Y/ns Mental State
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We see as the group appeared high in the air, with an unconscious glimmer. Soon, they start to free fall and scream as a result.
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Bow: "Glimmer! Glimmer! Damn it!"
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Despite the free-fall, Y/n is calm and is quick to react. He quickly takes out multiple knives and was about to throw them but then bow stops him by raises his arm.
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Bow: "can't let you save our asses all the time!"
72Please respect copyright.PENANAhyXtR02hl2
Bow then quickly takes out his.... bow and takes aim. He then fires an arrow that explodes, revealing a net with spikes at the ends. These spikes then embed themselves into nearby trees, providing enough cushion to soften their fall. Once they are safe, Bow then lays down Glimmer on some soft grass.
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Bow: "glimmer? Glimmer!"
Y/n: "calm down. She'll be fine, shes just tired. Give her some time to rest. In the meantime, I'm going to scout on ahead to make sure we dont have any more surprises waiting for us."
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As he said that, he then walked away and disappeared into the nearby forest. Bow breathes a sigh of relief and looks at Glimmer with a warm smile. However, Adora and Catra look at each other and nodded. Then Catra got up and walked off in the direction where Y/n went.
We then see Y/n still walking and looking around, but then he looks behind him, no longer seeing his group. Once he confirms hes far enough away, he uses his hand to lean against a nearby tree. He then lets his head go limp as he begins to breathe heavily. He begins to sweat profusely, so he uses his open palm of his free hand to wipe the sweat off of his face. However, as he tries to gain some control over his breathing, he hears some rustling in the bushes behind him. Acting fast as he can, he straightens up, wipes the sweat off and controls his breathing.
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???: "hey Y/n, wait up!"
Y/n: "huh." looks behind him, "oh, it's you Catra. whats up?"
Catra: reaches him and stops in front of him, "are you ok?"
Y/n: "huh? Of course, I am? Why would you ask something like that?"
Catra: "grabs his arm with both of hers, "thats bullshit and you know it! I can tell you're hiding something from us. youve been acting so.... odd lately. Ever since the ruins, no..... sense what ms sparkles told us. I've never seen you this out of it before, like ever. Even when you were perfecting your Dirty Darts Style of fighting."
Y/n: "look Catra. I dont know what you're going on about? I'm fine."
Catra: "and again, I call bullshit! You're lying to me, I can see it written all over your face." he tries to move his arm, but this makes her hold on tighter, she then squints her eyes and says in a stern voice, "I'm not letting you go until you tell me the truth. Got it mister?"
Y/n: he steps back a little but then lets out a sigh, "fine, fine. You win. I..... I just can't get it out of my head. What they said about the Horde. We spent our who lives with them. They took us in when we had nothing. They saved us. i.... i just dont know, its...... so hard to accept."
Catra: looks down at the ground, "I know what you mean but.... I think they're telling us the truth. From everything weve seen and heard, it's just, hard not too. Sparkles I'm not so sure about but Bow. He seems like a good guy and doesn't feel like the lying type, I dont think it's in his nature."
Y/n: he then pinches his legs and lets out a sigh, "I..... I know. It's just that......... I dont know." he then looks down at the ground.
Catra: "I've never seen him like this before, hes so... shaken up. This isn't like him at all./listen. We're in this..... together, the 3 of us. No matter what comes our way, well face it together, and I know for a fact Adora would agree with me."
Y/n: lets out a small chuckle. "Yeah.... I know. We have that promise to keep."
Catra: "no!" she used her hands to grab his face and force him to look at her, "it goes far beyond a simple promise Y/n. I.....we care about you. We're not going through all of this just because of a promise we made as kids. Sure thats what started it but now...... now we're way past that. We genuinely care about you and want to be with you and I know you feel the same about us."
Y/n: he then looks away with his eyes, "s-sorry, i didnt mean it like that at all..... it's just that.......i just..... have a lot on my mind thats all. I just need some time to sort something's out."
Catra: "are you sure thats all?" she looks at him somewhat intensely with a slight sad expression.
Y/n: "yeah, I'm sure."
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The boy then grabs her hand and begins to gently rub it against his face. This causes her to jolt up, which then travels all the way up and through her tail. Her face then forms a massive blush as she can't believe what shes seeing or this sensation.
