A/n: Alright everyone because of a suggestion of a fellow writer I'm doing something new. I will be posting the bio, info, harem list (if any), any other bits of information and the first chapter of various stories I'm working on. I have no schedule, so until I do, updates will be sporadic. For some it could be a week, for others a couple of weeks, but also sometimes a few a week. I would also like to add some stories might receive more updates than others, depending on my mood, if I'm getting into it, or ideas for that series. So these first few bits of information and chapters are to give you a taste of what's to come. This message will be only on the first chapter of each new story. Hope you enjoy this testing phase I'm doing and the stories I write. Don't worry, no story will be abandoned, regardless of how many I make. If anything, maybe temporary hiatus.
* Now onto the story, shall we.67Please respect copyright.PENANAJWTvI4PApq
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The Fright Zone
67Please respect copyright.PENANA0YyOWN4cBY
It's a beautiful sun set, overlooking a beautiful mountain range. The bright orange light illuminates the mountains landscape as if it were a painting. On one of these mountains, we can see 3 kids, 2 girls and a boy, whose sitting between them. The boy and girl with dirty blonde hair appear human, well Etherian in this case, and the other has cat like features. They were at aw of the sun set in front of them, do to being trapped inside for most of their lives.
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Etherian Girl: "I wish we could stay like this forever."
Cat Girl: "yeah, me too."
Etherian Boy: "same here............." the boy looks at his hands, then the 2 girls, "hey, girls."
Both: they both look at him, "mm?"
Etherian Boy: "let's make a promise."
Both: they tilt their heads, "a promise?"
Etherian Boy: "no matter what happens or what we go through-" he then grabs their hands, making them blush a little, "that we'll always be by each other's side. To help each other and to protect each other." causing the 2 girls to look at each other and smile, they then look at the boy and nod.
Etherian Girl: "yeah, no matter what we face-"
Cat Girl: "no matter what challenge, we come across-"
Both: "We'll be by each other's side..... forever.......
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As these final words echo throughout the air, as if to tell the world of their solemn vow, the camera begins to shift to view the beautiful sun set until it flashes in a bright blinding orange light.
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[End of Flashback]
[Present day]
* Around 0:25. Kinda dumb you can't play from specific spots, despite copying that link.
* I don't know why, but this song weirdly went through my head.
* Plus I want to try to add some music to my stories from time to time, but I can't make any promises I'll always remember, or my picks will be good.
* Also, what's this song's genre and mood called? So I can find a royalty free version.
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We can now see a barren, polluted wasteland full of broken-down machines and buildings. It's filled with aging technology, pipes, and piles of discarded junk situated within what appears to be a large crater with raised, spiked edges and at its center sits a large tower like structure, or possibly a ship, with jagged edges that resemble giant insects. This place is known as The Fright Zone. One of the main seven kingdoms that exists on Etheria, that was made by Hordak as a means to bring peace to the land.
The scene shifts to the inside of some kind of training room, we then see a young woman with dirty blonde hair. This woman then cinches the belt around her waist and dawns a pair of boots. She then pulls her long dirty blonde hair and fashions it into a ponytail. As she brushes her teeth, she punches a punching bag. On the punching bag is an image of an evil princess, looming over some innocent people praying for help.
After she finished brushing her teeth, she salutes to the mirror but then does a finger gun gesture and pretends to fire them, all the while with a cheeky grin on her face. She then notices the evil figure on the punching bag from the mirror's reflection and quickly turns around.
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???: "Hey princess. you looking at me?!" She then round house kicks it.
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Next we see into a similar room but, this time, with multiple punching bags with targets painted onto them, at the center was a young man with a blindfold over his eyes. He slowly crouches down, as if he's listening for something, but then he suddenly jumps into the air and starts to rapidly spin at a slight angle. Suddenly, multiple objects came shooting out of him, each hitting a target on the punching bag dead center. When he lands, He then takes off the blindfold and looks at the punching bags.
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???boy: smiles, "heh. This is getting too easy for me. Looks like I might have to make it more challenging for myself." he then places his thumb and index finger on his chin and looks at the ceiling, "Maybe with one hand...... or maybe try and redirect the blades with another blade to hit behind obstacles."
Woman over PA: --"All squadrons, report to training area immediately for evaluation."--
???boy: "welp that has to wait, got a test to pass."
