A/n: alright everyone, I just realized I made a continuity error in the last chapter. I had the MC say "my favorite coat". This is an error because he left his coat back in the Fright Zone. This error is on me, my bad.
81Please respect copyright.PENANAZStfN6bqHR
Bright Moon Kingdom
As the scene now opens, we can see the small group of future heroes walking through the forest. On their way to Bright Moon. We can see the exhausted Glimmer sitting on the strange horse, while Adora holds onto its rein, while Catra walks on the other side of the horse. Close behind them was Y/n, who was at the back to guard them, to make sure they weren't being followed. Then in front of his was Bow, who was slightly doing the same. Bow then looks at the boy and slows down his pace so he could walk beside Y/n.
81Please respect copyright.PENANAyHEA5sNwt6
Bow: "so Y/n, tell me. How did you get so strong?"
Y/n: "what do you mean?"
Bow: "you know, all those cool moves you can pull off, like deflecting bullets and even slice them in half. That kind of stuff. Its awesome, so what's your secret?"
Y/n: "hehe." looks in front of him but then back to Bow, "i had 2 very important reasons to get stronger."
Bow: "I understand that but no way it's that simple."
Y/n: "heh, well. I'm just that good."
Bow: "haha, well whatever it is, it's awesome. Maybe you can teach me a thing or 2 one day."
Y/n: "hah, maybe. That's if you can handle it that is."
81Please respect copyright.PENANAZesx1cKO58
This causes Bow to let out a small but low laugh before focusing back onto the road. With his attention now away from him, Y/n has his smile turn into a small frown, before looking down at the ground.
81Please respect copyright.PENANACT2lykdUAY
Clone Catra (flashback): "Now, let's see what the famed Grim Reaper of the Horde can really do." in a lower tone so only he can hear her, "or should I say, what a Kiryu can do."
Y/n: he then narrows his eyes, "how the hell did she know about that?" he then looks up at Adora and Catra with his eyes, "about a secret that i will take to my grave, one i'll never tell those 2. the only once who knew about it was Hordak and....... them."
Adora: "so beautiful."
Catra: "woah, no kidding."
81Please respect copyright.PENANAigX1QwOKRi
When the boy looked up, he saw something that even he couldn't help but to be amazed at. He saw an odd but beautiful castle, surrounded by tall mountains, one of which having a large waterfall coming off of it. In front of the castle was a tall tower like structure and on the top of it was some kind of glowing gem.
81Please respect copyright.PENANA6pg5wdBVUl
Glimmer: "welcome to bright moon."
Y/n: "well damn, color me impressed. It's a pretty big upgrade in the looks department."
Adora: "I'll say."
Glimmer: she then lets out an exhausted sigh, "okay, I need to go up to that gem over there so i can recharge...... then deal with my mom....... ughh, this will be fun." she was about to walk away with the horse but then stops, "oh, Bow? Maybe you should take them through the back way."
Bow: snaps his fingers, "oh, right. Good call."
Adora: "wait what's this back way?" Catra then forms a cheeky smile, "and im not talking about the perverted one." this causes Catra to playfully pout.
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[Mini Timeskip]
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Adora: "this is the back way?!"
81Please respect copyright.PENANAtSysZE9I4Z
The camera then pans up to reveal a very high as hell cliff face and at the top was the main castle. Bow then looks behind him to look at the others.
81Please respect copyright.PENANAyyqlUTvXW7
Bow: "yeah, it's weird I know, but we do this sorta thing all the time. Trust me, its fun."
Adora: slumps a little "doesn't look it."
Catra: she then slowly crouches down with her claws out, "speak for yourself. This looks like fun to me."
Adora: she then quickly looks at her, "because you have claws!..... and part cat!"
Y/n: "I'm with Catra."
Adora: whips her head to look at the boy, "and your just plain weird."
Y/n: "I won't deny that but here."
81Please respect copyright.PENANAsJ10GjJ12d
The boy then turns away from Adora and crouches down slightly. She then looks at him with a blush on her face but then nods at him. She then gets on his back and wraps her arms around his neck. He blushes slightly as he can feel her chest pressing against his back.
81Please respect copyright.PENANABIy8MWhp8H
Adora: "t-thanks."
Catra: she does her best to hide her jealousy, "hehe, light weight."
Adora: "kiss my ass!"
Catra: "tsk tsk, such a naughty mouth you have." but now in a more hushed tone, "maybe one day, hehe,"
Adora: she raises her eyebrow, "What was that?"
Catra: "ohhh, nothing./ whoops, that was supposed to stay inside my head."
81Please respect copyright.PENANAeroFcJ6gbf
We now see as Bow is climbing the cliff face with relative ease, while Catra seems to be having a blast climbing it. She jumps from edge to edge, clawing at it like it was second nature to her. Then we can see a Y/n is climbing the mountain with Adora holding onto him pretty tightly, but he doesn't seem to mind much.
81Please respect copyright.PENANAhoSQ9mfwMN
Adora: "sorry I'm being such a bother."
Y/n: "it's no problem Adora. You're not used to climbing such steep cliffs as Catra and I are."
Adora: "s-still. Aren't I weighting you down?"
Y/n: "not really, your not that heavy. Besides, helping each other isn't a burden at all." she then softly smiles at him, "no hold on tight, I'm about to go a little faster"
81Please respect copyright.PENANAP4aluzfZOs
The boy then braces his feet onto the edge that he was standing on and proceeds to jump up and grab onto a different ledge. He does this repeatably, which causes Adora to scream in fear as comedic tears fall from her eyes. Catra looks downs and sees this, causing her to laugh at Adora but then sees Y/n passing by her, which he does with a wink. This causes her competitive side to come out as she now begins to do the same. The pair race up to the top of the mountain as fast as they could but, in the end, it was Catra who win.
81Please respect copyright.PENANAMfayV2iet3
Catra: jumps over the windows edge and throws her hands up, "I win!" when she puts her arms down and looks behind her, we can see her breathing slightly hard.
Y/n: he then climbs through the window, slightly out of breath, "you got lucky, that's all."
Catra: she then leans in closer with a cheeky smile, "you sound like a sore loser Y/n...... is Adora alright?"