72Please respect copyright.PENANAZrgafCiwJc
Y/n: "just a clouded mind is all. Nothing a small walk through the wood won't cure. I..... I just need a minute to myself."
Catra: still enjoying the sensation, "o-o-ok, well-" she quickly moves her hands away and kisses him on the cheek, making him blush, "we're here for you..... always, and I know you will be for us. Just remember. You're not in this alone...... ok?"
72Please respect copyright.PENANAFfOV8gg91O
All the boy could do is nod, which makes her smile and leave, very calmly. He, too, turns around and walks away in a stiff but calm manner. Catra continues to walk away but then stops and looks at the boy with a sad expression.
72Please respect copyright.PENANAATk62rJK52
Catra: "Y/n....... just what on Etheria is going on with you? Just what aren't you telling us? You've never acted this way before."
72Please respect copyright.PENANAWoyFkALi4D
As she sat there thinking of the boy, flashes of what she just did crosses her mind. This causes her to blush massively. So she quickly runs off in the distance with her massive blush, while Y/n, on the other hand, we only see the back of. hes seen resting his head against a tree with his whole face red as an apple, which can be seen as his ears are red, and steam coming out of his ears.
Now back with Adora and the others. We see as not much has changed but now Adora and Bow are sitting on the grass, resting as they wait for her to wake up. Then they notice Catra almost speed walking towards them with her face still red.
72Please respect copyright.PENANADXjxh5ogfH
To the Next Village
Adora: "oh, hey Catra. Wait, why is your face red?"
Catra: knocked out of her daze with a jolt, "w-w-w-what, n-n-nothing. Just forget it." she then sits beside her friend, whos confused, "holy crap, holy crap, holy crap, I.... I can't believe I just did that. I actually did it, I mean, I went for it. I know I kissed him before, but that was because of Adora but this. This I did on my own."
Adora: raises her eyebrow, "ooookaaay, anyways. How is he? He seemed...... off."
Catra: snaps out of her daze again, "oh, that. Well....... he's...... conflicted to say the least, but-" she then looks down, "and hes hiding something. I can see it, the pain on his face. It's almost like when-"
Adora: "when Shadow Weaver first brought him in?"
Catra: "yeah, theres defiantly something wrong with him but...... I dont know...... i dont think we should push him. It might make it worse."
Adora: "I agree. Without knowing whats really going on with him, we could accidentally make it worse."
Catra: "yeah let's be there for him and make sure he knows it."
Adora: grabs a hold of Catras hand, surprising her, "couldn't have said it better myself. I guess I'm finally rubbing off on you. You're less of a delinquent now, hehe."
Catra: chuckles and playfully punches Adora on the shoulder, "oh shut up you." then with a smile, hugs her from behind, causing both to chuckle.
Adora: "but, there might come a day when we have to. Let's just hope it doesn't come to that."
Bow: looks at them, " wow you 2 seem awfully close."
Adora & Catra: "huh?"
Catra: "what, this? What about it?"
Bow: "I dont know...." forms a cheeky smile, "it kinda looks like the 2 of you-"
Adora & Catra: both blush hard, "w-w-w-what! What are you talking about?! It's not like that!"
Bow: "I mean, i couldnt swore you to liked someone, but it seems it was each other. I could've sworn it was..... oh what was his name again? Bon? Fan? Swan?"
Adora & Catra: "it's Y/-"
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The pair quickly cover their mouths in shock as they almost said his name.
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Bow: "HAHAHAHAHA! I can't believe you 2 almost fell for that! hahahaha, I almost got you to say his name. You shouldve seen your faces!" wipes the tear away from his eye.
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This causes the pair to buff up their cheeks and huff in annoyance.
72Please respect copyright.PENANANb5ojFMFnH
Adora: "I'll have you know, we act like this all the 2. We're just that close."
Catra: "yeah, you jerk. We're just close friends./thoooo I would be lying if I said the thought hasn't crossed my mind before."
Bow: "suuuuuure, last I checked. 'Just friends' arent so hugy hugy with each other."
Adora & Catra: "we're not!"
Bow: chuckles a little, "ok ok, I'll stop teasing you 2 but, you guys want to be closer to him right?
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Both then blush and shyly look away from him., with Adora poking her fingertips together while Catra fidgets her legs together. Thankfully for the pair, something happens to distract them.
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Glimmer: "did...... did we get out?"
