Getting Back in Good Graces
[Bright Moon Kingdom]
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We now see into a large room with a large floating bed and floating platforms. When taking a closer look at that bed, we can see Glimmer is laying in her bed and writing something in her journal.
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Glimmer: "dear mom, I know you'll never read this, well I hope not, but I have to say it somewhere. I feel like...... you don't respect me."
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Suddenly, an arrow shot through her window, nearly missing her. This causes her to shriek, but then cover her mouth. When she calmed down, she looked at the arrow and noticed it at a note on it that said, 'look outside'.
She just rolls her eyes and lets out a groan of annoyance. So she grabs the arrow and does what it says. When she looks outside, she saw a tanned skin boy around her age with broad shoulders. He has curly dark brown hair in an afro buzz style and black eyes. He's wearing silver armor under a small gold cuirass (a type of armor that includes a breastplate with a back.), embellished with a red heart that exposes his midriff. On his left arm, he wears a golden spaulder (a medal sleeve) perched atop his shoulder, as well as a golden forearm guard. He also wears blue pants with a brown belt and a matching golden buckle. He has knee-high boots that are designed into a V shape at the front, with the soles of the boots forms a heart. On his back is a quiver filled with arrows and a bow.
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Glimmer: she begins to whisper yell, "watch it! You almost hit me!"
Bow: "hey, Glimmer!"
Glimmer: again, whisper yells, "shhh! Bow, what are you doing here?!"
Bow: "what did you say?! Come down here!"
Glimmer: continues to whisper yell, "I can't.... I'm grounded!"
Bow: "What?!"
Glimmer: more whisper yelling, "I'm grounded!"
Bow: "places his hand behind his ear in an attempt to hear here better, "....what?!"
Glimmer: "for the love of-I'm-" teleports beside him, grabs him and teleports back into her room, "grounded", causing him to scream, which makes her let out a sigh, "I'm so mad at my mom."
Bow: "is this about the siege on Elberon?"
Glimmer: "I was just trying to defend one of our villages from falling into The Horde's hands. She stationed me all the way out there, because it was far too remote to ever get attacked, but it did, and it was my one and only chance to prove myself, that I can do this, but she acts like I can't do anything because I'm just a princess."
Bow: "that doesn't make any sense. Everyone here is a princess. I'm literally the only one who isn't one."
Glimmer: lets out an annoyed groan, "tell that to my mom." lays down on her bed.
Bow: he then holds up and article of her clothing, "hey, where does this go?"
Glimmer: points, "bottom drawer."
Bow: puts it away, "anyways, your mom might have a point. The only reason you got out of there was because of your teleportation powers and, let's face it, they don't always work all that well."
Glimmer: "look for some support here, Bow!"
Bow: begins to jump on the platforms, "all I'm saying is if you wanna prove yourself, It's going to take more than just running recklessly into battle-"
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[at Y/n]
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Y/n: "Achoo!"
Adora: "bless you."
Y/n: rubs his nose, "thank you."
Catra: "are you getting sick, you were on the ground for a while?"
Y/n: "I hope not, maybe someone's talking about me?"
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[Back With Glimmer]
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Bow: "-Luckily, I've got just the thing. Check this out. I detected a piece of first ones tech in the whispering woods, and It's pretty powerful, too. Judging from the size of these readings, anyways. If you find this one and bring it back, your mom is bound to be impressed."
Glimmer: "did you forget I'm grounded?"
Bow: "so-"
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They then heard someone knock on her door.
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Angella: "Glimmer? Are you in there?"
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In a panic, Glimmer grabs onto Bow and teleports him back outside, dropping him into a bush. He lets out a small scream.
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Angella: "Glimmer?"
Glimmer: cracks open the door, "everything's ok, mom."
Angella: "is someone in there with you? I swore I heard voices."
Glimmer: "nope, there's no one else in here with me. Can you please just leave me alone?"
Angella: "I don't appreciate your tone, young lady."
Glimmer: "what tone?"
Angella: "that attitude of yours is never going to help you, you know."
Glimmer: "mom, you always tell me what to do-"
Angella: "you can't act that way!"
Glimmer: "-and that's not fair!"
