A/n: I forgot to mention, I did read a few She-Ra stories but the one that actually inspired me to write this one was 'the Keyblade and princess of power (she ra harem x male keyblade user reader)' by Icedemon34. Despite the fact it isn't finished yet nor has it been updated in a while (as of 10/19/23) it really inspired me to write my own story but with more of a Kingdom Hearts focus to it rather than just the Keyblade.
* Also, looking back at it now, I feel like I released the forms way too early. I know I only recently fully decided on keeping things relevant to volume/season, saga 1, with certain exceptions but still. The forms arent introduced until Kingdom Hearts 2 and thats far away. Nothing I can do about it now but a lesson for the future I guess.
* I forgot to say this, and I can't believe I didn't. To better fit the plot of the story, many worlds will have certain events take shorter or longer to happen while others will happen like normal. This will allow you to take part in certain events or miss them, depending on the event. Also, with certain timeskips, they'll also be more aligned with the plot. So blatantly, this is purely for plot but also makes sense within the kingdom hearts games as Sora always happens to be there when stuff happens, despite going to different worlds. So this is my workaround.
70Please respect copyright.PENANAOY0yxj8HmF
Y/n in Action
We now see as many villagers are fleeing for their lives, with nothing but destruction and shooting surrounding them. However, one such villagers manages to trip over a piece of debris and fall face first onto the ground. Thankfully Glimmer was there to help the girl up, but then multiple Horde robots show up and take aim at the pair. Suddenly, multiple arrows Pierce through the eyes of these machines, destroying them. Glimmer looks up and smiles when she sees that it was Bow, who shot them. He was standing on the building across from them, but she then notices a Horde soldier walking up from behind the boy.
70Please respect copyright.PENANAc1u4zpU6uc
Glimmer: in a panic, "bow!"
70Please respect copyright.PENANABx7FQQppTp
On pure impulse, Glimmer instantly teleported behind the soldier and smacks him off the building, saving Bow from the soldier.
70Please respect copyright.PENANA8Fa98jx0NN
Bow: "phew, thanks Glimmer."
Glimmer: "no problem."
70Please respect copyright.PENANAQ0Z6fk6nHK
The 2 jumped down from the building and started helping out the rest of the villagers. They search every inch of what remains of the poor village. Now they can see that they finally got the rest of the out, well, they hope they did that is.
70Please respect copyright.PENANA97J7Oe7JOq
Bow: "ok, I think thats all of them. Now we need to get the hell out of here, before-!"
70Please respect copyright.PENANAtP0dMSNR3g
However, before he could finish that sentence or leave, multiple Horde soldiers began to surround them. The soldiers took aim and began to open fire on the pair. This forced them to take shelter in a nearby cave.
70Please respect copyright.PENANAjnuXPkU5Cg
Bow: "what....... what do we do now, what can we do?"
Glimmer: looks down almost defeated, "theres......theres nothing we can do Bow. Your almost out of arrows, and I'm almost tapped out. theres..... theres just too many of them."
Bow: "you can't say that, not now. Your Glimmer for fuck's sake. Your throw yourself into danger no matter what, even if all seems hopeless. Thats who you are!"
Glimmer: she grabs her head then looks at the boy, "urghhhh! Every decision I've made has almost gotten us killed. Come on, look at us Bow! If it wasnt for those 3, we would've been killed a long time ago. My mom was right! I'm not ready, I'm not a leader. I'm..... I'm....." tears began to form, "I'm just a screwup who lets everyone down."
Bow: "no!" grabs her face, "you're not a screwup, and you're not giving up on me now! Your mom just can't see how strong you are and thats her loss. You can do this Glimmer, I believe in you. I always have and always will. If it all seems too much, you have friends..... you have me. So you're not alone. So let's do this...... together." gives her a warm smile.
Glimmer: her eyes widen in shock, but then she looks down. Then looking up with a new light in her eyes, "you're right, we can do this but..... we'll need their help if we hope to survive."
Bow: raises an eyebrow, "really but didnt they sell us out?"
Glimmer: "no and you know it too. Just trust me, we need them."
Bow: "hehe, theres the Glimmer I know." wipes away her tears, causing her to giggle with a slight blush, "course the problem is, that doesnt help us right now."
???: "didnt you say thats what friends are for?!"
Bow & Glimmer: turns to look where the voice came from, "huh?"
Soldier: aims his rifle, "who goes there?"
70Please respect copyright.PENANARsYXTM6wvi
As the camera slowly begins to pan upwards, who it was became clear. The one who said that was-
* Creator = https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCHnqvUJVmNu3pjIpBulbIAg
** The Enigma TNG
* if the song ends, just repeat it.
* 0:10
70Please respect copyright.PENANAk0CA1S7K8Q
Glimmer & Bow: "Y/N!!"
70Please respect copyright.PENANARfMmzzBgyq
Standing there was Y/n, now back in action. He was standing on top of a broken down building, with the sun behind him, giving him a glowing outline of his body.
70Please respect copyright.PENANAk3UpIvN9GP
Bow: quickly looks at Glimmer with a cheeky smile, "hey, you actually said his name this time."
Glimmer: blushes and quickly looks away, "s-shut up, idiot. I'm trying ok!" causing the boy to chuckle.
Y/n: "dont worry about them you 2, just leave it all to me! When you guys see an opening, get out of here as fast as you can!"
70Please respect copyright.PENANAs5wlpRmWSi
The boy jumps down from the building and easily lands on the ground. When he straightens up, he stares down the men with a serious expression on his face. With shaky hands, the soldiers take aim at him.
70Please respect copyright.PENANAppD3dFTLNR
Soldier 1: "y-your Y/n. The Grimm Reaper of the Horde!"
Soldier 2: "man, it's our lucky day. Imagine our reward when we bring back the Hordes strongest soldier. Come on Y/n, let's go back home."