81Please respect copyright.PENANAjfcL1hcOja
The boy then looked behind him to see Adora clinging onto him for dear life. She was clearing shaking in fear and mumbling 'I thought I was going to die.' he then nervously chuckled before helping him off of him and pets her head.
81Please respect copyright.PENANAHSAOXlX1TX
Y/n: "sorry about that Adora, guess my competitiveness got the best of me."
Adora: "never...... I and mean...... ever....... do that....... again."
Y/n: "hehe, no promises."
Adora: "I mean-hey!"
81Please respect copyright.PENANAVd71Vo4UCr
Suddenly, a blanket gets thrown onto Adora, then onto Catra and finally Y/n but, unlike the other 2, he caught his with a single hand.
81Please respect copyright.PENANA8zZBWcM29h
Y/n: "uhhhh, what's there for?"
Bow: "nothing, no reason at all."
Adora: takes off the blanket, "are you trying to hide us?"
Bow: his voice then cracks a little, "w-what, n-noooo. Don't be silly."
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[Gem Bridge]
81Please respect copyright.PENANA4UN4RCh8zR
We now see as Glimmer has arrived at the bridge that leads to the tower that is holding onto that large gem that floats above it. She then dismounts the horse and is about to head towards it, but-
81Please respect copyright.PENANAoM9Ycwyeft
Angella: "Glimmer!" this causes said girl to jolt a little, "and where have you been young lady?"
Glimmer: "h-hey..... mom."
Angella: "the whole kingdom has been worried sick about you, including me! What were you thinking?"
Glimmer: "mom!"
Angella: "how could you be so selfish and disobedient! Do you know-" her daughter then faints into her arms, "Glimmer!"
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[Mini Timeskip]
81Please respect copyright.PENANA32tGbiUsmT
We now see as the mother and daughter pair on the tower like structure that holds onto their runestone, aka the gem. We can see as Glimmer is laying underneath it, with her mother sitting beside her. After a few more moments, Glimmer finally begins to stir and groan.
81Please respect copyright.PENANAJgfk2qKjKg
Angella: "how are you feeling?"
Glimmer: "like utter crap but fine."
Angella: "don't think this gets you out of trouble young lady. You didn't even take the time to recharge before you left"
Glimmer: "I didn't think i would be out that long."
Angella: "where did you go anyways?"
Glimmer: "alright, this will be a wild one. Bow and i found this piece of super powerful First One tech in the Whispering Woods. We thou-no, we knew it could help with the rebellion. So we wanted to go and get it and bring it back........ buuuut we got a little....... side tracked. Its fine and totally under control, but we found something even better!"
Angella: raises an eyebrow, "and that is?"
Glimmer: "I can't tell you yet, It's something you have to see to believe, but you're gonna love it. i promise!"
Angella: clearly getting a little annoyed, "GlimmeRrRrRrR"
Glimmer: "wait right there!" she begins to run off.
Angella: "we're not done here young lady..... Glimmer....... Glimmer!"
81Please respect copyright.PENANAnjPB9AmtS9
We then see back into Glimmers room where Adora and Catra was sitting near the window on some kind of sofa. Both looked bored as all hell while waiting for Glimmer to return, while Y/n was leaning against a wall with both of his arms crossed, his head down, and his eyes closed. All the while Bow is sneakily looking out the door with shifty eyes. Getting a closer look at Y/n, we can see his eyelids begin to shake and shift. In his head, he sees shadowy creatures, a man with long silver hair, some unknown land, a medal city, a woman who seemingly can control the elements and a mask man in front of an army. Then he sees the ocean, a strange looking ship with a goat head, a woman with short orange hair, a woman with long blue hair, and then giants and a man with the number 3 on his head. Then he saw a strange world, a broken moon, strange looking monsters, and 4 girls standing before them, each, with a different weapon in hand. His brow begins to lower as if he was having some kind of nightmare, then the image of the same strange key shaped blade appears in his mind that slowly gets closer and closer to him.
81Please respect copyright.PENANA0scUgwyKFB
??? (mind): "find the key, fiiiiiind the keyyyy. Trust the out worlders, let them guide you, save the omniverse. It is, your destiny."
81Please respect copyright.PENANAkDpSKmuAQb
The boy then shoots open his eyes and looks around rapidly but sees he's back in Glimmers room. He then breathes a sigh of relief before looking at Bow trying to be sneaky with how he looks around. Catra looks at him with concern look on her face, but then Adora says something.
81Please respect copyright.PENANAzPR4AQDPVc
Adora: "okaaaaaay, I think we get it. I'm guessing the people of Bright Moon aren't going to be the most welcoming of people towards 3 Horde soldiers then how you made it sound, huh?"
Bow: "aaaaaaaa..... maybe just a little."
Catra: she then crosses her arms, "how little?"
Bow: "think pitchforks and torches bad, that kind of thing."
81Please respect copyright.PENANAnqI4UiSP2S
This causes them both to groan, while Y/n just huffs in an almost mocking tone. Bow then closes the door and walks towards the girls.
81Please respect copyright.PENANAmn6b6OYyOW
Bow: "look, its just that the people of Bright Moon have been hurt pretty bad by the Horde. Everyone has lost someone close to them in this war. You can't blame them for being a little suspicious."
Adora: she then looks down, "sorry."
Bow: he then crouches down, "hey, it's not your fault. Once they get you know you.... all of you, im sure the people of Bright Moon can trust you. Just like Glimmer and I have already-*shrieks like a girl*"
81Please respect copyright.PENANAxZGzI1xWRf
In that instant, and scarring the shit out of Bow, Glimmer teleports beside him.
81Please respect copyright.PENANADhayK5tFQ1
Y/n: he then looks at Bow, "you gotta get used to it man. I already did."
Glimmer: "I'm here! Okay, everyone remain calm, but my mom is on her way here. So play it cool."
Adora & Catra: "what?!"
Y/n: "this....... won't end well."
Glimmer: "I said don't panic!!" she then straightens up, "don't worry guys, she'll love you. Adora, all you gotta do is take that sword and transform into She-Ra, before she gets here. As for Catra and Y/n well, she'll trust Adora so she'll trust you 2....... I hope."
Y/n: "wooooooow, thanks for the vote of confidence."