Bow: "Glimmer!"
Adora & Catra: "you're ok!"
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The 3 then rush to her side and help her sit up.
72Please respect copyright.PENANAQZFbl2ahFI
Bow: "yeah.... yeah we did, and it's all thanks to you but barely. Are you alright?"
Glimmer: "Yeah.... I'm fine, it's just..... arghhh, I'm just tired. I think I overused my powers."
Bow: "oh, i dont know whooo could've predicted that would happen.... oh, right. Me!"
Glimmer: lets out a small groan, "booow."
Bow: "like.... an hour ago."
Glimmer: "Bow!"
Bow: "hehe, sorry. I'm just glad you're ok Glimmer. thats all but no more teleporting around for a while. Got it? You could've seriously hurt yourself."
Glimmer: "I'm fine, okay? All I gotta do is to get back to Bright Moon and recharge my power. Wait, why are you 2 still here and wheres super soldier?"
Adora & Catra: "huh?"
Glimmer: "look, Bow and I are hardly a crack security team, it's clear we've never done this before. You 2 could've easily gotten away, especially with super soldier with you. So why didnt you?"
72Please respect copyright.PENANAk38LGTjPiU
Suddenly, someone comes out from the nearby bushes. When they looked, they saw it was Y/n with a handful of different types of fruits and berries.
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Y/n: "because we have questions that need to be answered, and it seems you have them or at least being with you will allow us to get them. Something that well never get if we return to The Fright Zone."
Adora: "hes right. I never knew who my family were, but I was always told that it never mattered. That who I was before........ Hordak took me in. however, theres always been this small part of me-" she then looks at her open palm, "that always wanted to know where I came from. I dont know how to explain it but all of this feels so familiar to me."
Catra: "I always wanted to know the truth, the whole truth. I may not have what Adora has but..... I always felt like i wasnt told everything about myself or my past. Where I come from. So staying with you guys is my best bet in finding out who I truly am."
Y/n: "I'm just along for the right-" both Adora and Catra quickly and angrily look at him, causing him to jolt a bit, "ok...... what I mean is-" he then lets out a small sigh, "first here, take these. We can't go on much longer without eating something. I'll explain on the way."
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He then took what he had and began to pass it around to everyone, ending with Glimmer, who just stares at it.
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Glimmer: "and how would you know whats editable?"
Y/n: "look, I dont owe you my life story. We're not there.... yet, but I know a thing or 2 about survival. Including out in the wild."
Glimmer: "now remind me, why should I trust you again, super soldier?"
Bow: he lets out a small sigh, "Glimmer, just eat it already." (pause).
Glimmer: "what if it's poi-Bow!"
Bow: already has eaten half of his fruit, "whaaaaat?!"
Y/n: "look, poisoning people isnt my style. I find it cowardly and weak. Just because I know how to identify them, smelling them and taste them, doesnt mean I will use them........... but I am capable."
Bow: tenses up so hard that he choked a little, "can this guy please stop getting scarier and scarier. I dont think my heart can handle much more."
Y/n: "you're fine, just eat it. I may not know how your powers work, but I do know how the body does and it doesnt do so well when low on fuel." he then sat beside his 2 friends.
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Glimmer just sits there for a second and stares at her fruit. She then looks at her friend joyfully eating his fruit. She then looks at Adora and Catra and then, finally, the boy himself. She then stares back at her own fruit for a few more moments. Deciding to go with it, after hearing a small growling noise come from her own stomach, she decides to slowly bring it towards her mouth. Once it's close enough, she takes a small bite out of it. Her eyes widen at the taste of it and quickly begins to eat more of it. That is, until she noticed everyone staring at her with a smile on their faces. She then notices bow, looking at her with a cheeky grin. She swallows, blushes and quickly looks away.
72Please respect copyright.PENANAhD6TwhASXm
Glimmer: "ok, fine. I'll admit it. It was........ good, I guess. T-thank you, Y/-I mean horde spy." she then quickly gets up and brushes herself off, "now come on, let's get out of here. theres a small village nearby that should be able to give us a ride back to Bright Moon. Come on! We've wasted enough time already." she then walks away with a small huff.
Bow: leans over at the 3, "see. We're making progress. She'll get there."
Glimmer (off-screen): "SHUT UP!!!"
