This one, the second Era of this world... the aptly called Age of Pursuit...215Please respect copyright.PENANA9OYOIs4ZVj
The Centra were gone but the world would continue, still bound to their will but215Please respect copyright.PENANAXXXM7juwSC
now without their guiding hand. Instead, it would be all that they had left behind that215Please respect copyright.PENANAEqZnYc9BOH
would now set a new curse for the world after them. Once the Centra had claimed this215Please respect copyright.PENANAvVOeQixAmm
world to themselves, thanks to their mastery of all sciences, magics and technology215Please respect copyright.PENANAotDhb8q33g
that provided them with the unparalleled (hateful profanities to some and cause for215Please respect copyright.PENANA5pWsrYj3q5
divine worship to others) that ran rampant across the entire planet to this very day.215Please respect copyright.PENANAngY9cqWVSw
All that they built and accomplished, all that defined their very existence; an entire215Please respect copyright.PENANAqOkT6fZuQi
empire spanning across all continents, all seas and the one sky, was left behind for215Please respect copyright.PENANAbuNCtJ1Hfr
those that would eventually follow.215Please respect copyright.PENANA8Gz6ZpVr0o
Who would dare guess how long it came to pass since the world woke up one day in215Please respect copyright.PENANAmXnsPoD4ph
complete silence, the sound of their rulership absent, before life would finally resume215Please respect copyright.PENANA8dHseZKC3o
its course? With no more thunderous machines or hovering cities, and with no more215Please respect copyright.PENANAvjTLiiisSs
Centra to command it all, an entire world was now free. How long for the first races215Please respect copyright.PENANAbpH6ElQIFZ
to sprout forth and begin their own curse, and does any of it matter?215Please respect copyright.PENANAOYHITl27fa
Eventually, of course, they did. And little by little they grew. At first, little more215Please respect copyright.PENANAuQmGOoZey3
than animals scrapping for food but in time they would master several forms of215Please respect copyright.PENANAXS7EziEMdS
hunting and fishing, and from there they would evolve to the races of our current time.215Please respect copyright.PENANAUjx4CXEGuQ
Slowly but surely, that was how the current races of this world came about. Humans215Please respect copyright.PENANAi32upOtWds
and those that would later call themselves the Nharkim as well as countless others;215Please respect copyright.PENANAAGr2ZPel4T
Twinkledinnes, Sandrackar, Maruic, Dreibos and many more. And for an exceedingly215Please respect copyright.PENANAPSyMM8T2oz
long time, they were just that, tribes of fishermen and hunters struggling to find shelter215Please respect copyright.PENANA1QeiXnHrO5
from the heavy rains. Nothing more than primitive and superstitious creatures, each215Please respect copyright.PENANAGR2JlNvrQI
with their customs and fears for the world may have been silent, the Centra absent,215Please respect copyright.PENANA99jQyqZuMk
but fear still roamed the lands and kept all living things in check, regardless of beliefs.215Please respect copyright.PENANA2nN6EbWrF6
And would continue to do so for aeons. I would claim it still does so, even today, if215Please respect copyright.PENANADY2hYNISAD
only for the less privileged.215Please respect copyright.PENANA4C80pBm5Wf
Our current Era really began, as always, with an apparent meaningless action of215Please respect copyright.PENANAUvRAiweYrX
not much importance, but enough to start the largest of all chain of events. That small215Please respect copyright.PENANAPMoYZqsofr
gesture that opened the way for what would define our world to this very day; the Era215Please respect copyright.PENANAFh6177pTBJ
of Pursuit began, the moment a member of the small and meek tribe of Twinkledinnes,215Please respect copyright.PENANAb80PaSbI0D
one of the tiniest races one could ever hope to meet, decided to venture forth into one215Please respect copyright.PENANASA4ZIcZUmA
of the forbidden zones. Any area where Centra remnants were known to exist were215Please respect copyright.PENANAfm9E0ULAoF
best avoided - a taboo.215Please respect copyright.PENANA9HouYTP7Rf
What was the motive that drove such a small creature?215Please respect copyright.PENANAdGib1sXizC
That is now lost to us, dissolved in the ebb and flow of time but the result of such an215Please respect copyright.PENANAoEykECtRI7
action defines all things today. Into one of the Centra ruins that Twinkledinne went215Please respect copyright.PENANAaPRpId6QFY
and when he came out, he did so with something in his hands. That very moment,215Please respect copyright.PENANAq90bW3LHY1
where this small creature showed there was not only nothing to fear from those areas215Please respect copyright.PENANA30dMt6sv70
but there were also rewards to be picked up, that was when this Era truly began.215Please respect copyright.PENANASo3HfSokrV
Word began to spread, and the veil of fear and superstition was lifted. All tribes,215Please respect copyright.PENANAsGoPxCWlVd
in time, came to learn that there was nothing to fear from venturing into Centra215Please respect copyright.PENANAB8mKPxmgMg
territories. No longer were these Centra remnants cursed places, to be feared and215Please respect copyright.PENANAJhUdD3iA6n
avoided for either religious reasons imposed by most tribes or the mere common sense215Please respect copyright.PENANAK7bQdUqakf
of the passing traveller. No. Now anything Centra was a place to be actively sought out215Please respect copyright.PENANAnhOYzM3gyV
and where fortune could be found. One by one every tribe of every race got into this,215Please respect copyright.PENANAqnpB1eKlwO
offering handsome rewards to anyone presenting them with anything made by Centra,215Please respect copyright.PENANARAmM6RjVKi
even to those outside their own race.215Please respect copyright.PENANA5otqaJp925
And so, greed was ironically enough, the will that broke any previous isolation and215Please respect copyright.PENANArxFcaPS6S9
made most embrace outside relations. But what brought all the races together would215Please respect copyright.PENANA8HPqlptJXX
also tear them apart. At first, most things were bought and sold as decorum, but as215Please respect copyright.PENANA89OEd1RYN1
time went on and the races kept evolving and learning from these finds, their value and215Please respect copyright.PENANAhhtTRnog0x
their importance kept increasing.215Please respect copyright.PENANAIfbpOEaAkm
From the study and learning of these Centra finds, most races began evolving,215Please respect copyright.PENANA9arhbtb7Vz
building, finding cures for the sick and easier ways to withstand the cold storms.215Please respect copyright.PENANA636W3AdA6q
It became obvious to all that this was their future, that the finding of more and more215Please respect copyright.PENANAIZikFy2pRO
Centra technology, or anything concerning it, was their new path.