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Training Evaluation Begins
[Stop Song]
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We now see in a medal room, inside was a large lizard man who was already there and waiting patiently, soon the same boy from earlier came in and looks at the large lizard man.
???boy: "sup Rogelio, on time as always."
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The lizard man in question looks at the boy and nods, he's more of the strong, silent type. Then came in a scrawny and scared looking boy with blonde hair and a dark skinned girl with brown hair, fashioned into a braided hairstyle.
???boy: "hey, Kyle and Lonnie. About time, you 2 got here." he looks at them with a cocky grin.
Kyle: "h-hey, Y/n."
Lonnie: "ha, ha. Good to see your funny as always, Y/n."
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Not long after them, the same girl with dirty blonde hair came in.
Y/n: "hey Adora, late again." he then folds his arm and forms a cheeky grin.
Adora: she looks at him in surprise, but then snaps her fingers, "Y/n? Damn, I thought I get here before you this time."
Y/n: he then shrugs his shoulders, "hehe nope, better luck next time, but looking lovely as always."
Adora: starts to blush a little, "t-thank you."
Lonnie: rolls her eyes at the pair, "hurghh, get a room you 2."
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Causing the 2 to chuckle at her, but then Adora looks around and notices someone's missing.
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Adora: "wait, where's Catra?" Y/n just shrugs his shoulders, causing the girl to sigh, "not again."
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As they were talking, a large blue man walked in and looked at the new cadets.
Blue Horde Member: puts his arms behind his back, "alright cadets, your simulation is about to begin. In this scenario, you'll be passing through the treacherous Whispering Woods to reach the heart of the rebel insurgency, Bright Moon."
Kyle: begins to whimper and curl up a little.
Y/n: pats his back, "don't worry, I got your back, pal." forms a reassuring smile.
Kyle: "t-thank you."
Y/n: "no problem, we're friends, after all."
Blue Horde Member: "ahem, anyways. Your mission is to defeat the very embodiment of evil, the queen of the princesses, and liberate Bright Moon in Lord Hordak's name. Wait...... where's Catra?"
Adora: "she'll be here. I promise."
Blue Horde Member: "Mm-hmm, sure. The Whispering Woods is full of princesses. Vicious, violent instigators. They will take you out without a single thought, if given the chance. So don't give them that chance. Good luck, recruits. Oh, and keep in mind, we upped the number of princesses this time, so watch your back."
Kyle: *cries internally*
* How do people get good at this, cause I struggled finding something that wasn't too intense. Course I restricted myself to royalty free/copyright free since I plan to convert these to video form, excluding the first song.
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With that being said, the cadets put on their visor things and head into the training area. Immediately, Adora notices one of the princesses.
Adora: points at the 'princess', "Watch out! Princess incoming!"
Kyle: his internal panic becomes external, "Oh, no, no, no, no, no!" as he begins to run in a panic.
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The 'princess', begins to fire at the recruits. Causing them to dash into the arena to take cover from the onslaught, while Adora hurls an explosive at the 'princess', destroying it in the process.
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Adora: "Come on, this way!"
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Unbeknownst to any of them, a mysterious figure is watching over them from above, this figure then growls a little and jumps away.
Back on the battlefield, or training arena, Kyle ends up getting hit and falls to the ground. Seeing this, his teammates runs up to him as his suit begins to seize up and an X appears on his chest plate.
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Kyle: "aww dang iitttt."
Adora: sighs, "seriously, Kyle."
Lonnie: "Bra-vo........" she looks around, "wait, where's Y/n?"
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Kyle then frowns at this, but then 3 more 'princesses' hover over them and fires their weapons.
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Lonnie: "Seriously, Kyle?!"
Adora: "Ru-huh!"
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Right as this happened, Y/n jumps in front of them, with his short blade in hand, and begins to deflect the bullets with his short blade, he even manages to cut some in the process.
* But you're standing still, and it's with a short sword.
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Lonnie: "well damn, that takes care of that."
Adora: "no kidding, forgot he could do that..... but." she then begins to sprint on ahead.
Lonnie: "but what?........ ADORA!!"
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When Y/n heard this, he looked behind him to see Adora wasn't there. He then looks around and sees her in a different location. Distracted for just a second from deflecting bullets, one of them managed to graze his cheek. He quickly turns around with almost killing intent and hurls multiple knifes at the robots, hitting them dead center and destroying them. After dealing with these 'Princesses', he begins to sprint after Adora.