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Glimmer slams the door on her mother and storms off, causing her mother to let out a sigh and walk away. Glimmer then teleports back to bow.
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Glimmer: "I'm in." causing him to smile.
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The Sword of Protection
[Timeskip | Brought to you by a chibi Glimmer Teleporting a chibi Bow around]
[Night Time]
[The Fright Zone]
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We see into the cadet chambers, everyone is sleeping soundly. At his feet is Catra, she does this a lot, not that he minds. Sometimes she would rest right on his feet. However, we can see as he begins to fidget in bed, magically missing Catra. We then see into Y/n's nightmare and see the same big creature from before. It then grabs Adora and Catra. The boy tries to yell at the thing and do something, but he is unable to move or let out a single sound. The creature begins to squeeze harder and harder, as bone cracking noises can be heard. The pair scream in pure pain, begging for help. Then a man appears from behind the large creature, with his arms crossed and laughing at the scene before him.
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???: "this is what happens to those who are weak. You can't protect anyone, and everything is taken from you."
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He slowly raises his hand as the boy's eyes widen, trying to plead to the man to not do it. The man grows a sadistic smile and snaps his fingers. All we see is the boy's horrified and broken expression, with audible crushing sounds as something wet splashing on to the ground. However, before the end result could be seen, the boy jolts up, his eyes widen, on the verge of crying, sweat running down his body as if he just ran a marathon without a break, breathing so hard he couldn't even yell from the nightmare.
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Catra: "mmmmm, what's wrong Y/n? You sound out of breath." she rubs her eyes, unable to see the state of her friend.
Y/n: tries to control his breathing, "nothing...... nothing at all. Just a........ bad dream, is all."
Catra: her vision begins to clear up, "you sure? You don't look too good. You actually look pretty pale. Almost as if you've seen a ghost."
Y/n: "yeah, I'm fine. Just tired."
Catra: "ok, well, try to get some sleep. Ok." she lets out a yawn and snuggles up to his legs.
Y/n: "r-right." lets out a sigh, "thankfully Catra isn't as observant when she wakes up." he then tries to lay down.
Catra: her ears begin to twitch, so to does her nose. She suddenly jolts up, "wait..... where's Adora?"
Y/n: "mm?"
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[Mini Timeskip | Brought to you by a chibi Catra sleeping at chibi Y/n's feet while he pets her ear]
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We see as Y/n and Catra are near the Whispering Woods, with Y/n in front and Catra behind him. The pair is looking for Adora as Catra figured she might be around here.
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Y/n: "are you sure she'll be around here?"
Catra: "yeah, she told me that when she touched the sword, she had some kind of strange vision."
Y/n: "vision? She didn't mention that when she told me what happened to her neck."
Catra: "yeah, I'm not sure why she left that part out. Maybe she thought...... huh?" she then looks down as Y/n, who had just crouched down to get under some branches, "man, I never get tired of looking at that nice, firm ass of his."
* A/n: you don't have your trench coat on because you 2 rushed to find Adora. Don't worry, you'll be getting a replacement.
Y/n: "maybe she thought what?-"
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However, before the boy could question her further, the pair heard some strange noises. So they deiced to rush in that direction, figuring it might be Adora and they were right. It was her, but she's being attacked by 2 other people wearing odd outfits. So the pair rush over to her and help her out, much to Adora's shock.
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Adora: "Catra? Y/n? What are you 2 doing here?"
Catra: "talk later, fight now."
Adora: "right."
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Bow, seeing an opportunity, fires 2 arrows at the pair, but Y/n threw 2 of his knives at the arrows. He threw them with enough force to actually cancel the arrow's momentum, causing the 4 weapons to drop to the ground.
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Bow: "dah, fuck?/that was kinda cool. Wait, no, he's the enemy."
Y/n: forms a cocky smile, "not on my watch, archer boy."
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In retaliation, Bow fires more arrows at the boy but, again, Y/n throws multiple knives. However, this time, he threw them with enough force to slit the arrows right down the middle and continue to head in Bow's direction. Bow screams a little before falling to the ground to dodge the knives, each embeds itself into the tree behind him, barely missing his head.
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Bow: quickly stands up to hide his fear, "ok, what the fuck!/he threw the knives with enough force to split my arrows. How's that possible?"