Bow: "wait, we're going to jump straight into the She-Ra form for your mom?..... are you sure about this?"
Glimmer: "yeah, I doubt my mom will buy the whole, 'hey mom, we found some Horde soldiers, can we keep them? Trust me, you can trust them.' thing." she then places her hands on her hips, "i know my mom is gonna love She-Ra. We can ease her into the whole Horde thing later. At least one of you doesn't look like a Horde soldier."
Adora & Catra: "hey!"
Glimmer: she then quickly whips her head around to look at them, "how did you know i was talking about you 2?" this causes the pair to look away in embarrassment and Y/n to cheekily smile at them.
Adora: "ahem, anyways. Glimmer, I don't know if i can just 'turn on' She-Ra." this causes Catra to cheekily look at Adora, who then quickly looks at her with her hands down on her side like a child, "you know what I mean!" she then straightens back up, "I've only done it when someone was in danger, and it felt..... i don't know, out of control last time. Like I wasn't myself. I'm still trying to figure all of this out and how it works."
Glimmer: "pffffft, how hard could it be? Sword, magic words, then poof! She-Ra."
Y/n: "Glimmer, I doubt a sword made by the First Ones that can somehow metamorphize someone is that-"
Glimmer: "oh come on! She'll do great! I believe in you. Bow and I will buy you as much time as we can. Just hang out here with the sword and think...... She-Ra-y thoughts. You got this!"
Bow: "we will do wha-"
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Suddenly Glimmer hugged Bow with a big smile on her face and teleports them away. This leaves the trio in Glimmers room all on their own.
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Mess In the Village
Catra: "sooooo, what now?"
Adora: she then lets out a sigh, "I guess I could give this a try." she then takes a hold of the sword and straightens in front of her, "for honer of gray-"
81Please respect copyright.PENANAcVzINz7wFv
But right when she takes one step, she ends up slipping on a loose bit of rug. This causes her to trip over it and fall to the floor. She then grunts before grabbing the sword while she's getting up.
81Please respect copyright.PENANAJeMINMEFL3
Adora: "thanks for the help."
Catra: crosses her arms with a cheeky smile, "oh, you were doing so great. I didn't want to ruin your glorious moment, all mighty She-Ra. kekekeke."
Adora: "don't you 'keke' me missy!" quickly looks at Y/n, "and what's your excuse mister?!"
Y/n: "oh, nothing. I thought you were doing pretty great....... mighty She-Ra." he forms a cheeky grin on his face.
81Please respect copyright.PENANAUHRTDwARc4
This causes Adoras face to turn red with anger as she begins to let out a low growling noise but Catra and Y/n couldn't help but snicker. She then crosses her arms and looks away with a huff but then hears the sound of a horse neighing outside. When she looks outside, she sees the same odd horse as before, she then lets out a loud gasp and looks excited.
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[Mini Timeskip]
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Y/n: "Adora...... this isn't a good idea."
81Please respect copyright.PENANAnDyboBOCmz
We now see as the trio are now outside. Adora and Catra can be seen wearing sleeveless hooded robes while Y/n was wearing a simple detached hood, do to his outfit not having a Horde symbols on it. We can then see that the same horse as before is eating some grass. Adora wastes no time getting close to it and hugs its neck.
81Please respect copyright.PENANAPLlffHcz8U
Adora: "Horsey!"
Catra: "Horsey? Really?"
Adora: "whaaaaaat? It's a cute name. Besides, out here. I can actually have some room to move in."
Y/n: "face it Adora, there are better names then Horsey."
Adora: she then playfully sticks out her tongue, "you guys suck. Anyways. Time for something cool." she then takes a deep breath before raising the sword into the air, "for honor of Grayskull!"
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The sword does actually began to glow for a few seconds but then the light dims down just as quickly. The horse then looks at her with a raised eyebrow.
81Please respect copyright.PENANAkTIrBrimZN
Catra: she then folds her arms with a cocky smirk on her face, "amaaaaaaaaazing Adora. Really putting on quite the performance."
Adora: "oh will you just can it! Let me try it again. For honor of Grayskull!!"
81Please respect copyright.PENANA2rSj7cLPTW
Again, nothing was happening. This causes the horse to whin and turn away to continue eating some grass. This causes Adora to let out an annoyed sigh.
81Please respect copyright.PENANAt2tBdo2zDG
Adora: in a deeper voice, "for the honor of Grayskull!" in her normal voice, "for the honor of Grayskull!", she then whispers at the sword, "for the honor of Grayskull!" she then starts to swing the sword wildly, "for..... honor...... of........ Grayskull!!" she then lets out a frustrated grunt, "for honor of Grayskull." she then sits on the grass and balls up by hugging her legs, "for honor of Grayskull blah blah blah." she then sighs in defeat.
81Please respect copyright.PENANABLVrVxh1Eh
Catra and Y/n then look at each other before looking back at Adora in concern. So they both decided to walk up to her and sat on opposite sides of her. Then they each put an arm on her back and lean in close. She then leans into the embrace with a small smile on her face.
81Please respect copyright.PENANAKdVGxb3k4K
Catra: "hey, you got this."
Y/n: "yeah, we're here for you all the way. I'm sure you can figure this all out. It's like you said, we got each other's backs. No matter what."
Adora: "thanks guys, but its just...... Glimmer is counting on me and yet, when it matters the most, i cant do it." she then grabs the sword and looks at it with an angry expression on her face, "come on you, stupid sword! Do your thing already!" she then stud up, forcing the other 2 to back away, "for honor of Grayskull!!"
81Please respect copyright.PENANAASUgyfQK5l
The sword then finally begins to glow again, which caught the trio off guard, but then it starts to shoot beams of energy in random directions. This causes Y/n and Catra to quickly move out of the way, the one of those beams manages to hit the horse, which shocks them.
81Please respect copyright.PENANAT6NxhGWEsQ
Adora: "Horsey, nooooo!"
81Please respect copyright.PENANAqjJ9GSrWKC
The horse began to glow until it was completely covered in a golden light. Then its glowing silhouette begins to morph. It appears the horse was growing a single horn on its head and a large pair of wings. When the light finally fades, it reveals the horse was now a pure white color, had rainbow wings, an almost fire textured mane and a single golden horn on its forehead. The trio then look on in pure shock.