As Adora is running, she hears a beeping alarm like noise and notices one of the hexagons beneath her feet turn red. Right as this happened, a robotic orb shoots out of it, causing her to jump back from it. Then the orb morphs into a 4 legged robot. Adora then pulls out her saber and readies herself, but then notices something on the wall behind it. She looks up and when she sees who it is she smiles but rolls her eyes.
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Adora: smiles, "hehe, show off."
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We then see whos she's looking at, it's Y/n with his arms crossed and standing on his short blade that he embedded into the wall.
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Y/n: "alright Adora, you go for its head! I'll go for the core!"
Adora: "I was already about to do that. But you can help me out." she cheekily smiles at him, which he returns.
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With that said, Adora runs at the robot with her saber at the ready. The robot then readies to attack her, but then a blade embeds itself into its leg, then another and another. Each knife has a wire attached to it and at the other end was another knife embedded into a wall or ground. With all 4 of its legs and its main body tied up by these knives, it could no longer move, let alone defend itself. Seeing this as her opportunity, Adora runs up to the robot and jumps onto its head and begins to thrust her saber into its gun. Y/n lands in front of it and thrusts his short blade into its core. With not only its guns but also core destroyed, it shuts down. The pair then look at each other and smile, but then Y/n notices the robot began to emit electricity.
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Y/n: "Adora, get off that thing! It's about to explode!"
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She looks at it and notices this too, so as she quickly jumps off of it, as it explodes, sending her towards Y/n who sees this and reaches out his hands in order to catch her. He does manage to catch her, but the force from the explosion and her fall was enough to make him fall over. When he falls back, Adora falls on top of him and accidentally kisses him. She then realizes that she is kissing him. So she quickly moves up in shock. As the 2 stare at each other, both blush from what just happened, they then heard someone clear their throat. When they looked, it was a woman with feline features named Catra.
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[Stop Music]
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She forms a cheeky smile, trying to hide her jealousy, and points at the ground. This confused the pair, that is, until they heard an alarm like noise. The 2 looked at each other and blinked, then looked underneath them and notice that the hexagon beneath them has turned red and opened up. Causing both to fall in to it.
Adora acts fast and thrusts her saber into the wall, stopping her descent, while Y/n throws 2 knifes in opposing walls with a wire between them. As he falls, he grabs onto the wire. Even tho he bounced a little, the knives ultimately hold their place. Noticing this, he breathes a sigh of relief.
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Y/n: places his free hand over his heart, "heh, that actually worked."
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Adora notices he's ok and breathes a sigh of relief, but then looks up at Catra, a little annoyed at her.
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Catra: "Adora, Y/n! How's it hanging?!"
Y/n: "oh, you know, just dropped in for the view!"
Adora: "seriously Catra!? Did you really just show up late, so we could do all the hard parts?! That's low, even for you!"
Catra: "aww, how sweet, but you know nothing's too low for me! Hehe. Now come on! You both look ridiculous just hanging there!"
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Catra reaches out her hand and helps the 2 up, but then forms a cheeky grin. She pulls Y/n up a little too hard, causing him to fall in her direction. She catches him, but ends up 'accidentally' kissing him. Adora sees this and her face turns red, but then splits them up. Causing Catra to laugh at Adora's reaction, while Y/n on the other hand, is just confused. And with that, the training exercise is complete.
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The Promotion
[Mini Timeskip | Brought to you by chibi Catra kissing chibi Y/n]
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We now see into the locker room of the training arena. As everyone takes off their training armor and leaves, Y/n and Adora remains, blushing a little from what happened earlier. Then, right when Adora closes her locker, Catra shows up behind her with a big O smile on her face.
* Am I the only one who finds this image of her pretty cute?
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Catra: "hahaha, you should've seen the look on your face. You were like, 'aah, no! The betrayal!'"
Y/n: just chuckles at this, "not as funny as your face will be in a second."
Adora: just scoffs at her friend, "come on, Catra. We're senior cadets now. We all should act like it. I just can't believe you're still pulling such, childish, immature-is that a mouse?!" points in a random direction.
Catra: her tail begins to fluff up and her eyes become slit, "What!? Where!?", begins to look around furiously.