Y/n: "you're a thousand years too early before you can challenge me, Mr archer."
Bow: "wait, are you actually-"
Y/n: he has the 'are you serious' face, "no, not really. It's just a saying, dumbass."
Bow: scratches the back of his head, "right, I knew that."
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Y/n not believing his bullshit but also done with this conversation, throws 2 more knives at Bow, who dodges them again buy rolling to the side. However, he notices something.... wire? He then notices how the knives are embedded into the tree that was behind him before he moved. When he looked at Y/n, the boy jumped up and pulled on the wires with enough force to propel himself towards said tree. Bow lets out a small yelp and barely dodges the boy's foot, which had enough force to form cracks into the tree and form a small indent into it. Bow starts to panic internally, sweat profusely and have anime tears running down his cheeks.
* But with tears as well
Y/n then takes out his knifes and throws them at bow again but, again, bow barely dodges, almost crawling at this point. However, this time, while the knives were still in the air. Y/n jumps into the air and spins at extreme speeds, quickly retracting the knives but, before the knives would full reach him, he pulls on the strings and let's go. Causing the knives to extend out behind him, but the moment of the spin causes the knives to be swung downwards, right in Bow's direction. Who, again, just barely doges it.
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Bow: "this guy is scary as fuck. He's using kinetic energy and acrobatics to increase the momentum of his knives. Even while moving around, he has complete control over them, even in the air. I've never seen anyone fight like this. It's so unorthodox that it's actually brilliant, it's nearly impossible to predict."
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Y/n, seeing as Bow is distracted, retracts the wires and begins to spin at extreme speeds, so much so that he looks like a mini tornado. Once he reached the speeds he wanted, he let go of the knives and threw them in Bow's direction. The knives at so much momentum that Bow had no time to react at all, as he couldn't even see them. Luckily for him, the knives missed him and went right through the tree and hide the tree behind it.
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Bow: "huh?" he slowly turns his head to see a knife sized hole in the tree, he could see through it, he begins to comedically sweat profusely, "hoOoOoOly carp. That was close."
Y/n: "tch, damn. My aim was off. I'm still getting used to that one."
Bow: "h-hes joking right...... imgoingtodieimgoingtodieimgoingtodieimgoingtodieimgoingtodie. I REALLY can't keep this up. This guy is WAAAY beyond me........huh?"
* Translation: I'm going to die I'm going to die I'm going to die I'm going to die I'm going to die.
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Bow looks behind Y/n and see Glimmer and Adora reach for the sword, but when Adora reaches it first, a bright light envelops them.
[Adora's Vision]
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Adora: looks around, "what?"
???: appears in front of her, "hello, Adora."
Adora: "who are you? What's going on?"
Light Hope: "my name is Light Hope. I have been waiting a long time for you, but I could not reach you until you forged your connection with the sword."
Adora: "you sent the sword?"
Light Hope: "The sword is meant for you. Etheria has need of you, Adora. Will you answer its call? Will you fight for the honor of Grayskull? And will you help the key bearer?"
Adora: "what are you talking about? What-What is-What's Grayskull? What's a key bearer? You're not making any sense! I don't understand!"
Light Hope: "you will in do time." slowly begins to fade
Adora: out reaches her hand, "wait!"
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[Y/n's Vision]
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Voice: "awaken your power, open the door. Darkness is coming. New worlds born anew. Protect the multiverse. It's your destiny."
Y/n: "you again, just who are you?"
Voice: "you'll find out in do time, but first, you must awaken your powers, use them to protect people acrossed the multiverse."
Y/n: "what's a multiverse, what are you talking about?"
Voice: "in do time Y/n, in do time."
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What is the Truth
Y/n slowly begins to wake up to feel...... retained? He fully opens his eyes and gets a look around. When he does, he notices Catra and Adora in the same situation.
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Catra: notices him, "finally awake, huh? How was your nap?"
Y/n: shakes his head, "unpleasant. Could do without the ropes, tho. I'm not really into that."
Catra: smiles an almost seductive smile, "I am......"
Y/n: quickly looks at her, "come again?"
