In 1939, the world was about to go to war. The invasion of Poland by German and Soviet armies initiated what could have been another gruesome war between nations. But when Germany was about to invade France, a larger threat appeared. No one knows where, what, how or even anything that happened.
But all the nations united and fought as one. It took almost 6 decades and an uncertain amount of deaths but they eventually managed to win.
And now here they are again, another war and this time between former allies.
When the New War began, Germany invaded France after 2 political parties started a civil war in France. Siding with one of the parties, Germany advanced until they almost reached the capital, Paris.
After a long flight and another long drive, they reached a chateau of Chantilly. a forward base of operations for the upcoming siege of Paris.
While Elsa and Erika was busy with strategizing the siege, Wölfe was walking around the base. He then stumbled across a training area, where he noticed some young soldiers there.
Two of them were having some sort of arguement while the rest just casually watch it unfold.
He observed as the two female soldiers, which he assumed were squad leaders based on how their uniforms looked, throwing insults back and forth.
Eventually it then came down to a fist fight between the two. One of them tackled the other , causing them to fall to the ground and roll off the training field.
"Oh for crying out loud!" A voice suddenly interrupted.
An officer stepped forwards with a disapproving expression.
It was Erika and she immediately stopped them from killing each other. She said a few things but Wölfe didn't bother to listen.
After spacing out for a bit, he noticed Erika approaching him.
"Another day, another fight," she sighed, "I swear if someone doesn't shut these kids up soon..."
"Are they soldiers or high school kids?" Wölfe spoke.
This surprised Erika as he ignored most of any attempts of conversation between him and anyone else.
She shrugged, "Probably a bit of both,"
"Then you should send them back," Wölfe responded coldly, "They're too innocent,"
"What do you mean?" She asked, confused.
"If they start fighting over miniscule things then it mean they still have their sanity intact," He answered, "I've seen dead men and women walking, their will stripped from them, it's quite hard to find someone sane to talk to,"'
And with that he left her without a chance for her to respond. Erika just let out another sigh and walked the opposite way.