Both Adora and Y/n begin to laugh their asses off, all the while Catra looks at the pair and puffs up her cheeks.
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Y/n: wipes the tears out of his eyes, "called it."
Adora: has the side of her fist over her mouth, "hmhmhmh. Are you ever not going to fall for that?"
Catra: she's visibly annoyed and rolls her eyes, "I don't know, are YOU ever going to let it go? That was seriously one time."
Adora: "I will.......... when it stops being funny." Causing Catra to puff up her cheeks and Y/n to chuckle at the pair.
???: "Adora, Y/n."
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The 3 look at the direction of the voice and saw a tall woman, wearing a red mask and dark gray skin. Her fingers look as if they were claws. She has long, sleek black hair that flows behind her, as if she was underwater. She's cloaked in a maroon dress with dark red and pink details.
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Adora & Y/n: "Shadow Weaver?"
Shadow Weaver: "You both have done very well today. You've completed your training course in record time."
Adora: "Uh, well, that wasn't just us. You know, Catra did too, and our team as well."
Shadow Weaver: hardly looking at Catra, "Ah, yes. How someone as unmotivated as you completed the course in that time, I'll never know."
Catra: just shrugs her shoulders, "Always serving up those pep talks, huh, Shadow Weaver?"
Shadow Weaver: "Silence! Do not be flippant with me, cadet." she says as an aura begins to form around her.
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Without even realizing it, Y/n has readied his blade. It was already drawn and behind his back. He was ready if she tried to do anything to his friend, all the while showing no hint of readiness on his face.
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Catra: starts sweating a little, "S-Sorry, Shadow Weaver."
Shadow Weaver: "Adora, Y/n. Both of you, walk with me." she begins to walk away.
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Adora begins to walk in Shadow Weavers direction, but looks at Catra, who just shrugs her shoulders. So she continues to walk. Y/n walks pasts her, but as he does, he scratches the back of her cat like ear. She closes her eyes and smiles as she leans into and begins to purr a little, but then snaps out of her trance and huffs at him with a blush. Causing him to chuckle at her and continues to walk.
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[Mini Timeskip | Brought to you by a chibi Y/n petting a chibi Catra behind her ears]
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We now see, as the three are in another location, it appears to be some kind of hallway.
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Shadow Weaver: "Lord Hordak has been watching over you both. He believes you, Adora, would make a fine candidate for force caption. As for you, Y/n, he believes you would make an excellent infantry commander."
* A/n: I'm not sure if that's a thing in this series, but role with it. If you don't know, they're basically the ones in charge of leading solders on foot to, well, infiltrate, into enemy lines. Basically it would be your job to lead solders into enemy lines while Adora would be commanding the whole squadron.
Adora: "woah, really? Force caption and infantry commander? Did he really say that about us?"
Y/n: starts scratching his cheek, "infantry commander? I guess that fits me, but I'm more of the lone wolf type than a leader, but force caption fits Adora well."
Shadow Weaver: "Oh yes. He sees great promise in you both. In fact, he has elected you 2 the honor of leading a squadron in the invasion of the rebel Fortress of Thaymor."
Adora: "Thaymor? You mean we're finally seeing active duty?" she says, trying to hold in her excitement.
Shadow Weaver: "yes, you're seeing active duty."
Adora: "But we'll be able to bring our team..... right?"
Y/n: "that's what I want to know, but..."
Shadow Weaver: she shakes her head, "No. Your team is not ready. They'll only slow you 2 down."
Y/n: "had a feeling."
Adora: "Shadow Weaver, with all due respect, they've been training just as hard for this as we have.......... ok, no one trains as hard as Y/n does but still. And Catra, all she wants is to get out there and prove herself."
Shadow Weaver: "Then she should've worked harder to prove herself to me. This is what I raised you 2 for, to be leaders. Now is your chance to prove yourselves."
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Shadow Weaver takes out 2 badges and hands them to the pair, which they take and examine them, both have mixed feelings about this. Sure, this is what they wanted, but not being able to take their team, or Catra with them. Both still remember their promise and don't know how to feel that they might have to break that promise.
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Shadow Weaver: "I saw talent in you 2 the moment I found you as an orphan child, Adora and when I found you, Y/n, wandering aimlessly in the desert. This is what I took you in for, to be great warriors, to bring peace to our world. Is this not what you both wanted since you even knew what you wanted?"