Catra: blushes, realizing what she just said was out loud and not in her head, "n-nothing, I didn't say anything."
Glimmer: crosses her arms, "quite horde scum. We'll do the talking around here. Now, how did you make it this far into this forest?"
Adora: "I just walked in, and I'm not scum."
Catra: "and we followed her and heard some noises."
Y/n: "I owe you no such answer."
Glimmer: "yes, you do. You're our prisoners, so you better answer our question, but do you really expect me to believe you just so happened to find your self in the Whispering Woods and just so happened to find and try to steal the sword?"
Adora: "excuse you. It's not yours, and I found it first."
Glimmer: "the Whispering Woods is under the rebellion's protection. You were lucky to make it this far."
Y/n: "protecting something and owning something are 2 different things. It's like saying a guard owns the building he's protecting. So technically speaking. It's up for grabs as your merely protect this land, not own it."
Glimmer: steps back in shock, "gah, I........ well......... no, it's the same thing."
Y/n: "sure, it is sparkles."
Glimmer: "grrr. Come on, Bow, let's take these spies back to Bright Moon. So we can interrogate them properly."
Y/n: "heh. If their attitude and stupidity is anything to go by, then I like my odds in this so called 'interrogation'"
Glimmer: "this is perfect. Not only did we retrieve first one's tech, for the rebellion, but we also captured 3 Horde spies. My mom will be so impressed by me. Now come on, on your feet!"
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[Mini Timeskip]
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We see as the trio are following Glimmer and Bow, with Glimmer taking the lead. Y/n is behind her, Adora and Catra are behind him and Bow being behind them.
Bow: "are you positive we're going in the right direction, Glimmer?"
Glimmer: "I know where I'm going, Bow. Can you just please trust me for once?"
Bow: "I've always trusted you, but I'm started to get a little freaked out here. I pretty much grew up in these woods, and I've never seen this part of them. Plus, I've heard stories about weird stuff out here."
Glimmer: "it's fine, okay? Just give me a minute to catch my barrings."
Y/n: lets out a small sigh, "and these idiots somehow captured us? Yep, it was literally dumb luck. I mean, come on. They didn't even search me properly."
Bow: "okay! Touchy much. Sorry about her. Usually she can be pretty nice............ not much of a talker are yah?"
Adora: "I prefer not to swap pleasantries with my captors."
Catra: "I'm with her on this one."
Y/n: "I'm just being silent."
Bow: "that's fair, but suit yourselves. Going to be a long, quiet walk then."
Y/n: "heh, no it won't. Won't take me long to find an opening, get out of these poorly made restraints and take you 2 out."
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As they continued to walk on, Adora happened to look down, with a small blush forming on her face.
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Adora: "damn. Has his ass always looked that good? Well, he is always wearing that trench coat. Guess he left it when they went looking for me."
Catra: leans in close to her and whisper, "enjoying the view?""
Adora: in a panic, but still whispers back, "n-n-n-no. W-w-what are you talking about?"
Catra: forms a cheeky smile, "Y/n's ass. I mean, we don't usually don't get a chance to see it because of the trench coat he always wears."
Adora: "what? Of course, I wasn't doing anything as indecent as that."
Catra: "reaaaally? Cause from what I saw, you were looking down for quite a while there. I don't blame you tho, he really does have a nice one."
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Both then look down, with Catra still with her cheeky grin, while Adora is blushing.
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Adora & Catra: "man, that is a nice ass."
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While Adora and Catra were admiring Y/n's ass, Glimmer suddenly started to teleport away. Taking her chance, Adora deiced to ask Bow some questions.
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Adora: "you know she's a princess... right? How can you follow her? Princesses are a dangerous threat to everyone on Etheria."
Catra: "seriously. They're supposed to be monsters, hell-bent on ruling everything and killing anyone standing in their way."
Bow: "is that what the Horde told you, is that what Hordak told you?"
Adora: "well, I thought it was common knowledge. They are violent instigators who don't even know how to control their powers.
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Glimmer begins to shout in the background out of frustration, causing them to form an anime sweat drop. While Adora, Bows and Catra continue to have their conversion, Y/n begins to look around. It's almost as if he can feel something isn't right.
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Voice (mind): "you know something isn't right."