81Please respect copyright.PENANA1XAD38YTIy
Y/n: "okay..... the fuck!"
Catra: "I....... what?"
Adora: "okay....... that's new."
81Please respect copyright.PENANAO2ucKUHDd8
The horse then has a look of shock on its face before it then begins to panic. It starts to jump and kick, all the while neighing in panic.
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Adora: "Horsey, it's okay!"
Y/n: "Adora! Calm it down before it-"
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In its state of panic, the horse then runs towards a nearby village. This causes Adora and Catra to run after it, leaving Y/n behind.
81Please respect copyright.PENANAxmZjCOgl5q
Y/n: slumps over with a 'really' face, "....... does that. This won't end well..... will it?"
81Please respect copyright.PENANACokpWbaLov
We now see into a nearby village. Things were calm and peaceful, people just enjoying their lives. That is, until said horse comes literally crashing in. this causes the people to look on in confusion, until it gets up and begins to run around, destroying anything in its path. This then causes the people to panic and move out of the way. Adora and Catra then comes in and sees the damage its starting to cause.
81Please respect copyright.PENANAaS1gnG88no
Adora: "no, no, wait! Horsey calm down!"
Catra: "Adora, we need to get that horse under control. It can seriously hurt someone!"
Adora: "I know I know!"
81Please respect copyright.PENANAysMM6hwlqr
In its panicked state, the horse gets its head stuck in a basket and panics even more. It then tries to fly off, which then causes Adora and Catra to try and stop it, but then the horse flew over them. The winds from its wings, causes their robes to get blown off. It then continues to fly away in panic, barely able to stay in the air.
81Please respect copyright.PENANAgUgTwWOu2Y
Adora: "no wait, come back!"
Catra: "shit, Adora. We got bigger problems right now!"
Adora: "what?"
Woman 1: "Horde soldiers......"
81Please respect copyright.PENANAYj0SfvJxNb
In the background, people can be seen chatting with each other and pointing at the duo. This then caught the attention of one of the villages guards.
81Please respect copyright.PENANA6OZ2dVGVYE
Female Bright Moon Soldier 1: "Horde soldiers!"
Adora: "no wait, you don't understand!" the soldier then takes a swing at her, which she blocks, "just listen to me!"
81Please respect copyright.PENANA0vRCFbC8rR
Another one then snuck up on Catra and tried to attack her from behind, but she was fast enough to block it. Then a 3rd one showed up and tried to take a swing at Adora, but before his attack could land, Y/n got between them. He was able to block his attack by forming an x with his arms to stop the movement of his arm by pressing them up against his wrist. The boy then grabbed the soldiers wrist, turned around, put the mans arm on his shoulder and tosses him over his shoulder with enough force to throw him into a nearby tent.
81Please respect copyright.PENANA8t3TwWsqYN
Catra: "took you long enough."
Y/n: "sorry, traffic was a bitch. Besides, how did you 2 get into this mess anyways? i left you 2 alone for like, what, 10 seconds?"
Male Bright Moon Soldier 1: "enough!"
81Please respect copyright.PENANAYtUYrkjdhv
The man then tried to attack Y/n with his free arm, while he wasn't looking but what could best be described as his body moving on its own, he grabbed the mans wrist without even looking.
81Please respect copyright.PENANA5OPw1SMaBD
Male Bright Moon Soldier 1: "w-what?!"
Y/n: "how about you don't yell when you make your next move. Not only does it make you sound stupid but it also...... ANNOUNCES YOUR NEXT MOVE!!!"
81Please respect copyright.PENANAAo30ZAvUXg
In one swift movement, the boy spun around, forcing the man to be pulled forward. He then pulled out his short blade and uses the bottom of the handle to hit him hard in his gut. This causes the man to cough up saliva before falling to the ground.
81Please respect copyright.PENANADM72N1xEjl
Y/n: "we got to move, now!"
Catra: "right behind you. Come on Adora!"
Adora: "but-hey!"
81Please respect copyright.PENANAylvxPeqZMK
As Catra ran, she grabbed Adora by her wrist and ran with her in tow. Right behind them was Y/n, who would block any attack that came their way. As they ran, they didn't see the cliff in front of them and fell down its side. Y/n manged to recover and slide down it. He then jumps into the air and lands at the bottom of the hill, before the other 2 could reach it. When they were close, he manages to reach out his arms and catch them both before they could land in the river below them.
81Please respect copyright.PENANAQnWPeNyCJN
Adora: "thanks Y/n"
Catra: "yeah, nice save as always."
Y/n: "no problem but we got go." he then lets them go and looks up the cliff to see people standing on top of it.
Woman 1: "get them!"
Woman 2: "don't let them escape!"
Woman 1: "move, now!"
81Please respect copyright.PENANACikHUViKHs
The trio then quickly recovers and try to run away but then a volley of arrows that comes their way. Y/n then slides to a stop and turns as he does so. Then he looks at them with a cocky smirk on his face.
81Please respect copyright.PENANAQuIG9nrOSP
Y/n: "hehe, arrows? Such childs play." he then takes out one of his short swords, "I don't want to embarrass them to bad here. So this will do."
81Please respect copyright.PENANAKfECrm3Xfz
Without using his second short sword, he begins to systematically take out each and every arrow that came his way, with such little ease. Cutting each one in half horizontally............ the arrow head included.
81Please respect copyright.PENANArPd2D1kEtM
Woman 1: "w-what?"
Woman 2: "impossible."
Man 1: "he took them all out by cutting them in half!"
Y/n: he then sticks out his tongue while pulling down his right eyelid with his free hand, "bleghhhh, suck it losers!"
81Please respect copyright.PENANA8ohxNI1VNa
As the trio then began to run away. The scene then shifts to the inside of the Bright Moon Castle. We can see Angella walking down one of the castles many hallways, with an annoyed expression on her face. We can also see she's been led by Glimmer and Bow, both of whom had a smile on their faces.
81Please respect copyright.PENANAlShb12pvP4
Angella: "for the last time you 2. what is this grand surprise that I'm 'supposed' to be impressed by?"