Y/n: "sorry but thats not happening. I'm not returning to my so-called home."
Soldier 1: "what but..... why?"
Y/n: "It's because the Horde isnt who we thought they were. So I refuse to return to a place that will make me hurt innocent people." the boy looks down for a second but then looks back up and the soldiers.
Soldier 2: "tch, then that makes you a traitor. Then it's our duty to take you down and force you to come back with us!" the rest not so confidently agrees.
Y/n: "heh, call me what you will...... but-" forms a cocky smile, "you're a hundred years too early to think you can even touch me, let alone hurt me. I was the best soldier in the horde for a reason but dont worry. I won't kill any of you, just immobilize you. After all, you're a victim in all of this too."
Soldier 1: "enough! hes just one man. Not all rumors are true!"
70Please respect copyright.PENANAh3RvnPFRNZ
Suddenly Y/n began sprinting towards the first soldier at such amazing speeds, that he couldnt keep up with is eyes. Before the man could even defend himself, Y/n was already in front of him and hit him with a powerful punch to the gut. The power of said punch was so strong, that it sent him flying away from the boy, utterly shocking the others. Coming back from their shock, the others took aim at him and fired. The boy saw this and with such amazing speed and quick reflexes, he manages to take out his short blade and pointed it right at them. With what could be described with almost godly precision or the most elegant of graces, he tilts his blade ever so slightly, with the most smallest of movements.
With his blade angled just right, the 2 bullets just slide off of the blade, hitting the 2 behind him. Showcasing his skills and planning abilities, he managed to aim it just right so the pair wouldnt be killed by the bullets. The ones who fired the bullets were in pure and utter shock. He really just changed the trajectory of 2 bullets so easily. Like it was nothing to him. However, before they could come down from their shock, Y/n was already in their faces, delivering a powerful gut punch to each of their stomachs with such devastating power behind them.
This powerful blow was strong enough to render them both completely unconscious. With his back now turned to the others, once of them decided to take this chance to do a sneak attack. So acting quickly, the man ran at the boy and jumped into the air, ready to strike him down, but before his blade could make contact with the boy, the man suddenly froze in midair, shocking him and the others.
70Please respect copyright.PENANARXatIWGOq6
Soldier 3: "wha.....what the hell?! I.... I can't m-move." he begins to struggle, but it's all in vain.
Y/n: slightly turns his head to look at the man, "did you seriously think that I would leave my back open to attack mid-battle? Please, I'm not an amateur like you." he then fully turns around and looks at the man, "I laid traps long before you even had the thought of a sneak attack."
70Please respect copyright.PENANALeuOQpC6qg
The boy then slowly walks toward the strung up man, who tries to get free, but it's no use. The wires are far too strong. When the boy reaches the man, he raises his hand and forms his hand into a knife hand position before then karate chopping his neck. Knocking him out in the process.
70Please respect copyright.PENANA88FGAAESgB
Soldier 4: "d-damn. He's taking us out like it's nothing."
Soldier 5: "i-it's no wonder why Hordak wanted to promote him to infantry commander." the boy then slowly turns towards them, "I.... I don't think we were meant to be his backup but rather........ I think our job was to make sure he doesn't go overboard!"
Soldier 6: he mutters under his breath in fear, "so....... this is what a famed Kiryu can do."
70Please respect copyright.PENANARCjQ053kzw
Y/n then begins to slowly walk towards them, all the while cracking his knuckles. Behind him were the defeated members of their platoon and their next. Fear begins to set in as his body begins to appears as if some kind of aura begins to form, but it just as quickly disappears.
With each and every step he took, more and more fear seeped into their bodies. Before them was the boy dubbed the strongest Horde soldier, the Grimm Reaper of the Horde, and now they see why. He easily took out their comrades with not just superior strength and speed but skills and tactics too. Just how in the hell are they supposed to defeat someone like that? In pure fear or rather, desperation, the men just opened fire at the boy. The boy stops his movement and just sighs. As the bullets nearly reach him, with almost godly speed and reflexes, he quickly took out his short blade and began deflecting each and every bullet with the hilt of his blade.
70Please respect copyright.PENANAnhhKstUkrT
Soldier 5: "n-no way."
Soldier 6: "oh, come on!"
Y/n: "idiots. Firing like that does nothing for you. All you do is waste bullets and your energy. However, for me, all you're doing is helping me save energy as all I got to do is deflect the bullets that will ACTUALLY hit me. If you're going to fire your guns, you better aim for the head or center mass. You ranked amateurs"
Soldier 4: "how...... just how in the hell do we beat him?!"
???: "this is how!"
70Please respect copyright.PENANAni6FFANWaq
Suddenly, almost 10 more shows up out of nowhere, along with 2 more robots. In front was a mountain of a man, with the sleeves of his jacket ripped off. The man cockily smiles before making a hand gesture. This causes his men to completely surround the boy, each with a smirk on their faces. Upon seeing this Glimmer, in a panic and worry, begins to stand up, but Bow then grabs her shoulder. When she looks at him, he shakes his head in sadness. She looks down, on the verge of tears, before looking back up towards the battlefield, hoping this isn't his end.
70Please respect copyright.PENANA1fK2WLmzlw
Commander: "now surrender Y/n. It's not too late for you to redeem yourself to the horde. After all, you didn't kill any of my men. All you have to do is give us those 2, the ones hiding behind that rock."
Y/n: looks down, "no...." looks back up at the man towering over him, "I don't think I will."
* A/n: yes, that was a reference.
Commander: "what a shame, but out of respect, I would like to know the reason why."
Y/n: "because....." the boy then forms a small but bright smile, "I don't sell out my......hehe.... my friends.-"
"-what...... what was that? That.... sensation. I.... I think I've fel-"
70Please respect copyright.PENANAOWtbr7497x
Just as the boy blinked, lost in his thoughts, just for a split second. His eyes began to glow a strange milky white color. However, with his confusion at what this sensation was, the men that surrounded him took this opportunity to open fire at him.
