Basic Info
Name: Y/n L/n
Birthday: B/d
Age: 17
Hair: H/c
Eyes: E/c
Blood Type: B/t
Species: Etherian/Human
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Basic Appearance: Overall looks like you but pretty fit, with a slightly above average build, bolstering strength, speed, mobility and dexterity.
Outfit: you wear (SF/c) pants with dark gray boots and a (F/c) short-sleeved shirt and an ankle length, long sleeved dark gray trench coat with red outlines. You also have a belt that holds multiple knife pouches and hidden knife holders inside your trench coat and shoes. On your back is a short blade sheath to hold your short blade, there's also a second one inside your trench coat but upside down. You also have forearm guards that act as both shields and extra knife holders.
Personality: you're a pretty kind and friendly person. Able to make friends rather easily, but you know when to get serious. However, despite this, you can be rather cocky and ego driven, tho it's rarely a hindrance on your abilities. You can be rather show-offy. You rarely lose your cool or the smile on your face.
You do harbor minor amounts of killing intent that rarely show up. You rather not kill, but you know it'll have to happen at some point. However, you rather give people a chance to change, rather than end them then and there.
However, deep down, you harbor insecurities and have abandonment issues, steming from being abandoned by your parents. You go out of your way, to the point of putting yourself in danger, to protect everyone, cause you refuse to be left alone again. It's a deep-rooted trauma that even Adora and Catra don't know about.
You harbor romantic feelings for both Adora and Catra for a long time now, but you didn't want to confess because you didn't want to ruin your friendship with them, fearing being left alone again. Course, what you don't know is they feel the same towards you.
Extra: you carry a lot of knives, hidden through your clothes. You've added some lightweight plating to your clothes to provide extra protection, but not enough to hinder your movements.
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Abilities and Power
Before Keyblade
When it comes to physical abilities, you're above average. You trained your body to not only be fast but also strong, while also being flexible enough to preform tricks and special moves. Your fighting style mainly revolves around bladed weapons, mainly your knifes. With these knives, you mastered the art of using them in close quarters combat and long range combat. With it being your primary and favorite weapon, you have many hidden throughout your body. You also carry a short blade for more heavy and swift attacks. It's made of reinforced medals, allowing it to take plenty of hits and still keep going. It also allows you to deflect and cut bullets with ease. Actually, this skill is the reason you had it made in the first place.
You primarily use something call dirty darts (think hollow Ichigo). It's where you would tie a wire around the bottom of your knife and use it as a mid-range weapon. With this, you're noted to be extremely deadly and dangerous. This is because your strength allows you to throw them extremely fast, but your body is also light and flexible enough to allow you to jump around and using them to swing around the battlefield. No matter how long the wire is or the battle, you seem to never lose control over them. Being able to spin and twirl around without worry, to the point where it's even been noted to be graceful. By spinning yourself or them, you can augment their speed and destructive capabilities.
You're very acrobatic, this allows you to maneuver around the battlefield with ease. Allowing you to preform stunts that wouldn't normally be useful in battle, but you make it work.
It's been your at your most dangerous when you are out of knives. This is because, tho light, they do weigh you down, but with them gone, you can move freely. It may seem like a minor difference, but it's big enough to change the tide of a fight, even more so when you take off your trench coat.
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After Keyblade
After gaining the Keyblade, your physical abilities increased slightly, but the main difference is your new range of abilities the Keyblade grants you. You did have to adapt to the new style tho, as you're used to a short blade and this one is the length of a standard sword. Course it being so lite but balanced made it easier. However, you still use your short blade and knives when you feel it's not necessary to use your Keyblade. You did adapt a dual blade fighting style, using the short blade for swift and defensive attacks, while using the Keyblade for strong and ranged attacks.
You later adapted your dirty darts fighting style with the Keyblade but with a chain rather than wires, this is due to the Keyblade's strength and weight. Plus, you can now use it for retraining bigger or stronger targets.
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Before Keyblade
None, primarily martial art techniques, but nothing in particular.
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After Keyblade
Slowly you learn and gain access to the Keyblade's magic abilities, here's a list of a few examples.
* Note: I'll also come up with my own that either come with it later on or you make yourself.
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Gained (will be unlocked/learned throughout the story.)