Glimmer: "you'll see soon mom, I promise." she then looks at Bow, "hey Bow. Can you go on ahead and make sure our little surprise is ready for her?"
Bow: solutes, "you got it princess." he then runs down the hallway, ahead of the others.
Angella: "I like that Bow boy."
Glimmer: she then smugly looks at her mom, "i know you do mom, and you're going to love this surprises even more. Hehe."
Bow: he quickly runs back and drags Glimmer to the side, "so....... we got a problem."
Glimmer: "which is?"
Female Guard: she runs up to the queen, "your majesty. Horde spies were discovered by the Bright Moon grounds, near the local village."
Bow: whispers, "maybe it isn't them."
Female Guard: "they attacked our troops and fled."
Glimmer: whispers, "please don't be them, please don't be them."
Female Guard: "and one of them, a male, was extremely skilled, beyond anything I've seen. He was even able to slice arrows mid-flight."
Glimmer & Bow: *INTERNAL PANIC!*
Female Guard: "they managed to escape that's to the help of a strange winged horse like creature."
Angella: instantly whips her head around, "what did you do?!"
81Please respect copyright.PENANA4afNxjnAdD
Meeting Razz
[The Fright Zone]
81Please respect copyright.PENANAPnipatfQC8
The scene then shifts into the Fright Zone. As the camera pans around, we can see inside one of the many cadet locker rooms. Inside, we can see Rogelio, Kyle and Lonnie, as well as other cadets.
* But Clone Catra isn't there yet.
81Please respect copyright.PENANAoRjdf9nOy9
Lonnie: "im tellin you. This new princess is no joke. She managed to wipe the floor with our whole recon squad. i heard she was at least twelve feet tall and took down every single one of our machines like it was nothing........ with just a sword."
Female Cadet: "well, did you actually see her tho?"
Lonnie: "well........ no but that's a good thing. We were lucky we got out with our lives."
Female Cadet: "hah, what a joke. No way she exists."
Lonnie: "it's true."
Male Cadet: leans against one of the lockers, "well. i heard an interesting rumor too. That the one with her was actually Y/-"
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Lonnies eyes then widen but then instantly turn into anger. She then walks up to the man, grabs him by his collar and slams him against the locker with her teeth gritted. This sudden action shocks the others.
81Please respect copyright.PENANAIhA2PkJrwF
Lonnie: "don't you DARE speak that way about him, ever! He's not a deserter. You know how closer he and Catra are. He would NEVER willingly leave her behind."
Male Cadet: "i-its just a rumor but who else could defeat an army by himself and deflect the bullets? He fits the bill."
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Lonnies eyes then shook for a moment before looking down. She then forcefully lets go of the man before walking away and towards her friends. In the shadows, Clone Catra can be seen in the shadows with a smirk on her face. When she walks out from the shadows, her expression changes to one of sadness/ the trio of friends then notice her, with Lonnies face becoming more soft.
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Lonnie: "Catra."
Clone Catra: "time for some fun./ just leave it. I know they're wrong about him. Y/n isn't like that. Besides, that so-called 'princess' is like any other, just sparkles and no substance. She just caught us off guard, that's all."
Lonnie: "really? You were the only one who saw her up close, and you couldn't even hit her?" she then folds her arms with a skeptical look on her face, "did you freeze up? That's not like you."
Clone Catra: "good, the cover story is working./ heh, like I would be scared of some princess. I can easily take her anytime I wish." she then sighs and places her hand on her other arm and looks away, "It's just that this whole thing with Adora and Y/n missing is....... I don't know. It's messing with me. i don't know where they are or what happened to them. i........ don't know." she then shakes her head and looks down.
Lonnie: "Catra......... look we know they aren't the type to desert us. Something ba-"
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Just before she could finish talking, she looks at Clone Catra and sees she's about to cry. This causes her to walk up to her and hug her.
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Lonnie: "no, i'm sure they are okay. I bet they're trying their hardest to get back to you. I'm sure of it."
Clone Catra: "t-thanks." she leans her head on Lonnies shoulders and forms an evil smile, which the others can't see, "i just hope they're okay." she then returns to her sad look and moves away, "i got to go. I'm........ going to get some sleep."
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As she walks away and into the shadows, allows its veil to obscure her figure. With her now being unseen by the others, she forms an absolutely evil smile on her face.
81Please respect copyright.PENANAXnFnhdH3WL
Clone Catra: "HAHAHAHAHAH!! Those fools. Manipulating the weak is so much fun. Hahaha, ohhh im going to enjoy playing with them more and more. Then the looks on their faces when they find out the truth. Ohhhhhhh, I can't wait for that but i have to. The longer I do, the better it will be." she then rubs her stomach in a circular motion, "almost as much as I can't wait to have fun with you....... Yyyyy/n. Hehehahahahahaaaa. It still aches you know. It can't wait to feel that again but this time, much deeper. YAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAA!!!"
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[The Whispering Woods]
81Please respect copyright.PENANAUyLWhqNvTL
We then see into a different part of the Whispering Woods, behind a downed tree. Then we can see Adora and Catra jumping over said tree, then Y/n wasn't far behind them. All 3 looked over the trees edge to see if anyone followed them. They looked and saw no one did fallow them, causing the 3 to then crouch behind the tree fully.
81Please respect copyright.PENANADCSt57umQM
Adora: "damn it, im so stupid. i just HAD to go outside. Bow even warned me about how they would react. i even dragged you to into this."
Catra: she then shrugs her shoulders, "meh, we would've followed you anyways."
Y/n: "that is how we got into this whole mess to begin with."
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Adora looks at them and smiles for a moment but then sees the stone in the sword begin to glow for a moment. This causes her to get angry at it.
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Adora: "what do you want from me now?! Haven't I done enough for you?! Piece of junk!" she then stud up and points the sword into the air, "for the honor of Grayskull?" when nothing happens, she just slumps over in almost defeat, "just what is wrong with you?"
Catra: she then puts her hand on Adoras shoulder, "hey, you got this."
Y/n: "yeah, we just need to figure out why it isn't working. Clearly something is different between now and then. But we'll do what we all do. Figuring it out-"
Catra & Y/n: "together."
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Adora then smiles at them before hugging Catra, who then returns the hug. Catra then looks at Y/n and forms a cheeky grin on her face before outstretching her hand. He sees this and blushes while looking away.