70Please respect copyright.PENANAWgv9p1lxEX
Bow & Glimmer: "Y/NNNNNN!!!"
70Please respect copyright.PENANA2DaGKLpCG6
Almost as if time itself was being slowed down to a mere crawl, the boy slowly looked up at the bullets. He looks around and notices how the world around him as begun to slow down... or is something else happening?
70Please respect copyright.PENANA8Q7xWhzbOH
Y/n: "this...... sensation. I... I think I felt it before."
70Please respect copyright.PENANAN8Rr11qOpg
In that single instant, the boy quickly became serious and took out his second short blade. Just as quickly as before... no even faster than that, the boy began deflecting all the bullets that came in his direction. He was moving so fast, in fact, that it appeared as if he had gained multiple arms.
* but with both arms
As the boy finished deflecting all the bullets that came his way, he stud there, his arm still outstretched and leaning forwards slightly. Everyone was amazed by this near inhuman..... fell inetherian feat.
70Please respect copyright.PENANAMNJy0jeMLg
Soldiers: "woah."
Bow: "wow... just wow."
Glimmer: "y-yeah.... huh?"
70Please respect copyright.PENANACDgcEYFBKm
As glimmer took a closer look at the boy outstretched hand, she notices the silhouette of something. Something that was surrounding his short blade. As she continues to stare at it, she notices it almost looks like a blade in the shape of.... a key?
70Please respect copyright.PENANAnz6xP3gPy3
Glimmer: her eyes widen, "wait..... that's-"
70Please respect copyright.PENANAcYdC5BCh3P
However, before she could finish that thought, Y/n quickly puts away one of his short blades and, in one sift motion, takes out multiple knives and throws them in every direction. Each knife he threw in such force behind them, that they pinned every single soldier to some kind of solid surface. The knives were buried so deep, that they couldn't take them out. Not only did he just immobilize the soldiers but also hit each robot in the right spot, destroying them. The boy lands effortlessly and forms a cocky smile.
70Please respect copyright.PENANAkwoedueHn1
Resolution to Change
[Stop Music]
70Please respect copyright.PENANA35Iw84wwrz
Bow & Glimmer: "woah."
Bow: sweat drops, "I'm glad he's on our side." causing Glimmer to nod in agreement.
Y/n: looks at the still conscious soldiers, "did you seriously think you were any match for-" flashes to his interactions Glimmer and Bow, forming a smile on his face, "for a super soldier like me?"
70Please respect copyright.PENANAghcrnPasZT
This causes Glimmers eyes to widen in shock, while Bow forms a big, cheek to cheek, smile on his face. As Y/n stands there, chuckling, Glimmer looks at his short blade, that was still in his hand, and notices that the strange silhouette around it was gone.
70Please respect copyright.PENANArVoJRfjWka
Glimmer: "was I imagining things? I could've sworn that looked like the key-"
???: "oh god damn it."
70Please respect copyright.PENANAPbClOFQDxu
This knocks her out of her thoughts as she looks up to see Y/n staring at his shoulder. When she looks, she sees a single cut on it.
70Please respect copyright.PENANAm1QGP7kZY4
Y/n: "tch, I'm getting rusty. And this was my favorite coat too..... actually, this is my only coat, now that I think about it."
Bow & Glimmer: in pure and comedic shock, "DID HE JUST SAY RUSTY?!?! HE CALLS THAT.....RUSTY?!?!?!!!"
70Please respect copyright.PENANAkcDrpuOhw0
After coming back from their shock, the pair look at each other and chuckle, before the walking towards the boy.
70Please respect copyright.PENANAUaMo0n4khN
Bow: "damn dude, just how strong are you anyways?"
Y/n: "mmmm, not really sure. I have yet to find any real challenges."
70Please respect copyright.PENANAlRrAOatxl4
This causes the pair to form anime sweat drops on their heads, but then Glimmer notices something different about the boy.
70Please respect copyright.PENANAYp5WN6AX9a
Glimmer: "hey super........ Y/n. You look.... different. I'm not sure how to put it, just different." this causes him to look at her.
Y/n: "huh? Really?"
Bow: "actually, now that Glimmer mentions it. You do. Not sure how to really put it, but you kinda look how you did when we first met you. Not sure what it is, but it's like.... you have your light back."
Y/n: "really? Well, I don't feel any different, but my head is more clear now."
Glimmer: "well, i m glad to hear it. We could really use your help, so.... what do you say? Mr Reaper of The Horde."
70Please respect copyright.PENANAa8JbbT9zDH
She then outstretches her hand towards the boy, causing both him and Bows eyes to widen. He looks at her first, a second. He looks at his hand before then slowly raising it up. Before he meets her hand, he does hesitate for just a second, but ultimately returns the gesture and shakes her hand. This causes her and Bow to smile.
70Please respect copyright.PENANA2J3L5lxEe3
Y/n: "yeah..... I think I can do this. I think I can finally trust them. No, I know I can. It's time I move on./hey, when this is all over. There's something I want to talk to the 2 of you about."
Glimmer: "talk to us?"
Bow: "what's it about?"
Y/n: "It's something only Adora and Catra know about, but I think......" shakes his head with a smile, "no, I know I can trust you guys now. It's about these strange dreams I've been having and then somehow being connected to the past of this world."
Bow & Glimmer: "dreams?"
Y/n: "yeah, but like I said before. I'll explain it all later, but first, we need to make sure everyone is safe and the remaining soldiers and robots are dealt with." he then turns around and was about to run but stops. He tightens his fists and takes a deep breath, "hey, Bow."
Bow: "yeah?"
Y/n: "can you do me a favor? If you find Adora and Catra, can I count on you to protect them?"
Bow: his eyes widen in shock but then forms a cocky smile, "well of course you can. We're friends, after all."