Bow: lets out a small chuckle, "eventually. Just give her time. besides her mom knows a lot more about First Ones' tech than anyone. She should know something about that sword and whats going on with you Adora. Hell, I bet she even has something for you too Catra and Y/n."
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[The Fright Zone]
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We now see into a strange looking lab, with tons of computer like devices and large monitors. In the middle of this room is a large circular table that has a 3d mapping device in the middle. We see as someone is looking at it. Once we got a better look, it's Hordak looking at an unknown area. This area appears to be some kind of mountain range with a large forest in the background. When we get a better look behind him, we see the clone of Catra, leaning against the wall with her arms crossed.
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Hordak: still looking at the map,"I thought I told you to find Y/n? Why are you still here?"
Catra (Clone): "because, you havent given me all the information about him, I need more. Besides. Finding him shouldnt be too hard."
Hordak: "fine, what else do you need?"
Catra (Clone): "before I ask, I do have another question. You can clearly clone whoever you want and alter them right? Why dont you do the same to Y/n, you clearly want him back so bad. You should clone him and be done with it."
Hordak: lets out a small sigh, "you are correct about that. However, he is unique. As you know, the clone, like yourself, will have all of his abilities, techniques and tricks. Even that unique fighting style he calls, 'Dirty Darts'. However, theres one crucial thing the clone will lack."
Catra (Clone): raises an eyebrow, "and that is?"
Hordak: "the Keyblade. One won't just appear with him or a new one will form. It's linked to his soul, the one thing I can't clone. His clone will be perfect, but it will lack his soul."
Catra (Clone): "I see, what a shame."
Hordak: "why? Are you hesitant, lingering feelings from the original still inside of you?"
Catra (Clone): lets out a small chuckle, "hardly. No i dont have any feelings for him, unlike my original..... but-" she then licks the tips of her 2 fingers, with a look of pure lust, "I do look forward into make that boy my personal boy toy. hehehehehahahahaaaa."
Hordak: he side eyes her with a small shiver, "it seems I made an error when I programmed her when I tried to remove the original's feelings for the boy. It seems I accidentally made her into a full-blown sadistic dominatrix."
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[Back with Y/n]
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As the small group was walking through the forest, with Bow and Glimmer in front, Catra and Adora behind them and Y/n at the back. The 2 girls look at each other and nod. As they continued to walk, the pair slowed their pace down, until they reached Y/n and walked either side of him.
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Adora: whispers, "don't think we didnt catch that Y/n"
Y/n: whisper back, "huh? What do you mean?"
Catra: also whispering, "that you avoided telling them about your dreams. You know, the ones about that key shaped blade and those strange creatures."
Y/n: lets out a small sigh, whispers, "i just dont trust them yet. Besides, it's just a dream."
Adora: whispering, "come one Y/n. I think we can trust them, after everything they've shown us. Besides, so was mine but look where we're at now."
Catra: whispering, "shes right you know. I think you should open up to them, they seem nice....... ok Bow does but still. And besides, you need answers too, answers you won't get if you keep it all to yourself."
Adora: whispering, "yeah and remember, if it was just a dream, then how is there a huge tablet depicting a war involving those blades?"
Y/n: whispering, "I......" he then lets out a sigh and smiles, "you're right. Theres too many questions to be ignored. Hehe, I would be lost without you both."
Adora & Catra: both smile, hug his arms and rest their heads on his shoulders, "we know." causing the boy to chuckle.
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Back to the front we see both Glimmer and Bow side eyeing them, with Glimmer letting out a sigh while Bow just chuckles
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Bow: "they're so obvious."
Glimmer: "yeah, no kidding. It's so painful to watch. They should just get it over with already, instead of dragging it on like this."
Bow: chuckles, "maybe."
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A..... Party?
As the group continues to walk, a small village comes into view. We can see many people with deer like features dancing around and frolicking, without a care in the world. Adora, Catra and Y/n lean over from behind a tree and view the scene before them with raised eyebrows.
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Glimmer: "alright, we're gonna need to do something about those outfits."
Adora: quickly looks at her, "what, why?"
Catra: "I'm not taking my cloths off out in the open./tho thats not a bad idea for a..... future activity. hehe."
Y/n: "yeah, do you know how long it took to find something that works for me?" they all look at him with raised eyebrows, "what?........ a guy can care about how he looks yah know."
Bow: "I think it's because it's you who is saying it."