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Catra: "come on 'tough guy'. What, afraid of a simple hug?"
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The boy then quickly looks at Catras smug look on her face, causing his eyebrow to twitch in annoyance. He then walks towards them and joins in on the hug. This causes Adora to lean into the embrace even more with a smile on her face.
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??? (mind): "the answer is closer than you think. Just open your mind and see the truth."
Y/n: his eyes then open and looks around with his eyes, "what are you-" he then mentally sighs, "right when I thought I gotten rid of you and your stupid cryptic bullshit. You bother me, twice."
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However, this warm moment was short-lived, as all 3 heard some kind of metal clanging like noise the sounded as if it was close by.
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Adora: she then looks up, "Horsey? Is that you, have you come back to me?"
Y/n: he uses his head to look to his side, "i doubt it. When he left, he didn't have any metal on him. They all fell off."
Catra: her ears then twitch, which causes her to take a small whiff in the air, "something's odd, there's no one nearby."
81Please respect copyright.PENANA3kGbNgfAqy
When the trio looked over a different log, they noticed a small hut nearby. It appears to be made out of the roots of the tree the rests above it. They then see........ and odd looking older woman walking out with a broom in her hands. Once she's outside, she begins to sweep the area around her, but she then stops and begins to talk to herself.
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Razz: "hm, did you hear something? Yes I did too....... who's out there?! I know you're there!"
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The trio then looked at each other before nodding. Then they slowly walk out from the bushes and go towards the older woman.
81Please respect copyright.PENANA3QYqNdUp8W
Adora: "sorry, we didn't mean to..... uhh...... intrude but have you seen a flying horse around here?"
Razz: "horse?"
Catra: "yeah, white fur, orange and red mane, rainbow wings, a golden horn on its head."
Y/n: "you can't miss it."
Razz: she then lifts her glasses up and squints her eyes but then puts them back down, "oh Mara. Is that you dearie?! It's about time you got here. Come, come. There's no time to waste. Let's get going already." she then walks into her little hut.
Y/n: looks at Adora with a raised eyebrow, "do you know this crazy old bat?"
Adora: "y/n, that's rude but no I don't." she then walks into the hut with the others, "have you been waiting for me?"
Razz: she then lets out a soft chuckle, "we made plans to pick some berries today. Don't you remember?"
Y/n: "are you sure you don't know her? She seems to know you."
Adora: "I honestly don't. This is the first time we met but look lady. You must be mistaking me for someone else. I don't know who you are."
Razz: she looks over her shoulder, "no..... you don't know madame Razz...... do you? Mmmm, your not quite the same as before. This must be the wrong time for my Mara..... isn't it? Now you got the sword instead." she then looks passed Adora, "but i see you got the key too. Very good."
Adora: "hey..... what key? I don't have a key. Wait, what were you just talking about?"
Razz: "ahh! Well, nevermind. Your here now and we can get some berries now." she then goes back to whatever it was she was doing.
Y/n: "its official, this old bat has gone insane."
??? (mind): "the key is near, seek it. The time draws near. The woman of old and the shinning princess will guide you to your true destiny."
Y/n: "tch, your pretty chatty today aren't yah? Just fuck off whatever you are!"
Razz: she then side eyes at Y/n, "you should listen to it more often. It's only trying to help. The king can only do so much."
Y/n: his eyes open wide, "w-what?" this causes the other 2 to look at him in confusion.
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We now see into a different part of the Whispering Woods. We can see as the trio, being led by the older woman, walking around. However, we notice that Y/n is dragging behind the others as he glares at the older woman named Razz.
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Y/n: "how in the hell did she know it was talking to me? And what does she mean by 'the king can only do so much'? Does she know who the voice is?" he then narrows his eyes at the older woman, "I'm starting to get the feeling this old bat is more than what's being led on."
Adora: "hey, huuuuuh, you said something about this sword and some kind of key. Have you seen it before?"
Razz: she lets out a small chuckle, "don't ask such silly questions Mara. You know you bring that sword around here all the time."
Y/n: he then forms a deadpan expression, "nevermind. This old bat is insane."
Catra: she gets closer to Y/n and whispers, "im getting the feeling this old woman is off her meds."
Y/n: he then whispers back, "yeah, I'm getting that too."
Adora: I'm not-okay, whatever. How long have you lived out here all alone anyways?
Razz: "me? Alone? Oh, no dearie. I'm never alone I've got the broom right here and my good friend Loo-Kee, too! But he's always hiding in the weirdest of places." this causes all 3 to form a deadpan expression on their faces.
Adora: "oooooh, great. She's got imaginary friends now."
Y/n & Catra: "yup. Totally insane."
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The Resolve to Fight
As they walked around, the camera pans over and goes up the length of a strange looking metallic structure that towards over the trees.
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Adora & Catra: "woah."
Y/n: "no kidding."
Razz: "ah! Here we are."
Adora: looks up at the structure, "I...... I think I've seen this place before."
Catra: "really?"
Adora: "I think so but...... It's hard to explain it. i think it's a First Ones ruin."
Razz: she then begins to climb up the structure, "this place is the best place to pick up some fresh berries! Hahaha!"
Catra & Y/n: "woah!"
Y/n: "springy old bat."
Adora: she outstretches her hands, "be careful up there! It's not safe!"
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As Razz continues to climb up the structure, he slowly begins to glow. This causes the trios eyes to widen. Once Razz finally reached the top of it and places her hand on the ledge. A blast of light hits her, causing her to fall off of it. Adora reaches fast and manages to catch her. Y/n and Catra look around and notice that not just the main structure but the others around them as well, began to be bathed in an odd green colored light.
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Razz: she lets out a small chuckle, "oh, dearie me! That was quite the tumble."
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Light begins to flash from the top of the tallest ruin and when it finally dies down, stars appears in the sky.
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Adora: "stars?"
Y/n: "okay, you gotta admit. This is pretty cool"
Catra: "yeah, kinda reminds me of the day we made our promise."
Razz: "oh, we used to come back here and looks at the stars all the time. Don't you remember Mara? They're all gone now. What happens to the stars?"
Adora: "I've....... seen them before, I know them somehow but..... why?"