70Please respect copyright.PENANAMWd1N1oJ6E
Y/n turns his head slightly to looks at Bow and smiles at him. The boy then turns around and runs off, using his wired up knives as make shift grappling hooks to jump and swing around. As he disappears into the smoke, Glimmer looks at Bow with a raised eyebrow.
70Please respect copyright.PENANAeTll6XOKQn
Glimmer: "What was that all about?"
Bow: "hehe, nothing really. Just a promise between friends. Now come on, we have people to save and 2 more friends to find."
Glimmer: "heh, I was already planning on it."
70Please respect copyright.PENANAB3sxIFMkrj
Wait...... Catra?!
Back to Y/n, we can see as he's still running around and looking in different directions. Regret and doubt begin to settle in.
70Please respect copyright.PENANAg6HoQu5uay
Y/n: "should I have really done that? Should I really put the safety of the 2 most important people in my life to people I hardly know?" shakes his head, "no, stop that! I need to learn to trust them. Adora and Catra are right. I can't let all this get to me. Those 2.... they're good people, all they care about is the safety of innocent people. I can trust them......but..... no, stop that. I need to move on from this.......... I need to focus on something else, something like....." then the image of Adora and Catra bending over the tree and him seeing their asses cross his mind, causing him to blush, "nope, not that." then the image of Catra kissing him cross his mind, causing his blush to get even bigger, "nononono, not that either." then the fight with the army cross his mind, "actually.... that sensation. I know I felt it before. It was almost like that dream I had." then the image of the tower with stained-glass as the floor cross his mind, "the one where I fought those strange creatures. What does it all mean?"
70Please respect copyright.PENANAsZgusRnwU6
As Y/n stops by some destroyed buildings, we can see as he looks through them to see if anyone is in them, but as he does so, he heard a sexy voice call out to him.
70Please respect copyright.PENANArEvOEzUpyC
???: "oh Y/n!"
70Please respect copyright.PENANAXOnpjLkWpb
The boy then stops and turns to see who's calling out to him. When he sees who it is, his eyes widen in shock.
70Please respect copyright.PENANAYxEMx2B1gC
Y/n: "Catra?! What are you doing here and where's Adora?"
Catra: "ooooh nothing, just looking for you is all. As for Adora, I'm not sure yet."
70Please respect copyright.PENANAvbOCqOZnmv
She smiles at the boy, before then walking towards him with a sway in her hips and her arms wrapped around her waist. Seeing the seductive way she's smiling at him and walking towards him, causes him to blush.
70Please respect copyright.PENANAnk7UXex4zS
Y/n: "w-what are you doing? We need to-"
Catra: she puts her fingers on his lips, "shhh. It's alright, the others have already taken care of it, and I'm sure they'll find Adora in no time." she then lowers her hand begins to rub his chest," why don't we... continue where we left off?"
Y/n: "but-omphhh."
70Please respect copyright.PENANAy70rCRl1oj
Suddenly, before he could finish his sentence, Catra begins kissing him, much to his surprise. She wraps her arms around his neck, forcing him down more so she can deepen the kiss. She then sticks her tongue into his mouth and begins to explore her new territory. As she hungerly kisses him, strings of saliva begin to run down the sides of their mouths do to just how aggressively she's kissing him. It was so aggressive that the pair had to start breathing through their noses, as she doesn't seem to be stopping anytime soon. The boy was struggling to think straight as a million things race through his mind, but as he tries to regain himself, she finally stops. As she moves back, her tongue still remaining out, with a small string of saliva stick connected between their tongues until it finally breaks.
70Please respect copyright.PENANAr1CYYkxxFh
Catra: licks her lips, "my.... Y/n. Who knew you'd taste so good."
Y/n: "i....uhhh.....what?"
70Please respect copyright.PENANA8jq9X3b2d9
She then leans closer to him and begins to stroke his chest, before then slowly moving that same hand down lower and lower.
70Please respect copyright.PENANAZXWdEEenAT
Catra: "we can do more, you know. So why don't we.... take this to the next level? There are buildings over there if you're feeling shy but I have no issue doing it out in the open."
Y/n: "i.... well....wait what-huh?" as he gets a closer look at her, he notices something but, "omphhhh."
70Please respect copyright.PENANAONJvf1jN7P
She begins to aggressively start kissing him again but far more aggressively this time but now with her hand slowly moving closer to a..... certain part of him. As her hand gets closer and closer to the waist band of his pants, he felt something try to enter his mouth. This causes him to grab her shoulders and move her away.
70Please respect copyright.PENANA7diVIQT6nh
Catra: "awww, there's no need to be shy, Y/n. We're aaaaall alone."
Y/n: "who are you?"
Catra: "huh. It's me, Catra. Did that kiss really blow you away that badly?"
Y/n: "no, you're not. Your eyes are wrong and you-" he then moves something in his mouth, only to reveal some kind of capsule between his teeth, "tried to slip this into my mouth." before then spitting it out.
Catra: "tch. I knew I should've worn contacts, but I didn't think you'd notice such a small detail." shrugs her shoulders, "that's what I get for underestimating you...... and your mouth. Hehe, learn how to use that thing right, and you'll have a dangerous weapon against women in no time."
Y/n: blushes but tries his best to remain serious, "what did you do to the real Catra?"
???: "Y/n!"
70Please respect copyright.PENANAkL4b7Y0F2t
The boy turns around to see...... Catra? And an injured Adora, who's being held up by Catra by having Adora rest her arm over her shoulder.
70Please respect copyright.PENANA4C0Mx8Lj3Y
Y/n: "wait, Catra? Adora?"
70Please respect copyright.PENANAAlHfWlgJn7
The fake Catra then begins to walk backwards, with her hands behind her back and looking down. She begins to chuckle, before going into a full-blown laughter. This causes everyone to look at her.
