I got up and slowly closed the door. I know Mirabel means well, but some alone investigation wouldn't hurt...right? I walked slowly hoping the house wouldn't creek. The floor titles slowly start to move.
"Shhhh. I can't risk being caught, I promise I'm not going to hurt anyone." The house starts to calm down. I guess I'm on its good side. I got my notepad and pencil, looking for anything suspicious.
I walked around the house at least 5 times and there was nothing. I start to walk back to Mirabel's room, but I heard something in the kitchen. I went on the rail of the stairs and slowly slid down. I made it safely until I saw a rat and slipped. I held on to the rail with my life. There was no way I was letting go and making a big thud. I heard footsteps coming towards me. Ugh, I won't hear the end of this story. I looked at the mysterious figure until I could make someone... or something, out of it.
I still couldn't see who it was, but I think they were holding a candle. The mysterious figure light lit up the candle and I flinched from the light.
"How's it hanging?" Camilo whispers with a smile with his head tilted so I could see him face to face.
"Hanging well, how are you?" I whisper back trying to be casual as I start to slip even more. Camilo places his candle aside then turns into Lusia.
"If you're trying to get stronger, it's not working," I chuckle softly. Nailed it. He softly laughs and picks me up. This, I was not expecting. He sets me down and turns back into Camilo.
"Thanks," I smiled so it would be less awkward.
"It's no problem. It's not every day that I get to save someone from almost falling off the stair rail at night." I laughed and looked at the kitchen.
"Say, what are you doing here so late?" I ask.
"I should say the same to you."
"I asked first." He rolls his eyes and pulls something behind his back.
"I was getting a midnight snack," He says embarrassed holding out a couple of buñuelos. I couldn't help but laugh.
"What can I say, I have a big appetite," He smiles.
"You're not the only," I smirk while taking one, "For the road." He laughs. I gave myself a mental high five.
"So, what are you doing hanging by the rail?" He says eagerly. I didn't want to break eye contact by looking down.
"I was looking around the casita to see if I missed any clues. I know it sounds creepy, but I really want to solve this mystery," I explained biting my lip. I really don't want to sound like a creep and ruin anything.
"It's not creepy as long as you're doing what you're supposed to. I think it's really cool that you're trying to help us."
"Thanks," I smile.
"Wanna go up to the roof?"
"I would love to. Lead the way."
I waited to move until Camilo was at least 3 steps ahead of me.
Crap I think I'm blushing.