Y/n: crosses his arms with a raised eyebrow, "and whats that supposed to mean?"
Glimmer: "enough already, look, I'm not asking you to strip. We just need to hide your Horde symbols. If they think your Horde soldiers, then theyll freak out and cause a panic."
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Adora lets out a small sigh and takes off her jacket, while Glimmer gives her cape to her to use as a sash. All the while Catra takes off her belt and tosses it to the side but then Glimmer notices something odd about Y/ns outfit or rather, the lack of something.
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Glimmer: "wait..... you dont have any Horde insignias on you?"
Y/n: "whaaaat. non fit my attire at all, the colors clashed too much."
Glimmer: "okaaaay. Never would've expected something like that from a super soldier."
Catra: "hes just the gift that keeps on giving, hehe."
Adora: "I feel utterly ridiculous."
Bow: "oh, It's because you dont have something to tie it all together, here." he then puts a flower in her hair.
Catra & Y/n: "pffft."
Adora: forms a scowl on her face, "I don't like it."
Catra: "pftt, no no it looks... pfft.... good on you."
Y/n: "pfft, yeah makes you..... look like a flower girl...pfft."
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Catra leans on Y/ns shoulder and buries her face into it, in an effort to not laugh out loud, while the boy is hunched over while covering his mouth, trying not to laugh out loud as well. Adora looks at them and makes her scowl even bigger.
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Glimmer: "the point is that you guys dont look like Horde soldiers. We need to keep a low profile. In and out, simple.
Catra: "now that sounded dirty."
72Please respect copyright.PENANAB6oHcFLCmV
We then see the group walking through the village. Adora, Catra, and Y/n start to look around at not only the people but the decorations with confused looks on their faces.
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Adora: "what is all this?"
Catra: "yeah."
Bow: "huh, it's a festival. It's like a huge party but instead of it being for an individual, It's for the whole village. You guys did have parties in the Fright Zone...... right."
Catra: "suuuuuurrrre."
Y/n: "let's go with that."
Adora: "oh.... right...... parties...... I mean, pfft. Totally, yeah. Of course we-I have no idea what that is."
Bow: "what?!"
Glimmer: "shhh, what did I say? In and out."
Bow: "they never experienced a party before Glimmer. This is serious. We need to cure them, no we must."
Glimmer: "urghh."
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Bow then leads the trio around the village, showing them many different things. This eventually leads to a food stand. He orders some food for them and hands them to the trio. They then look at each other with unsure looks but then stare back at the food. Y/n shrugs his shoulders and takes a bite. Adora and Catra look at the boy and does the same. As the 2 take a bite of theirs, their eyes widen and light up with how good it tastes. While this was happening, in the background, Glimmer is swatting away a villager whos trying to put a wreath on her head.
Then we see as the group is sitting at a table, with a feast laying on it, as musicians play music in front of them. Adora and Catra scarf down their food while Y/n just chuckles at them. The pair look at each other, with food still in their mouths, and chuckles back with big goofy grins on their faces. Next we see as the group is walking around some more and pass some kids playing a piñata-like game. One of the kids notices Adora and hands her the stuck and pushes her towards the dangling toy. She then looks at her 2 friends in slight confusion. Catra is cheering her on while Y/n has his arms crossed with a big cocky smiles. She smiles back at them and turns to face her foe with a serious expression. With one swift movement, she slashes at it, hitting it in the process. This hit was strong enough to break it open, unleashing its candy guts in the process. The kids pause for a second in surprise but then cheer, running towards the now broken toy to eat the candy hidden within it.
We now see as both Catra and Adora are hiding behind a large tree branch, watching a villager using his hands to tell stories to some children. The 2 look on while Y/n leans against a house thats made from a large bolder. He watches them with his hands behind his head, looking at the pair and smiling. However, was he was watching, he happened to look down as the pair leans over more to get a better view. This gives him a perfect view of your asses. He blushes and quickly looks away. Not long after this, Glimmer walks up and stands beside the pair with her arms crossed.
72Please respect copyright.PENANA6GSxdPnvo5
Bow: comes up from behind them, "so, seriously? No parties........ like ever? What do you guys do for your birthdays?"
Y/n: "a what?"
Adora: "ummm?"
Bow: "you can't be serious? How are your lives so sad?"