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Suddenly, flashes of some kind of memories flood Adoras mind, then she can hear the sound of a baby giggling. When the visions finally subside, Adora grips her head in pain. This causes Catra to hold her shoulders, all the while Razz eats some crunchy sounding berries, completely unfazed by everything. Y/n then looks around, almost as if he's getting the feeling that something isn't right but doesn't see anything, this is show as the camera pans around the ground, looking up the tallest structure. Right as he looks away, a blurry figure rushes past the camera.
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Adora: "what....... what's happening to me? What is all of this?" she then looks at Razz eating another berry, "look, I know you brought us here for a reason. If you know something about this sword. Then just tell me! Stop this cryptic bullshit!"
Razz: "I brought you here to pick some berries, but your basket is still empty. Now come on silly."
Adora: "whoa!" Razz then grabs her arm and begins to drag her along, leaving Catra and Y/n to follow behind them.
Y/n: "I hate it when old farts do this stupid shit. If they know something, then just spill it. Instead of this beating around the bush bullshit. That's IF she actually knows anything, but I'm seriously begging to doubt that."
Catra: "I know right? Why do old people do this all the time? Just tell people what you know instead of waiting until its to late or something bad happens."
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[The Fright Zone]
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We then see into one of the cadet barracks. We then see as Clone Catra walks in and begins to look around but doesn't look pleased with what she's seeing.
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Clone Catra: "tch, this is where they live? No wonder those fools defected...... and why our forces are so pitiful." she then looks around some more, "and there's no privacy either. I don't want to put on a show for those fools when I finally get my claws on Y/n."
Shadow Weaver: she then enters the room, "Catra."
Clone Catra: "tch, this old bat./ what do you want?"
Shadow Weaver: "your as impertinent as always I see. With such a grand failure under your belt. It would do you some good to show some respect cadet."
Clone Catra: "guess I still need to put on a show./ I did what you told me to do. YOU'RE the one who didn't warn us that a princess would appear."
Shadow Weaver: "I gave you a simple task, bring Adora and Y/n back but, instead, your squadron was ravage, your war machines were all but destroyed AND those 2 are still MISSING!! Honestly, with how close you are to those 2, I figured you work harder to do your job, but I guess I was wrong." casing the clone to lower her head.
Clone Catra: she forms an evil smirk that Shadow Weaver cant see, "heheheheheee, you old fool. You still can tell the difference, huh? Hahahaa. If she pushes me to far, then no harm in letting her know her place. Even if its against masters orders." she then looks up with a defiant look on her face, "news flash you old fart. If they wanted to come back. Then they would have. They defected so you better face it and im starting to think they had to right idea. So maybe you should show ME some respect!"
Shadow Weaver: "lies!" the lights around them begins to flicker as an aura begins to surround her, "I'm out of patience with your-"
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Suddenly, the clones clicks her teeth before grabbing onto Shadow Weavers wrist, shocking her. She then pulls her in close and forms an evil look on her face.
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Clone Catra: "hahaha, you old fool. Just how stupid are you."
Shadow Weaver: "w-what?"
Clone Catra: uses her free hand to grab a hold of Weavers mask and tightens her grip, "you can't tell something wrong? Hahaha, just how stupid are you? Maybe you should take a closer look."
Shadow Weaver: her eyes then narrow but then widen when she gets a better look at the Clones eyes, "wait...... your-"
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[The Whispering Woods]
81Please respect copyright.PENANAvRO6w8m7Wl
Adora: "wait, will you just slow down?"
Y/n: "how can a short old bag like you run so fast?"
Catra: "no idea."
Razz: "eh? What was that dearie? I don't have my glasses on, so you'll need to speak up."
Catra & Y/n: "that's...... not how glasses work."
Adora: "look, i know you can hear me just fine. All I want....... I need you to tell me what to do!"
Razz: "haha, and how would madame Razz know what it is you should do?"
Y/n: "it's called being senile."
Adora: "shush. Look, we left our whole lives behind to look for answers. To find out where I came from and who im supposed to be. I even dragged them into this. The rebellion hates us, and we can't go back to the Horde. I want to do the right thing but I........ I just don't know what that is anymore."
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When they came to a clearing, they saw a field full of abandoned Horde war machines. They littered the scarred field as if it was formerly an intense battle zone. This causes Adora to gasp while Catra narrows her eyes and Y/n to look on with an angry expression on his face.
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Razz: "it's the same old story, dearie. Wicked people destroy what they can't control and hurt others because they can." she then looks at Y/n, "something you all will know soon. Now that your destinies are tied to the key."
Adora: "they can't do this!"
Y/n: "okay, maybe, just maybe, she knows more than she's letting on but if she does know something, why doesn't she just fucking spill it already?!"
Razz: "once, the princesses would protect us from evil but these days, they just stay in their little castles and protect themselves. Meanwhile, the Horde creeps ever closer...... and the darkness rises." she then looks at Adora, "you are like my Mara in many ways. Brave, strong, loyal but very afraid."
Adora: "heh, I'm not afraid."
Razz: "dearie, you ran into the woods and asked the first old woman you could find what it is you should do." she then walks up to one of the machines and places her hand on it, "no one is going to make this easier on you, dearies. Stop waiting for someone to tell you what the right thing to do is." she then looks at them, "your smart, what do you think? And I mean all of you, including the key bearer."
Adora: "key bearer? Like what Light Hope said?"
Y/n: "key...... bearer?/ wait, does she mean?-"
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The boy then takes a step back as his eyes begin to shake in fear and sweat begins to drip from his face. Catra and Adora notice this, so to help change the subject Adora begins to speak.
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Adora: "well, i think this is all wrong and i know they would agree too."
Catra: walks up to Y/n and places her hand on his shoulder, knocking him out of his fear induced state, "yeah, we all do."
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However, before more could be said, the sounds of a horse neighing fills the air. This catches everyone's attention.
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Adora: "Horsey?"
Razz: "huh?"
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The scene then shifts to a Horde camp. Inside, we can see the horse, or as Adora calls him, Horsey, being tied up by some Horde soldiers. It tries its best to break free, but the soldiers are proving too much for it.
