not expecting that." I punch in the shoulder and got up.
"It's getting late again, we should probably go."
We wished each other goodnight and I slipped back into bed. Ready for everything to go wrong.