Adora & Y/n: slumps a little, "Yes."
Shadow Weaver: "With you 2 at the forefront, we will crush the Bright Moon Rebellion once and for all. Do not disappoint me."
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Y/n looks at the floor, then at his badge, while Adora looks out the nearby window with a solemn look on her face.
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The Other Kingdom
[Bright Moon Kingdom]
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We now see a beautiful kingdom with waterfalls in the mountains and a large castle at its center but in front of that, sits a tower like structure with a large floating crystal at its tip.
We then see into a large throne room, with a tall woman siting on the throne. She has long flowing, dual-toned hair, that is both pink and purple. She has a light purple skin tone, wearing a sky-blue cape and a pink leotard and light mauve leggings with violet heeled boots. She also has on pristine gloves that end just at her elbows.
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???: "alright, send her in."
Guard: "yes, queen Angella." bows at her and leaves.
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As the guard leaves, a young woman with a messily chopped bob hairstyle that is pastel pink at the top and sparkling purple underneath it. She has slightly tanned skin and brown eyes. She's wearing a dark purple, sleeveless leotard that stops at her mid-thigh. She's also wearing matching purple boots with white moons on the front and soles. She also has light blue fingerless gloves and a long white glove on her left arm, as well as a blue cap shaped like wings.
The girl walks into the throne room and kneels before the queen.
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???: "Your Majesty."
Angella: "I'm told you disobeyed orders and led the Rebellion into a dangerous combat situation after you were ordered to retreat."
???: "I was just trying to protect a village from falling into The Horde's grasp."
Angella: "You were reckless and put yourself and the other rebels in danger."
???: "Fighting is supposed to be dangerous! How are we going to hold our own against The Horde if we keep retreating? Pretty soon, we won't have anything left to defend."
Angella: "I'm growing tired of your back-talking, Commander Glimmer."
Glimmer: "Why did you even make me a commander if you won't let me fight? I can't command if you won't let me lead."
Angella: "That's enough! You're grounded!"
Glimmer: she then scoffs, "Mom!"
Angella: "You heard me!"
Glimmer: she then pouts, "You never let me do anything!"
Angella: "We are not having this discussion tonight. You are embarrassing me in front of my royal court."
Glimmer: "Oh, I'm embarrassing you?"
Angella: "Go to your room, now!"
Glimmer: "I'm going!"
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As Glimmer storms off, her mother lets out an annoyed sigh and frowns at her daughter's attitude.
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Time For a Joyride
[The Fright Zone]
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We now see that Y/n and Adora are staring over the darkened city, Adora pulls out her badge from her pockets and pins it on.
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While y/n on the other hand just stares at his, still conflicted about what was said earlier. He then leans his back against the railing while looking at his badge. Suddenly, Catra leaps onto his back, shocking him but not enough to make him lose his balance.
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Y/n: "huh? Oh, hey Catra."
Catra: hugs him tighter, "hey handsome."
Adora: "Catra. That was dangerous, you could've made him fall."
Catra: "who, Y/n? Please. This dude as an iron grip." she then rubs her face against his, "he would never fall so easy."
Adora: "still, you should be more careful."
Catra: "off that note, what did she say? Wait, what's this?"
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Catra then swipes Y/n's badge and jumps off of him. She then looks at it with amazement.
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Catra: "no way. You 2 got promoted?!"
Y/n: "pretty much."
Adora: "well, kinda, sorta. I mean, yeah, I guess, but it's not a big deal." she then shrugs her shoulders and smiles.
Catra: "you're kidding, right? This is awesome! We're gonna see the world and conquer it all! We'll finally be able to bring about peace. Adora, Y/n, I neeeeed to blow something up." she says with big anime eyes and even purrs a little.
* A/n: Yes, that was a reference. Can you guess from where?
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* Nevermind, this one is cute too.
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Y/n looks away while Adora looks at the ground, confusing their friend.
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Adora: "Umm...."
Y/n: "about that...."
Catra: "What?"
Adora: "Shadow Weaver says you're not coming."
Catra: "What?! My time was just as good as yours today. What is her problem with me, anyways?"
Adora: "I mean, you are kind of disrespectful."
Catra: "Why should I respect her? She's just bitter that she doesn't have any real power that doesn't come from Hordak and everyone knows it. I guess it sure must be easy being a people pleaser like you."