The horse then finally breaks free from its restrains and gets ready to run, but then a large net is cast over him. With the added weight of the thick net, the horse could no longer stand. Causing it to fall to its side, still trying to break free, but it was all in vain. We can then see a large cliff face and on the top of it, we can see the trio and Razz, looking at the large encampment. Adora looks on and narrows her eyes. She then looks back at her 2 friends with a serious look on her face. The pair look back at her and nod, causing her to smile and do that same. Taking in a deep breath, she brings the sword close to her face and focuses on it before raising it high in the air.
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Adora: "For the honor of Grayskull!"
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A bright light envelops her body, covering her in a bright white color. Her figure then morphs and changes, gaining longer flowing hair, a cap, dress, and a crown. When the light disappears, we can see she has finally transformed into She-Ra. She then looks aback at her friends with a confident look on her face.
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Adora (She-Ra): "so, what are you 2 going to do?"
Catra: she then takes out her staff and extends it, "we'll be joining you of course." causing Adora to smile.
81Please respect copyright.PENANAeCfwnQYH3A
Then Y/n walks towards the edge and looks down at the people below. As he does, he can feel something pulsating in his chest.
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Adora (She-Ra): "Y/n?"
Catra: "you alright" in the background, Razz can be seen smiling.
Y/n: "there's...... something down there. Something....... dark."
Catra: "yeah, the Horde."
Y/n: "no, something....... else." another pulse is felt as his eyes turn white for just a second, "I can feel it."
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When the boy clenches his fists, a strange wispy white colored energy flows from his hand just for a second. The others didn't see this, but this second was just long enough for Razz to see it. When she does, this causes to let out a small smile.
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Y/n: he then turns to look at his friends, "if we do this, its official. We are traitors to the Horde."
Catra: she then places her staff on her shoulder with a cocky smirk, "where were you?"
Adora (She-Ra): she lets out a small giggle, "yeah, we already made that decision."
Y/n: he then returns there smile, "alright then but first-"
81Please respect copyright.PENANAZa07UjGWbv
We now see back at the ground where the soldiers were holding down the horse. Then we can see a rather large, almost sasquatch-esc looking man folding his arms and looking down at the horse.
81Please respect copyright.PENANAfEtjG2x0P4
Horde General: "keep those ropes nice and taut. We don't want it to try and run away now do yahs?"
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Then She-Ra lands just in front of them and easily and swiftly cuts the net off of the horse. This causes the horse then neighs and fly away but then 2 more figures land behind her, but we can't see who they are. These 2 figures were wearing hoods on their heads, long scarfs around their necks that flow in the wind and masks covering their mouths. These 2 then looks at the Horde soldiers and ready their respective weapons.
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Small Flashback
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Catra: "you want us to wear what?"
Y/n: "look, we need to think about this strategically. They don't know She-Ra is actually Adora, and we need to keep that a secret for now."
Adora (She-Ra): "but why?"
Y/n: he then folds his arms and looks at them, "we're taking part of a war, not a battle. Think of it like a chest game. We can't just go for the king, you need to take down the pawns first then work your way up. We can use the fact they don't know your She-Ra yet. If Catra and i show up beside you, then they'll know. Maybe not at first but eventually, they will."
Catra: "how does that make a difference and what about the fake me?"
Y/n: he then shakes his head, "I doubt she'll say anything Something tells me she's the type to keep it to herself or was ordered to. Her goal is us, i doubt she'll do anything to compromise that mission. Others knowing could get in her way. As for how it makes a difference, it's simple. It will allow us to roam more freely in Horde focused areas or in general. They want to take down She-Ra, but they want to bring us back. They'll come at her with more force than us."
Adora (She-Ra): "well, I guess you have a point. If we need to gather information, then knowing im She-Ra could cause us some trouble."
Y/n: "we have to be smart about this. No one knows the Hordes capabilities better than we do. They have an entire army at their disposal were as the rebellion only has a small handful of people able to fight. We need to play the long game."
Adora (She-Ra) & Catra: "right!"
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He then takes out his short blade and points it at them. The pair smile at him and do the same with their respective weapons, with one weapon on top of the other.
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Adora (She-Ra), Catra & Y/n: "for Etheria and her people!" the trio then raise their weapons high into the air.
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End of Flashback
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Adora (She-Ra): "shut down your machines, lay down your arms and leave this place! If you do that then no harm will come to you!"
Horde General: "hmmm, I think not missy....... Get her!"
Adora (She-Ra): she then crouches down "fine." she then looks behind her, "ready guys?" the pair look at her and nod at her, this causes her to smile and look forward, "alright, let's do this!"
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The trio then rush towards the large squadron of men with no fear at all. As weapon clash, steel bangs, sparks ignite, the camera slowly pans away from the battlefield. It then pans over to a large looking boulder. As it zooms closer and closer, a small lanky black looking hand is shown slowly reaching out from behind the boulder and touches it. Then a pure black figure slowly creeps out to reveal-
One of the very same creatures that appeared in Y/ns nightmare. The creature fully pokes out its head and looks closer towards the battle. The camera zooms in closer and closer into its yellow eyes until the battle could be seen reflecting off of the creatures eyes. Through its eye, we can see as Y/n is clashing swords with a Horde soldier as the sparks ignite from their clash. Then everything fades to black but, in the darkness, multiple bright yellow eyes can be seen shining through the shadows.
What will Y/n do now that his destiny has now arrived to his world? Will he crumble and fall under its enormous weight, or will he push on and fight for wants right? Only time...... will tell.
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-To Be Continued.
A/n: wow, i really have been doing this whole 'to be continued' stuff a lot, haven't I? Its not on purpose but I have to force myself to stop before it goes on for to long. I've also been thinking about maybe adding one or 2 more girls from the She-Ra world into the harem, but I haven't decided yet. If I do, it might be awhile before I do. However, im not adding Glimmer. I'm keeping her and Bow as an official pair, when it happens of course. And yes, if you couldn't tell, it's finally happening. The arcs title is about to happen soon and one more thing but no spoilers. Also, yup, you punched Clone Catra so hard that she became a yandere. I have plans for her, but I don't think I want to redeem her, but she'll become a constant threat and slowly get stronger. Welp, that's all I can think of. So I'll see you........ in the next chapter.