Mirabel was laughing all the way to Bruno's room, which made the walk longer.
"I can't believe you like Camilo!" She finally says after her long laughter.
"I'm glad I was able to crack you up, but I don't like him! We just bumped into each other and it meant nothing." I conclude defensively.
"Uh, yeah it did!" she chuckled.
I'm not confessing anything. I have my rights! We finally made it to Bruno's room.
"You were right, Bruno's door does have his eyes open," Mirabel says in awe.
"Now we know the two people to go to."
"I wonder why their eyes are open"
"A mystery with another mystery," I turned to Mirabel excitedly, "I love it!"
"Should we go back?" Mirabel suggested pointing to Dolores's room.
"Yeah. We should probably get started."
We walk back to Dolores's door while I take notes. Mirabel gives me a reassuring look so she could knock this time. I nod. She swings her arm back for a big strong knock, but then she gives 3 small knocks. I looked at her as if she was going to hear that. Before I could say anything the door opened.
"Can we come to Dolores?" Mirabel asks
"Alright," She whispers.
Mirabel looks at me with a "see, I was right" smirk. I rolled my eyes and went inside.
Her room was beautiful. There was soundproof carpet everywhere, a wall of doors, a small set of stairs that lead to her bed with a show curtain over it, and different instruments are hung everywhere. Mirabel waves me over to climb up the stairs with Dolores.
"So what do you want to know?" Dolores asks once where at the top of the stairs on her bed with tea in her hand.
"We want to know who killed Abelua," Mirabel replies. I got my pencil to write.
"Whoever killed Abuela was quiet and knew what they were doing."
"What did you hear this morning?"
"I heard Abuela talking with the murder until she was killed a surprise attack. But before she was killed, she said the first part of their name."
"What was it?" I whisper. I was on the edge of a cliff of mystery and all I needed was this clue to push me to fly.
"P," Dolores says, ending with a high-pitched "hm."
"Thanks, Dolores!" Mirabel says as we went down the stairs.
We waited to speak until Dolores's door closed and we were in Mirabel's room. Mirbel closes her door and blurts out,
"Pepa killed Abuela?!"
"SHHHHHHHHH! We can't let anyone hear."
"Pepa killed Abulea?!" Mirabel whispers.
"Do you really think that Dolores would sell out her own mother?" I whisper back.
"She told everyone that I was in Bruno's vision when she wasn't supposed to."
"Mmmmm, she didn't tell us anything about everything. We should investigate Pepa's room!" I was about to head to the door, but Mirabel stopped me.
"It's getting late, maybe we should wait till tomorrow?
I looked at the ground, "Oh right, it is getting pretty late."
"Do you not have a place to stay?"
"My parents died when I was 5 during a plane crash. I was the only one who survived, so I've been hitching rides to explore and solve mysteries." I mumbled trying to have good eye contact.
"You can stay with us for a bit. Right Casita?" The house moves around and brings blankets and pillows.
"Thank you," I smiled, giving her a hug. We changed out and turned off the lights.
"Night Y/N!" Mirabel says softly.
"Night Mirabel!" I whisper back.
"Night Castia," we whisper at the same time.
The house was silent. This was new for me. I toss and turn. I sigh.
Great, I can't sleep.