* Fire: Shots out a fireball from the tip of the blade, later can be augmented to increase its size, number and uses. As well as causing a constant fire damage effect on your targets
* Blizzard: shoots out multiple ice spikes from the tip of the blade. Later can be augmented to increase the number, size and speed of them. As well as cause a freezing effect on your targets.
* Thunder: it forms a ring around the tip of the blade and rains lighting bolts within a certain range around the user. Later can be augmented to increase the number of bolts, size and range of the bolts. As well as causing a shock effect on your target. Also, focusing it into a single bolt that shoots out from the tip of the blade.
* Cure: can heal the user or anyone from almost any damage, but must be holding the blade or tap the blade onto their target. The damage that can be healed depends on the overall damage and how much Mana the user has.
* Aero: it forms a wind barrier around the user. Later can be augmented to increase the size and strength of the barrier as well as for it to remain as long as the Keyblade is out, typically embedded into the ground.
* Gravity: forms a ball of purple energy around a given target that magnifies the gravity within its range, casually causing damage. Later can be augmented to increase its size, gravity, and number. As well as reversing the gravity, called Zero Gravity.
* And more later one as you progress through the story of the other games and the other worlds.
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Invented (spells you created after learning more about your Keyblade and magic in general)
* Wire: a spell that creates a wire out of Mana between the Keyblade and your hand. Later on, you learn how to use this without the Keyblade, no longer needing physical wire.
** Retract: instead of deforming the wire, this allows you to reel it back. Typically used like a grappling hook or when capturing something.
* Knife: a spell that shoots out from the tip of the blade. Can be augmented to increase the number, durability, and strength, as well as how long it takes to disappear. Later on, you learn how to use this without the Keyblade, no longer needing physical blades. You also later learn how to infuse them with other spells.
* Orb: an advanced spell that uses aero as a base. It basically forms mini aero orbs floating in the air that you can control. Later, you can imbued other spells within them and act as bombs. You also later can argument them to increase their size, speed and number.
* And more later on.
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Before Keyblade
None, obviously.
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After Keyblade (Originally/Drive Forms)
Valor Form
While in this form, your cloths become red and white, with an emblem on each sleeve. You gain a secondary Keyblade to aid in combat. While in this state, you become very dexterous, even able to spin your Keyblade with a single finger during a combo attack. While in this state, your hands often glow a light red color with a flicker of red electricity. This causes an energy streak to come off your hands as you run or fight. However, you do lose your ability to use magic but, in exchange, gain a great boost in speed and jumping ability, allowing you to add air combos to your fighting style.
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Wisdom Form
While in this form, your cloths become blue and black, with an emblem resembling blue flames on the end of your pants and sleeves. While in this state, specks of light float around your legs, with a blue magical mist surrounding your feet that turn into wisps when you slide across the landscape. This wisp allows you to slide around the field, without the need to walk around, but this also applies to your whole body. Allowing you to slide on your back for more unique combos. When you're stationary, these wisps often swirl around you in a double helix like manner. Your acrobatic ability is increased greatly, allowing you to spin your blade behind your back effortlessly and flipping around when firing magic. Unlike the valor form, this form is more magic oriented, rather than physical based. This allows you to incorporate magic into your combos, allowing you to rabid fire weak, but fast projectiles from the tip of the blade.
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Master Form
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While in this form, you gain a second Keyblade and your clothes gain a yellow and black color scheme. Your pants gain symbols on it that are three black crosses arranged in a fancy overlapping pattern. When in this form, pale yellow sparkles constantly fall off you and create somewhat of a streak behind you when running. Also, the floating Keyblade is held in place by a yellow aura surrounding your hand, and the Keyblade you're physically holding seems to have deep yellow electricity flowing through it.
Master Form is a balanced Drive Form that allows you to wield two Keyblade's, one by hand and the other controlled through telekinesis. It is proficient in both melee combat and magic. This form's fighting style is primarily aerial based since all attacks, both physical combos and offensive magic, raise you into the air. Physical attacks are fast, and powerful finishers provide crowd controls effects. Magic is also modified, as combos can be strung together and most spells are empowered or altered. In terms of mobility, you run faster than your normal speed and can double jump.