70Please respect copyright.PENANArQRGImRdKT
Clone Catra: "awww, and here I was hoping to have a little more fun with him before everything was revealed. Oh, well. We can always do the fun stuff later." she then suddenly whips out a small pole like thing, before it then extends into a full-blown staff, "when I capture you that is. oh.... and I'll be eeeeextra rough."
Y/n: shivers a little at the implication, "I don't like how she said that, but to hell if I'm going to find out what she really meant." he then takes out his short blade and knife before getting into his battle stance, "I like to see you try fake. Let's see just how much of a copy you really are."
70Please respect copyright.PENANASLKRHYPCUc
The Strongest vs The Copy
* repeat if needed, 0:23
* Mortal Kombat TNG Round 3 Theme70Please respect copyright.PENANAey4dyFz817
70Please respect copyright.PENANAlitFWT8BvX
Clone Catra: "oh I'm not just a copy, I'm a perfect clone... no, I'm even better than her. So much better that I might as well BE the original. Now, let's see what the famed Grim Reaper of the Horde can really do." in a lower tone so only he can hear her, "or should I say, what a Kiryu can do."
70Please respect copyright.PENANA0lvAM9dP9D
Y/ns eyes widen, but then gains a more serious and angered look. In that single moment, he instantly rushes towards her and swings his sword down at her, but she easily blocks it with her staff.
70Please respect copyright.PENANATUAIJj8kUr
Clone Catra: in the same hushed tone, "awww, what's wrong? Don't like them knowing all about that? The truth of your strength."
Y/n: in a stoic tone, "enough talking. You may look and sound like Catra, but you're not her. That means I don't have to hold back out of fear of hurting her."
70Please respect copyright.PENANAhajNW7Hsi6
In the background, we can see a visibly annoyed Catra, with a tick mark on her head and her eyebrow twitching.
70Please respect copyright.PENANATD5aicnvJe
Catra: "I don't know why, but that really pisses me off."
70Please respect copyright.PENANAp1Lqcb03Y4
Back towards Y/n and the fake Catra, we can see that the pair have ended their stalemate. Now they're standing opposite of each other, with Y/n taking on his usual dual bladed fighting stance, while the cake Catra taking on a typical staff wielding stance. The pair just stare at each other, as if waiting for the other to make the first move. This is, until a small pebble falls from a nearby building, this causes the pair to instantly rush at each other. When the pair got close enough to each other, the fake Catra slams her feet onto the ground to stop her momentum but uses the kinetic energy from her dash to amplify the swing of her staff. It reaches the boy at extreme speeds, but he just as quickly dodges the attack by jumping into the air and leaning his body to the side. Once the staff has finally finished its arch, the boy, while still midair, slams his fingers into the ground, piercing it, and takes a hard kick towards her. However, she uses her leg to kick the end of her staff up and uses it to block is kick by using her arm as a brace for the impact.
He clicks his teeth in annoyance and moves his other foot behind the staff while is first foot is still in place, basically grabbed the staff with both of his feet. This confused her until he slams his other hand into the ground and quickly rotates his body, this forces her arms to spin and cross due to its rotation. She had no choice but to let go of her staff. Seeing this, he instantly kicks it into the air and gets back up on his feet. As soon as he does so, he goes for a slash for her throat, but she just as quickly pulls out a dagger and blocks his attack.
70Please respect copyright.PENANAF7Vip7Cfe4
Clone Catra: smiles, "heh, is that really all you can do? Funny, I was expecting more from the famed 'Hordes strongest'."
70Please respect copyright.PENANAqk1WRJz7zF
She then outstretches her hand, with the palm facing the sky. Just as she did that, her staff falls down and lands in her hand, causing her to quickly grip it. She then makes it retracted into its self and goes for a jab towards his gut. As she does so, she causes it to extend again. However, he was fast enough to use his free arm to block it, using his gauntlet as a shield. He then swipes his arm away, forcing her to move her staff to follow his arm, but before it goes too far away from his hand, he grabs onto it.
70Please respect copyright.PENANA7D5mhx1QEM
Clone Catra: "so what now? You just put us into another stalemate.... again. What, do you want another kiss? hehe, I wouldn't be against that."
Adora & Catra: "say WHAT?!"
Clone Catra: side eyes the pair, "you of all people shouldn't be shocked, me. After all, you're the one who started this. Ohhhh, was that supposed to be a secret? Oops, heheheee."
Adora: "what?!" she then quickly looks at her friend and narrows her eyes at her, "what does she mean by that Catra? Care to explain yourself."
Catra: starts sweating a little, "whaaaat? I have no idea what she's talking about. Must be bad cloning. hehehe he he heeee./go fuck yourself, me! Talk about self reporting. Fucking bitch. I never wanted to hit myself so bad until now."
Adora: looks back towards the fight, still visibly annoyed, "oh, this little talk isn't over missy. We'll, finish this when all of this over and done with."
Catra: "r-right./I'm so dead."
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Y/n just smiles at the fake Catra, which only confuses her.
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Y/n: "your mistake, thinking I didn't have a reason for this so-called stalemate. In order to protect those 2 I had to push my body to its limits, then break those limits again and again."
Clone Catra: "aaaaaand?"
Y/n: "......... I'm never out of options."
70Please respect copyright.PENANAWDKeWqji41
He then lets go of his own blade, allows her to strike his hand but, almost as if he doesn't feel any pain at all, he grabs onto her blade with his bare hand. As the edge of her sharpened blade digs into his hand, he doesn't even flinch for a second. He then forces his arm towards himself, causing her to stumble closer to him. With his footing off balance, he proceeds to headbutt her hard. This forces her to stumble back in a daze, after receiving such a heavy blow to the head. This gives him the opening he needed as he lets go of both of her weapons, spins and kicks her hard in the gut. This hard impact sense a small shockwave to be sent out from her back. It was so hard that it caused her to cough up blood and saliva. The force of his kick was strong enough to send her skidding back, but when she does stop, she holds her gut in pain.
