A week has passed after the Siege of Paris, the Germans who were there and the newly raised French Militia have started to build fortifications.
As Elsa and Erika continued planning the rebuilding process, The High Kommandant, Edelweiss visited.
Alone for some reason.
"High Kommandant??" Erika said, surprised, "Why are you here?"
"You know you can just call me Edel," Edelweiss said, "We don't need to be so formal all the time,"
"It's nice to see you two safe," She said as she hugged Erika and Elsa in one big hug.
"Oi! not so tight!" Erika protested, while Elsa laughed.
"Edel, huh?" A familiar voice spoke.
They looked around and saw Wölfe casually sitting nearby.
"Ah... Wölfe," Edelweiss said before letting the other two go, then she cleared her throat and said, "We need to have a talk"
Wölfe didn't respond and just stared at her with a slight hint of interest.
"About my father, Heinrich Von Friedrich," She said but before she could continued Wölfe interrupted her.
"He's not your father," He said, "And he will never be,"
Edelweiss let out a sigh of frustration before continuing, "Please explain this,"
She threw a file at him.
Wölfe simply sat there with a blank expression, he then looked at it.
For the first time, he looked genuinely... disturbed.
"Interesting," He muttered.
"These were the reports of the tactics used by the Americans when they fought in South East Asia," Edelweiss explained, "Does it look familiar?" She asked
Wölfe looked at her and responded, "Looks like something Heinrich would do," He said, "Only that bastard would be smart enough to play mind games,"
A noticeable frown was on Edelweiss's face, she seems offended by his words.
"You by any chance know anyone who knows his way of tacitcs and strategy?" She asked, keeping a straight face.
"Hmm" He though before answering, " Could be Dean C. MacArthur,"
This answered suprised her.
"But he's dead!" She said.
"I know that because you and your mother forced Heinrich to kill his own best friend," He said, "Remember that?"
Edelweiss didn't answer, and instead just stared at him.
"Well, the answer to your question is that maybe Dean told other how to think like him," Wölfe said, "Happy?"
"No..." Edelweiss said as she walked away.
But before she walked out she turned around and said, "Even if he wasn't there for my childhood, doesn't mean I shouldn't consider him a father,"
The three were left in the room.
"Can you not insult her??" Erika asked, annoyed, "She is still mourning the death of her dad and you're just insulting her for it,"
Wölfe looked at her, "But it's true though, the only reason he committed suicide was because of them ordering him to kill,"
"I don't believe you," Erika said, "Dean C. Macarthur's death was caused by an assassin! Even America said it,"
"If they were best friends why would he do that??" She asked.
"Erika please, calm down," Elsa tried to calm her.
"He..." Wölfe paused for a few moments, "Yeah explaining this to you would be impossible," He got up and left
They looked at him as he left.
"What a jerk..." Erika huffed
Elsa just kept quiet.