Adora: "I am not a pe- Catra, wait!"
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Adora and Y/n sigh as they watch Catra run off and climb the nearby buildings. So they decided to follow her, tho not as easily. They finally catch up to her sitting alone on the rooftop with her arms around her knees. Seeing how upset she looks, Y/n decides to come up behind her and wrap his arms around her, causing her to blush a little, but she places her hand on his arm. Adora walks up behind the pair with a hint of jealousy, but pushes it aside for now.
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Y/n: "sorry Catra, but we tried. She just wouldn't listen to us."
Catra: "I know you did, here's your badge." she hands him back his badge, which he takes.
Adora: "look, I'm sorry too, but I didn't even know you wanted to be a force caption."
Catra: pouts more, "whatever."
Adora: "come on, Catra. This is something I've.... we've, worked our whole lives for. I was hoping you could be, I don't know, happy for us."
Catra: "ughhh, whatever. It's not like I even care. All I wanted was to get out of this stupid dump before I die of boredom. I even wonder what's outside the fright zone anyways, beside the mountains we went to as kids. You know, where we made our promise."
Adora: "I haven't forgotten, but-" whips out some keys, "why don't we go out for a bit?" she then forms a cheeky grin.
Y/n: "oh boy."
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[Timeskip | Brought to you by a chibi Y/n hugging a chibi Catra and Adora]
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We now see as the trio have taken what's known as a skiff out for a joyride.
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Catra: "ok, I take it all back! You're officially awesome! I can't believe you actually stole a skiff!"
Adora: "Borrowed! Please don't make me regret this!"
Y/n: "oh hell yeah!"
Catra: "I've always wanted to drive one of these things! Here, gimme!"
Adora: "Whoa, there! Save us enough fuel to get back!"
Catra: "That's a problem for future Adora, Y/n, and Catra!"
Catra and Adora: "I'm driving! I want it!"
Y/n: "huuuh, girls."
Catra: "Can't have it!"
Adora: "Give me! I'm doing it!"
Y/n: "girls!"
Catra: "Adora! I want it!"
Adora: "No, I've got it!"
Y/n: "GIRLS!"
Adora & Catra: "What!?"
Y/n: "oh, I don't know, I figured you didn't want to run into THE VERY CREEPY LOOKING FOREST OF POSSIBLE DEATH!"
Adora & Catra: "huh?"
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Both then look in front of them and start to scream. They then hit the brakes on the thing and stop just at the edge of the darkened forest.
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Catra: "What is it?"
Adora: "I think this must be the Whispering Woods. They say there are strange, old monsters in there, an-and the trees move when you're not looking. Every Horde squadrons they've sent in there, has never came out again."
Y/n: "sounds fun."
Adora: "Y/n!"
Catra: "Let's go in."
Adora: "Wait, what?"
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Catra then hits the lever and drove full force into the forest, causing Adora to scream. Catra veers around the winding trunks of the towering trees. All the while, Y/n is just laughing and enjoying himself.
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Catra: "Woo-hoo! hahahaha!"
Adora: "Catra, slow down! Catra, tree! Tree!"
Y/n: "huh?"
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When he wasn't looking, suddenly a tree branch hits him directly in the face, causing him to go flying off.
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Catra & Adora: "Y/N!!!"
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Soon a similar fate befalls Adora when the 2 wasn't looking.
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Catra: "ADORA!!"
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[With Y/n]
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We now see as y/n is laying on some gra...... glass? It shifts to a strange void like space with a large tower like structure at its center. It was covered in stained-glass windows and at the top, was something similar but with an image of Y/n, Catra, Adora, and a strange blonde woman behind Adora. Y/n finally starts to wake up, causing him to rub his head.
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Y/n: "ahh, my h-head. Man you 2, you really need to watch where you're.........going?"
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The boy begins to look around and take in his new surrounding.
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Y/n: "w-where am I?"
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A/n: Alright guys, that's it for this chapter. Figured I stop it here, plus I used up the image limit. Man they really need to increase that to at least 30 or 40 but anyways. Hope you liked it. This is the first story I've written based on a story I've never watched, nor am I interested in watching it. Strange, I know, but I felt compelled to after reading some other ones. I do have other ones that are solely in this world, but I wanted to write this one for some reason. Hope it wasn't too bad, but other than that, I'll see you in the next chapter.
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