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Clone Catra: "B-Bastard. He let my blade cut him so he could get me close. Damn. He's not called the strongest for nothing. He didn't even flinch." she then looks up and sees him rushing at her, "shit!"
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Acting quickly, she crosses her arms to block his incoming attack. However, just before the punch lands, he stops just before he makes contact. She doesn't have enough time to process why this is as he uses his other hand to punch her hard in the gut, digging and twisting his fist into her stomach. The pain from this impact was so great that it caused her eyes to widen, and her iris's to almost disappear. She couldn't even make a noise do to all the wind getting knocked out of her lungs.
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Losing Composure
[Stop Music]
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Y/n: remaining in the same position and whispers, "you may be a clone of Catra, but you're nothing like her. At least she can put up more of a fight than this."
Clone Catra: she then grabs his arm, "tchgrrrr, FUCK YOUUUUU!"
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She goes to knee his arm in some vain attempt at breaking it, but he just uses his other arm to grab her collar and uses his other leg to swipe at her legs and slams her onto the ground. The impact of this was great enough to not only crack the ground but also making her cough up saliva. He stands over her before then raising his leg up and goes for a hard stomp but-
* repeat if needed. around 0:33
-he then hears the sound of 2 gun shots going off. Almost as if the world around him has slowed down, he looks to see that one bullet is heading towards Adora, aiming right for her heart, while the other one is aiming right at himself. His face becomes that of pure panic and fear, but not fear for his own life, but rather, fear of losing hers. So on pure instinct, he stops his stomp and throws a knife towards the bullet. The knife manages to reach the bullet just in time as it deflects the bullet away from her. However, he wasn't in time for himself but just before it hit him, he rotates his upper body just enough to make the bullet hit the flesh of his shoulder rather than the bone.
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Adora & Catra: "Y/N!!!"
Y/n: grabs his shoulder, "ARGHH!!/damn it. I let my emotion get the better of me... again. Shit, that was all I could do to minimize the damage."
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Seeing her opportunity, the fake Catra sweeps at his feet, causing him to fall to the ground. She then quickly gets up and stomps on his injured shoulder, causing him to scream in pain.
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Clone Catra: "hahaha. Man, that was a close one, but oh how the mighty have fallen. When they told me you get too emotional when those 2 are in danger, I thought it was a joke, but man, I didn't think it was THAT bad. We both know if you were more level-headed, you could've easily deflected both bullets but nope. You lost your cool because your precious Adora was in danger, what a joke."
Y/n: "so.... you planned for this?"
Clone Catra: "it's like they say, plan for every outcome possible. But did you seriously think I would go up against The Grim Reaper of the Horde alone and without some kind of countermeasure? hahah, not even the so called 'real' Catra is that dumb."
Catra: "what did you say, you stupid bitch?!-huh?"
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Suddenly, multiple Horde robots began to surround Y/n and the fake Catra, who then rests her staff on her shoulder and smiles an evil grin.
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Clone Catra: raises her free hand up to her side, "like I said, do you really think I would engage someone called the strongest Horde soldier without a plan? hahahahahaaaa?"
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Suddenly, all of the robots, in perfect unison, take aim at the boy. Ready to shoot him the moment he even dares to move. He just stares at them and grits his teeth.
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Catra: "damn it. We have to do something!"
Adora: "I know but........"
Catra: ".......but what? Adora?"
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She looks to her side to see that Adora is now gone. In a panic, she begins to look around, but then sees Bow come out from behind a building.
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Bow: "don't worry about Adora. Glimmer has a plan, but in the meantime, we have to figure out a way to help Y/n."
Catra: "....... fine."
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[Stop Music]
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Back at Y/n, we can see the fake Catra now straddling his stomach and begins to rub her hands all over his clothed chest.
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Clone Catra: "Hordak said to take you alive, but he didn't say anything about having some fun with you first. That fight we had, it really got me all hot and bothered. And that blow to my stomach? It really hit allll the right places." she begins to rub her stomach, "my little baby room is trembling now and crave something thick to fill it."
Y/n: "............ what... the.... FUCK?! What has Hordak done to her? She's all kinds of fuck up!"
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The fake Catra then licks her lips and gets ready to take off his shirt, but then an arrow came at her, but-
Without even looking, she pulls a total Y/n and easily catches the arrow Bow fired at her. She then looks at the arrow but then at Bow. She looked at him with an almost pity but 'how cute' kinda look. However, the arrow exploded in her face, revealing a net that wrapped all over her.
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Bow: "ha! Suck it, you creepy dominatrix fuck!"
Catra: "Y/n!"
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The real Catra rushes towards the boy but in an act of payback, she rushes towards the entrapped fake and does a full on, full sprint dropkick right to her face. In perfect slow motion, we can see as the flesh of her face gets squished before then getting launched in the opposite direction. Before finally hitting the ground, but the force of the real Catras kick was so great that it caused the fake to continue rolling before she finally stops. She struggles to gets up and does an almost primal lions growl towards those who just pissed her the fuck off.
We can now see the real Catra has easily recovered from her dropkick move and quickly rushes towards Y/n. She crouches down with concern all over her face.
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Catra: "are you ok?"
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However, before he could even answer her, all the robots began to open fire on the pair. Bow screams their names as the bullets reaches closer and closer. On pure instinct, the boy pushes Catra to the side and gets in front of her. Her then opens his arm, ready to take on the bull blunt of their attack to save Catra.
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Catra: reaches out her hand, "Y/n, nooooooo!"
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Seeing as the bullets are coming all around them, he jumps onto the Catra as covers her body the best he could. He then braces himself for the oncoming onslaught and his death-
However, just before the bullets could even reach then, the sounds of metal on metal could be heard. Then the calming sound of some kind of lite fabric blowing in the wind can be heard.
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She-ra Rises Again
???: "you're always protecting me. So it's time I protected you for a change."