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Final Form
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While in this form, you again gain the ability to wield a second Keyblade and your clothes become silvery white and black, with the symbols on your pants somewhat resembling an eye with a wind pattern. This may be a parallel to the Anti-Form, with Anti-Form representing your Heartless side, and Final Form representing your Nobody side. Each Keyblade seems to move with an arm, though when you stop moving, they hover behind you. Thus, every move is an attack in itself. No matter what world you're on, while in Final Form, you never touch the ground unless landing from a jump or fall. Your hair and clothes slowly flow as if you're being held by the wind. Your clothes systematically flicker white while in the form, and there are two large sparkles of pure white light that orbit around you, with a white wisp following them. When you're standing still, your Keyblade's hover behind you, almost like folded wings. When you float (which you do instead of walking and running), they open, as if you're flying.
Final Form is a powerful form that gives you the ability to wield two Keyblades completely through telekinesis. Physical attacks are extremely quick and powerful, with new finishers that deal high amounts of damage. The floating Keyblades automatically attack when performing actions, like jumping and gliding. It's made more powerful, as individual spells perform differently than usual. The Keyblade's can also be used as a shield as well as a weapon. When gliding, the Keyblade's spin, forming a shield in front of you to block incoming attacks.
Do to the Keyblade's being controlled through telekinesis, you hardly ever have to wield them and even use them as long and mid ranged weapons. You can even rotate them to turn them into spinning blades, launch them like fast moving projectiles, combine spells and so on.
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This form is a form you gained when you gave into darkness and rage, turning you into a heartless. While in this form, your clothes, skin, and hair become ink black, while your eyes blow yellow. Your hands almost become more claw like while also constantly emitting darkness from them and your arms that takes the form of misty black and violet whips. You become completely feral in behavior, running on all fours and using your claws instead of your Keyblade. While in this form, you're incredibly fast and strong, easily able to overwhelm opponents with quick, powerful moves. You lose all ability to use any magic or anything derived from the Keyblade, you don't even use any form of weapons, purely attacking with your clawed figures like a wild animal.
You're consumed by rage and animistic drive to kill. You can't tell the difference between friend or foe, but it seems you do, somewhat, recognize Adora and Catra, and the others later on. Other than you completely running out of Mana, getting knocked out, they are the only ones who can calm you down, reverting back to normal. When you do, you have no memory of what happened and come back completely drained of both stamina and Mana.
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After Keyblade (Upgraded/Formchanges) (each weapon will be told later as this is already getting to long.)
Guardian Form
Guardian Form is a Form specializing in defensive techniques. This form turns your cloths yellow, with a checkered diamond pattern on your pants. This form grants you Counter Shield, Hunny Blasters and Hunny Launcher, Boom Hammer and Clock Drill. Guardian Form is primarily centered around defense and survivability. Guardian Form prioritizes guarding more than dodging, as its abilities Barrier and Counter Blast grant greater versatility when guarding and counterattacking. This form increases the capabilities of your defensive spells, as well as giving you new ones.
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Strike Form
Strike Form gives your clothing an urban camouflage like design while turning your arm guards, shirt and boots red and transforms your Keyblade for powerful attacks. It gives you Hyper Hammer and Drill Punch, Agile Claws and Twin Yo-Yos, and Highwind and Storm Flag. Strike Form Formchanges are often oriented around wide, sweeping attacks that deal devastating damage. Strike Form is a Form that specializes in pure offense and crowd-control. Its associated Formchanges tend to have high raw power within their attack combos, and some improve your spells, as well. The main drawback of Strike Form is that, it doesn't have many other support abilities, making the Form less versatile against single, powerful targets. Still, the shear damage its Formchanges deal make up for that.
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Element Form
Element Form is a form that possesses aptitude in magic and long-range attacks. It allows you to glide along the ground and grants the ability to cast magic while moving. The Formchanges are Double Arrowguns and Magic Launcher, and Mirage Staff. Element Form turns your coat, arm guards, and boots blue, with a star pattern on your pants and sleeves, while turning your pants gray. Element Form's abilities are centered around magic. This forms ability to either attack from afar and projectile attacks, or deal heavy area of effect damage with wide-ranged attacks. With this form being more focused on attacking spells, your defensive ones are weakened. Making close courtiers combat risky.