Y/n: "just shut up. I can't be true........ it just can't. If it is, then....... what have I been protecting?" he then looks down.
Bow: "you've never met an actual princess before.... have you?"
Adora: she then huffs in response, "well, maybe not in person..... but-"
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However, before their conversation could continue any further. They heard Glimmer whimpering at something. When they finally caught up to her, they saw her standing before the ruins of a destroyed forest dwelling. She bends over to pick up a cracked drawing of a young child, holding the hands of and adult, possibly their parents.
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Adora: "w-what happened to this place?"
Glimmer: "don't play dumb with me, Horde spy. I bet you were a part of this raiding party that did this. Weren't you?"
Adora: "just what are you talking about? The Horde didn't do this."
Catra: "yeah, we bring peace to the land, not this. It's the princesses who do this."
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In anger, Glimmer grabs their ropes and leads them over to a Horde robot. It was on the ground, destroyed.
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Glimmer: "oh yeah? Then explain this. You all are nothing more than heartless destroyers, just like the rest of the Horde."
Adora: "we're not destroyer. Hordak says what we're doing is what's best for Etheria. We're trying to make things better here. More orderly."
Glimmer: "is this really what's best for Etheria? Ever since the Horde arrived, they've been poisoning our land, burning our cities, destroying everything in their path. And you're just as guilty! So tell me, how is this orderly?"
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In anger, Glimmer storms off to get some air. Wait they're in a forest, there's plenty of air..... whatever. Anyways, this just leaves Adora to blink, Catra to just stand there confused and Y/n..... being usually quiet.
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Adora: "this doesn't make any sense. The Horde would never do anything like this."
Bow: "did you really not know about any of this? I mean, your army is call the Evil Horde."
Adora: "who calls us that?"
Bow: "....... everyone!"
Adora: "the Horde rescued us since we were just a baby, well me and Catra, anyways. They found Y/n wandering the wasteland by himself a few years later. They gave us a home, something to believe in and fight for. They're our family.... you-you don't know them like we do."
Bow: "maybe you don't know them as well as you think you do?"
Catra: "or maybe it's YOU who doesn't know what they're talking about. How do we know you're not trying to lie to us right now?"
Bow: "ok, fair point, but you can see it with your own eyes."
Y/n: "I'm with them on this one."
Bow: "ah, you can speak."
Y/n: "we've spent our whole lives with the Horde. They took use in when we had nothing. They raise us, gave us a home. Are you telling us it's all a lie? There's just no way that's-"
Voice (mind): "stop lying to yourself. Let your heart be your guide, trust in your feelings, trust in your heart."
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Y/n suddenly went quiet and looked towards the ground, like he's thinking about something. Something he doesn't want to admit. It's almost like.... he agrees with the strange voice, but just cant admit it. How could he? They gave him everything when he had nothing, a home, a purpose, friends, a family, shelter, Adora and Catra. So why? Why does is he having such doubts? And if it's true... then that means, he's been fighting for nothing but a lie. What would be left for him.
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Catra: notices his behavior and looks at him with concern, "Y/n? Are you ok?"
Y/n: "huh? Its...... It's nothing. Just got lost in my own head."
Catra: "are you sure? Adora and I are here for you, so you can always-"
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Time For Some Action
But suddenly, they all heard the terrified screams of Glimmer running from something. She comes bursting through the bushes, holding onto the sword.
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Glimmer: "there's something out there! Something really big!"
Bow: "just how big are we talking here?"
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Suddenly, the ground began to shake as something begins to move underneath the ground. Then a large inset like creatures bursts out of the ground and roars.
Bow: scared, "soo, p-pretty big then."
Y/n: "noooo, yah think?"
Bow: quickly looks at the boy, "ok, no need to be so sarcastic."
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The creature then started screeching at them and started attacking them with its 2 front legs.
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Bow: "watch out!"
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Everyone then dodges its attack by either jumping or rolling out of the way.
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Catra: "hey sparkless, untie us!"
Glimmer: "no way, that's not happening! We can't risk you 3 escaping!"
Bow: "Glimmer! They won't be useful to us as sources of information, if they're dead!"
Y/n: "no need."
Bow: "huh?"