Y/n & Catra: "huh.... Adora?!"
* maybe abit extreme for this scene, but I STRUGGLED finding a song for this scene. Given the lyrics, maybe it fits.
* one of these days, I'll get off my lazy ass and organize my collection of copyright free songs.
* repeat if needed.
70Please respect copyright.PENANAVjwAV7xWVY
Before them was Adora but not in her normal state but rather...... her She-ra form. She had her sword outstretched, showing she was the one who cut all those bullets. She then stands up straight, rests her arm to her side and looks at the pair with a smile on her face.
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Adora (She-ra): "now it's my turn to do the protecting."
Catra: "b-but how? Glimmer had the....." her eyes widen.
Adora (She-ra): "yup. It seems she had a change of heart."
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Adora: "-what we gotta do is..... wait, what?" she looks around and sees that Glimmer is in Catras place but no one else was around, "wait, Glimmer? What's going on and where is everyone?"
Glimmer: "look, I was a brat, a child, and straight up a rude bitch and........" takes a deep breath, "I'm sorry" Adoras eyes widen, "my decisions almost got us all killed, because I was just too stubborn to see what was right in front of me. That..... you guys were victims as well. It just refused to see that. I was convinced that it wasn't possible, but now I see that I was wrong. Now, I'm asking not as your captor or even a princess, but as someone who just wants to help. Please help us. We need you guys, we need She-ra." she looks at the sword and grips it hard, "I never should've kept this. I should've returned it to you the moment all that stuff in the ruins was revealed, but my stupid pride got in the way and now many people got hurt...... again." a single tear formed in her eye, "because I was stubborn, these people suffered. If only I...."
Adora: smiles, "hey, there's no point in dwelling in what ifs. What's important is the here and now. Besides, you're none of those things. We're Horde soldiers, after all. You had no reason to trust us, and after all you've shown us and what we've seen, I don't blame you.
Glimmer: "I'm not sure I do yet, but after everything, I think I can begin to trust you guys. Besides, after everything Y/n has done for us-"
Adora: "heeey, you said his name this time."
Glimmer: deadpan with a vain popping on her head, "don't make me regret this."
Adora: "hehe, sorry."
Glimmer: "I can see it, he's changed since all of this started and..... it's given me hope that not only can I change but maybe this world too." she then smiles a genuine smile, "it's also given me hope, hope that we can finally end this war."
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Glimmer then begins to hand Adora the sword, but then a Horde robot shows up and takes aim at the pair. In that same instant, Adora takes the sword and rushes towards the robot. She then stops in front of the robot and raises her sword high into the air.
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Adora: "for the honor of Grayskull!"
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A bright, shining light surrounds her, covering her entire body. When the light finally fades, we can see Adora is now the warrior princess, She-ra. Her long golden hair flowing in the wind. She smiles before running towards the robot again, but this time throws the sword into the air. She opens her palm and strikes the robot with enough force that it sends it skidding backwards. When it finally stop, the sword has finished its assent and falls right into her hand. with her weapon in hand, she rushes towards the robot and with the grace of a trained ninja, drops onto the limbs of the robot, before then uses its head as the final push. This allowed her to jump high in to the air. She then grips her sword with both hands.
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Adora: "HYAHHHH!"
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Swinging her sword down with not only the force of her own strength but the momentum of her fall, she cut the robot clean in half. She even cuts the cut a little, leaving behind a large cut like shape where the robot was. She then stands up straight and looks at Glimmer with a smile on her head, before the robot then finally explodes behind her.
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[Present Time]
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Adora (She-ra): "and that's what happened."
Catra: "well, damn. Looks like I misjudged her."
Adora (She-ra): "yeah, you and me both, but we need to deal with these guys first."
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She then raises her sword high into the air and as she does so, light begins to emanate from it. She then slams it hard into the ground, easily piercing it. This causes multiple crack to form around her, even the ground beneath her feet begins to crumble. Electricity begins to crackles from the now loose rocks. She looks up and smiles, before then pulling out her sword out from the ground and tossing it like a cannonball towards the barrel of a tank that took aim at her. The force of this throw, cut clean through it and nearly hits those inside, causing them to comedically scream in fear. She then leaps into the air and lands behind it with a grace of an angel. She then easily catches her blade just before the tank explodes. Then, the multitude of robots begin to surround her. However, she grabs one of them by its leg and begins to spin it around her, using it like a mace to strike the other robots. Once the other robots were defeated, she tosses it high into the air, before cutting it clean in half when it falls back towards her.
Bow just stands there in amazement, his mouth agape, until-
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[Stop Music]
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Glimmer: "you ok!?"
Bow: "huh?" looks behind him to see Glimmer running towards him, "Glimmer? Yeah, I'm ok, but is that really Adora?"
Glimmer: cheekily smiles, "well, technically, she's She-ra."
Bow: "hehe, smart ass."
Horde Soldier: "retreat!"
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Let's Go, To Bright Moon
All the soldiers begin to run and scream in fear, running away from the warrior princess. However, the fake Catra broke free from the net and just glares at them. Seeing how she's outmatched, she decided to retreat as well but walks away, instead of running. Now with all their enemies gone for the moment, the light surrounds Adora again, but this time she returns to her normal state. She breathes a sigh of relief, but then rushes towards Y/n.
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Adora: "are you ok, Y/n?"
Y/n: "yeah, sorry about that. I let my guard down when it counted./damn it. I hate to admit it, but that fake was right. If I only kept my cool, none of this would've happened. Looks like I still need much training to do."
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Adora looks at Y/n and sees the saddened, self blaming, expression on his face. This caused her to hug him in an effort to comfort him.
70Please respect copyright.PENANAqGketam4UA
Y/n: blushes, "A-Adora?"
Adora: "none of this is your fault. It's been one thing after another for you, so stop blaming yourself for everything that goes wrong."
