Chapter 11: Monkey does, monkey imitates
Penny was in the operating room and Sheldon accompanied Leonard in case of any eventuality.
“I have to go back to the lab," Amy excused herself, "I have to turn off the centrifuges and so on.”
“Sleep a little Amy," Sheldon advised her, "you carried Penny, and although she's blonde like Bernadette, she's not the same little constitution.”
“Don't worry, Sheldon, after the lab I'll go to sleep in my apartment, I'll prepare some painkillers, although sometimes they make me insomnia.”
“Then look at the DVDs I gave you, I'm sure you'll relax with them.”
“I'll do it Sheldon, you keep accompanying Leonard," said Amy and went to her car. As she entered her car, the glove compartment of the vehicle was accidentally opened and the horror DVDs fell into the next seat.
“Stupid movies," complained Amy as she opened the car window and threw the DVDs in a garbage can.
The car was leaving and the DVDs were lying in the trash can. The cover of one of the films read: "They tortured him in the name of science, now Shakma is coming to take revenge.”
Amy arrived at the university and saw how the lights began to blink, without giving any importance to the matter, she first went to the principal's office to apologize for her tardiness with her work.
In the laboratory, the lights flickered furiously and the cages of the monkeys with electric locks were opened.
The monkeys jumped furiously everywhere and one of them landed on the console of the vivisection table. The controls that were configured for monkey retention were now set to adult ape retention mode.
Amy was rushing into the lab and rushed to shut down the centrifuge machine.
“Hell, the reagents must be ruined by now. A whole week's work thrown in the trash can like those stupid DVDs... I wish I were dead.”
An almost imperceptible wind closed the lab door.
Amy tried to open the electric lock door, but it wouldn't open. She then tried to call maintenance with her cell phone but there was no signal at the time.
A noise made the woman turn around but she didn't see anything. Then another breathtaking sound caught Amy's attention and she went to the vivisection table.
Amy's poor vision noticed the apes' empty cages undergoing medical experimentation and her heart leapt with fear.
The scientist scanned the entire area with her eyes but did not locate the monkeys, when in that, a sticky substance like spit fell on one of her cheeks. Amy looked at the ceiling and at that moment the monkeys screaming as if possessed fell on her.
Screaming, she tried to get the monkeys off her back, and when she tripped, she fell on her back on the vivisection table.
The table was activated and metal locks wrapped around her ankles, knees, hips, wrists, elbows, shoulders, neck and forehead, immobilizing her.
“No, help me, help me!” Amy shouted, but no one listened because the lab was soundproofed. “Can't anybody hear me? Help!”
The monkeys were furious at the woman because she had beaten them before they fell on the table, jumped on her and tore off all her clothes.
“Help me!” Amy shouted as she scratched the surface of the table with her fingernails.
A pair of monkeys went to each side of the table and one by one ate her fingers. They didn't rip them out, but they put them in their mouths and then pulled them back, leaving their phalanges clean. The same thing happened with her toes.
The metal locks were so tight, they kept Amy from bleeding out.
“Help me, help me!”
One of the monkeys grabbed both the eyelids of the woman and tore them out with a staggering ease.
Other monkeys bit her in several places and some with scalpels in their hands, they cut her here and there, without hitting any vital arteries.
“Stop it, stop it, you fucking monkeys!”
A baboon with a horrible face got on the table and looked Amy straight in the eye.
“Not you, not you!” shouted the doctor as she recognized her former experimental subject.
The baboon grabbed each of the breasts tightly and pulled them out easily.
Without being able to help it, Amy watched as the baboon slowly ate her breasts, she had an almost intelligent expression that denoted an evil pleasure.
Amy was in cardiac arrest, but the table applied emergency shocks that prevented her from dying. As for blood loss and the risk of dying from hypovolemic shock, the speaker on the table console sounded the alarm: "Subject of vivisection at risk, use cautery devices".
The monkeys didn't understand the words on the machine, but they had seen that the woman was using the cautery when she saw the blood loss.
There was no intention of saving Amy, they repeated a process they had seen before, moved by curiosity the monkeys grabbed the medical instruments that looked like guns holding welding rods.
When the cauterizers were applied to the wounds without anesthesia, they produced unbearable pain, but they stopped the bleeding.
Other monkeys took more cauterizers and playing with them, burned the entire soles of Amy's feet.
“Ghyayayayyyayyyyh! Ghyayayayyyyyh! Ghyayayyyyh! Ghyayayyyyh!”
It is known that some subjects can walk barefoot on the floor if they are trained in this way from an early age. If this is not the case, the soles of the feet with their nerve connections represent one of the most sensitive places to pain.
Hours went by and the machine, along with the cautery burners, kept Amy from dying.
It was already a new day and both of Amy's legs from her thigh were burned. There was just one more place up there to play with.
“Ggyhhuyuyuyuyguh!” The woman tried to scream, but the foam that came out of her mouth made only a guttural noise.
Thus Amy's virginity was lost, but the tearing of the hymen did not cause bleeding due to the effect of the cautery burners.
A new cardiac arrest and a new shock brought Amy back to life.
After more hours the monkeys were hungry and began to eat Amy, who thanks to a mirror on the roof could see how the monkeys were gradually feeding on her.
In case you haven't noticed, Amy's job is to do medical experiments on poor animals.
The monkeys devouring the fingers and leaving the phalanges uncovered is something I saw in reality and it happened to a guy. Moms, don't let your kids near the monkey cage! Those lil bastards look cute but if they catch you....