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Blitz Form
Blitz Form is a form that emphasizes speed and mobility. The Formchanges are Blizzard Claws and Blizzard Blades, Nano Arms, and Frying Pan. Blitz Form turns your coat, arm guards, pants and boots green, with a flame pattern on your pants. Blitz Form's Formchanges are associated with speed and movement. Its abilities are geared to enhance your movement. Blitz Form is primarily centered around mobility and dodging. Blitz Form allows you to quickly dash around the area, making the Form ideal for mobile enemies and those that tend to evade and gain distance from you. Blitz Form is also useful for giving you mobility abilities you otherwise wouldn't have access to. Aside from battle, this form allows you to glide on the ground, making it ideal for exploring and traversing a large area.
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Ultimate Form
Ultimate Form is a Form granted by the Ultima Weapon and gives you a look similar to the final form with a silvery-white and black color scheme. Black wisplike stripes can be seen on your pant legs and three crowns on each of your sleeves. It allows you to teleport around the battlefield and use multiple swords to overwhelm enemies with fast and powerful swipes that also possess great range.
In this Form, the Ultima Weapon Formchanges into a rainbow-colored sword with a red heart symbol near the guard. Its blade is split into two segments and is pointed towards the tip. Around you are several similar Keyblade's that just float around you. This is your strongest form in terms of raw damage. Similar to the Final Form, you can control these blades with telekinesis. The attacks themselves have excellent range and have great cancel windows for blocking or dodging incoming attacks. Excellent at hitting multiple enemies around you before unleashing large swords of light that circle around you. This form may not do anything for your spells, but it far than makes up for it in its own abilities, such as allowing you to form a barrier from the swords, fire blasts of light, or even a huge beam by spinning the blades in front of you while firing a beam from your Keyblade.
Like the final form, you rarely ever touch the ground and mainly seen gliding and flying through the air. As a form that boasts raw power, it's hard to even counter you. Even your dodging has been increased, almost dodging instinctively.
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Light Form
Light Form is a Formchange that allows you to harness the power of pure light. While in this form, your clothes turn white and gray. The kanji for "light" (光) is visible on your pants. This form focuses primarily on light based ranged attacks and single target moves. You gain this form on your path to regaining your ultimate form. In a way, this form is granted through your Nobody.
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Dark Form
Dark Form is a Formchange that allows you to harness the power of pure darkness. Dark Form turns your clothes black and gray. The kanji for "darkness" (闇) is visible on your pants. This form focuses primarily on darkness based close courtiers attacks and multiple target moves. You gain this form on your path to regaining your ultimate form. In a way, this form is granted through you're Heartless.
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Double Form
Double Form is a Formchange is a form that mixes the looks of both the Light Form and Dark Form. You gain it after coming to grips with your 2 sides, your Nobody and your Heartless. It allows you to would 2 Keyblade's. This form also mixes the abilities of the other 2, allowing you to excel in both close courtiers and ranged combat, as well as single and multiple targets.
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Rage Form
Rage Form is a Formchange that is similar to your AntiForm. Activated through rage. Like the AntiForm your clothes, skin, and hair turn a deep black but now your Keyblade as well but instead of yellow, your eyes are now red. You're constantly surrounded by an aura of darkness and a fluorescent white swirling pattern on your pants and sleeves. Unlike your Antiform, you're less animalistic in this form, becoming more barbaric. No longer using your claws, but rather using your Keyblade for swift and powerful attacks. You still attack with a hint of animalistic rage, but now with a more focused and powerful attack pattern. However, you still use your claws as a secondary blade. Like the AntiForm, you no longer can use magic, but now you can use the darkness floating from your body as an extension of your body. You can even morph them into spikes and shoot them at your enemies. In an addition to this darkness, you're also orbited by additional red wisps of darkness that you can morph into more solid objects.
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Final Ultimate Form (Dark And Light Enhanced)
This is your end game form. It uses the Ultimate Form as a base, but now enhanced with both Light and Dark magic. It looks pretty much the same, but now with a light and dark Keyblade floating behind you like wings.
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Rage Form Enhanced Forms
After coming to grips with your rage and darkness. You manged to accept it and embrace it, now with full control over its power. Now you no longer need the Rage Form, but now you can use it in any form, signified with your irises turning a glowing red color, darkness aura, and red wisps of darkness floating around you.
You can use this power in any state, in your normal state, and FormChanges, even your Ultimate Form and Final Ultimate Form.
You can use the darkness aura and wisps to augment the attacks and abilities of the other forms.
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Parents = None
Siblings = None
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