Catra: joins in on the hug, "she's right Y/n. Ever since this whole thing started, there's been something holding you back from acting like your usual self. Something we can tell is causing you grief."
Y/n: "but...... it is, and we all know it. If only I kept my emotions in check, if only I didn't panic...... if I didn't doubt you 2. None of this would've-"
Adora & Catra: "hey."
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Both girls then grab his face, and force him to look them in the eyes.
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Adora: "none of this is your fault."
Catra: "you're an Etherian after all, just like everyone else. You're allowed to make mistakes."
Adora: "it proves you're alive and have the will to take action. So stop worrying about every little thing."
Catra: "just focus on what's standing right in front of you. We both know what you can do, so you have nothing to prove to any of us."
Y/n: "g-girls....."
Adora: "hehe, looks like I'm rubbing off on you."
Catra: "hehe, oh, shut up."
Bow: "sorry to interrupt this touching moment, but I just can't believe you did all that."
Adora: stops hugging Y/n and looks at Bow, "did what?" looks behind them, "oh..../when I'm in that form, I feel like a different person. Like I can do anything."
Glimmer: "yeah, you not only save us, but the villagers as well."
Adora: "hehe, yeah.... I guess I did...." the realization finally starts to sink in, "oh no. I just turned against the Horde....... oh god, I just turned against the Horde. I just turned against the Horde! We...... we can never go back now........ what.... where will we go? We don't have a home anymore. What are we supposed to do?"
Glimmer: "woah woah woah, calm down. You guys are with us now. Our home is your home now. So come on, let's go to your new home."
Bow: "but what are we going to do about him? He can't move around with a wound like that."
Adora: sweat drops, "youuuuu might want to close your eyes."
Bow & Glimmer: "what? Why shouldn't we lo-OH MY GOD, WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!"
70Please respect copyright.PENANAaYmrS9fHdf
They look to see Y/n with a piece of shirt in his mouth, while taking the tip of his blade and digging into his wound. he looks at them with a raised eyebrow.
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Y/n: "what?"
Bow & Glimmer: gets closer with anger, "DON'T WHAT US! THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING TO YOURSELF?!"
Adora: sighs, "I tried to warn you."
Y/n: "huuh taking the bullet out, duh."
Bow: "don't say such things so casually!"
Glimmer: "you need a doctor! Wait, shouldn't it have gone through?"
Y/n: "for a simple gun shot wound? Not really. Plus they used a special type of bullet for incapacitation since they wanted to capture me alive."
Bow: quickly rushes towards Adora, "please tell me he's kidding, about the wound?"
Adora: "hehe, nope."
Catra: "he kinda does this thing all the time. You get used to it."
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Both Bow and Glimmer had this almost grim like expression on their faces, almost regretting teaming up with such a crazy guy. Y/n just shrugs off their looks and continues to take the bullet out. Once he was done, he takes some of his spare wire and a needle he had in his pocket. He then uses them to begin to sew his wound shut, all the while hardly flinching.
70Please respect copyright.PENANAyMvuF5rmpu
Glimmer: trying not to get grossed out, "how do you even know how to do that?"
Y/n: "you learn a lot when you're on your own. Why do you think my wires are so thin but strong."
Bow: "doesn't it hurt?"
Y/n: "yeah."
Glimmer: "but you don't flinch."
Y/n: "you can dull almost any pain with simple breathing techniques. It's all about control the blood flow in your body and the amount of oxygen you intake."
Glimmer: "never really thought of it like that."
Bow: "dull, pain? Wait..."
Y/n: "you guessed it. By the time the fake stepped on my shoulder, I already dulled the pain. So while pretending to be in pain, I was looking for a chance to strike and get out of that situation."
Bow: "did you?"
Y/n: "...... no. given enough time, maybe, but I couldn't think of a way out."
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Then they saw Y/n start a small fire and place one of his knifes over it.
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Glimmer: "your not gonna."
Y/n: "yup."
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With the blade now heated, he places it over his wound and holds it there. This causes the others, even Adora and Catra, to cringe at the sound of his burning flesh. Despite what he said, even he flinches a little.
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Glimmer: "oh come on! What was the point of stitching it, then?"
Y/n: "to keep it closed? Why else? I am doing this with one hand, after all."
Bow: "aren't you worried about your wires?"
Y/n: "no, they're heat-resistant. I'll pull them out once my wound heals enough."
Bow: "alright, can we change the subject please? I'm starting to feel phantom pain here!"
Catra: "hehe, wimp."
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With everything done and said, Catra and Adora help Y/n get up off the ground but what was suprising, Glimmer wanted to help too. now with all 4 walking away from the village, Bow couldnt help but have a big O smile on his face as he watches them walk away.
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Bow: "hehe, best friend squad!"
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he begins to follow them but then notices that same house from before was following them. he looks at it with a rasied eyebrow.
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Bow: "wait..... whose horse was this again?"
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A/n: welp, that's it for this chapter. Sorry it took so long but life and all that. Hope you enjoyed it, despite the long wait. And yes, I know. I made you lose against someone you should've won against, if she didn't cheat. It wouldn't be much of a story if you just beat someone who's supposed to be a threat (like she was in canon) and a somewhat driving force for the She-ra side of the story. So, unlike the original Catra, I made her be more of a brain than brown type character. Choosing to take advantage of your weakness rather than a fight of strength, as she knows she'll lose, but that doesn't mean she's a slouch ether. I have plans for her, so look forward to that. Also, in this one, I revealed a little more about your past but what this Kiryu is, well. That will come later. Again, sorry it took so long for this and any future chapters to come out. Shit happened and is still kinda happening that's making me both physically and mentally exhausted. I'll still upload when I can and hopefully start working on a proper schedule of some kind. Welp, that's all I can think of for this chapter. So I'll see you....... in the next chapter.
* Also, I'm aware they did update their She-ra story by the time this comes out. I left it up for context sake.
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