"But first, where are we?" I say looking around the room.
"This is my room!" Mirabel replied while jumping to her bed. While I admire her room I notice something.
"Did you know your door doesn't glow?"
She looked down at her feet. Oh no, I must have brought up a touchy subject.
"Sorry! I didn-"
"No no no, it's ok! My door doesn't glow because I'm the only Madrigal who doesn't have a gift."
"Did your Abuela have a gift?"
"No, but she was the one who found the miracle."
"Technically, the miracle found you and blessed your family. All she does is hold the candle and hope it doesn't blow out. No disrespect to your Abuela." I say walking to her bed next to her.
"How did you know that?"
"My hearing might be as good as Dolores, but I listen around." We both laugh.
"Well, I guess you're right about that."
"Heck ya I am! So what are your mystery experiences?" I say crossing my legs on her bed with my notepad and pencil ready.
"I saved Casita and the miracle while almost dying several times. '' The Casita moved up and down with joy.
"That's amazing! What did you do first?"
"I went to Dolores and used the clues to go off from there."
"We better head off before the murderer strikes again."
"Right! I'll show you Dolores's room!"
We head out of Mirabel's room and walk to Dolores's. Mirabel went to knock on her door. I lift my hand to stop her.
"I thought we were going to Dolores's room?" She said confused.
I turn to look at the other doors than to Dolores's.
"We are, but Dolores's door has her eyes open and the others don't." Mirabel looks at me then slowly widens her eyes. I ran to Bruno's room to see the same thing with Mirabel behind me, but I ran into someone. I fell to the ground pretty hard.
"Sorry about that," an unfamiliar voice says with their hand out to help me up.
"It's alright I wasn't looking where I was going," I looked up to see... me?
"Am I delusional or is this a mirror?" The copy of me laughs and turns into someone else.
"Oh, haha you must be Camilo," I said embarrassedly, putting my hand out.
"Haha, and you must be Y/N," He said still laughing while shaking my hand, "Do you want to get buñuelos with me from Julieta? It would really ease the pain."
"I would love to but I have a mystery to solve with Mirabel. Maybe next time?" I can't feel my legs.
"That would be great," he smiled, "See ya around!"
"See ya," I called back.
Camilo left and I turn to Mirabel who burst out laughing.
"Come on, we have a mystery to solve," I say mortified.