Adora: happens to turn around and sees something that catches her eyes and gasps, "what... is..... that?" points at something.
Bow: "what?" looks to where shes pointing, "oh, thats a horse."
Adora: covers her mouth, "it's so majestic."
Bow: "wanna go meet it?"
Adora: "what? No!"
Catra: "yeah, go on Adora."
Bow: "come on, it's alright. See, he likes you."
72Please respect copyright.PENANA6X70GnThiM
Bow walks up to her and pushes her closer towards the odd eye colored horse. This causes her to close her eyes in almost fear. Once shes close enough, she slowly and shyly outreaches her hand and places it on its snout. As she pets it, the horse leans into it and closes its eyes. Once Adora opens her own eyes and sees whats shes doing, her face lights up. All the while Catra smiles at her and joins her while Y/n hasnt moved from his spot but now has his arms crossed. The boy couldnt help but smile at the pair, as they pet the horse.
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Glimmer: "Bow."
Bow: "oh, come on Glimmer. I know you're starting to like them too."
72Please respect copyright.PENANATSx1olhw39
We're Getting There
Glimmer lets out a small scoff as she folds her arms, closes her eyes and looks away, almost insulted by such a comment, but she then opens a single eye to look at Adora and Catra, who are still petting the horse. Upon seeing this, she lets out a small warm smile but then catches herself and continues to look away. Returning to how she was before she looked.
Bow looks at the whole scene before him and smiles but then notices Y/n, whos still leaning on the rock house. Seeing him by himself, he decides to walk up to him.
72Please respect copyright.PENANADwrYHOjUKp
Bow: "you know you don't have to be Mr Badass all the time right? It's alright to let your guard down from time to time and just enjoy yourself."
Y/n: "look here......." he lets out a small sigh and looks at the ground, "those 2 are right..... I need to loosen up, but I'm not sure if I'm ready to trust them./sorry, it's just that....... I'm still pretty uptight about everything that has happened and what weve learned, and I know I should but..... it's just that........." he then looks down at the ground.
Bow: "you care about those 2 a lot...... don't you?"
Y/n: looks up at the girls laughing and petting the horse, "yeah.... I do./more than you will ever know./I just want to do everything I can to keep them safe....... they're....... they're all I have now."
Bow: "now you know that isnt true. You got new friends now that you can lean on when you need us."
Y/n: "friends?"
Bow: "yeah, Glimmer and me. Look I may not know your whole story, and I'm willing to listen when you're willing to share, but I can tell you're a good guy. Besides, I feel the same way about Glimmer." he then looks at said girl and smiles, "I want to protect her with all I have too but-" he then looks at Y/n, "I know I can't do it by myself all the time. There will be times when I can't be there for her when she needs me but thats what we have friends for... right? To be there when you need them and help each other out when one can't. So what do you say Y/n? Let's help each other out to protect what we hold dear..... as friends." out reaches his hand with a soft smile.
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Y/ns eyes widen in pure shock at what Bow just said, he wasnt expecting such words from a guy who comes off as the easy-going and jokester type. He looks at the tanned skinned boy but then at his hand. He looks at his own palm and decides to slowly reach out his hand to return the handshake. As his hand gets close to Bows, he stops, his fingers curl up. The boy can feel doubt beginning to flood his mind like a river after a hurricane. Constant 'what ifs' went through his head. He looks up at Bow, who still has his soft smiles on his face, then he looks at Glimmer, whos trying to hide the fact shes smiling at Adora and Catra. He then looks down at his own hand again.
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Y/n: "is really ok? Is....... is it right for me to trust them? Should I......... should I allow myself to trust again? To make friends again...... to allow them in?"
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The boy closes his eyes forcefully, as if hes hard concentrating on something but then quickly opens them with a look of pure determination. He stares back at Bow with his class cocky grin and continues to return Bows handshake. However, just before he can finally do so, cementing his determination to trust again, large pillars of smoke can be seen in the distance, as well as explosions and gunfire can be heard. The sound of people screaming and things breaking begin to fill the air. This catches the groups' attention.
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Adora: "wha...whats going on?"
Catra: "I don't know, but it doesn't look good."
Bow: "come on, let's go!"
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The Truth is Finally Revealed
As the group run back to the village, where they first entered, they can see destroyed buildings, fire everywhere, and even some villagers laying on the ground either injured....... or dead.