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Suddenly, Y/n rips out of his ropes and looks at Bow with a cocky grin.
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Bow: "how did you?-"
Y/n: wiggles a knife in front of him, "dude, you really need to search your so called 'hostages' properly. You missed 9 of my knives."
Bow: rubs the back of his head, "oh... well......... wait 9? How the fuck?"
Y/n: "1) don't even think about it, cause no, and 2) that's for me to know and you to never find out./finally something to distract me from my....... thoughts."
Catra: "hehe, can always count on you, Y/n."
Adora: smiles, "no kidding."
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Glimmer suddenly jumps onto the bug's head, in order to try something, but it tosses her off before she even got the chance. As the trio runs, Adora gets her foot stuck in the ground. Bow then starts to shoot some arrows at the monster. As one of the arrows explodes open, revealing a web that covers its mouth. Glimmer throws a series of glitter bombs at it, but this only seems to annoy it. So it just whacks her into a nearby tree with little effort. Y/n starts to throw his knifes at it, but they have no effect, its armor is just too strong. Even its joints, the weak point, show little damage. Catra rushes over to Adora and helps free her foot. The beast flings Bow into a tree near Glimmer and goes for Y/n.
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Adora & Catra: "Y/N, NOOOOO!!!"
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It looks down at Y/n, but the boy strange doesn't seem worried at all. Hell, he's even standing up straight, with his arms folded and a big smile on his face.
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Glimmer: "what....what's he doing? arghh, damn."
Bow: "arghh... I... I don't know, but he's going to get killed."
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The creature roars again and goes for the attack, but before its leg could pierce Y/n's skull. It suddenly stopped moving. No, it looks like it's struggling to move.
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Glimmer & Bow: "what the hell just happened?"
Y/n: the creature breathes on him, causing him to waves his hand in front of his face, "feww, man. Your breath sticks. I see why you're so angry all the time."
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As the camera pans out, it reveals multiple knives embed into the nearby trees and ground. Each with wires attached to them. This makes a net pilled with witch, which the creature just tangled itself in. Adora and Catra breath a sigh of relief, Bow having to hold in his amazement and Glimmer having to hide how impressed she is. the creature growls at him, then it shrieks loudly. Using all of its might to break free. Even tho it didn't directly, it did manage to uproot some of the trees and use them as a makeshift weapon to smack Y/n with. Causing him to be sent flying into another tree, making a small creator form on it.
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Y/n: coughs up blood, "TAAARGHHHH!"
Adora & Catra: "Y/N!"
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Adora looks to her right and notices the sword. She then looks at Catra, who looked back at her. The 2 nod at each other and run off in different directions. Adora, towards the sword and Catra, towards Y/n. Adora reaches the sword and grabs it, causing electricity to form around it and her hands. While Catra reaches Y/n and puts his arm around her shoulder in an effort to help him up.
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Adora: "alright, channel your inner Y/n./hey, bug brain! Looking for someone?" forms a cocky grin. It notices her and runs towards her, "alright magic sword, do your thing. Come one, come one, where's the blinding light when you need one?"
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The beast continues to charge at her, roaring with all its might. This causes her to fumble the sword. She manages to pick it right back up and lifts it into the air. A flashing light radiates from the blade.
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Light Hope (mind): "Adora... Adora.... Adora. Will you fight for the honor of Grayskull?-
honor of Grayskull?-
Everyone shields their eyes from the bright light that glows around her. As the light finally dims, they see the beast kneel before someone. They look to see, Adora has turned into a warrior princess, clad in white and gold battle dress, forearm guards and a cape. Course, what's most striking is her long flowing blonde hair and her bright blue eyes.
Catra & Y/n: their eyes widen, "woah."
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A/n: welp, that's it for this chapter, I hope you enjoyed it and as you can see. I made you quite the badass. Course, trauma would do that to a person. As you can see, you will be struggling with coming to term with the truth, for obvious reasons. This will be explored more in-depth later on in the story. I hope I portrayed that correctly. IRL, I have a condition that makes it hard for me to understand and process emotion correctly, so I hope that didn't affect this negatively. Well, that's all I can think of, so yeah. I'll see you.... in the next chapter.
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