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Glimmer: "oh no..... it's the Horde! Quick, hide!"
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Right as she said this, all of them ran into a nearby hut and peaked through one of its many holes causes by bullets and possibly small explosions.
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Bow: "I don't get it..... why here? The people of Thaymor isnt a threat to anyone."
Adora, Y/n & Catra: "Thaymor?!"
Adora: "tha-that cant be true. This just can't be Thaymor."
Glimmer: quickly looks at her, almost mad, "wait, did you know this would happen?"
Adora: "no.... I mean.... kinda....... yes, but this just has to be a mistake. Thaymor is supposed to be a heavily fortified rebel fortress...... not a civilian town!"
Glimmer: "do you really think that matter to them? After everything weve told you, after everything you've seen. How can you still not get that yet?!"
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However, as this argument goes on, in the background we can see Y/n leaning on a will and slightly hunched over. His face is in pure shock and horror, as his hair drape over his eyes slightly. His breath becomes labored as his eyes begin to shake in a mixture of pure shock, horror, sadness, and rage. Sweat begins to form all over his face as begins to think of the worst.
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Y/n: "so...... it's all true..... everything. It's all true...... my life....... my past....... my home." images of the Horde goes through his mind, of his entire time there, the friends he made along the way and finally Catra and Adora, "it's all been a FUCKING LIEEEEEEE!!! EVERYTHING I EVER CARED ABOUT, EVERYTHING I DID, EVERYTHING I TRAINED FOR, EVERYTHING I WANTED TO PROTECT!!!! IT'S ALL BEEN A FUCKING GOD DAMN LIEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!" he grits his teeth and fists so hard that blood begins to leak from his hands and mouth, "MY LIFE, MY FRIENDS, MY COMRADES, EVEN THE FUCKING EVERYDAY PERSON LIVING THERE. ALL OF IT WAS A FUCKING LIEEEEEEEEE!!!" he then side eyes to look at Adora and Catra, "are they a lie too? Are they just pretending like the rest? Do they even care or are they just usin-"
Catra: happens to look behind her and sees Y/n looking at them so intensely, she then cuffs her hand on his cheek, "Y/n are you alright? You got this scary look on your face, and you're sweating a lot, and you're breathing pretty hard.... wait is that blood?" she then uses her free hand to grab his, "look, I know it's hard but youll get through this like we always do..... together." she gives him a reassuring smile.
Y/n: he then looks down, shadow covering his eyes, "how do I know?" this causes the others to slightly look or side eye at him.
Catra: "know what?"
Y/n: "how do I know you and Adora aren't a lie.... like them?"
Catra: "you're not making any sense, what are you talking about?"
Y/n: quickly looks at her with anger written all over his face, "how do I know you're not a lie?!" this causes her to jump in shock, "how do I know you're not trying to trick me.... like them! Was everything you've said a lie, was it all to trick me?! To use me! How do I know you even car-"
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A loud slapping sound echoed throughout the little hut. We see a wide-eyed Y/n whos head is turned slightly and with a decently sized red mark on his cheek. We then see how everyone else is shocked as well, but we noticeably see a shocked Catra too.
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Catra: "A-Adora?"
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As the camera pans from her, we see that it wasnt Catra who slapped him but Adora. She looks pissed and hurt at the same time, with small tears running down her cheeks. Her arm is still arched from the slap she just gave the boy. Y/n slowly places his hand on his cheek and looks at her, still in shock.
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Adora: "don't you dare EVER question who we are and how we feel about you!" she then grabs his face with both of her hands, forcing him to look her in the eyes, "listen to me every closely Y/n. I dont know whats going on with you or why your resolve has been shaken so much but let me tell you this. Catra and I are real. Everything weve said and did with you was real. In all of our time together, we have never lied to you. weve been by your side ever since you arrived at the Fright Zone. So trust in us, believe in us. Ok?" she looks at Glimmer while still holding Y/ns face, "I'll try to get them to stop. I don't know whats going on with them, but this just has to be a mistake. All I have to do is talk to them. In the meantime, you guys do everything you can to get everyone out of here. And you-" she looks back at Y/n and rests her forehead on his, "have faith in us and return to the old Y/n......... ok"
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She lets go of him and begins to walk away but then stops in her tracks, confusing the others. She gulps, rushing towards Y/n and gives him a quick kiss on the cheek, shocking everyone. She looks away with a massive blush on her face and runs out of the hut."
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Glimmer: quickly shakes her head, "wait, Adora!"
Bow: "that was...... something."
Catra: "so you knew what I did all along, hehe. Looks like we're even again." she then looks at Y/n, "leave Y/n to me, ill try to get him back, no matter what."
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We then see Adora running past many injured villagers and more destruction, but then she stops in her place, stunned at whats shes currently seeing before her. However, as shes still shocked, a tank bursts through a hut. She looks at it with a serious expression, not moving from her spot at all.
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Adora: "STOP!!!"
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As she said that, the large tank does indeed stop. As it just sits there, the upper hatch opens up. As it does, a shadowed figure walks out from it, the light from the sun behind it, obscuring its figure.
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???: "hello........ Adora."
Adora: her eyes widden, "wait..... you?! What are you doi-"
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Then we see Glimmer and Bow helping villagers get out from the crossfire. As they carry whoever they can, move what rubble is in the way from those trapped underneath, Catra is helping Y/n. The boy is still shaken up from everything thats happening. His will has been shaken with a million things going through his mind, unable to function properly now.
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Catra: "Y/n, snap out of it. I don't know whats going on with you right now but come on!" she then leans him against a wall, "I've never seen him like this. I know it's all hard to take in but it shouldnt be hitting him this hard. Does...... does it have something to do with what hes keeping from us? No...... I can't worry about that right now. I need to get the old Y/n back but.... how. Damn it. I wish Adora did go running off on her own. shes better at this whole emotional thing than I am. What can a tomboyish girl like me do for a guy like Y/n?"
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She looks down at herself but then at the boy. As she looked at him, her gaze aimed at his lips. She gains a look of determination and cuffs her hands on his cheeks. As she leans in closer and closer, slowly opening her mouth and slowly closing her eyes, the boy doesn't even realize whats about to happen until-
Catra plants her lips onto his, her eyes are now fully closed, while his are wide open. This is nothing like she did before, during the exam, this was a girl trying to convey her feelings and get through to the boy she loves.
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Catra: "please come back to us Y/n. We need you.... I need you. The old you."
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She finally stops kissing the boy and slowly moves her head back. She looks at him with a blush and half opened eyes.
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Catra: now with her eyes fully opened, "look. I dont know whats going through your head right now or whatever you're going through, but we need you. Please Y/n, whatever it is, we can get through it..... together. So please.... please-" small tears began to form on the edge of her eyes, "please come back to us."
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Y/n looks at her in shock but then smiles at her. He places his hands on hers and slowly lowers them down.
* Creator = https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCHnqvUJVmNu3pjIpBulbIAg
** The Enigma TNG
* IDK what happened to original video
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Y/n: "sorry about all of that..... now-" he looks down but then quickly looks up with a serious expression on his face, "what is it you need me to do?"
Catra: smiles and wipes away her tears, "hehe, welcome back....... Y/n. Or should I say The Hordes Strongest Soldier: Y/n L/n The Grim Reaper of The Horde!"
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A/n: welp, thats it for this chapter, how did you like it. Also, the nickname. Yeah, I randomly through that in. Not sure why but I felt compelled to. Does it sound good, badass, or dumb? I'm not the best at nicknames. Not sure if my depiction of Bow is correct but from what little I've seen of him, he kinda gives me that vibe. Now, let me make something very clear before anyone says anything, cause I know someone will. No, you are not healed by the magical power of a kiss or love. If youve been paying attention, I had your mental state slowly deteriorate as you learn more and more about the truth. This causes you to get stuck in your mind, thinking too much about 'what ifs' instead of focusing on the here and now. Catra's kiss didnt heal you but rather shocked you back into reality. This allowed you to stop thinking about the 'what ifs'. So your mind is still fucked up, you're just not focusing on that for the moment. I'll be honest, the kiss wasn't even planned, kinda just popped in my head and I just rolled with it.
Also, I would like to know how am I doing on that front, conveying your mental state? I tried to convey it through certain keywords or actions rather than saying it. I'm trying to be abit more subtle with certain things going through your mind and your overall trauma. Since IRL, I do struggle with conveying emotions sometimes, so i dont know if I'm doing a good job or not.
Welp. thats all I can think of right now. So I'll see you, in the next chapter.
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